My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 762 3 headshots in a row!

But when they rushed to the inner room, they were greeted only by a corpse.

A dead body swayed from the rafters.

"Young Master, County Magistrate Zhou Li has committed suicide by hanging from a beam!"


Upon hearing this, Li Siwen dismounted and rushed in.

Looking at Zhou Li's body, Li Siwen also ordered someone to put him down.

Glancing at the official clothes lying next to him, Li Siwen also frowned.

"It seems that Zhou Li also knew that he was sorry for his official clothes and the trust that Tang Dynasty and the people had in him, so he took off his clothes and committed suicide."

"Xiao Langjun, what should we do now?"

Zhou Bin walked to Li Siwen's side, his eyes full of depression.

"What should we do? Contain the body first and wait for the court to take action."

Li Siwen really lost his temper towards a dead man.

If you had such ambition before, would you still end up like this?

The really special thing is the confused officer, the confused officer.

"Then bring me all those people from Lindu."


Soon Lin Du and others were all escorted over.

"Lin Du, do you know your guilt?"

Glancing at Lin Du who was kneeling in front of him, Li Siwen shouted at them directly.

"Young Master, we acted according to orders and fought to the death on the city wall. What crime do we have?"

Lin Dou knew what Li Siwen meant, so he told the matter while avoiding the most important things.

After all, Zhou Li said that he would bear all responsibility for the crime, and he believed that the other party would not betray him.

"Act as ordered? Then can I assume that even if Zhou Li asks you to hand over this special envoy, you will do it?"

Li Siwen sneered and whispered back to him.

"How is that possible? Young Master is His Majesty's special envoy. Even if you lend me ten courages, I won't dare to touch you."

Lin Du was stunned for a moment and hurriedly explained to the other party.

"Then you dare to send the people of the Tang Dynasty out casually? Just because they are just ordinary people? And you still claim that you are not guilty?
  The crime of mastermind and accomplice are also unforgivable.

Every one of them was taken out and beheaded in public display! "

Li Siwen also smiled evilly and gave his order directly.

"Special Envoy Li, even if you want to kill me, you have to certify the Ministry of War and Criminal Affairs before you can do it. If you do this now, aren't you afraid that the censor will impeach you for abusing your power?"

Lin Du was stunned when he heard that Li Siwen was going to operate on himself.

Originally, he thought that the other party would not make a big move. After all, although he was at fault, he still managed to defend Chu City.

If you treat yourself this way, aren't you afraid of being troubled by those censors?

"You don't have to worry about this. This special envoy adheres to the emperor's orders. Your Majesty has given me the right to kill first and report later.

You may say that there may be problems if I kill a governor, Zhou Mu, but if I kill a small county captain of yours, who dares to say anything? "

"Pull it down and cut it!"


Le Qing glanced at Li Siwen and asked the Liushou Mansion guards to pull him out.

Although the Longmen bodyguards are powerful, they are not officials.

It doesn't matter if Li Siwen goes to war, if he really wants the other party to kill people, there is no way he can say it.

"The remaining fire chiefs were all pushed out and chopped down. It is a huge crime to help the tyrants commit evil!"

"Envoy Li, please spare your life!"

"Special Envoy Li, we are also following orders, please forgive me!"

After hearing that Li Siwen didn't give up, Li Bu and the other fire chiefs also cried like ghosts and howled like wolves, begging for mercy.

But Le Qing didn't listen to them and had them all escorted out.

After a while, someone came over to report, and all those people were beheaded.

"Okay, Zhou Bin, I'll leave a hundred cavalry for you. You can rest for a while and then continue heading towards Chang'an."

After cleaning up Lin Du and others, Li Siwen also called Zhou Bin over.

"Zhou Bin understands, but I have one more thing to ask Mr. Young!"

Zhou Bin crossed his hands and saluted, gritted his teeth and spoke to the other party.

"you say!"

"I hope Xiao Langjun can safely restrain the corpses of those Pao Ze, and if possible, send them back to Lishan Mountain!"

Zhou Bin sighed, this time a hundred people came out with him, and now there were only eighteen people left including him.

Seventy-two people were buried in this small city of Chu.

He really felt that these people died unjustly.

"Don't worry, I will arrange for people to transport the bodies of those brothers back!"

"Zhou Bin thanked Xiao Langjun for those brothers!"

Zhou Bin saluted again, then turned and left.

"Special Envoy Li, what should we do next?"

Le Qing came from outside and glanced at Li Siwen, wondering what he was going to do next.

"What to do? Arrange all the prisoners and let the soldiers rest!"

"Thank you, Special Envoy Li!"

Hearing that the other party asked him to rest, Le Qing was relieved.

He was now really afraid that Li Siwen would send troops to chase the fleeing bandits, which would really kill people.

Li Siwen stood up directly and walked towards the inner room.

He was also tired. If he didn't sleep, let alone those soldiers, he would be unable to bear it.

Besides, most of the bandits have been wiped out, and Li Yanran's plan has been completed.

Any further pursuit would be a thankless task and a waste of effort.

After looking at the bed in front of him, Li Siwen also fell asleep without any hesitation.

