My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 752 Send troops!

Lin Ling also smiled, got into the carriage directly, and asked the driver to drive to Fengxiao Pavilion.

All the Imperial Guards brought by Li Yanran were inside the Longmen Escort Bureau. After hearing Li Siwen's order, everyone started making preparations.

One by one, the war horses were taken out of the stables, and then ran towards the west gate under the leadership of Hou Qi.

"Stay behind, Special Envoy Li is here and waiting in the main hall."

Liu Ding came to Liu Gu and directly told the news that Li Siwen was waiting outside.

"Come with me to meet people!"

When he heard that Li Siwen was coming, Liu Gu rushed out immediately.

"Special Envoy Li, what kind of wind is blowing you here!"

Liu Gu opened his arms and smiled at Li Siwen.

"Liu Liushou, I don't go to the Three Treasures Palace for anything, so I might have to trouble you again!"

Li Siwen hugged the other person, and then told him about the crisis in Jicheng.


"I didn't expect that there would be such arrogant bandits in the Tang Dynasty. I really turned against them!

Don't panic, young man. I will immediately send an order to the left-behind mansion to assemble soldiers and horses, and also send Henan Yin and Luozhou Governor's Department to accompany them to attack.

I won't let those young people run away. "

After listening to Li Siwen's words, Liu Gu's eyes almost popped out of his head.

He really didn't expect that there were such bold bandits in Luozhou.

He actually dared to gather a crowd and besiege the county seat.

If this group of thieves is not taken down, not only the prince who serves as the governor of Luozhou, but also Henan Yin himself, who is left behind in the eastern capital, will be held accountable.

This is simply like slapping Li Zhi in front of others and slapping Datang in the mouth.

"The troops mobilized now may be known to the thieves. If they escape, there will be endless troubles."

Li Siwen shook his head. Now that he is mobilizing troops, it is not clear that he wants to tell the four major families that I will send troops to rescue them.

If the person runs away by then, how will Li Yanran's plan succeed?

"What does Special Envoy Li mean?"

Liu Gu was confused and didn't know what kind of medicine Li Siwen was selling in his gourd.

If you don't mobilize troops and horses, what can you do?

Kill them single-handedly, and then yell, "I'll surround you all by myself, get off your horse and surrender?"
  Isn't that the behavior of a pure fool?

"I still have hundreds of Longmen bodyguards under my command, all of whom can ride war horses and wield swords and spears. They are all elite.

What I mean is that Liu Liushou will immediately mobilize his elite guards to raid Chucheng with my people, and we will definitely annihilate all those thieves. "

Li Siwen directly told Li Yanran's arrangement.

"I only have two hundred cavalry, even if paired with your bodyguards, I'm afraid I can't defeat thousands of thieves! It's better to send more troops and horses to go with us!"

Liu Gu glanced at Li Siwen, counted his own numbers, and couldn't help but feel depressed.

I knew you were a tough kid, but I didn’t expect you to be so tough.

Several hundred cavalrymen, including hundreds of rabble-rousers, dared to attack thousands of bandits.

This is no longer bravery, but Te Miao's recklessness.

If he fails to defeat the enemy but is trapped in it, wouldn't it be like a meat bun beating a dog and never coming back?

I am quite old, but I haven’t lived enough yet.

If he died in the barren place of Ji City, he would be at a loss.

"Liu Liushou, don't be afraid. You only need to continue to guard Luoyang. As for the raid, just leave it to me!"

Li Siwen looked at Liu Gu's dark face and immediately understood what he was thinking.

I'm just here to borrow someone from you, and I don't want to borrow your life. Am I so nervous?
  "Liu Gu doesn't care about his own safety. In fact, Dongdu is too important and he really doesn't dare to leave without permission. Please forgive me, Special Envoy Li."

Liu Gu also smiled awkwardly and replied to Li Siwen again.

"Of course I know this. The responsibility of staying behind is heavy. Needless to say, it goes without saying!"

Li Siwen smiled back, and there was no need to say these polite words.

If you are afraid of death, you are afraid of death. There are so many reasons.

He still wants to be granted the title of Marquis and Prime Minister, but he has trouble going to the toilet.

"This is my tiger talisman. The remaining guard team is entirely at your disposal!"

Liu Gu took his tiger talisman from the table and held it in front of Li Siwen with both hands.

"With that, Li Siwen takes leave!"

After taking the tiger charm, Li Siwen turned and left.

Arriving at the military camp of the left-behind guard team, Li Siwen acted directly with the tiger talisman and dispatched two hundred left-behind cavalry to follow him straight to the west city.

"Young Lord!"

Hou Qi had been waiting outside the city for a long time. When he saw Li Siwen coming, he quickly rode over and came over.

"Are all the troops and horses ready?"

Li Siwen glanced at Hou Qi and directly asked him about his preparations.

"The four hundred and seventy-five riders are all ready, just waiting for the young man to give the order!"

Hou Qi saluted Li Siwen directly and told him about the situation of the troops.

"Okay, let's rush to Chucheng day and night!"


