My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 769 I didn’t expect it! This girl, I will climb a tree!

Li Yanran sneered, I just said that when my people arrive, you will react like this.

Even a fool can see that there is something going on between you two.

This is just like joining the judiciary in the army, you can join the brain.

"Haha, I join the army and am busy with daily affairs, so I don't have time to play house here with you, a kid.

Batu Haran, tell me what happened! "

Dou Zheng was too lazy to argue with a kid like Li Yanran and directly asked Batu Haran to explain the situation.

"Dou Canjun, this is what happened!"

Batu Haran sneered and threw all the responsibility for the matter directly on Li Yanran's face.

"Bold Li Yan, I didn't expect that such a small child could be so bad, but since you are a child, I won't condemn you.

Batu Haran, I have ordered you to compensate him one hundred yuan as medical expenses. Are you willing to do so? "

After listening to Batu Haran's words, Dou Zheng also sneered. He also knew not to go too far in this matter.

Otherwise, not only would the people outside not be able to explain it, Luo Zhengfang would not be able to explain it either.

Isn't it just a loss of money, and a thousand taels of gold.

I'm afraid you were drunk when you came out.

"What a collusion and collusion. I said before why Batu Haran is so arrogant. It turns out it's because of the big tree that made Dou Zheng join the army!"

Li Yanran sneered back again. If it was just a guess just now, she can now confirm it [-]%.

Behind Batu Haran is Dou Zheng, the Luoyang Sima who joined the army.

"Li Yan, do you really think that just because you are a child, you can speak freely and act arbitrarily?

Do you really think that I would not dare to deal with you if I join the army? Come on, slap me! "

Hearing Li Yanran's words, Dou Zheng immediately became furious.

You little brat really doesn’t have any scruples about what you say. You don’t have an adult to discipline you, do you?

Then don't blame me for taking care of you for your parents.

"Palm palm mouth?"

Hearing Dou Zheng's words, the government servants next to him were all dumbfounded.

This is still a child, how can you do this?

If the slap and mouth punishment continues, the child's handsome face will be ruined.

Li Yanran was also stunned for a moment and took a step back.

She thought about confronting him in court, but she didn't expect that the other party would be so cruel to a child like her.

"Why are you standing there in a daze? You're so stern."

Dou Zheng slapped the table and shouted angrily at the government servant next to him.

The yamen servant also sighed and walked directly towards Li Yanran.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Li Yanran would not sit still and wait for death. The hero did not suffer the immediate loss, so he just ran away.

"Catch him for me!"

Seeing Li Yanran running away, Dou Zheng's eyes instantly turned red.

If Li Yanran ran away, how could he have the dignity to sit in this court?


Several government officials looked at each other and took steps to chase after Li Yanran.

Li Yanran is not big, but her legs and feet are nimble. In addition, those government officials deliberately let off steam, so there is really nothing they can do against her.

For a time, the entire Yamen was in a state of panic, and Li Yanran was forced to have no other choice. She glanced at the big tree in front of her and climbed up with three clicks.

Seeing Li Yanran climbing up the tree, all the government officials were dumbfounded.

What should I do?

"you come down!"

"you come up!"

Li Yanran also sneered and asked me to go down?

What am I going to do down here? Do you want to slap your mouth?

Stupid not stupid!

Dou Zheng also walked out. Seeing that so many people could not catch Li Yanran's child, he also kicked the government servant next to him.

"A bunch of trash, catch him!"


The government officials also shuddered and hurriedly started to climb up the tree.

Seeing them coming up, Li Yanran climbed up again along the trunk.

Now if she was caught, she would lose all her money.

Damn Li Feng, damn Li Siwen, what are you doing?

If you don't come again, this girl will be beaten to death.

"You come down, you can't climb anymore!"

Seeing Li Yanran climbing up again, the government officials were frightened.

If something goes wrong with this special meow and falls from the tree, the entire yamen will be in trouble.

"Dou Canjun, why don't you let the child go? If he continues to crawl like this, there will be big problems."

The head catcher Fang Hai frowned and spoke to Dou Zheng beside him.

"It's not my fault if he falls to death, it's his own fault!"

Dou Zheng obviously doesn't want to let Li Yanran go. If he doesn't take care of this kid today, how will he be able to hang out in Luoyang in the future.


Fang Hai is really anxious to death. He fell to his death. You have no problem.

You are from a wealthy family, and you are a member of the judicial army.

If something happens, you won't have anything to lose, but we will lose our jobs.

"No but, if I join the army, I don't want to do it again! Don't forget who you belong to!"

"Go up the tree and catch people!"


The government officials gritted their teeth and chased after Li Yanran.

Just as they were hurriedly arresting people, Li Siwen's carriage also stopped at the door of the Yamen.

After slowly getting off the carriage, Li Siwen also straightened his clothes, his eyes full of coldness.

