My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 748 The treasure left by the Sui Dynasty, the golden phoenix and the phoenix!

A Bubu came to Li Siwen and told the news about the Dugu family's request for a meeting.

"I understand, take them to the main hall and wait!"

After Li Siwen gave his instructions, he went straight to Li Yanran's room.

"Brother Li, Brother Li."

"The lady hasn't woken up yet."

Li Feng stood in front of the door and stopped Li Siwen directly.

"This is wrong. I clearly saw her going to the kitchen to have breakfast."

When he heard that Li Yanran hadn't woken up yet, Li Siwen was instantly stunned.

Are you hallucinating? Was what the chef saw just now a phantom?

How could he not wake up yet?
"The lady said you can go back to sleep after eating enough!"

Li Feng also told Li Yanran's original words.

"What time is it now? I'm still sleeping in my cage, and business is coming to my door!"

"What kind of deal? Are people from the Dugu family here?"

The door opened with a creak, and Li Yanran walked out, her eyes full of excitement.

Seeing Li Yanran appearing in front of him, Li Siwen was also stunned for a moment.

Didn’t you just say sleep? Why did it come in the blink of an eye?

"Well, the Dugu family has arrived."

"Let's go then!"

Hearing that the enemy was coming, Li Yanran walked directly to the main hall.

The two came to the main hall, looked at You Yuanshan and Duguze behind him, and couldn't help but look at each other.

"Mr. You, who is this?"

Li Siwen sat on the main seat and asked You Yuanshan.

"I haven't had time to introduce you yet, this is..."

"Duguze has met Xiao Langjun!"

Before You Yuanshan finished speaking, Duguze also took a step forward to greet Li Siwen.

After all, the other party is not just a young boy now, but the noble son of the British Duke of the Tang Dynasty and the special envoy of His Majesty the Emperor.

No matter who you see, you will be born shorter.

"It turns out he is the head of the Dugu family, disrespectful and disrespectful!"

After hearing the other party's identity, Li Siwen also stood up.

After all, the other party is also a relative of the emperor, not someone who takes it easy.

"Young man, please don't do this. It's because of the lax upbringing of the Dugu family that Dugu Ling offended you this time. Please forgive me."

Duguze also smiled and apologized to Li Siwen first.

After all, now I have something to ask for from the other party, and I can't take it lightly.

"Master Dugu is joking, please sit down!"

Li Siwen also invited the other party to the chair next to him.

"Thank you, Mr. Xiaolang!"

As soon as Duguze sat down, Li Yanran on the side spoke.

"Master Dugu, have you brought 2 taels of gold?"


Hearing this, Duguze and You Yuanshan were both stunned.

Li Siwen hasn't spoken yet, how dare you, a little kid.

Are you so uneducated?
"Who is this?"

Duguze smiled awkwardly and asked about Li Yanran's identity.

"This is my cousin, Li Yan."

Li Siwen also revealed Li Yanran's identity.

"Oh, it turns out to be Mr. Li Xiaolang, disrespectful!"

When he heard that the other party was Li Siwen's cousin, Duguze also smiled at him.

"Master Dugu, as my younger brother said, have you brought 2 taels of gold?"

Now that Li Yanran had said it, Li Siwen followed suit and asked about money.

"Young gentleman, 2 taels of gold is indeed too much. Even if I want to sell off my property, it will take time."

Duguze was depressed, these two were really brothers.

Three words are about money. Is there nothing else to say besides money?

"If you don't have money, brother, you'd better send the person to Chang'an and hand him over to His Majesty!"

Glancing at Duguze, Li Yanran also widened her eyes.

Why are you here if you have no money? Why are you pretending to be a big-tailed wolf?

In front of me, you, the head of the Dugu family, are not much different from the manager, You Yuanshan.

"Well, since we don't have any money, it's better to invite the head of the Dugu family back.

Li Siwen must truthfully report the words and deeds of the Dugu family to His Majesty. I don’t know what Your Majesty will think when the time comes! "

Li Siwen also glared at Duguze, just as Li Yanran said, what I want is money, not the so-called face.

Without money, you are nothing to me.

"Xiao Langjun, that's why I'm here. I can't get the money for the time being, but I have a treasure that can be offset by the 2 taels of gold."

Duguze was dumbfounded, you are really blinded by money, right?

Just now I was greeted with a smile, but as soon as I heard that I didn't bring any money, I immediately kicked him out. I actually fell out of favor faster than turning the page of a book.

He also beeped the dog.


Hearing this, Li Siwen and Li Yanran also looked at each other, and both saw the surprise in the other's eyes.

What treasure can be worth 2 taels of gold?

Could it be the legendary Heshi Bi? Or is it a night pearl the size of a human head?
"That's right, a treasure that belongs exclusively to my Dugu family!"

Duguze's eyes were filled with pride. This treasure could be said to be the only treasure in the entire Tang Dynasty.

Only his Dugu family has it.

"What treasure can be worth 2 taels of gold? Forgive me for being ignorant, I really don't know."

