My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 749: Bargaining, why are you flipping the table!

Hearing this, Duguze was also dumbfounded.

He really didn't believe that someone could refuse such a treasure.

The child must be too young to appreciate the beauty of this divine object.

"My little brother is right. This kind of treasure is too beautiful. I'm just a common man and can't enjoy it at all. It's better that the money comes from it!"

Li Siwen actually wanted to keep this treasure, but Li Yanran was not prepared to accept it, so he could only grit his teeth and refuse.

"Little Prince, these magical objects are actually worth more than one hundred thousand taels of gold when used.

After all, gold has a price, but divine objects are priceless.

If you can present it to the Queen on her birthday, the Queen will be delighted, and your future will be limitless! "

Duguze was also drunk. You said that you are such a big man, but you have to be manipulated by a teenager.

Are you the eldest brother or he is the eldest brother?

Besides, children are ignorant and don’t understand the value of this golden phoenix and phoenix. Can’t you see that too?
  Dedicate this thing to Queen Wu Zetian, and you will become famous in an instant.

Haven't you seen such temptation?

Sure enough, Li Siwen also fell silent when he heard what Duguze said.

What the other party said makes sense. If you can't appreciate this thing, it doesn't mean that Brother Li's mother can't appreciate it.

If this could really be sent over, Empress Wu would definitely be very happy.

But do I need to do that?

It seems not.

Li Siwen looked at Li Yanran on the side hesitantly. He didn't need to do this, but the same could not be said for Li Yanran.

After all, she was his mother, and it was up to her whether she wanted to use twenty thousand taels of gold to please her.

"Master Dugu, this golden phoenix and phoenix is ​​so magical, then why don't you give it to the Queen yourself.

When she is happy, the Dugu family will no longer have to stay in Luoyang, and they may become famous in an instant! "

Li Yanran frowned. Since you talk about this thing so well, why don't the Dugu family donate it themselves?
  Instead, he had to lend Li Siwen's hand to offer it. Doesn't this make it clear that he is giving his child to someone else?

She really couldn't understand it.


Duguze really wants to strangle Li Yanran to death now. Why does this kid talk so much nonsense?

If I could contribute by myself, would I still be able to wait until now?
  Don't I know this thing can please the queen?

But if one thing is delivered by different people, the effect will be very different.

He really didn't dare.

"Young Master, let me put it bluntly, although the Dugu family are relatives of the current dynasty, they are also relatives of the previous dynasty.

This golden phoenix and phoenix was a gift from the previous emperor. If it were really donated by my Dugu family, it would inevitably be falsely accused by someone who thinks we are nostalgic for the previous dynasty.

That’s why we bear the pain and give it away. "

Duguze glanced at Li Yanran depressedly, and then focused on Li Siwen.

"I see!"

Li Yanran was relieved now. These aristocratic families really had a lot to consider.

But thinking about what the other person said is not unreasonable.

After all, in a court battle, one wrong step will lead to a complete loss.

If this is taken advantage of by someone with intentions, the Dugu family may really be doomed.

"Brother, what do you think?"

Now Li Yanran was a little undecided. My mother always thought about taking her own money.

She didn't know how much she had been tricked inside and outside here, if she could really send this golden phoenix to the phoenix.

At least for a long time, I won't be able to move myself.


Li Siwen was stunned. Didn't you just say you wanted money? What do you mean by asking me now?
  Have you forgotten your original intention?

Money is king, are you also obsessed with it?

"Little brother, if you really like this thing, brother will accept it and give it to you!"

Although he didn't know what Li Yanran meant, it was obvious that the other party was a little shaken.

He could only bite the bullet and take it down.

"I feel like it's not easy for the Dugu family, and there aren't any major conflicts between us and each other.

But this Golden Phoenix Seeking Phoenix is ​​worth [-] yuan, but I feel that it is not worth it. "

Li Yanran frowned, I specifically asked you to sing the oboe with me, not to be my catcher.

This guy is still not as good as Di Renjie. If he were here, he could perfectly cooperate with him.

"Well, what I said is right. I also feel that this golden phoenix and the phoenix are not worth that much. What do you think, Master Dugu!"

Li Siwen also suddenly realized at this moment that Brother Li wanted to make a counter-offer.

If you had told me earlier, you would have made me think you had changed your gender.

Really drunk.


Duguze was depressed again. He really hated Li Yanran now.

At a young age, he has sharp teeth and a sharp mouth, and most importantly, he is so cunning.

The other party seems to have realized that they don't have the money to pay so much gold, so they have to lower the price.

It's really a shame. If I hang the golden phoenix and seek the phoenix, the price won't be worth [-] taels of gold.

If it weren't for the Dugu family, if he didn't value the other party's identity, he wouldn't give it to Li Siwen.

In desperation, he could only look at You Yuanshan beside him. He couldn't talk about these things anyway, so he could only let the other party speak for him.

"Young Master, this is a treasure. You can only lose [-] taels of gold but not make any profit. Are you going too far if you want to lower the price now?"

