My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 753 Evil plan!

After hearing Liu Hui's words, the Eagle stood up instantly.

It is true that he works for the Wang family, but there is no need to really bear the risk of rebelling against the thieves.

The reason why he belongs to the Wang family is that the other party gives him money, equipment, and necessary support.

He also admitted that he knew that his wife, children, and children were in the hands of the Wang family, but so what?
  If your family is gone, it will be gone. If you have money, a woman, and children, you will not be happy anywhere.

"Four-faced Eagle, I know who you are. Maybe you don't care about your family or anything else, but we do.

If the people in the city can't get it, we will all be buried with him.

This city must be captured! "

Liu Hui glanced at the other party and jumped up immediately.

Damn you, you don't care about anything, I can't.

I can be cold-blooded, but I can't be cold-blooded towards my family.

If you want to let others be buried with you for the sake of your own life, he will never allow it.

"Why, if you want to die, do you have to drag me to die with you?
  I don’t care what you two think, I don’t agree with this! "

The four-sided eagle also smiled ferociously and shouted at Liu Hui.

"Simian Eagle, don't mess with me. The four of us are one now. If you keep talking nonsense, I will destroy you first!"

Ghost Face also gave Si Mian Ying a cold look. His thoughts were the same as Liu Hui's.

If we don’t attack the city now, if something goes wrong, we don’t know what will happen then.

"What's the matter, Ghost Face, do you also agree to attack the city? Do you want to take the risk of rebelling for those bastards behind you?
  Besides, even if you really attack the city and capture those few people, do you really think those wealthy families will let us go?

I have done a lot of killing of donkeys. After all, we are rebels. The best way for those people is to cut them off with a knife, so that they can be eliminated once and for all. "

The Four-faced Eagle simply doesn't eat the opponent's crop. He has seen through these things long ago.

If we don't attack the city, there is nothing to say about capturing those few people.

Once the identity of the rebel is confirmed, he will inevitably be silenced.

After all, the aristocratic family supports itself in order to raise the bandit to have self-respect. If the bandit becomes a hot potato, it will be a powder keg that can explode at any time to them.

The aristocratic family wishes they could die outside and be done with it.

After hearing the words of the Four-faced Eagle, the remaining three people fell silent.

After all, what the other party told was the truth. If they really took action, the final result would be to kill the donkey.

There will be no better outcome.

"Why aren't you talking? You must have thought of this, right?"

Seeing the three people being silent, Si Mian Ying also sneered.

A group of sticks are like Ming Jing, I must make this matter clear, right?

"Then tell me, if we don't attack the city, is there any other way?"

Fatty Moreau also frowned and asked the four-sided eagle.

To be honest, he didn't want to do this, but he couldn't help it.

Although this is the worst of the worst, it won’t work if you don’t do it.

"There is no way out."

"How to say?"

Liu Hui sneered, wondering what bad ideas the other party could have.

"I have attacked a village before for a girl, but you know me, I have never been willing to kill.

So I told the villagers that as long as I could get all the people out, I would not attack the village. And guess what? "

"What's the matter?"

Ghost Face glanced at Si Mian Ying, wondering what he meant by this.

"What happened? They obediently sent me out, not only the woman, but also his parents.

You may say whether it's funny or not, sad or not, but this is human nature.

Sacrificing one family to save hundreds of families is the only thing they can do! "

The four-faced eagle smiled ferociously again and told the final result.

“So you want us to follow suit and threaten the people of Jicheng to send out the people we want.

In this case, we don't have to take the risk of attacking the city? "

Fatty Moreau also smiled. If that were the case, then things would be much simpler.

"Yes, that's what I mean. People always look after themselves when facing danger.

For some outsiders, they can definitely achieve the results we want. "

The four-sided eagle glanced at the three of them, his eyes full of pride.

"Shantouweng, what do you think?"

Ghost Face was also a little moved. He glanced at Liu Hui on the side and asked for his opinion.

"I have no objection. What the Four-faced Eagle said makes sense, but those people are still a little too deliberate.

We might as well tell them that we are only seeking money and not harming our lives.

Let them send out all the caravans in Chucheng. This is the most reasonable way! "

Liu Hui glanced at several people and directly expressed his thoughts.

"Well, since everyone has no objections, let's do this and send someone to negotiate with Jicheng."

Fatty Moreau also smiled. Now that everyone has reached an agreement, let's start.

"I have another question. If the other party refuses to send people out of the city, what are you going to do?"

Liu Hui glanced at the three people. There are no absolutes in the world. The situation you encountered when attacking the village may not happen now.

What if someone has a noble character and would rather die than surrender?
  "If that's the case, we will besiege the city. I believe everyone will have no objection to this.

If anyone dares to say no at that time, first ask my knife master if he agrees! "

Fatty Moreau instantly turned cold and shouted at the three of them.

"Okay, let's ask for people first! If you really don't want people, then attack the city!"

The four-faced eagle knew that Fatty Moro was talking to him. If he dared to say no now, the other party would definitely chop him down without hesitation.


After finishing speaking, a group of people also rode towards Chucheng.

