My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 770 It’s not too much to kill the whole family if you despise the imperial power!

Li Siwen didn't take Dou Zheng seriously at all. He was just a small judicial officer joining the army. Did he really think he was some kind of big-tailed wolf?

What's wrong with slapping you? You deserve to be slapped to death.

"Li Siwen, you are going too far. It is true that you are a special envoy, but I am also a Luoyang judicial officer.

If you want to slap my mouth, you don't have the right yet. "

Dou Zheng was furious when he heard that the other party wanted to slap his mouth.

You are also a seventh-rank official, good or bad. Although you are the emperor's special envoy, you still have no rank.

A person with no character also wants to punish himself?

He really takes himself too seriously.

"Don't have this right? This special envoy has submitted an imperial order and has the right to kill Luoyang and surrounding prefectures and counties before reporting.

I just beheaded a county lieutenant in Jicheng two days ago, and there aren't many people like you, a little judicial officer, joining the army. "


Seeing that Dou Zheng dared to talk back, Li Siwen directly ordered the people around him to take action.

I just killed a Jucheng county captain, and I don't care if one of you joins the army as a judicial officer.

"Who dares to touch me? I am a member of the Luoyang Judicial Army. If you dare to touch me, you will bear the consequences!"

Dou Zheng glanced at the government officials, his eyes full of disdain.

Even these people don't dare to touch a hair of their own even if they have ten nerves.

"Special Envoy Li? This?"

The surrounding government officials all took a step back and started arguing. Although they all wanted to, no one really dared to do this.

You are all gods, but now you are affecting mortals like them.

First, Dou Zheng wanted to put a child to death, but now his eldest brother has come to restore the situation.

I was on duty today, and I was really unlucky for eight lifetimes.

"You don't dare to fight, do you? Okay, okay, do you really think I don't dare to deal with you?"

Li Siwen was angry. Dou Zheng dared to challenge him because he was confident.

A wealthy family and a member of the judiciary join the army. How dare you government servants resist?

I really thought I was a decoration.

"Special Envoy Li is under the jurisdiction of the Henan Prefecture. It is unreasonable for his subordinates to punish Shangguan."

Di Renjie knew the difficulties of those government officials, and it was not appropriate for them to do anything under the current situation.

Li Yanran, the princess of the Tang Dynasty, was so angry that she had to make some troubles.

"Well, you are right, go to the left-behind mansion immediately and ask Liu Gu to dispatch soldiers from the left-behind mansion.

Dou Zheng, today the special envoy’s words are here. If I can’t deal with you, I will take your surname! "

Seeing the proud Dou Zheng, Li Siwen was also angry in his heart.

If I can't cure you, I'd better stop working as a special envoy.

If the government officials can't afford to offend you, I will find someone who is not afraid of you.

It's just a slap in the mouth, no one can do it.


Li Feng ran backwards, jumped onto the carriage, whipped his whip and rushed out.

"When we enter the court, this special envoy wants to see how Dou Zheng joins the army to try the case!"

There is no one on hand now, and Li Siwen is too lazy to be acquainted with him. When the people from the Liuzhu Mansion come, they will have to tear his mouth out.

"I'm sorry, Special Envoy Li, this case has been closed. If nothing happens, I will still patrol the streets, so I won't accompany you!"

Dou Zheng, however, gave Li Siwen a cold look and walked away.

"Did I let you go?"

Seeing Dou Zheng trying to run away, Li Siwen also shouted at him.

"I am not your subordinate officer. You have no right to interfere with the military affairs of this army. Get out of the way!"

Now that they have broken up, Dou Zheng has nothing to be afraid of.

Anyway, I don't have any braids, so there is no need to be afraid of Li Siwen.

At worst, if he doesn't join the judiciary and join the army, what will happen?

"This special envoy said that this matter will not be over until he is over. As the chief of the deacons, you cannot leave now."

Li Siwen also grabbed the other party's sleeve, his eyes full of disdain.

"This case is over with me. If you have any objections, you can try it again. Isn't it okay if I don't participate?"

Dou Zheng also had nothing to say, so he just threw up his sleeves and left.

If he can't do this special judicial service, then Batu Haran will definitely leave at his own expense.

Because a person who is destined not to be together, why is he still here?

Waiting for Li Siwen to slap him in the mouth?

He is not stupid.

"Take it for me!"


A group of government officials were stunned. Who is this Dou Zheng?

A person who will be punished for his anger.

Not to mention that he is now a member of the judiciary and joins the army. Even if he is no longer an official, dealing with them is just a snap of his fingers.

"Haha, Special Envoy Li, don't say so much, they don't dare to touch me!"

Dou Zheng sneered, waved his hand and continued to move forward, and the government officials also spontaneously made way for a passage.

So what can you do if you are a special envoy? If you can manage officials like yourself, you can also control these lowest-level government servants?

But you can’t control it, you can.

If they dare to touch themselves, their legs will be broken when they go out.

"you wanna die!"

Seeing Dou Zheng being so arrogant, Li Siwen rolled up his sleeves and was about to beat the old boy.

