My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 768 The wild goose plucking Li Siwen!

The two of them also looked at each other and saw Yuan Tianze's anger. They didn't dare to stay and ran away.

At the same time, the two of them secretly made up their minds that next time, if they meet Li Feng again, they will definitely give him a good look.

"What the hell?"

Yuan Tianze poured a glass of wine and drank it in one gulp, his eyes full of unwillingness.

You must know that there are too many people in Luoyang who want to date Li Siwen, but he has spent a lot of effort to date them.

I originally thought about asking the other party to help introduce me to see if I could find a job.

Now it's good. We just finished filling the people, but before we even started talking, the people were gone.

Really meow's bad luck.

"Wait for me first!"

After reaching the door, Li Siwen also paused and called the boy over.

"This is not good!"

After hearing this, the boy was completely stunned.

What on earth did Li Siwen do?

I've never seen anyone cheat like this.

If someone found out about you like this, I'm afraid you would go crazy.

"Don't worry, do as I say. If you can't do it, I'll skin you!"

After leaving a harsh word, Li Siwen ran directly outside, leaving the boy standing there in a daze.

After drinking, Yuan Tianze also threw the table away, his eyes full of anger.

As soon as he reached the door, he was stopped by the boy.

"What are you doing? I paid you, sir!"

Yuan Tianze was stunned for a moment, not knowing what the other party meant.

"Young Master, you did pay, but the payment was for the banquet, and you haven't paid for the door to the box yet!"

The boy smiled and said what he meant.

"Did I destroy the door? Who did you go to find me?"

It's okay if I don't mention this, but when I mention Yuan Tianze, I explode instantly.

No matter what, I didn't want to destroy the box. If Li Feng hadn't suddenly appeared, would I have been so aggrieved?
  Now you want compensation from me, and I will compensate you.

"Xiao Langjun, if this is the case, then I can only go to Li Xiaolangjun to ask for compensation!"

The boy also sneered and replied to Yuan Tianze.


Hearing the boy's words, Yuan Tianze was like a deflated rubber ball, a little stupid.

"How much, tell me!"

If he offends Li Siwen again because of this, he will be a pure fool.

"Ten sticks in total!"


Hearing this number, Yuan Tianze exploded.

How much does a banquet cost? It's never been enough, but now you're asking for ten bucks from me.

"Come on, come on, tell me, is your door made of gold? For ten dollars, believe it or not, I will smash your drunken fragrance building!"

Grabbing the boy's collar, Yuan Tianze's face was filled with fury.

"Young man, it's not that the door is expensive, it's that if the door is broken, we have to repair it.

During this period, all our private rooms were booked out, so the loss was very small.

If you were not our distinguished guest, we might have to send you off now. "

The boy had already thought of his words. Ten thousand dollars, this Li Siwen was really a weirdo.

I have seen people cheating others, but I have never seen people cheating my own people.

Two doors only cost a few dozen dollars at most. You want so much.

Cruel, cruel.

"Hello, I remember you!"

Now Yuan Tianze has nothing to say, he was blackmailed by a boy, Zuixianglou, you can do it.

"Then, young man, do you want us to pick it up in cash?"

The boy was also helpless. He could still tell the difference between offending Yuan Tianze and offending Li Siwen.

"Cash money!"

After Yuan Tianze said this, he touched his waist.



Only then did he remember that all his money was on those two stupid guards, and now it was better.

I don't have any money.

"Xiao Langjun, if it's inconvenient, we can go to the house to pick it up!"

"No, I'll ask someone to send the money over right now!"

Yuan Tianze shook his head depressedly. If someone came to his home and asked for money, he would have to beat him to death.

"Xiao Langjun, this is a bit against the rules!"

"Fart, are you still afraid that I will run away? Get out of here!"

Yuan Tianze kicked the boy off his feet and walked out.

"Why do you think you provoke him? This is Yuan's little devil. He really doesn't know what to say."

"Hey, you don't know, you don't know!"

The boy also sighed and went directly to attend to other guests.

"How is Brother Li doing now?"

Li Siwen was really frightened to the point of peeing on the carriage. He just came out to have a drink, and Li Yanran was taken to jail.

This special meow has provoked someone.

"I don't know, we can't get into the prison with our status, so I came to find you immediately!"

Di Renjie shook his head. He was also nervous. After all, he was considered a subordinate.

If Li Yanran was wronged in prison, it was hard for him to imagine what the consequences would be.

When the time comes, it will be possible for the emperor to turn the entire Luoyang upside down.

"Those Wuhous in Luoyang are really serious. I will deal with this Dou Zheng sooner or later." Li Siwen also looked cold, and he even arrested Li Yanran.

This is simply outrageous fucking open the door for outrageous, outrageous home.

You don't even want to ask what kind of demon king this is. Everyone in Chang'an will avoid him when they see him.

