My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 757 Stone Temple Defense

Hearing what Lin Du said, Su Qing was also stunned.

Did you hear it correctly? What are you doing?
  "That's right, aren't they going to be turtles? I'll break their turtle shells first.

After demolishing the Lide Inn, I wonder what else they will use to support it! "

A trace of cruelty flashed in Lin Du's eyes. It was just a small Lide Inn. Could it really stop him?


Su Qing also crossed her hands and saluted, and then led people to move the defensive equipment from the city wall to the city.

"Even the city defense equipment has been withdrawn, this guy is really popular after fighting!"

The four-sided eagle glanced at the movements on the city wall, with a hint of a sinister smile in his eyes.

"Well, fortunately it's not us who are responsible for this. Otherwise, I don't know how many brothers would have died!"

The mountain man also smiled slightly. If there was a fight, hundreds of people would die.

Although he doesn't care about this, he is still very happy to be less likely to die.

The six city-defending crossbows were transported outside the Lide Inn with the help of carriages, and then the soldiers began to handle them nervously.


The six city-defending crossbows also fired at the same time, and the one-meter-long crossbow arrows shot directly into the Lide Inn.

Several people were unable to dodge and were shot straight away.

"No, they moved the city guard's crossbows down and they all lay on the ground."

Zhou Bin looked at Pao Ze who was crucified and felt no sadness at all.

They were destined to have this result when they chose to embark on this path.

For a moment, crossbows were flying in the city defense, and the seemingly solid inn was instantly in a state of disarray. Facing such an offensive, the people inside could only lie down and wait for the end of the attack.

"Come here, get some horses and demolish this building for me!"

He still recognized the power of the city-defending crossbow, and the next step was to knock off the bastard's shell.


Soon a dozen horses came running, and then ropes were thrown over and tied to the pillars of Lide Inn.

The war horses ran backwards together, and then there was a click, and the pillars were torn to pieces in an instant.

"No, this inn is going to collapse."

Feeling the situation in the inn, Zhou Bin suddenly felt bad.

This Lin Du is really a ruthless person, he is forcing himself to go out and fight for his life.

"What. What should I do?"

Lin Xuwen's eyes were filled with fear. He was really scared now.

Scared to death.

"What should we do? There is a back door to this inn, retreat from there."

If you want to get out now, there is no other way out except through the back door.

"Then withdraw!"

Zhang Ping also nodded, not retreating now would be no different than seeking death.

Just as they retreated through the back door, they were faced with the result of a salvo of bows and crossbows.

So Zhou Bin and others had to retreat to the Lide Inn.

"What should we do now?"

"Charge forward, use those tabletops as shields, and fight them!"


A group of people all started to take action, nailing the tabletops in front and heading out to kill.


"Fire arrows!"

Arrow after arrow rose into the sky and shot directly towards Zhou Bin, but they ignored it and only rushed forward.

Only by killing the people in front would they have a chance to survive.

Zhou Bin had many people, but there were more enemies, and they were immediately surrounded.

Facing an enemy whose numbers far outnumbered his own and whose equipment overwhelmed him, even an elite Longmen bodyguard could not resist.

But in the end, they fought their way out with a desperate attitude.

"Go north, there is an abandoned stone temple over there."

Zhou Bin also had a ferocious look on his face. Fortunately, he had already thought of a way out before checking in. The reason he chose Lide Inn was because there were many residential buildings here, and there was also a stone temple not far to the north.

If I can lead people back there, relying on the defense of the stone temple, I should be able to withstand it for a while.

"Let's go! Go to the stone temple!"

Lin Xuwen also wiped the blood from his face and followed Zhou Bin closely.

He doesn't know anything else, but he knows one thing, that is, only by following the opponent can you maximize your chance of survival.

The remaining more than a hundred people also ran towards the north.

"Follow me!"

Lin Du really didn't expect that in such a situation, the other party could get out.

It was almost unbelievable to him.

Hundreds of soldiers immediately followed Zhou Bin and the others.

In this way, hundreds of people began to stage a life-and-death battle on the streets of Jicheng, but now the equipment of Lin Du's soldiers also became a burden to them.

After all, they were still incomparable to Zhou Bin who was carrying a heavy load of twenty or thirty kilograms.

Finally, Zhou Bin rushed to the stone temple as soon as possible, and then ordered people to start setting up defenses.

"I know how to choose a place!"

Lin Du rushed to the stone temple and frowned while looking at the temple.

This place is so remote that even he, who has been a county captain for two years, doesn't know about it. I really don't know how this person found out.

"How to do?"

Su Qing frowned. Although this temple was not big, it was very different from Lide Inn.

Even the city guard's crossbow probably couldn't penetrate the stone temple wall.

"What to do? How do I know what to do? I ordered the soldiers to prepare for the attack.

It’s getting dark soon, so we must capture this place before it gets dark! "

Lin Du was also speechless. This was all he could do now.