I slept until noon the next day. I found Jucheng County Prime Minister Youyong. After arranging everything, he took his people to Luoyang. "Li Siwen led people out of Luoyang, or hundreds of cavalry? Immediately notify Liu Hui and them to be on alert. There must be no problems."

Cui Shiqing became nervous when he received the letter from Fei Ge.

They have suffered a lot of losses recently, not only the loss of money, but also the affiliated forces have suffered heavy losses.

If Liu Hui and the others are captured by the opponent again, they will have no one available in a short time.

Moreover, they have now surrounded people in Chucheng. If they are attacked by the other party and lose people, he really doesn't know what the consequences will be.


Cui Qun nodded and walked directly outside.

The carrier pigeon flew out, and Cui Shiqing was also nervously waiting for the news.

Finally on the afternoon of the next day, Cui Qun rushed to Cui Shiqing again.

"Uncle Clan, I just received a letter from Zhou Li in Jicheng!"

"Quick, bring it here!"

Cui Shiqing snatched the letter from Fei Ge, and after tearing it open, he collapsed on the chair.

"Uncle Clan, what's wrong?"

Looking at Cui Shiqing's appearance, Cui Qun also frowned.

He didn't know what happened to make his always calm and calm uncle behave like this.

"Li Siwen led the cavalry to attack Chucheng. Liu Hui and others collapsed, and Zhou Li also committed suicide!"

Cui Shiqing's eyes were a little blurry. He had thought that something might happen in Jicheng, but he didn't expect such a big loophole to appear.

Not only was his power completely defeated, but even the Cui family's chess piece Zhou Li committed suicide. The most important thing was that the person he wanted was not captured.

This three-hit combo was really unacceptable to Cui Shiqing.

"How is this possible? How can Li Siwen be so fast?"

Upon hearing this, Cui Qun also took the Legend of Flying Pigeon over, with a look of disbelief in his eyes.

“Hosting pigeons will also encounter problems, and our timeliness has lagged behind.

Now we are taking one step at a time, and the opponent has taken the lead. "

Cui Shiqing frowned. Things had already happened, so there was no need to think about how the other party did this.

Instead, you should think about what to do next.

"Uncle Clan, I think we can't be entangled there anymore. We should immediately send people to set up defenses around Chang'an. They must not be allowed in!"

Cui Qun thought for a moment, and after passing Jicheng, his encirclement was gone.

It is no longer possible to capture the opponent outside. Now we can only gather all our strength and ambush near Chang'an.

"Well, Feige will immediately send a letter to Cui Yuqing and others in Chang'an, asking them to stop me no matter what.

No, just flying pigeons to deliver the message won't work. Immediately send people on fast horses to Chang'an to ensure that nothing goes wrong. "

Cui Shiqing sighed, this was all they could do now.

"I'll arrange for someone to come over right away!"

Cui Qun nodded and went directly to the layman.

"and many more!"

"Tell those old guys Wang Shiping how much power they have for me. If they really get into Chang'an, they will have to weigh the consequences themselves!"


Li Yanran has been a little restless these days, and Hou Qi and the others didn't know if they could catch up.

If they fail to provide timely support and Zhou Bin is killed, they will immediately understand that there is a bait.

Lin Cheng may encounter unexpected dangers by then. If they are stopped by people from the four major families, all this will be in vain.

"Your Highness, Your Highness."

Di Renjie came to Li Yanran, his eyes full of mystery.

"what happened?"

Li Yanran was stunned, wondering what was wrong with this guy.

"Your Highness, knowing that you like to eat fruits, I bought all the fruits in the world, and some were shipped from the south."

Di Renjie clapped his hands and his servant brought in two flower baskets.


After hearing this, Li Yanran hurriedly walked over.

Looking at the dazzling array of fruits and vegetables, Li Yanran also glanced at Di Renjie.

"You don't know what lemons and tangerines are, so you brought me all you can buy."

"Your Highness Shengming, Di Renjie really doesn't know lemons and tangerines. After discussing with Pei Xinqi, he had no choice but to come up with this plan!"

Di Renjie also scratched his head in embarrassment. Facing Li Yanran, he really had no secrets at all.

“This is a little life hack!”

Li Yanran smiled, grabbed a big tangerine and put it aside, and then started digging in the flower basket.

Finally, she found a lemon similar to that of later generations.

“Those two are tangerines and lemons.”

"It turns out these are sweet and citron!"

Di Renjie was also relieved. Fortunately, he found it, otherwise he would not know how to explain it when the time comes.

"Is this called Ganzi and Citron?"

Now Li Yanran also gained knowledge, and it turned out that this thing actually had this name.

"Then I'll have people prepare."

"and many more."

"Is there anything else, Your Highness?"

Di Renjie was stunned, not knowing what other instructions the other party had.

"What about the Japanese merchants? We have agreed on a time to go to sea."

"Your Highness, I heard from Pei Xinqi that it will take at least three months, so we still have plenty of time."

Di Renjie thought for a moment and directly stated Pei Xinqi's guess.

"Three months? It takes so long to prepare?"

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