My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 763 The tongue mutated?

Li Yanran was stunned. There will be planes and sea ships in the future, and he can go there anytime he wants to in his childhood.

I didn’t expect that it would take three months to prepare for a trip to sea. This is too long.

“There is no way, the Tang Dynasty and the Japanese Kingdom are separated by a vast sea, and if you want to pass through, you need the right time, place, and people.

Three months is said to be at least three months. You must know that it will take at least half a year for the Japanese to come to Datang. "

Di Renjie was stunned, is this still too much?

He had heard from Murakami Sato that they had even been preparing for this trip to Datang for a year.

Three months is really not much at all.

"Okay, the longer the time, the more fully prepared we will be. Sea-going ships must find the best and the biggest.

I don't want my people to die because of those storms. "

Li Yanran nodded. This is the Tang Dynasty after all, and shipping conditions are harsh. As long as he can arrive alive, what else can he expect to leave at any time?

"Don't worry, Your Highness, Pei Xinqi has gone south to Yangzhou, and the situation of the ship should be fine.

After all, our Tang Dynasty has developed maritime transportation. If we have a sea map, it should not be difficult to reach Japan. "

Di Renjie knew what Li Yanran was worried about, but he had already discussed this with Pei Xinqi.

The reason why Datang's trade routes failed to extend to Japan was, firstly, because they were separated by the sea, and secondly, because it was unprofitable.

But these are nothing to them.

They are for the Tang Dynasty, to help the Tang Dynasty get rid of a hungry wolf.

Even if there is no profit, they must go.

Once something rises to the national level, those gains and losses become less important.

"Well, I hope so."

Li Yanran waved her hand.

"Di Renjie resigns!"

Di Renjie saluted and turned to leave.

Two days later, Li Siwen finally returned to Luoyang. After bidding farewell to Le Qing, he returned to his mansion as soon as possible.

"Brother Li, Brother Li, I'm back!"

Hearing Li Siwen's voice, Li Yanran rushed out of the room.

Looking at the idiot in front of her, Li Yanran also looked up and down, and then smiled.

"Brother Li, what are you laughing at?"

"It's okay. I see you have no arms or legs. Am I not happy?"

After rolling her eyes at the other party, Li Yanran turned around and walked inside.

"Brother Li, please tell me clearly. What do you mean I have no arms or legs? You are expecting something to happen to me!"

Li Siwen also smiled and followed Li Yanran.

"Tell me, what's the situation in Jicheng? Is Zhou Bin okay?"

Sitting on the main seat, Li Yanran also crossed her legs and asked Li Siwen.

"Don't tell me, this time I rode on the horse for two days and one night, and I almost didn't catch up.

Fortunately, those bandits were all a mob, otherwise not only Zhou Bin would be dead, but the entire city of Chu would have turned into a purgatory. "

When it comes to Zhou Bin, Li Siwen also feels a little scared.

If I relax a little and sleep for an hour or two, the situation in Jicheng may be different.

"So it has to be you, Mr. Li Xiaolang is mighty!"

Li Yanran was relieved to hear that Zhou Bin was fine, and she also gave Li Siwen a little flattery.

"That's right, even if you don't know who my father is, you can't embarrass him!
  I work so hard, you should give me some benefits! "

Li Yanran was flattering, and Li Siwen was a little flattered.

After all, Brother Li is very demanding. It is his honor to praise others.

"Well, I'll reward you with a citron first!"

Seeing Li Siwen's proud look, Li Yanran also saw the lemon that Di Renjie had sent before.

"Citron? What?"

Li Siwen was also stunned when he looked at the lemon handed over by Li Yanran.

“This is a good thing. It can stimulate the appetite, resolve phlegm and relieve cough. It can also delay aging and prolong life.

This is a tribute from Nanzhao Kingdom, and most people would be reluctant to take it out. "

Li Yanran smiled and explained the effects of lemon.

If you want benefits from me, I will give you a little secret recipe for health first.

"The tribute from Nanzhao Kingdom is a good thing!"

Hearing that this thing was actually a tribute, Li Siwen also looked at the lemon in his hand again.

Is this thing really as good as Li Yanran said?

It can also delay aging. Is it the secret to longevity?
  "Well, that's right, give it a try, the taste will be unforgettable for you forever."

Li Yanran nodded again, and she didn't tell a lie.

If you take a big bite of this thing, you will never forget it.

As for how to make it unforgettable, that depends on the individual.

"I want to try this, but how should I eat it?"

Li Siwen took the lemon and looked around. He had never eaten this before.

"The best way is to squeeze the juice and drink it, Li Feng."

Li Yanran whispered a few words into Li Feng's ear.

Li Feng nodded, and after a while he brought over a bowl of sea food. He didn't know what he was carrying in his bulging arms.

"Li Feng, squeeze the juice!"


Li Feng grabbed the lemon in front of Li Siwen and clamped it with both hands in front of Li Siwen. A stream of light rice soup-colored juice also fell into the bowl.

Li Siwen was stunned for a moment when he looked at Li Feng, the human flesh juicer. Do you have to do this in front of him?
  This is the entrance thing. Just use your hands to fix it for me. Isn’t that a little too much?