If they dared to touch a hair of Li Yanran, he would definitely use the privileges of the special envoy and imperial envoy to kill them all.

"What's the ink stain on? Come in quickly!"

Li Feng also kicked Li Siwen on the butt.

How long has it been and you are still there? If his young lady was wronged in the slightest, he would never spare anyone in this yamen, including Li Siwen.

"Oh oh oh!"

Li Siwen covered his butt in depression, raised his feet and stepped in.

"What are you doing?"

Seeing the panicked government officials, Li Siwen grabbed one directly.

"Stop talking. Today, Dou Shengjun, the head of the class, wanted to slap a child's mouth. The child was so scared that he immediately jumped up the tree!"


Li Siwen was stunned when he heard this. Li Feng couldn't wait any longer and ran straight past the government officials.

"No, who are you?"

The yamen servant was confused when he came back to his senses. Who is this person? Why haven't I seen it myself?

"I am your uncle!"

Li Siwen also cursed and ran over after Li Feng.

"Be careful, be careful, this tree is going to break!"

"Stop fucking someone else, I can't hold it anymore!"

"Then kid, get down quickly, or I'll throw you to death!"

A group of people surrounded the tree. Several government officials had already climbed onto the tree, and Li Yanran also climbed to the highest point, grabbing the branches and swaying in the wind.

"Get out of here!"

Li Siwen took one look at Li Yanran's condition and was so frightened that he almost peed.

This Li Yanran was too desperate. If she fell, she couldn't even imagine it.

"Who are you talking about? Get out of here!"

The yamen officer glanced at Li Siwen and told him to get out of here.

If someone falls, everyone has to finish the game.

"My special pet is your uncle."

Li Siwen slapped him across the face, and the officer was instantly stunned. Then he was about to draw the knife, but was kicked away by Li Feng.


Seeing what was happening behind them, the government officials quickly turned around and glared at Li Siwen.

If the yamen servant didn't know Li Siwen, how could Dou Zheng know him?

Seeing the other party's appearance clearly, he ran over quickly.

"Get out of here."

"Special Envoy Li Li, why are you here!"

After looking at Dou Zheng, Li Siwen also looked at him coldly.

He heard clearly what the yamen officer said just now, and he dared to slap my brother Li in the mouth.

You can be said to be the bravest person in the dynasty. Even His Majesty the Emperor dare not touch anyone's hair.

If you keep using that mouth, a lot of people will die.

"Brother, you are finally here!"

Seeing the crowd below disperse and Li Siwen walking out, Li Yanran also breathed a sigh of relief.


Everyone below was dumbfounded by the title Li Yanran, especially Dou Zheng.

No one expected that this child turned out to be Li Siwen's younger brother. This was too dramatic.

"Li Yan, come down here quickly. If anything happens, my brother will make the decision for you!"

Li Siwen glanced at the people around him and replied to Li Yanran in the tree.

The most important thing now is Li Yanran's safety. As for those bastards, we can't deal with them too much.


Li Yanran smiled, luckily she was very good, and she had learned some life tips like making a tree in Lishan Mountain.

Otherwise, I would have finished here today.

Seeing Li Yanran land safely, Li Siwen's heart dropped into his stomach.

It really scared him to death.

"Special Envoy Li, I really didn't know that this young man was actually a relative of yours.

I had felt before that he was handsome, handsome, and mighty, and he was indeed a general! "

Dou Zheng was really shaking all over now and his mind was blank.

Just now, I had to slap someone. If the other person hadn't run fast, the consequences would have been disastrous.

so far so good.

It's not too late to make up for it.

"General? I'll beat you!"

Li Siwen raised his hand and slapped Dou Zheng on the face.


Dou Zheng covered his face. He really didn't expect that Li Siwen would be so disrespectful to him.

Good or bad, you are also a Luoyang judicial officer, and you do it in public.

I really don’t think of myself as a human being.

"Special Envoy Li, why did you hit me? Is it because the other person is your relative?"

"Why hit you?

Not to mention that he is my younger brother, but the laws of the Tang Dynasty also stipulate that children under the age of fifteen are not allowed to be tried by torture.

And my brother seems to be the victim. If you didn’t slap Batu Haran’s mouth, why would you slap my brother’s mouth?

Is it just because my brother is young that he can be bullied at will without adults around? "

After Li Siwen finished speaking, he slapped him again.

If you dare to touch my brother Li, he will be forced to climb a tree. If I, the younger brother, don't give him a chance to regain his place.

From now on, Li Yanran must not torture him to death.

"Special Envoy Li, even if I am wrong, I shouldn't be like this."

Dou Zheng was stunned for a moment, then let it go, are you still coming?

This is really treating yourself as a soft persimmon.

"Is this so? Come on, give me a slap in the face, twenty slaps!"

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