You Yuanshan also sighed and saluted Li Siwen in reply.

Isn't it just bargaining? I accepted this task. “Then you can go, I think it’s safer to ask for money.

After all, I, the Li family, have meritorious service in the military and do not need to do things to please others.

Twenty thousand taels of gold. If I can't see the money, I can only say I'm sorry! "

Since Li Yanran wants to bargain, Li Siwen will naturally execute it firmly.

Anyway, this thing is what I get, but I am lucky to lose my life. It doesn't really matter if I have it or not.

"How much does the young man think this Golden Phoenix is ​​worth?"

You Yuanshan glanced at Duguze on the side again. Although the other person's face was expressionless, he knew that this matter must be done.

"How much is it worth? Five thousand taels of gold!"

Li Siwen thought for a moment and realized that the Golden Phoenix Phoenix Light weighed dozens of kilograms, which meant that it was worth at least a few thousand taels of gold.

He offered five thousand taels, which shouldn't be much.

"Five to five thousand taels? Are you kidding me?
  This Golden Phoenix Qiuhuang weighs four hundred and thirty taels, plus the carving work.

Are you going a little too far? "

Duguze was dumbfounded, You Yuanshan was stunned, but Li Yanran on the side smiled.

It seems that Li Siwen is quite smart and knows how to bargain.

Others were cutting me in the waist, but you were so good, you cut me to the ankle with one knife.

Children can be taught.

"Then how much debt do you want to pay off?"

Seeing Li Yanran's smile, Li Siwen also spread his hands, signaling for the other person to chop him.

You Yuanshan glanced at Duguze again, who also stretched out two fingers.

"Eighteen thousand taels!"

You Yuanshan understood and directly reported Duguze's psychological price.

"It's too expensive, and it's still not worth it. If it doesn't work, you should leave.

I will raise money for you for seven days, and even twenty thousand taels and one cent are indispensable. "

Li Siwen smiled and told them to get lost.

After all, now that I have the initiative, your Dugu family will be controlled by me no matter what.

This fish can't escape.

You Yuanshan was dumbfounded. This is not how bargaining is done.

I make a bid and you counter-offer. If you don't succeed, I'll lower the price and you'll raise the price. If there's any disagreement, the table will be turned over.

That is to say, you just hold us, otherwise, I would have slapped you away without your refusal.

"Young Master, don't be angry. I don't know how much this golden phoenix is ​​worth in your eyes?"

Although You Yuanshan was about to explode with anger, he would continue to negotiate with the other party even if he was angry again.

"Just five thousand taels!"

Li Siwen was sure of this number. After all, this was the price that Brother Li recognized, and he did not dare to increase the price at will.

You Yuanshan looked at Duguze with a sad look on his face, his eyes full of depression.

He has been a general manager for so many years, but he has never been so arrogant.

Depression is a small thing, if it continues, he may explode.

Duguze also wanted to scold his mother, but things had to continue.

In desperation, he could only slap You Yuanshan.

"Fifteen thousand taels, young man, this price is really not high.

Even if you put this golden phoenix and phoenix on consignment, you can make five thousand taels in vain. "

You Yuanshan sighed and directly stated the price of fifteen thousand taels.

"Since it can sell for [-] taels of gold if put on consignment, it might as well be that the head of the Dugu family simply sells the golden phoenix and the phoenix, and then brings the money over, so that we don't have to face difficulties."

Li Yanran also smiled and said to You Yuanshan.

If you sell it, you can sell it for twenty thousand taels of gold. This is just your wishful thinking.

I would be thankful if this thing could sell for ten thousand taels.

What a shameless statement.


If looks could kill, I'm afraid Li Yanran would have been torn into pieces by Duguze by now.

This kid always jumps out to disrupt the situation at critical moments.

Where did Li Siwen get such a troublemaker? He was so drunk.

If the Dugu family really wanted to sell the Golden Phoenix and Chaohuang, they would have to wait until now.

If it weren't for the fear that the golden phoenix and chaohuang would fall into the hands of others and end up not being presented to the queen, it would be difficult for the Dugu family to take the lead.

"If I want to sell it on consignment, aren't I afraid that this treasure will be entrusted to someone else? Only a wise and powerful person like Xiao Langjun is worthy of it.

It's just a pity that the price Xiao Langjun gave is purely an insult to this sacred object! "

Duguze knew that he couldn't do it without speaking, and You Yuanshan was already a little unable to resist.

For five thousand taels of gold, he really might as well break it up and sell it, instead of wasting money here.

"Brother, how much do you think this treasure is worth?"

Li Siwen couldn't bear it anymore.

The head of the family has started talking, but it is somewhat bad for him to be so tense all the time.

"Brother, this Golden Phoenix Chaohuang is a treasure after all, but the five thousand taels are indeed buried. According to me, this treasure is still worth ten thousand taels!"

Li Yanran walked to Jin Feng Chao Huang and played it with her hand. The sound was crisp and pleasing to the eye.

This is the sound of gold.

"Ten thousand taels?"

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