Li Yanran smiled, and her teeth dropped when she looked at this thing.

Pure lemon juice, if you take this sip, your little teeth will have to work for several days.


Before Li Siwen drank, he could already smell a sour smell pouring into his nose.

Can this thing taste good?
  He glanced at Li Yanran again.

He was really doubtful.

"Drink, I guarantee you will be ecstatic after one sip!"

Li Yanran walked to Li Siwen and directly picked up the sea bowl.

"Brother Li, what are you going to do?" Looking at Li Yanran's situation, Li Siwen was also stunned.

He felt more and more that this thing was not a good thing, otherwise Li Yanran would never be like this.

"Of course I want to feed our great hero myself, Li Feng takes action!"

After hearing Li Yanran's words, Li Feng took out the prepared rope from his arms and tied Li Siwen to the chair.

"Brother Li, don't do this, I won't drink anymore, I won't drink anymore!"

Li Siwen was really scared now. He had confirmed that this was definitely not a good thing.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to tie yourself with a rope.

"It's okay if you don't drink it. Such a good thing will be wasted if you don't drink it! Open his mouth!"

Don’t you want a reward? I can’t break my promise!

Otherwise, how can I lead the team from now on?
  "Li Feng, how dare you!"

"let me go!"

"I don't want to drink, I don't want to drink!"

Although Li Siwen tried his best to resist, he was already tied up with ropes and there was nothing he could do.

Li Yanran smiled, which looked like a devil to Li Siwen.

He had never been afraid of swords, guns, swords and halberds. He had never been afraid of charging into battle. Now he admitted that he was really afraid.

If he hadn't seen it squeezed out of a lemon with his own eyes, he would have thought that Li Yanran wanted him to drink something messy.

Before he could react, Li Yanran poured a large bowl of lemonade directly into his mouth.


"It's so sour!"

"My teeth are gone! My teeth are gone!"

After taking this bite, Li Siwen finally understood what it meant to be ecstatic, and he would never forget it.

With this acidity, he really doubted his life.

How could there be such a thing in this world, a special tribute from the Nanzhao Kingdom?

If His Majesty and the Queen get this, they will not be able to order the soldiers of the Tang Dynasty to directly defeat Nanzhao.

But Sheng Jin is really Sheng Jin, and his mouth is now full of saliva.

"I just said it will be unforgettable for a lifetime. Come on, keep going, don't waste it!"

Seeing Li Siwen's distorted face, Li Yanran also laughed so hard that she fell on her back.

"Brother Li, please forgive me. Isn't it okay that I was wrong?"

Hearing that Li Yanran wanted to feed him, Li Siwen felt as if his head was about to explode.

"No! Let's see if you dare to ask for benefits from me in the future!"

Li Yanran said and gave Li Siwen another big gulp!


After one sip, I was ecstatic, and after the second sip, I immediately forgot about my worries.

Yes, he has no worries or worries now.

Now there was only one thought in his mind, and that was acid.

He was left with nothing but acid.

His teeth fell down and his brain fell down.

Nothing matters anymore.

"Brother Li, I don't dare to do it anymore."

Li Siwen also quickly shook his head. What kind of benefits could he dare to ask for now?

If he wanted more, Li Yanran would probably be able to give him a basketful of lemon juice and feed it to him.

"That's pretty much it. Come on, be good and take another sip!"

With that said, Li Yanran took another big gulp.


Li Siwen is really stupid now. He has admitted his mistake. Why are you still trying to trick others?

I'm going to die!
  "Brother Li, I've already admitted my mistake, and you're still trying to trick me?"

After his head came to his senses, Li Siwen also asked Li Yanran.

"Isn't this to make you remember better? Come on, there's one last sip, drink it!"

After Li Yanran finished speaking, she took the last sip.

After taking this sip, Li Siwen was suddenly stunned for a moment, and his distorted face recovered.

"what happened?"

Seeing Li Siwen didn't respond, Li Yanran also glanced at him.

What's up with this guy?
  "Brother Li, why do I feel a little sweet?"


Li Yanran was stunned now. What happened?

Feeling a little sweet?
  Could it be that Li Siwen has mutated?

Or is it that the extreme sourness is sweet, and this guy is transcendent?
  "Really, do you still have this citron?"


"I want to try it!"

Li Siwen's face was full of embarrassment.

"Are you OK?"

Li Yanran took a step back, unable to believe her ears.

Could it be that this operation of his had damaged Li Siwen's taste buds?
  Or is he really mutated?

"Brother Li, just try it again. I really want to know if my tongue is broken or if citron is really sweet."

Li Siwen was depressed. He actually wanted to test his tongue.

If he was really injured by acid, it would be considered a work-related injury, and he would have to ask Li Yanran for some compensation.

Li Yanran was also speechless, and directly signaled Li Feng to let him go, then picked a few more lemons and photographed them in front of him.

"Eat it, I want to see if this lemon is sour or sweet!"

Li Siwen didn't say anything nonsense, just picked up a knife and cut the lemon in half, then grabbed half a lemon and stuffed it into his mouth.

"Hmm? It's really sweet?"

Li Siwen chewed it and raised his eyebrows.


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