My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 767: Saving one life is better than building a 1-level pagoda, so just build a pagoda!

Li Yanran shook her finger and replied to Batu Haran again.

"Chief Lin, look, it's not that I'm uncompromising, it's that she's greedy. He's relying on me!"

Batu Haran jumped up immediately. He really wanted to strangle the person to death.

Ten coins are not enough, this is enough to buy you a few lives.

Do you really think that I am a clay Bodhisattva who can be squeezed as much as I want?

"Take this baby as soon as you see fit! These ten coins are enough to buy a thousand bushels of grain.

Don't mess around anymore, otherwise if you really go to court, you still have to wonder whether you can get the ten coins! "

Lin Qi was also embarrassed. He really didn't understand.

That's ten thousand dollars, ten thousand dollars.

If you buy rice, it will be enough to feed your whole family for several years.

Isn’t that enough? Does she have no idea about money?
  "It's not enough. If ten coins can buy a life, how about I also pay ten coins to buy this fat man's life?"

Li Yanran still shook her head, ten dollars was enough for ordinary people.

But since my status is different, this money is really not enough.

"Buy my life? Then I'd like to hear it. How much do you think is appropriate?"

Batu Haran rushed directly to Li Yanran, his eyes already bloodshot.

Shi Guan wants to buy my life, am I so cheap?

"Buddha says that saving one life is better than building a seven-level pagoda. How much does it cost to build a seven-level pagoda?"

Li Yanran looked at Li Feng aside.

"If you want to build a seven-level pagoda, you will need at least a thousand taels of gold!"

Li Feng smiled, the young lady is really a talent.

Why did he end up here? It really opened his eyes.

"I'm so special!"

Hearing Li Feng's chat, Batu Haran ran away and rushed towards Li Yanran.

"What do you want?"

Lin Qi immediately stood in front of Li Yanran. There was no way he could watch the other party attack a child with his own eyes.

Moreover, Li Yanran is not an ordinary civilian child in terms of conversation and knowledge. Maybe this is the son of a certain family.

If something went wrong in front of him, he would have to live with it.

"What do I want to do? I want to tear his mouth apart.

He is so vicious and evil at a young age, and he will definitely become a disaster when he grows up.

If I don't let him remember it now, I don't know what will happen in the future! "

Batu Haran stared, he really couldn't help it.

Li Yanran's mouth was like a knife, and his heart trembled every time he spoke.

Now that he has even uttered the most sage maxims of Buddhism, if he continues, his shop will not be enough for him to pay off his debts.

"Take them all away!"

Lin Qi glanced at Li Yanran behind him depressedly, and directly ordered Wu Hou to capture everyone.

“It’s understandable that you detained him, after all, he is a murderer and a thug.

Isn't it a bit unjustifiable to arrest me as a victim? "

Looking at Wu Hou surrounding her, Li Yanran also frowned.

"I'm not going to arrest you. Don't you want to claim compensation? Let's go to the court together to find a verdict from the Henan Governor!"

Lin Qi shook his head. Li Yanran was really sharp-tongued and could elevate a small matter in just a few sentences.

If you weren't here, they would have chopped it up for you.

"You can let me go, but I have to send someone to inform my family!"

Li Yanran also smiled when she heard that she was going to court for sentencing.

She originally wanted to make a big fuss about this matter, so as to frighten the snake by cutting grass.

If everything is done in a daze, how can I catch the big fish?

"Well, you can send someone back to inform us!"

Lin Qi nodded, "You're a kid? You can just inform the adults at home to come over."

He was so provincial that he didn't know how to measure, and he didn't know how to advance or retreat.

In his opinion, ten strings are really a lot.

Li Yanran called Li Feng and whispered a few words in his ear, and the other party nodded and left directly.

"I won't go, I don't want to go to court!"

Li Yanran agreed, but Batu Haran was not calm anymore.

People just said that he had to be punished in the past, and he didn't want to suffer the physical pain.

"It's okay if you don't go to court. Then you'll pay him a seven-level pagoda and one thousand taels of gold!"

Lin Qi was depressed. He really couldn't control this matter.

The special meow is so scary, I’d better leave it to Henan Fuyin to scratch his head.

Even if Dou Zheng was making things difficult for him, he wouldn't dare to mess with it, it was too difficult to handle.

"Stop talking, I'll go with you!"

When he heard that the other party wanted a thousand taels of gold, Batu Haran immediately gave up.

A businessman pursues profit, and he will grit his teeth for ten taels of gold. A thousand taels of gold is no different than cutting off flesh.

The worst thing he could do was get a beating. All he had to do was remember who did it and then find Dou Zheng to settle the matter.

Revenge of those who have revenge, and revenge of those who have grievances.

None of them can escape.

"Take it all away!"

Lin Qi waved his hand, and the Wu Hous also led people to disperse the crowd and headed towards Fuyin Yamen.

After putting the person in prison, Lin Qi immediately reported to Henan Prefect Luo Zhengfang.

He had known about Batu Haran before, but now that he was sent to prison, he was scratching his head a little.

Although he was Dou Zheng's boss on the surface, the Dou family was a well-known family, so even he had to give him some face.

