My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 764 No, there is something fishy here!

Li Yanran didn't believe it. She had eaten so many lemons in her later life, how could it be sweet?

Could it be that this lemon was originally sweet, but then became sour due to genetic modification?

As he spoke, he cut a piece of lemon and put it in his mouth.

"Bah bah bah!"

"God damn Li Siwen, how dare you trick me!"

This sour taste made Li Yanran go crazy instantly.

It was so sweet and sour that it really left him with endless aftertaste.

"Really, it's sweet!"

Li Siwen said as he picked up the remaining lemon cut by Li Yanran and put it in his mouth.

Now Li Yanran had nothing to say, something must be wrong with Li Siwen.

Either the tongue or the brain.

"Try this again!"

Li Yanran picked a jujube from the table and handed it to Li Siwen.

"no taste!"

Li Siwen's face was expressionless, as if what he had just eaten was not a jujube but a mouthful of steamed buns.

"Then try this!"

Li Yanran picked another cherry and handed it over.

"It's still tasteless, Brother Li, do you think my tongue is broken?"

Li Siwen also looked sad and spoke back to Li Yanran.

"It's over, it's over, I'm really fed up.

Doctor, doctor, come and treat your little husband quickly! "

Li Yanran was also numb now, and Sayazi ran outside.

She was just joking and didn't really think about it. It would be bad for Li Siwen.

She really couldn't explain it to her father and other people's fathers.

Seeing the two people running out, a cold look flashed across Li Siwen's face.

"You're playing this trick with me, right? I can't scare you to death! Let's see if you dare to trick me like this next time."

As he spoke, he took another bunch of cherries, grabbed a handful of dates, stuffed a few more lemons, hummed a little tune and walked out.

Li Yanran came back with the doctor, but there was no trace of Li Siwen, and she was even worse.

Why did this guy disappear in the blink of an eye?

Glancing at Li Feng next to him, he was stunned for a moment and hurried out to ask.

"Miss, Li Siwen went to Lan Kwai Fong."

"He is still going to Lan Kwai Fong when he is like this? No, something is wrong here!"

When she heard that the other party went to Lan Kwai Fong as if nothing had happened, Li Yanran immediately smelled it.

This guy is usually not so active, so why did he suddenly change his gender?

There's definitely something tricky in here.

"Miss, you mean Li Siwen."

"That's right, you're playing this trick with me, right? You tell the kitchen to let us eat something different tonight."

Li Yanran glanced outside and curled her lips slightly, "If I can't cure you, kid, I will take your last name."

"Miss, what do you want to eat? I will arrange for the kitchen to purchase ingredients."

"No, I'll buy it myself!"

Li Yanran raised her feet and walked towards the outside.

After getting on the carriage, the two of them came to the market. Looking at the endless flow of people, Li Yanran also felt the long-lost human touch.

Yes, it’s just human.

In the past few days in Luoyang, she felt really uncomfortable. She felt like she was going to become an immortal when she stayed in the Duke's Mansion all day.

"Xiao Langjun, why are you so excited!"

Li Feng glanced at Li Yanran, also a little confused.

"Am I excited? You saw it wrong!"

Li Yanran ignored Li Feng and dove into the crowd.

"Xiao Langjun, wait for me!"

Li Feng hurriedly chased after him.

"Mom, you have so many dishes here!"

Li Yanran ran to a vegetable stall and smiled looking at the dazzling array of vegetables and fruits.

"This young gentleman, I am not bragging. Among the three villages and five li, I, Huang Sanniang, am the most complete vegetable seller."

Hearing Li Yanran's words, Huang Sanniang also smiled.

This child is really beautiful. Although he is dressed in sackcloth, he will definitely be a handsome youngster when he grows up.

"Well, Huang Sanniang, since you are the one who sells vegetables here, do you have any bitter gourds and onions?"

After hearing what the other party said, Li Yanran also told her the purpose of her visit.

"Bitter melon? Onion? What is it?"

Huang Sanniang was stunned. She had never heard of what Li Yanran said, let alone seeing it.

What bitter gourd, what onions.

It's all about what!

“Bitter melon is like this, it’s lumpy and has a bitter taste, but when stir-fried with other vegetables, it won’t let other things contaminate the taste.

Onions are about the size of a fist, yellow and purple, and can be peeled off layer by layer. The taste is very spicy to the eyes. "

Li Yanran also frowned. He really couldn't describe this thing, so he could only tell the taste and general description.

"Onions should be referred to as shallots, which have a pungent taste but also a hint of sweetness.

Bitter melon is a gentleman's dish. It tastes bitter and is not easy to swallow. "

After listening to Li Yanran's explanation, Huang Sanniang understood.

"Yes, yes, these two vegetables, do you have them here?"

Li Yanran took a look at Huang Sanniang. Since what she said was correct, she should have come to the right place.

"Xiao Langjun, these things are rare items. If you want this, you can only go to that Hu Shang's shop to buy it!"

Huang Sanniang shook her head. She had heard of these two things, but she really wanted to buy them. They were indeed not available here.

First of all, these are rare items and expensive. I am taking the civilian route here, and I can't sell them when I come here.

Secondly, the taste of this thing is too strange. It is not an ordinary vegetable at all. Let alone buying it, no one will eat it as a gift.

