My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 766 This little money is not enough!

Chapter 766 This little money is not enough!

This time Batu Haran was also dumbfounded. He knew that he was suave and it was normal for some people to dislike him.

If this is the case, even if Dou Zheng comes forward, he will still receive this beating.

A good man doesn't want to suffer the immediate consequences, and he doesn't want to suffer that kind of punishment.

"If you think about it, just tell me, otherwise don't blame me for handling it impartially!"

After Lin Qi said that, he threw up his sleeves and walked out.

"Is everything clear?"

Glancing at the corps commander Xue Dan who was approaching, Lin Qi also asked.

“I figured it out, it was Ah San who bullied the children and even committed murder in public, but he was saved by others.

Immediately afterwards, the other party became angry and gathered the guys from Hu Pu to commit the murder. "

Xue Dan directly told all the information he had collected, and then looked hard at Hu Pu's plaque.


"The people around me can all testify, and this Hu businessman has always had a bad reputation, so he can't be wrong!"

Xue Dan nodded.

"Who is Asan!"

Ah San also shuddered when he heard his name being called, and responded with a trembling voice.

"You're quite capable, and you actually dare to commit murder on the street."

As soon as Lin Qi finished speaking, Batu Haran rushed out from behind and raised his hand to hit him hard.

This slap immediately stunned Ah San.

No, shopkeeper, did you hit the wrong person? I am your job.

Why are you slapping me? Silly?

"You humiliate children on the street. Have you forgotten all the things I have always taught you about being kind to guests and kind to others?"

After glaring at Ah San, Batu Haran also shouted at him.

"I didn't. It was him who tricked me. I didn't touch him at all and he fell down on his own!"

Before Asan finished speaking, Batu Haran slapped him again.

"You still dare to talk back, please apologize to this young gentleman!"

Ah San covered her face with tears in her eyes.

He didn't mess with anyone, he didn't touch Li Yanran in the first place, he did it himself.

After receiving a beating, he had to turn around and apologize to him.

In the Tang Dynasty, is there any royal law or law?

Is this child a relative of yours?

If it were you, you would have told me earlier, and now you come over and slap me.

Seeing that Asan still didn't apologize, Batu Haran slapped him again.

"I apologize, I apologize, I'm sorry, it was all my recklessness, I shouldn't have been like that!"

After three slaps, Ah San became honest in an instant.

Although he didn't know why Batu Haran was like this, he knew that he was going to be in trouble today.

He quickly showed a smile that was uglier than crying and apologized to Li Yanran.

"Chief Lin, you see, this is all a misunderstanding in the final analysis. Now that Qian Ye has fallen, let everyone disperse!"

Batu Haran smiled at Lin Qi, which means I have done everything I should do, and it is your turn next.

"Okay, now that the misunderstanding has been resolved, let's all disperse."

Lin Qi glanced at Batu Haran. This guy was a ruthless man, and he was not at all hesitant about attacking his own people.

He waved his hand and signaled all the people around him to disperse.

"What the hell, isn't this bad!"

Glancing at Lin Qi, Xue Dan was also stunned, and hurriedly came to his side and whispered.

"Do you think I think about it? Don't worry about it, I have my own discretion in this matter!"

Lin Qi was also depressed. He didn't want to take the blame for this matter, so he could only find a way to make the big thing smaller and make it a smaller thing.

This Batu Haran is almost beating people into pig heads, and it's time for him to give him a push.

If we really pushed these people back, wouldn't we be just waiting for Dou Zheng to slap him in the mouth?


Xue Dan knew that Lin Qi had always been fair, and now it seemed that there was someone behind Hu Shang.

"Should I accept your apology?"

Just when Wu Hou was driving the people away, Li Yanran quit.

You have worked so hard to do these things, and you just want to send me away with just an apology?
  Then my acting skills just now were in vain.

Besides, I'm here just to make trouble. If you want to make peace now, you have to see if you have the ability.

Hearing that Li Yanran still didn't accept it, Ah San really wanted to kill someone.

Now I am the one who is wronged, and I am also the one who is being beaten.

I have already apologized to you, why do you disagree.

"Chief Lin, look at this!"

Batu Haran frowned and looked at Lin Qi aside.

"Baby, how can you accept it?
  Although the cause is that Ah San, it's not good for the person behind you to hit someone, don't make it difficult for me! "

Lin Qi also frowned. He really didn't expect it to be like this, and the little baby Li Yanran still didn't agree.

Although you were pushed, the man behind you was beaten by seven or eight other guys.

Besides, Ah San’s head is about to be beaten into a pig’s head, so why should he be angry?

"Lin Shichang, right? First of all, he acted bravely and did not commit murder on the street. Don't change your mind.

Secondly, he pushed me over and sent so many people to attack me. It’s not too much to ask for medical expenses and mental damages! "

Li Yanran rolled her eyes at Lin Qi, "Your rhetoric is just to scare ordinary people, it's useless to me."

We are a rich man, how can we live up to this status if we don't make him bankrupt?

"You're right, everyone has been bullied by you, and they should pay for their medical expenses!"