Therefore, he also ordered that his case be put on hold for the time being, and he would deal with it after discussing it with Dou Zheng.

Li Feng rushed into Lan Kwai Fong without looking back.

"Brother, what kind of wind brings you here!"

Seeing Li Feng's figure, Li Qing ran over quickly.

"Where is Li Siwen? I have something urgent!"

Glancing at Li Qing, Li Feng directly asked about Li Siwen's whereabouts.

"Young Master Yuan asked me to go out for a drink!" Li Qing was stunned, wondering why Li Feng was looking for Li Siwen.

"He actually went drinking right now? Which restaurant?"

Li Feng almost burst into tears when he heard that Li Siwen was going to drink.

Isn’t it said that the tongue is bad? How can I have the dignity to drink?

"In Zuixianglou!"

As soon as Li Qing finished speaking, Li Feng rushed out, leaving Li Qing at a loss.

Li Feng thought for a moment and did not go to Li Siwen. Instead, he went home and met with Di Renjie.

"What? His Highness was actually taken to prison? Li Feng, how did you become a guard!"

When he heard that Li Yanran had been arrested, Di Renjie became angry on the spot.

"This is Miss's own idea, I can't stop it!"

Facing Di Renjie's scolding, Li Feng also felt a little aggrieved.

It's not like he didn't stop her, but who could stop Li Yanran's temper.

"If I can't stop you, won't you force yourself to do it? Your Highness is really reckless. He's just a businessman. Is this the case?"

Di Renjie was also depressed. Li Yanran really had nothing to say with his temper.

Call him reckless, but she has never suffered a loss.

You could say that he is cautious. He thinks about it all day long.

He has really never seen such a master.

"You should hurry up and make up your mind about what to do next!"

Li Feng stood aside, his eyes full of anxiety.

"His Highness wants to undermine Luoyang's officialdom, deliberately making this matter bigger, and then alerting the people behind Hu Shang to jump out on their own.

You go find Li Siwen and ask him to come back quickly. "

Di Renjie naturally understands what Li Yanran wants to do. Although you are doing it for the people, the world is inherently unfair, so how much can you control.

Collusion between officials and businessmen has existed since ancient times. Fan Li of Yue State, Guan Zhong of Qi State, and Lu Buwei, a rare commodity.

Which one is not the best among them.

If we want to completely curb this kind of thing, we must deal with it from the root.

Otherwise, it will be like a wildfire that will never burn out but will be rekindled by the spring breeze.

"I'll go right away!"

Li Feng turned around and ran out.

"Wait, let me go with you!"

Di Renjie thought for a moment, and then got into the carriage with Li Feng and ran towards Zuixiang Tower.

"Where is Mr. Li Siwen!"

After entering the door, Li Feng directly picked up the boy's collar and stared at him asking about Li Siwen's whereabouts.

"The young man is in the second private room on the second floor."

After hearing the exact location, Li Feng abandoned the man and climbed up to the second floor.


The two guards outside the private room saw Li Feng coming and immediately stepped forward to stop him.

"Go away!"

Li Feng's eyes widened and he shouted at the two of them.

"What? Boy, I think you don't want to live anymore!"

One of the guards also gave the other party a disdainful look, "How dare you tell me to get lost."

Little Douya, do you really think you are someone?

Li Feng punched the man directly on the nose, then kicked him away.

"court death!"

The remaining man was also angry. He raised his fists and rushed towards Li Feng, but was bumped by Li Feng's shoulder and was sent flying out.

"what sound?"

Yuan Tianze frowned, what's going on outside?

With a loud noise, the two figures crashed through the door of the box and fell in front of them.

"Who is so bold as to disturb the young master's pleasure?"

Seeing the situation in front of him, Yuan Tianze also slapped the table and stood up.

"Li Siwen!"

Li Feng took a breath and shouted at Li Siwen.

Li Siwen was a little confused after drinking, but he opened his eyes when he heard someone calling him.

Seeing Li Feng's appearance clearly, he also shivered and broke into a cold sweat.

Now that Li Feng is here, there must be something big going on.

"Who do you think you are? You dare to call Special Envoy Li by his first name? Do you want to die?"

Hearing that the other party dared to call Li Siwen by his first name, Yuan Tianze also shouted angrily at Li Feng.

"Do you want to die?"

Li Siwen slapped Yuan Tianze on the head.

"Envoy Li, what do you mean?"

Yuan Tianze was stunned by this palm. What is going on?
  Li Siwen, did you hit the wrong person?
  "What do you mean? Think about it yourself!"

After glaring at Yuan Tianze, Li Siwen stood up and walked to Li Feng's side.

"what happened?"

"Let's go first!"


The two chatted privately for a few words, then left with their arms folded, leaving Yuan Tianze covering his head in confusion.

Where is all this? Who did I provoke?

"Xiao Langjun, you have to make the decision for us!"

"Yes, avenge us!"

The two guards crawled to Yuan Tianze's side with sad faces, their faces full of misery.

"I'll repay you for being so big-headed. You usually think you're invincible, but you were beaten by a young man. Get out of here!"

Yuan Tianze was depressed. When he heard what these two said, he slapped each of them.



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