Li Yanran frowned and asked Duguze. "Young Master, have you ever heard that the former Emperor Yang Jian devoted all his efforts to create a treasure called Golden Phoenix and Chaohuang for Queen Dugu?"

Duguze didn't hide anything and directly said Jin Feng Chao Huang's name.

"Never heard of it!"

The two of them suddenly felt that they were really a little ignorant.

Golden Phoenix Chao Huang? what is that.


Now Duguze is also a little bit off guard. Have you never heard of such a rare treasure?

That is indeed ignorant.

People have never heard of things that are extremely rare to me.

What do you want me to say?
"You two gentlemen, why don't you take a look at the golden phoenix and the phoenix first?"

You Yuanshan on the side saw the state of the two people and hurriedly came out to answer the call.

Jinfeng Chaohuang told the truth that he had only heard of such a thing, and he had never seen anything like it.

I just happened to take this opportunity to have a glimpse of its appearance.

"Brother, I feel that no matter how wonderful the treasure is, there is no money in the pocket to keep it safe. Most of these treasures are just bragging.

How much it will be worth in the end all depends on whether you can meet the right person.

I'm a layman anyway, so I can't appreciate those good things! "

Li Yanran shook her head. As long as it wasn't a sacred object like He's Bi that could be passed down through the ages, she wouldn't be interested at all.

The golden phoenix faces the phoenix, and it is nothing but a carved phoenix holding the sky.

For her, there is really no cash available for these things.

As long as you have money, you can't buy anything.

Rather than that, it would be more practical to give yourself a five-meter-tall solid gold Buddha.

"Well, I feel the same way. Head of the Dugu family, please come back!"

Li Siwen nodded. Although he had never heard of that thing, it looked like Dugu Xin should be a good thing.

But since Li Yanran didn't want to watch it, she might as well forget it.

After all, the other party is right. We are pragmatists, and it is not time to engage in such nonsense.



Now the two of them really have a headache. That was the treasure of the previous dynasty, and you rejected it without even looking at it.

What you are rushing up to is not buying and selling, so how do you proceed down the road?

Should you just take a look at the other person's legs when you go to beg them?

Isn't this a bit too cheap?

"Xiao Langjun, don't you really want to see it?

When Wang Shichong occupied Luoyang, he asked the Dugu family for this sacred object, but was rejected.

As a result, the Dugu family was liquidated by the other party and was almost slaughtered. "

Duguze didn't speak, and he couldn't speak, otherwise it would be too embarrassing, so these things can only be said by You Yuanshan, who is the general manager.

"Brother, what do you think?"

Li Siwen glanced at Li Yanran again. He actually wanted to meet her.

What would a divine object that was so treasured by the Dugu family look like?
"Brother, since you want to see it, let's take a look!"

Li Yanran looked at Li Siwen who looked expectant and could only nod.

Anyway, this thing is just for viewing. If she really spends 2 taels to buy it, she would not agree with it a million times.

"Mr. You, go and bring Jinfeng Qiuhuang over!"

Hearing this, Duguze also breathed a sigh of relief and hurriedly asked You Yuanshan to send the golden phoenix to Chaohuang.


You Yuanshan also turned around and left. After a while, he saw a dozen guards walking in carrying a wooden box.

"This is the treasure of my Dugu family, the golden phoenix and the phoenix!"

Duguze walked to the wooden box and opened it.

A golden light flashed, and two phoenixes were seen entwining each other, complementing each other like yin and yang Tai Chi.

Each of the wings of the phoenix is ​​lifelike, especially under the sunlight, as if it is about to flutter and fly.

Seeing the scene in front of them, Li Siwen, Li Yanran, Li Feng and You Yuanshan all opened their mouths.

No wonder Duguze said that this was a divine object. It was truly a work of miraculous craftsmanship and was completely made in nature.

"Young Master, you are quite satisfied with my treasure!"

Duguze was very impressed by everyone's appearance, just like the first time he saw this thing.

This can no longer be expressed in words.

"Fully satisfied!"

Li Siwen was also speechless. Who could say anything bad about such a treasure?

"Then I wonder if Xiao Langjun thinks this golden phoenix and chaohuang can be worth the 2 taels of gold?"

Duguze smiled, now do you dare to say that this thing is not as good as those yellow and white things?

If he had to use gold to measure the value of this golden phoenix and phoenix, he could only think it was a kind of blasphemy.


Li Siwen glanced at Li Yanran aside. If it was what he thought, this thing would be a priceless treasure.

2 taels of gold is not enough.

"Although the golden phoenix seeking the phoenix is ​​good, it can only do so much, even if it is made entirely of gold, so what?

Brother, we are just common people. We cannot enjoy this kind of thing, so it is better to ask for money. "

After all, Li Yanran was someone who had seen big scenes, and she often visited the National Museum in later generations.

This golden phoenix facing the phoenix is ​​certainly wonderful, but to her it is just like that.

Again, what Li Yanran wants is money, and she needs more money to help her complete her grand plans.

As for this so-called treasure, just take a look.


(End of this chapter)

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