Li Siwen was first, and six hundred and seventy-five cavalrymen galloped towards Chucheng at the same time.

"Report immediately, all [-] escorts from the Longmen Escort Bureau will leave the city collectively."

"Li Siwen left the city with two hundred guard cavalry, and the direction is unknown!"

People from the four major aristocratic families at the city gate also reported the news immediately.

"Li Siwen took people out of the west gate, and they were all cavalry?"

The person in charge of the Cui family in Luoyang was stunned for a moment after receiving the news, not knowing what the other party was going to do. "what to do?"

"Two copies, one for Liu Hui and the other for me!"

Cui Qi glanced at the person next to him. His movements were unclear, but he always had a hunch that the other person was heading towards the previous convoy of [-] people.

If this was the case, he would have to notify Liu Hui immediately.

Otherwise, if the other party is suddenly attacked without knowing the reason, there will be big problems.

Soon the two homing pigeons soared into the sky and disappeared into the air.

"Your Highness!"

Di Renjie came to Li Yanran and saluted her slowly.

"Li Siwen is gone?"

"Little Langjun has just left the west gate, and now he should be heading towards Chucheng!"

Di Renjie nodded and told Li Siwen's whereabouts.

"He won't have any problems, right?"

Li Yanran spoke as if she was asking Di Renjie, or talking to herself.

"Don't worry, Your Highness, the young man under his command is a Forbidden Army who has experienced hundreds of battles, and the remaining guards are also elites. The opponent is just a ragtag group, no problem!"

Di Renjie also stood behind Li Yanran, allowing the other party to relax.

Li Yanran didn't speak, she just walked slowly to the door and looked at the sky above her head.

"It is going to rain!"

"Well, looking at the weather, it should be raining!"

Di Renjie also looked up at the dark clouds in the sky and frowned involuntarily.

"I hope nothing goes wrong!"

Li Yanran sighed, now is the time when Li Siwen is on his way, if it rains, who knows what will happen.

"Don't worry, Xiaolangjun Shenwu, there will definitely be no problem!"

The two of them just stared at the sky above their heads, neither of them moving.

"Hurry, hurry, hurry! With this damn weather, we must hurry up and get on our way!"

Li Siwen looked at the dark clouds above his head and frowned. If it rained, it would be difficult to rush on.


A bolt of lightning flashed across the sky, and the dark sky turned white, and then heavy rain began to fall.

"Xiao Langjun, do you want to stay away?"

Hou Qi rode up to Li Siwen, wiped the rain off his face and frowned.

"What should you avoid? The military situation is like a fire. It's just a little rain. Let's continue on our way!"


All the cavalrymen also promised together, then they grabbed the reins and kept waving their whips.

Under the heavy rain, hundreds of cavalry turned into a long dragon and ran wildly along the long road.

All living beings are equal under the heavy rain. Li Siwen was not the only one affected. The homing pigeons flying out of Luoyang were also delayed by the rain and could not fly at all.

The wind was light and cloudy in the direction of Chucheng. After being surrounded for two days, they still couldn't see the other party. Liu Hui and the others were also a little anxious.

"Heads of the house, if you are honest and don't tell secrets, what do you think you should do about the current situation?"

The four heads also gathered together. Liu Hui glanced at them and asked each other for their opinions.

"Shantouweng, what do you think?"

Shantouweng is Liu Hui's nickname, and he is also a well-known figure in Luozhou.

"Four-faced Eagle, do you want to trick me?"

Liu Hui glanced at the person who had just spoken, and a cold look flashed in his eyes.

Everyone here is a frequent greeter, and no one in the circle knows anyone.

This four-faced eagle is not a good thing. It is a common thing to rob homes and houses. The most important thing is that this guy is a very sexy woman.

It is said that none of the women who were kidnapped by him came out alive.

Liu Hui knows who he is, but he prides himself on having his own moral principles.

So I hate the Four-faced Eagle from the bottom of my heart.

"No way, there have been rumors in our circle for a long time that the mountain man has Zhang Liang's talent. If you don't say anything now, we are not qualified!"

Another man with a solemn expression also smiled and spoke back to Liu Hui.

"Ghost Face, don't say that, everyone works for others.

The key here is what to do next? Shantou Weng, just tell me what you think! "

The last fat man also smiled at the three of them and said to Liu Hui.

"If you follow what I say, we can't wait any longer and attack the city!"

Liu Hui sighed. In his opinion, this was the only way to deal with the current situation.

After all, there are long nights and many dreams. Although they have blocked the surrounding roads, no one can guarantee that the news here will not spread.

If the news here spreads and Datang sends troops to encircle and suppress them, then they may face the risk of being annihilated.

It doesn't matter if the younger brothers under him are gone. As long as they have money and people, they can help them at any time.

But if that task cannot be completed, his family may have to say goodbye to him.

He would never allow this situation to occur.

"Siege the city? Are you crazy? What we are doing now is considered robbery at best. If we really send troops, it will be rebellion.

You also know the difference between being a bandit and a rebel.

We can run away from bandits and survive in every nook and cranny.

But if we are identified as rebels, there will really be no place for us no matter where we are. "

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