Try your best, if you can't take this place before dark, then there will be no chance today.


After hearing this, Su Qing immediately ordered the soldiers to attack.

Those soldiers had just gone through a marathon journey with heavy loads, and now they were about to go into battle. This was simply more uncomfortable than killing them. “County Lieutenant, why don’t you wait any longer, our brothers are all exhausted.

After all, they had been killing for so long and now running such a long distance with a heavy load, they couldn't stand it anymore.

If we launch an attack now, not only will it be ineffective, but we may also lose our troops! "

Su Qing also immediately told the soldiers' situation.

"A group of sticks, let's rest for a quarter of an hour. If they still can't stand up after a quarter of an hour, they will be punished by military law!"


A quarter of an hour later, the soldiers also got a rest and immediately launched an attack.

However, Zhou Bin, who owned the stone temple, dealt with it more calmly now.

It was very easy to drive out the people of Lindu, and after they attacked several times, they also lost many soldiers and generals, with many casualties.

"County Lieutenant, you can't rush in!"

Su Qing looked at Lin Du in front of her with miserable eyes. What kind of stone temple was this? It was simply a fortress.

Who knows where they found this poor place, not even themselves.

"We have to rush in even if we can't. If we can't capture them, all the people in Chucheng will suffer."

Lin Dou knew the consequences of not being able to win over these people, and he had made such sacrifices, if the people of Chucheng could no longer be saved.

Then he was not only ashamed of his official clothes, but also ashamed of the county magistrate Zhou Bin who wanted to die for the city.


"Swear to the death to capture the stone temple!"

"Kill them!"

A group of soldiers also had their eyes shining, adjusted their equipment, and launched another charge.

But the ideal is good, but the reality is cruel. They are facing the most elite imperial army in the empire.

Although their equipment is not good now, they are the best in terms of skills, tactics and fighting will.

So the people from Lindu were kicked out again.

"Where's Su Qing?"

Looking at the people who retreated, Lin Du's eyes were full of coldness.

"Su Qing Huo Chang died for her country!"

The man waved his hand, and Su Qing's body was carried in front of Lin Du by two people.

"well done!"

Looking at Su Qing with his eyes open, Lin Du also helped him smooth his eyelids.

"County Lieutenant, what are you going to do next!"

Fire Chief Li Bu looked again at the stone temple that had swallowed hundreds of people, his eyes full of fear.

He really didn't know what to do now.

"What am I going to do? Collect firewood for me."

Lin Du thought for a moment and had an idea.

"This stone temple is not a Lide Inn. It is all made of stone. It is not afraid of fire at all."

Li Bu was stunned for a moment, wondering what Lin wanted to bring over firewood.

"Who said I'm going to burn them with fire? I'm going to use smoke to smoke them all out!"


Soon the firewood was delivered outside the stone temple, and then a fire was lit, and then cold water was poured on it.

The billowing smoke rose instantly.

"Fan me hard!"

A group of people also brought some fanning tools and started fanning towards the stone temple.

"Looking for water."

"There's no water here!"

"There's no water here. Don't you have water yet? Get some, wrap it in a cloth, and then lie down on the ground."

Zhou Bin also tore off a piece of clothing, then took off his pants and started urinating.

"Why are you standing there in a daze? Come on, do as you are told!"

Lin Wenxu also knew what the other party wanted to do. Although he was disgusted, he could only follow it in order to survive.


A group of people also followed Zhou Bin's example and started working.

Thick smoke came in, and Zhou Bin and others all fell to the ground.

The thick smoke burned for a while, and Lin Du waited for a long time outside, but no one could be seen coming out.

"This is wrong, why didn't they come out!"

Li Bu glanced at the situation in front of him, his eyes full of doubts.

Are these people all Iron King Kongs?
  "Think of another way!"

Lin Du later used all the methods he could think of, but the opponent just huddled in the stone temple and did not even move.

"This won't work. They are determined to fight us!"

"Surround them, surround them!"

Lin Du had no choice but to surround them and kill them.


After arranging all this, Lin Du also came to report to Zhou Li.

"How's it going? Did anyone get it?"

Zhou Li looked at Lin Du and asked.

"I didn't get it, but I have surrounded the people so they can't escape."

Lin Du also told the truth and told everything about the situation there.

"Hurry up and get someone to avoid long nights and dreams. Also, send someone to talk back to those bandits.

Tell them to give us time, and they will definitely help him win it! "

Zhou Li also frowned. He really didn't expect this group of people to be so difficult to deal with.

Five hundred soldiers can't take down a mob of two to three hundred. What do these people do for a living?


Hearing Zhou Li's words, Lin Du also sighed and ran towards the city wall.

"I am Wei Lindu of Jucheng County. We are already collecting the person. Please give me some time and I will ensure that I give you a satisfactory answer."

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