My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 761 Blood pressure 28!

After hearing Lin Du's words, Lin Du also raised his eyes and suddenly became stunned.

This kind of dust and smoke must have at least hundreds of cavalry.

Could it be that reinforcements are coming?

"Reinforcements are here, reinforcements are here! We have hope!"

Compared to Lin Du's confusion, Zhou Bin had a smile on his face.

At this moment, the only reinforcements that can come are the reinforcements from Her Royal Highness the Princess.


"Reinforcements are here, push them down!"


After hearing Zhou Bin's words, both the Longmen escorts and the defenders of Chucheng were all excited.

Gritting his teeth, holding the knife, he attacked the bandits even more fearlessly and without fear of death.

Facing the counterattack from the city wall defenders, the bandits were also caught off guard.

But relying on the large number of people, although they were beaten and retreated, they were not driven off the city wall.

"Are you coming back to your senses? Hey, you are really tenacious! Order the reserve team to go up the city wall. I want this city to turn into white before dark!"

Ghost Face shook his head, no matter how powerful they are now, what can they do.

In the face of absolute strength, their resistance is nothing more than your unrealistic extravagant hopes.

"and many more!"

Liu Hui, however, held down the bandit who wanted to pass the order and turned to look behind him.

"what happened?"

Ghost Face was stunned, not knowing what Liu Hui wanted to do.

"Listen, is there any noise behind us?"

Liu Hui frowned and spoke to the three of them.


Hearing Liu Hui's words, the three of them were also stunned and looked behind them.

"Four masters, a large number of cavalry appeared behind them, numbering about several hundred, and they are only a few miles away from us!"

Soon a scout rushed over and told the situation at the rear.

"Hundreds of cavalry? Where did they come from?"

The four of them were all stunned when they heard this information. How could hundreds of cavalry appear for no reason?

What's happening here?
  "do not know."

The scout shook his head, unable to answer their questions.

Liu Hui reacted the fastest and directly ordered the rear team to set up defenses and at the same time asked all the soldiers who were attacking the city wall to withdraw.

As soon as the military order was conveyed, the soldiers in the rear immediately deployed a defensive line, and the bandits who were storming the city wall quickly began to retreat.

They were preparing, but Li Siwen didn't give them any time to prepare.

More than [-] cavalrymen rushed directly into the rear of the bandits like a tornado.

Facing these elite cavalry, Liu Hui's defense line was torn into pieces as if it were made of paper.

Countless thieves were killed, and the remaining people collapsed and fled in an instant.

"Master, the rear team has been breached, and they are coming towards us now!"

A cavalryman rushed over, dismounted and told the situation of the rear team.

"How to do?"

A flash of panic flashed in the eyes of the four-sided eagle. This serious crime had been committed, and now even Chu City had not been captured. He really felt that his sky was about to collapse.

"What to do? Run away!"

Fatty Moreau clamped his legs together, and the horse under his crotch also neighed and led him wildly out.

"What will happen to us brothers if he runs away?"

Looking at Moreau's figure, Ghost Face was completely stunned.

If you run away after a disagreement, how can you learn this from a dog?
  "I can't care about that now, let's save my life first!"


The Four-faced Eagle also hit the horse's butt with a whip and ran towards Moreau.

"Hey, the situation is like this. If you had listened to me earlier, we would have been drinking in Jicheng by now!"

Liu Hui also sighed, rode his horse and chose a direction to escape.


After looking at the three of them, Ghost Face sighed and ran over in the right direction.

The four masters fled, and the bandits collapsed instantly.

The city was not taken down, and the leaders ran away. If they don't run now, they are still waiting to be beheaded.

"The enemy is defeated. Use five cavalry as a small team to strangle the enemy."

Li Siwen was also dumbfounded when he saw that the enemy was about to collapse at the first touch.

He has fought a lot of bandits, but this is the first time he has been defeated so cleanly.

Why do these people have no backbone at all?

I have been running away for almost two days, and you are treating me like this?

It's really a dog.

After hearing Li Siwen's order, more than [-] cavalrymen instantly transformed into more than [-] squads and began to strangle the bandits.

For a time, the city was full of war horses and bandits who died tragically under the sword.

Faced with the stranglehold of elite cavalry, if they run too slowly, there are only two consequences.

Either his head would be chopped off with a knife, or he would kneel on the ground and surrender.

"Is this the end?"

Lin Du was on the city wall watching the cavalry marching across the fields, and he was completely dumbfounded.

He really couldn't figure out how the bandits who were so brave just now suddenly became like this.

This is too dramatic.

The sky was gradually getting dark. In addition to more than a thousand of the four thousand bandits who escaped, the rest were either dead or surrendered.

"Clean the battlefield, Hou Qi, follow me and call the door!"

Li Siwen looked at the city wall covered with blood and rode directly over.

"I am His Majesty's special envoy Li Siwen. Open the city gate quickly!"

"Special envoy and imperial envoy!"

Hearing Li Siwen's identity, Lin Du's eyes flashed with panic.

After all, he knew very well the consequences of the bad things he did.

"That's right, open the city gate quickly!"

Hou Qi was shouting at the side, asking the other party to open the city gate. "Open the city gate, Li Bu, and go immediately to notify the county magistrate to welcome you!"