Hundreds of bandit cavalry also slowly arrived below Chu City. The soldiers on the city wall immediately became nervous when they saw this.

County Lieutenant Lin Du looked at these bandits with anger in his eyes.

He knew the current situation in Chu City. Although these bandits did not attack the city, they were just afraid of being labeled as rebels. “Lindu County Lieutenant is here!”

Liu Hui also rode forward and shouted to the people on the city wall.

"I am Lindu."

When he heard the other party calling his name, Lin Du also responded to the other party.

"Lindu County Lieutenant, I have admired my name for a long time, and I have something to talk to you about."

After glancing at the other party, Liu Hui immediately saluted him.

"There's no need to talk. I'm the lieutenant of Jucheng County in the Tang Dynasty. There's no need to talk to you, a bandit!"

Lin Du glared at the other party. He was just a little thief, but he dared to talk to the county captain.

Who gave you face.

"Lin County Lieutenant, this is a bit too much. You also know the current situation.

We are not savage beasts. We came to Jicheng this time just to catch the autumn wind.

I heard that there are several caravans in this city. As long as you send them all out, we will turn around and leave without causing any trouble for you. "

Liu Hui knew that they looked down on bandits like him, and he didn't look down on them either.

But there is no other way, who knows that I don't have that fate?

"You want us to hand over people? I am the lieutenant of Chucheng County, and you want me to hand over the people of Tang Dynasty to your hands.

Do you really think I'm afraid of you?
  If you have the ability, come and attack the city and see how our Datang garrison can inflict heavy casualties on you. "

Lin Du sneered. I might not be able to defend the city, but even if I die, I can still be a martyr.

If he hands the people over, no matter what happens to those business travelers, his reputation for fear of war will be lost.

At that time, the county captain himself would become the shame of the Tang Dynasty and the sinner of the Tang Dynasty.

This was a reputation that he would not want to bear even if he died, nor could he bear it.

"Lin County Lieutenant, there seem to be more than [-] people in this city. If we attack the city, you also know the consequences.

It is not an exaggeration to say that people are in ruins. Do you really want to sacrifice the lives of people in this city for those business travelers? "

Liu Hui naturally knows that the other party will not give in easily, but there is no way, this is your life.

This pot will be placed on your forehead no matter what.

"It doesn't matter if everyone is in ruins. When have we, the people of the Tang Dynasty, been afraid? If you have the ability, just come. I have to chop off your head!"

Lin Du also became depressed when he heard that the other party was threatening the entire city.

But he doesn't care about that much now.

As the saying goes, choose the lesser of two evils. Everyone is doing it for themselves, and he can only feel sorry for the people in the city.

Although he was doing it for himself, he was also an official of the Tang Dynasty.

If you want to take down the city wall when you are here, you must first step over yourself.

"You are really a good county captain, but what about you? Do you really want to allow your homeland behind you to be persecuted for the sake of those business travelers?"

Liu Hui was not angry. If you are like this alone, can others be like this too?
  People's hearts are unpredictable, Lin Du, take a good look at the soldiers under your command.

"Don't try to deceive people here. How could the soldiers of the Tang Dynasty bow to bandits like you?
  If we really had to hand someone over, how could we have the dignity to live here?

Now they ask us to hand over business travel, and you do.

What should you do if your loved ones are wanted next time? "

Lin Du glanced at the soldiers around him and quickly shouted at them.

"Soldiers of the Tang Dynasty, we will never retreat until we die!"

"Soldiers of the Tang Dynasty, we will never retreat until we die!"

"Soldiers of the Tang Dynasty, we will never retreat until we die!"

After hearing Lin Du's words, the soldiers who were still a little shaken at first also yelled.

The other party is right, the bandits are cruel and unbearable, what if they really want to stab themselves next time?

"The magistrate is here!"

"Magistrate Zhou!"

"County magistrate!"

Just as the soldiers on the city wall were excited, a figure slowly appeared on the city wall.

"Lin has met the county magistrate!"

Lin Du hurried over to greet him.

"Lieutenant Lin, what's going on now!"

Zhou Li glanced at Lin Du, then at the bandits under the city wall, and also asked.

"The bandits said they came here just for money, not for life. They want us to hand over the caravan in the city, otherwise they will attack the city."

Lin Du quickly told the current situation.

"I see."

Zhou Li lay on the wall and looked at the bandits below.

"I am the county magistrate of Jicheng. I have a question. Are you really just here to ask for money?"

After hearing Zhou Li's words, the few thieves below also looked at each other.

"Yes, as long as you can send all the caravans in the city out, we will leave immediately without any delay."

Liu Hui naturally recognized Zhou Li and responded to him.

"It's easy to get money. If you want the goods of those caravans, yes, I can ask those caravans to give away all their goods, so you can leave!"

"Magistrate, how could you do this? Are you trying to compromise with those bandits?"

Lin Du was also dumbfounded when he heard Zhou Li's words.

What's the situation?
  Are you going to compromise with the other party?

You are the county magistrate of the Tang Dynasty.

"I know, I have my own plans for these things."

Zhou Li glared at the other person and told him to calm down!


"It's okay, just stay well!"

Zhou Li once again set his sights on Liu Hui and others.


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