"That's right, if this little brother hadn't taken action, what would have happened to the baby? If Marquis Wu dares to arrest someone, I will file a complaint with Fu Yin!"

"Well, we are a country ruled by law in the Tang Dynasty. If anyone dares to confuse right and wrong, I will not agree!"

The people around him also spoke together to support Li Yanran's statement.

"You've seen this Batu Haran, why don't you hurry up and pay for his medical expenses!" Lin Qi frowned when he heard the people's words. How unwelcome this Batu Haran is.

I've seen people push the wall down, but I've never seen it pushed like this.

"Isn't it just money? Just tell me how much you want!"

Batu Haran was also stunned for a moment, and then asked Li Yanran coldly.

In the current scene, let alone Lin Qi, even if Dou Zheng was here, he would still have to bite the bullet and pay for it.

"I'm just an ordinary citizen, and I don't have much knowledge. Just pay me this amount!"

Li Yanran smiled and pointed her finger directly at Batu Haran.

"It's always money, you really dare to open your mouth, but I, Batu Haran, am a generous man, come with the money!"

Batu Haran sneered and saw no money at all.

Money may be a lot to ordinary people, but to him it is just a drop in the bucket.

If you give it, treat it as a beggar.

Soon a waiter came out with a lot of money and threw it in front of Li Yanran.

"Take the money and leave quickly, don't affect my business!"

Batu Haran glanced at Li Yanran again, turned around and walked inside.


Li Feng really wants to give him a slap in the face now. Who gave you the courage to be so arrogant in front of the Princess of Tang Dynasty.

If he hadn't been afraid of exposing his identity, he would have knocked the person down long ago.

"Did I say it's always money?"

Li Yanran picked up the money, weighed it, and whispered to Batu Haran's back.

"Then what do you mean? Do you still dare to ask me for ten dollars?
  You little brat, who gave you the courage to openly blackmail people here! "

Batu Haran turned around, his eyes full of anger.

He had already suppressed himself very much. Not only did he slap the ears of his three assistants, but he also took out the money.

Do you still dare to make noise here?

I really thought I was made of clay.

"I don't dare to blackmail people. It's all done by people like you. I said I only want medical expenses and mental damages!"

Li Yanran's face was full of smiles.

If ten guan of money is considered blackmail, then it is too little.

"Chief Lin, I have given in again and again, retreated again and again.

Now he wants to ask me for ten dollars. Do you not care about this? "

Batu Haran didn't dare to look at Li Yanran because he was afraid that he could not help but strangle this kid to death.

"Baby, you always have a lot of money, so just accept it when you see it.

I see you weren't injured at all, take it back to supplement your family income! "

Lin Qi was also depressed. He originally thought that the money would be fine, but who would have thought that Li Yanran would still be reluctant to give up.

The other party's clothes don't look like a rich kid, so just take the money and go home quickly.

“Although I was not physically injured, my heart and spirit were greatly hurt.

From today on, I will probably have nightmares every day, and if I don’t sleep well, I will be in poor health.

When the time comes, if I become ill from worry and die, this amount of money will not be enough to buy a life! "

Li Yanran glanced at Lin Qi. She knew that there must be someone behind such a big store, and the other party would be in trouble.

But now that the matter has come to this, she can only embarrass the other party.

"What you said is quite strange!"

Lin Qi was also shocked at this time. He really didn't expect the other party's explanation to be so refreshing and refined.

There was no injury at all, and he risked his life.

High, really high.

"Huan Qingqi? He is clearly a scoundrel.

How can there be any such thing? Do you really think there is no king's law?
  Chief Lin, I want to report to the official, but they are blackmailing me! "

Batu Haran almost exploded on the spot, Lin Qi, what kind of brain do you have.

Is this still strange? Qingqi, you ghost.

If this is not blackmail, then how can it be considered blackmail.

He doesn't understand.

"It's no exaggeration to say that this child was frightened. You're good enough, so give it to me!"

Lin Qi also glanced at Batu Haran and asked him to pay him quickly.

"Impossible, I will never accept blackmail!"

Batu Haran immediately became angry and looked at Li Yanran with wide eyes.

“Then I can only enforce the law impartially and bring everyone back.

If you have any questions, go to the lobby and confront them! "

Lin Qi was also a bit confused.

Naturally, it was impossible for him to do anything to Li Yanran. After all, there were so many people who believed that profiteers were unscrupulous.

If he uses his identity to suppress Li Yanran, he will inevitably cause a scandal.

So we can only use our brains from Batu Haran.

Anyway, the other party is not short of money, there is no difference between ten consistent and consistent.

"Okay, I'll give it, and then go get the nine strings of money!"

Batu Haran glared at Lin Qi and asked Yu to get the money. At the same time, he made a mental note.

Wait until night, no matter what, I will go to Dou Zheng and file a complaint.

Otherwise, he really wouldn't be able to express his bad breath.

Soon another guy came over with nine dollars and threw it in front of Li Yanran again.

"Okay now, take the money and leave!"

Batu Haran's eyes were full of anger. If Lin Qi hadn't been there, Li Yanran might have been beaten to death by him by now.

"This little money is not enough!"

(End of this chapter)

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