Lin Du sighed and directly ordered the soldiers to open the city gate. At the same time, he asked Li Bu to report the situation here to Zhou Li.


The gate of Chu City also slowly opened, and Li Siwen also led his cavalry into Chu City.

"Wei Lindu of Jicheng County has met Special Envoy Li!"

Lin Du came to the door and saluted directly to Li Siwen.

"Lindu? Where is Zhou Li, the magistrate of Chucheng County?"

Li Siwen also frowned when he heard the other party's identity.

This family is about to knock down the city wall, but Zhou Li, as the county magistrate, is not on the city wall.

He must at least punish the other party for failing to guard and neglecting his duties.

“I have sent someone to ask for the county magistrate, I believe he will be here soon.

Special Envoy Li is really brave and brave, and those bandits also collapsed after hearing the news. It is really a blessing to our Tang Dynasty! "

Lin Du was smiling and hurriedly complimented Li Siwen.

"Why are you talking so much nonsense? My escort from Longmen Escort Agency is here!"

"Zhou Bin has met Xiao Langjun!"

Hearing Li Siwen's call, Zhou Bin also walked out and saluted Li Siwen.

"Zhou Bin, thank you for your hard work. How are the brothers? Is the loss big?"

Seeing that Zhou Bin was fine, Li Siwen was relieved.

If the person is still here, then he is not too late.

Otherwise, Li Yanran might not know how to deal with herself.

"Young Master! Please make the decision for the Longmen Escort Master!"

Zhou Bin knelt on the ground with a bang and told everything that Ji Cheng had done before.

"Is this happening? As the magistrate of a county, you actually compromised with the gangsters and wanted to take out the people of Tang Dynasty.

This Jicheng County Magistrate has really become a good official, what a good official! "

Li Siwen's blood pressure soared to [-] after hearing this.

What kind of stupid official is this? He is just greedy for life and afraid of death. He actually wants to compromise with the bandits. He deserves to die.

"Special envoy Li, please calm down. We are also acting under orders. Besides, the county magistrate is doing this as a temporary measure for the sake of the people in the city."

After listening to Zhou Bin's words, Lin Du also knelt down in front of Li Siwen.

While shirking responsibility, he revealed the secret behind it.

"Fart, a stop-gap measure? Our Tang Dynasty has never had such officials, take them all down for me!"

Li Siwen struck Lin Du with a whip, and the Longmen bodyguards behind him also immediately surrounded Lin Du.

"You can't arrest Lieutenant Lin, he is doing it for the people of Chucheng!"

"That's right, Lieutenant Lin is doing it for our own good!"

"Please calm down, Mr. Xiaolang!"

A group of county soldiers also surrounded Lin Du and begged Li Siwen for mercy.

"Whoever dares to do it again will be killed without mercy!"

Li Siwen frowned and gave orders to his cavalry again.

Seeing the shining sword, all the county soldiers were frightened.

"Okay, everyone is tired. Lin Du is guilty and failed to protect the people. He deserves to be punished!"

Lin Du sighed and walked out of the crowd.

"Not just Lindu, all the fire chiefs, even the chiefs, and the corps chiefs will be captured!"

"Anyone who dares to resist will be killed without mercy!"

After issuing the order, Li Siwen also said to Zhou Bin: "Zhou Bin, follow me to meet the county magistrate who serves the country and the people!"


Zhou Bin responded, and then led Li Siwen's horse's mane toward the county government office.

"County magistrate, His Majesty's special envoy, Li Siwen, has led his troops to defeat the bandits outside the city. The county magistrate wants you to greet them as soon as possible!"

Li Bu came to the county government office and quickly told the good news.

Now that all the bandits outside the city have been wiped out, Chucheng has finally been saved.

"Special Envoy Li Li!"

Zhou Li was stunned for a moment when he heard the news, his eyes full of horror.

Li Siwen now represents the emperor, and the entire Luozhou and even nearby counties are under his control.

Those things he did, the other party would definitely not let him go.

"That's right, hurry up to the city gate to greet us!"

"You go ahead, I want to change clothes!"


Li Bu nodded and waited outside.

Zhou Li returned to the inner room, wrote a note, took out the carrier pigeon from the pigeon cage, and then released the carrier pigeon.

After looking around, he also took off his official clothes, folded them and placed them on the table.

After doing all this, Zhou Li also took three feet of white silk and hung it on the beam. Then he brought a chair and put his head on the white silk.

Looking outside again, Zhou Li also smiled.

With one kick he knocked over the stool under his feet.

Li Siwen was led outside the county government office by Zhou Bin. When Li Bu saw people coming, he came over to salute as soon as possible.

"Get the people first!"


Before Li Bu could react, he was captured by several Longmen bodyguards.

"Why do you take me? Why do you take me?"

Li Bu was dumbfounded. He didn't understand what the other party meant.

"Where's Zhou Li?"

Li Siwen didn't have time to talk nonsense with him. He just wanted to see Zhou Li as soon as possible, and then slap him a few times to relieve his hatred.

"The magistrate is changing clothes inside."

"Come in and get someone!"

Hearing that Zhou Li was inside, Li Siwen also waved.

The Longmen escort rushed directly into the county government office.


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