My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 756 Bloody Battle

After waiting for less than half a quarter of an hour, all the remaining three fire soldiers arrived.

"I am Wei Lindu of Chucheng County. You all know the current situation. Come out and surrender now.

I can also save you from some physical pain, otherwise if we really fight in, I can't guarantee your safety.

If you are missing arms or legs by then, then I'm sorry! "

Lin Du rode forward and shouted directly at the Lide Inn in front of him.

"Lin Du, right? Zhou Li is a bastard and has no backbone. After all, you are also an officer of our Datang.

Are you going to surrender to that bandit and survive by betraying the people of the Tang Dynasty? "

After hearing what Lin Du said, Zhou Bin also responded loudly from behind the car.

"Killing one person to save a thousand, what would you do if it were you?
  This city cannot be defended at all.

If a few of you die, the whole city can be saved.

So I hope you can take it easy for the sake of the people in this city.

We bear this unjust name. "

Lin Du also sighed, he didn't want to do this, but now it seems that this is the best result.

"Haha, screw your righteousness, why don't you die yourself.

I don’t believe what you are saying, I decide my own life.

If you still want to continue, then fill it with your life! "

Zhou Bin sneered. He talked about benevolence, justice and morality, but in the end he risked other people's lives to please the bandits outside the city.

Damn it, why don’t you die!
  "In that case, let's see the true chapter under my hands, shield bearer!"

Since the other party did not cooperate, Lin Du also waved his hand and ordered the soldiers to attack.

Fifty soldiers held shields and marched slowly forward.


Zhou Bin stretched his head to look at the enemies rushing toward him, and also tightened his grip on the steel knife in his hand.

He arranged the escorts of Longmen Escort Agency at the front, and a good start was very important to them.

If they can't even fight this wave well, the young people of those trading companies will definitely collapse.

Now he only trusts his brother.


Seeing that the soldiers had entered his carriage formation, Zhou Bin jumped out and slashed them with a single blow.

Zhou Bin took action and the Longmen bodyguards beside him did not hesitate at all. They jumped out of their hiding places and fought with the soldiers holding shields.

These soldiers are just ordinary soldiers. Although their equipment is much better than that of the Longmen Bodyguards, in terms of tactical quality, they are not even worthy of carrying shoes with the Longmen Bodyguards.

As soon as they made contact, more than a dozen people were knocked down, and even the shields in their hands were taken away.

Seeing that the opponent was so brave and advanced and retreated in an orderly manner, it was all the tricks of the Tang army.

Lin Du couldn't help but frowned, wondering what kind of ghost was opposite him.

"Tell people to withdraw!"


After hearing the order, the soldiers who were still fighting fiercely in front retreated immediately.

"County Lieutenant, I'm embarrassing you!"

Fire Chief Su Qing was covered in blood, and she didn't know if it was his or who's.

"It's not a shame. These people are not ordinary caravan guards. It's understandable that you are no match for them!"

Lin Du patted Su Qing on the shoulder, knowing that it was not the other party's fault.

Although his soldiers were well-trained, he knew very well what the other party was capable of.

"What now?"

Su Qing was stunned, not knowing whether the other party was comforting him or something.

"What to do? No matter how powerful they are, what can they do? Where are the archers?"

Lin Du sneered, you are elite, you are powerful, so what?
  In this case, it’s just a sprinkle of water!
  Datang was able to dominate the world by crushing the opponent's equipment.

Now he will also experience the convenience of Datang.

Immediately, fifty soldiers took off their bows and arrows from their shoulders, then took out arrows from their quivers and placed them on the bow strings.

"Fire arrows!"

"Whoosh whoosh!"

"Whoosh whoosh!"

Bows and arrows fell from the sky and shot directly towards Zhou Bin and the others.

"Put the car back to avoid the arrows!"

Zhou Bin directly put the car down and leaned on himself.

"County Lieutenant, it doesn't work!"

Seeing that the arrows had no effect, Su Qing had to admire this guy for having an idea.

"It doesn't work? He can block bows and arrows, but can he block rockets? Change to rockets and shoot for me!"

Lin Du had already thought of this situation, so he didn't try it just now.

"Rocket? What if it causes a fire?"

Su Qing also frowned when she heard that Lin was going to use rockets.

"If anything goes wrong, I'll take care of it and let it go!"


After listening to the order, the archer also directly changed his rocket, and then shot the arrow.

"No, it's a rocket, back away!"

Seeing the rocket hit the car, Zhou Bin threw it away and retreated towards the Lide Inn.

"The turtle shell has not been defended after all. The whole army is here!"

Lin Du smiled. He was just a small trick, but he dared to do everything in front of me?


Hearing this, more than a hundred soldiers also lined up to kill him.

"How to do?"