Now you dare to hit the muzzle of the gun yourself, you are really jumping to the gate of hell to hit the Lord of Hell and move bricks.

"Stop talking, hurry up and go to Fuyin Yamen. If Luo Zhengfang is wronged by His Highness, Luoyang may be turned upside down."

Di Renjie glanced at Li Siwen, "What's the use of talking about it now? Go see someone first!"

"Well, I hope Luo Zhengfang won't do anything wrong!"

Li Siwen nodded. Luo Zhengfang had always been very polite to him since he came to Luoyang.

And the people have a good reputation for him, if he is really punished because of this incident.

It was indeed unfair.

"What? Batu Haran was taken to prison? Because of what!"

When Dou Zheng heard the news outside, he stood up from his chair instantly.

Batu Haran is a cash cow under his own control, and his barracks shop also has its own share.

If someone takes this away, he will have to take the two-sleeve breeze route again.

"It is said that a child wanted to buy something in the shop, but was pushed by a diner, which caused chaos.

But that kid was also a little shameless, and even asked Batu Haran to compensate him with a thousand taels of gold.

Then everyone was arrested and thrown into prison. "

The servant also hurriedly told everything he had received.

"This Batu Haran has left me speechless. I have long told him that Luoyang is a place of right and wrong, and asked him to restrain himself.

I tried to suppress all those wild tempers, but he just wouldn't listen.

I have wiped his butt so many times and he still shows no remorse.

Well now, things are getting serious. "

Dou Zheng was also walking back and forth in the main hall, feeling depressed.

"Alang, what are you going to do? If this matter really breaks out, it might not be good for you!"

The servant frowned, wondering what the purpose of Dou Zheng's nonsense was.

The person has been taken, what should I do?

"Of course I know, prepare your horses, I'm going to Fuyin Yamen!"


Soon Dou Zheng mounted his horse and ran towards Luo Zhengfang.

"Fu Yin, Dou Zheng joins the army to ask for an audience!"

"Dou Zheng? Let him come in!"


Soon Dou Zheng walked in quickly and saluted directly to Luo Zhengfang.

"Dou Canjun, you came at the right time.

Wu Hou Linqi just sent two groups of people, one was Hu Shang Batu Haran, and the other was a child.

How do you think this matter should be handled? "

Hearing Luo Zhengfang's words, Dou Zheng also frowned.

He knew that the other party must have known about his relationship with Batu Haran, but sooner or later these things would be known.

Besides, the officials in Luoyang City have more or less gray income.

This is not too much for me.

"Then what do you think?"

"What do I think? Since this person was sent here by your subordinates, I'd better leave it to you to take charge.

I have only one request, and that is that this matter must be fair and just, otherwise if it causes public dissatisfaction, the consequences will be disastrous! "

Luo Zhengfang could consider this a favor. After all, the Dou family was a wealthy family.

Although it is not as good as those big aristocratic families, there is still a lot of energy in Luoyang and even Luozhou.

If you really offend the other party because of this trivial matter, then the gain outweighs the loss.

"The governor is overly worried about this. We are all officials of the Tang Dynasty, and their purpose is to rule the people.

This matter is a small matter in the first place, just losing some money, don't worry! "

Dou Zheng was relieved when he heard that Luo Zhengfang left this matter to him.

Fortunately, he arrived in time, otherwise if he was really sentenced, he would have no way to save himself.

"Then I won't go. I'll leave it to Dou to join the army!"

Luo Zhengfang nodded and directly signaled the other party to do something.

Since you want to let go, then you won't participate at all, so as to avoid causing any trouble in the middle.

Dou Zheng came to the court and directly ordered people to take Li Yanran, Batu Haran and all the gang members into custody.

Looking at Dou Zheng sitting at the next table, Batu Haran also smiled, and then glared at Li Yanran next to him.

My people are already here, let’s see if your kid survives this time.

"The people in the hall are Batu Haran and Li Yan from Batu Shop?"

Glancing at the people below, Dou Zheng also shouted directly at them.

"Batu Haran, a businessman from Kazakhstan, has seen Dou joining the army."

Batu Haran hurriedly saluted Dou Zheng.

"What about you? Li Yan!"

Dou Zheng nodded and signaled the other party to be calm.

"I'm going to wait until my people come over."

Li Yanran put her hands in her pockets and didn't pay attention to Dou Zheng at all.

Although she had seen something from Nabatu Haran, this was not the time for her to show off.

"You want to wait for your people? Doesn't that mean I have to wait even if I join the army? Do you really think this public law hall is just playing house?"

Seeing Li Yanran's appearance, Dou Zheng slapped it on the table with anger in his eyes.

You are really just a child. Is it really because you are a big shot in your family?
  With this kind of clothes, I'm afraid he's just a commoner.

How shameless do you think you are to let me, a judicial officer, wait for you?
  "What? Does Dou Canjun want to bully a kid like me? Are you afraid of something?"

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