"Hu Shang's shop? Where is it?" Li Yanran's eyes flashed with excitement. What she was most worried about now was that she didn't have this thing.

Since there is, it’s easy to handle.

"Just walk straight along this street, turn right at the end, and that's the biggest store!"

"Thank you Huang Sanniang!"

Li Yanran saluted Huang Sanniang and was about to leave.

"Xiao Langjun, wait a moment!"

"Huang Sanniang, is there anything else?"

Li Yanran was stopped and her mind was full of doubts.

"Xiao Langjun, let's not talk about the taste of the two vegetables you mentioned, but the price is not cheap.

If necessary, just pick a few items from my stall and I will give you a cheaper price, Sanniang. "

Huang Sanniang looked Li Yanran up and down again. If you wear this dress, let alone whether you can buy it, you may not even be able to get in through that door.

"Thank you Sanniang, I know, I will accept this cucumber!"

Li Yanran casually grabbed a cucumber and walked towards the Hu store she mentioned.

"This? Sanniang, you are too generous!"

Seeing the cucumber being taken away by Li Yanran, the people next to the vegetable shopping woman were also stunned for a moment.

"Children can eat whatever they like, it's not worth the money!"

Huang Sanniang also smiled. It was just a cucumber, she could afford it.

Besides, this kid is so cute, what's wrong with eating a cucumber?
  "How about giving me one as well? I think this cucumber is very juicy. I'd like to eat it cold when I get home!"

The woman also smiled, grabbed the cucumber and stuffed it into her vegetable basket.

"That's all, just treat it as going back to your tigers to eat."

Huang Sanniang smiled awkwardly and waved her hand.

At this moment, ten copper coins were placed in front of Huang Sanniang.

"Xiao Langjun, what do you want to order?"

Looking at the copper coins, Huang Sanniang was also stunned and quickly asked the other party what he wanted.

"It was my little brother's fault just now. These ten dollars can be used to buy those two cucumbers!"

Li Feng smiled and chased after Li Yanran directly.

"Xiao Langjun, Xiao Langjun, you can't use that much, you can't use it!"

Looking at Li Feng's back, Huang Sanniang also shouted to him.

"Huang Sanniang, stop shouting. Since someone is paying, I'm taking two cucumbers. It's not too much!"

The same woman just now picked up two more cucumbers and put them in the vegetable basket, and then ran away.


Huang Sanniang shook her head and started selling her own vegetables again.

Strange things happen every year, especially this year.

A cucumber costs ten cents, so I think I still made a profit.

Li Yanran trotted all the way, and was stunned after turning the corner.

"Xiao Xiaolangjun, what's wrong?"

Seeing Li Yanran stop, he also chased after her.

"What a big shop!"

"Yes, it's really big!"

The two of them looked at the Hu Pu in front of them and let out a sigh of admiration.

Compared with the West Market in Chang'an, this Hu merchant's shop is completely different.

Big. Simply too big.

If this shop were in Chang'an, how much would it be worth?

"Hey, hey, you two!"


When she heard someone calling her, Li Yanran looked at Li Feng and asked the other person.

"Well, that's you. This is not the place you should be. The vegetable market is on the left. Don't block our customers here!"

The doorman waved his hand at Li Yanran, signaling the two of them to leave quickly.

"you wanna die!"

It's okay to insult yourself, but it's not okay to insult Li Yanran.

Li Yanran directly grabbed Li Feng's clothes and pulled him aside.

"That's right!"

It happened that a carriage was approaching, and the doorman would rush over to greet it.

"Wang Yuanwai, you are here, let me help you down."

"Xiao Langjun, this guy is so contemptuous of others, he makes me so angry!"

Seeing the disciple's face-changing skill, Li Feng also spat, his eyes full of anger.

"Stop talking, you guys are taking it lightly. Last time, I was scolded and slapped in the mouth just because I stood in front of their door for a while longer!"

"Ah San is a bad guy to begin with. The shopkeeper may not look like a bastard, but he is very powerful. I heard that Wang Laosan, the tofu seller, was forced to death by him."

"Well, I've heard about it too. It's not just Wang Laosan, you know that Lao Gu who makes Hu cakes.

I heard that his daughter-in-law was abducted by the shopkeeper, and then Lao Gu went to find an explanation and even lost her legs. "

Listening to the words of the people around her, Li Yanran also frowned. She really didn't expect that a small shop could be so dirty.

"Then no one will care?"

Looking to the side, Li Yanran also asked in a low voice.

"Control? Why do you care? There are people above this guy, otherwise the industry wouldn't be able to be as big as it is!"

"Hey, we have no choice but to hope that God will take care of this evil man."

"It's difficult. As the saying goes, a good man will never pay for his life, but the harm will last for thousands of years. It's hard for this guy to die."

After listening to everyone's words, Li Yanran suddenly laughed.

"Then what should we do now? Do we want to enter this barbarian shop again?"

Seeing Li Yanran smiling, Li Feng was also stunned for a moment.

He really didn't expect Li Yanran to have such a good temper. Is this because she has changed her gender?

If it had been before, he would have stopped him, otherwise the doorman would have been beaten to death.

"Come in, why don't you come in? They are slaves and evil masters. Since God won't accept them, I will help collect some interest first."

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