Seeing Zhou Bin being forced back, Lin Xuwen immediately came over. "What to do? Let our people prepare and wait for them to come in and fight with all their might!"

Zhou Bin wiped the blood from his body, his eyes full of evil spirits.


Lin Xuwen glanced at the slowly approaching soldiers and tightened his grip on the steel knife in his hand.


Lin Du shouted directly, and the soldiers under his command rushed directly into the Lide Inn.


Zhou Bin also shouted and fought directly with the opponent.

In the melee, the Longmen escorts were too dominant, and the situation inside the inn was complicated. The soldiers who entered were beaten to death in an instant.

More than twenty people lay lifeless in a pool of blood, and a dozen people also fell to the ground and wailed.

Even so, the soldiers continued to pour in, trying to capture the opponent no matter what.

"Let everyone quit!"

Lin Du frowned and immediately asked people to withdraw.


Su Qing also hurriedly asked everyone to withdraw.

"How much damage?"

"Twenty-three people fell inside, and a dozen brothers were injured!"

Someone immediately told the situation about the losses.

"It's a good idea."

Lin Du sneered, but he underestimated these people.

"People inside, listen, I'm giving you a chance, come out now.

Otherwise, I will burn this inn and let you all die here. "

"This is your so-called righteousness, setting fire to the inn, you can even say it.

If you have the ability, do it. All Lide Inns are civilian residences.

If you don't want the entire city of Chu to be burned to the ground, I advise you not to do this! "

Zhou Bin is depressed, are you really a human being?

A dignified county captain could actually do such an immoral thing.

"County Lieutenant, you can't burn it. If it really causes a fire, Chucheng will be doomed!"

A trace of fear also flashed in Su Qing's eyes. If the other party is really so crazy, the people of Jicheng will be the ones who suffer.

"Hmph, get me some people from the city wall right away. I still don't believe it. I can't even take down a mere inn!"

After looking at the houses next to Lide Inn, Lin Du could only give up this plan.

"Now that we have sent people down, what should we do about the defense of the city wall?"

"Aren't the thieves here too? Let the soldiers come down first, so that if they are in danger, they can provide immediate support!"

Lin Du glanced at the inn in front of him. He had to win this inn today.


After hearing this, Su Qing also got on her horse and ran towards the city wall.

Although the soldiers on the city wall were a little surprised after receiving the order, they could not disobey the military order. The remaining three hundred people also got off the city wall and ran towards Lide Inn.

"Get off the city wall, get off the city wall!"

When Fatty Moreau saw all the soldiers on the city wall disappear, he excitedly spoke to the three people around him.

"I saw it. It seems that the person we want is definitely not easy to deal with. Otherwise, it would be impossible to remove all the soldiers on the city wall!"

The four-faced eagle sneered and replied to the fat man.

"That's fine. If they can help us capture all of them, it will save us the trouble of wasting our efforts."

Liu Hui also nodded, this situation is also a good thing for him.

"What if they accidentally kill the person we want?"

Ghost Face also frowned and expressed his worries.

After all, the request above is to bring people back. If these key figures are all dead, how should I explain it?

"It doesn't matter if people are dead. Although I don't know why the family sent us here to rob people in such a big way, these people must be very crucial.

I'm afraid that if they are taken back, they will die.

So my idea is to see people alive and see corpses dead.

It doesn't matter if the person dies, if you take the body back, the owner won't say anything! "

Liu Hui also sneered. Dead people are not scary. What is scary is not being able to catch people.

So even if it was a corpse, he had to bring it out.

"Well, what Shantouweng said is right. If you want to see someone alive, you will see a corpse if you die. Let's just wait!"

Morrow also nodded, and then the four of them rode their horses and waited outside the city.

The remaining three hundred soldiers also ran into the field and rushed to meet Lin Du outside the Lide Inn.


Seeing the reinforcements coming, Lin Du also gained confidence and ordered the soldiers to rush in directly.

It was another tense offensive and defensive battle, but with Zhou Bin's central command, the super combat effectiveness of the Longmen escorts, and the cooperation of the caravan guards.

The small Lide Inn seemed to have turned into a bunker, an unconquerable fortress.

Five hundred soldiers took turns to attack, but in the end, apart from killing and wounding more than a hundred people, there was no effect at all.

"County Lieutenant, these people are quite powerful!"

Su Qing also saw at this moment that the group of people in front of her were really much more elite than herself.

"So what if it's awesome? Just move those defensive weapons down from the city wall. I still don't believe it. How can a small Lide Inn turn the world upside down?"

Lindu is also showing real fire, and it doesn't matter if he is bullied by the bandits outside the city. They have strong soldiers and horses, and they are powerful in numbers.

Why are you bullying me, right? If I don’t beat your heads into dog heads, I won’t be Wei Lindu of Chucheng County.

"Bring down the city defense weapons?"

(End of this chapter)

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