It's amazing that he has never encountered such a gangster in Chang'an.

If it's true that a tiger doesn't show off its power, it treats me as a sick cat.

"Xiao Langjun, don't be angry!"

Di Renjie on the side smiled and grabbed Li Siwen who was about to take action.

"You must know that you represent His Majesty the Emperor of the day, so you must pay attention to your appearance.

But a small judicial officer joins the army, but he doesn't even give you face as a special envoy.

If this matter spreads, do you think His Majesty will punish him for contempt of imperial power?

Then behead Dou Canjun's entire family to rectify the imperial power? "

Hearing Di Renjie's words, Li Siwen smiled, but Dou Zheng in front of him stopped involuntarily.

Originally, he thought that if Li Siwen was blamed, he would quit joining the army as a judiciary, and he would still have a chance to become an official after returning home to rest. But now that Di Renjie said this, the matter has been raised to a higher level.

If this big label of contempt for imperial power were taken off, let alone him, the entire Dou family might be wiped out.

He looked at Di Renjie again, his eyes full of cruelty.

Killing without blood, right? Don't give me a chance, otherwise I will throw you into the Luo River to feed the fishes.

"What you said is too vicious. Why do I despise the imperial power?"

"Then I dare to ask, Dou Canjun, if the person standing in front of you now is not Special Envoy Li, but the current His Majesty.

Do you dare to be so arrogant and just walk away?

What a joke, the special envoy is here as if His Majesty is here in person. If you don’t think this is contempt for the imperial power, then what is it! "

Di Renjie also sneered. This kind of thing was all based on Li Siwen's words.

Having said all that, if you still dare to leave, then weigh the consequences yourself.

"You are so vicious!"

Dou Zheng really didn't dare to leave now. If he left again, everything would be over.

"Don't leave? Go to court!"

Li Siwen pulled Li Yanran and walked directly to the court.

"Dou Canjun, please!"

Di Renjie smiled at Dou Zheng and motioned for him to come in.

"Hmph! I want to see how you try the case!"

Dou Zheng snorted coldly and followed Li Siwen directly.

"Dou Canjun, hurry up, the baby is here!"

Looking at Li Yanran next to Li Siwen, Batu Haran directly told Dou Zheng to smack his mouth.

He was still waiting to vent his anger.

Upon hearing Batu Haran's words, Dou Zheng's face instantly turned black.

Even if you are a foreigner, you should still have some discernment.

Can't you tell there's something wrong with the atmosphere?

It's really weird why I chose such a fool.

"Are you Batu Haran?"

"Who is this?"

Batu Haran was stunned and asked Li Siwen's identity.

"I'm his brother."

"It turns out he is your brother, Dou Canjun quickly capture this man.

As the saying goes, like brother, like brother, he is definitely not a good person.

Let's just clean it up together, which can be regarded as eliminating a scourge for the Tang Dynasty. "

Batu Haran was also excited when he heard that Li Siwen was Li Yanran's eldest brother.

The little one hasn't finished yet, but here comes another old one.

Buy one get one free, which is great.

"Shut up, this is Li Siwen, the special envoy of His Majesty the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty."

Dou Zheng really can't stand it anymore. It's just that you don't have a sharp eye, you are so domineering.

Do you really think that with a little judicial officer like me here, you can run amok?

"Special Envoy Li Li!"

Batu Haran was also dumbfounded when he heard the identity of the other party.

This special fish is not a big fish, but a prehistoric Tyrannosaurus rex.

It's over, it's over!

"You want to slap my little brother in the mouth, and you want to deal with me? Then I will treat him in the same way as he is.

Come here, slap his mouth with a torture board. "

Li Siwen sat down on the main seat, his eyes full of anger.

Forget it if I didn't come, but now that I, the younger brother, have arrived, you are so stupid that you still want to bully my elder brother.

Really courting death.


After hearing Li Siwen's order, the government servant next to him also looked at each other and directly held down Batu Haran.

The two government officials also took out the punishment board, looked at Batu Haran again, and drew it directly.

As soon as the board went down, Batu Haran's mouth opened instantly, and blood flowed down.

"Dou#jun, ¥life!"

This time Batu Haran was really scared, and the board almost hurt him to death.

Dou Zheng on the other side also gave the other party a cold look. He was now looking forward to Li Siwen being whipped to death.

This way he can also save a lot of trouble.

"Can you still talk? Slap, pump me hard!"

"Xiao Langjun, please stop!"

When Di Renjie next to him saw this scene, he saluted directly to Li Siwen.


"How did you say that?"

Li Siwen glared at Di Renjie, Brother Li has suffered so much injustice, please tell me to stop now.

Brother Li is still watching from below. If I really want to stop, how can Brother Li deal with me?

"Young Master, I think this Batu Haran has something to say. It's not too late to let him finish his words before the execution!"

Di Renjie was depressed, couldn't you see that there was something fishy between Batu Haran and Dou Zheng?

Now you slap people's mouth, which is a great way to relieve your hatred.

But it makes people speechless. How can I ask what I want to ask when the time comes?

You are so cute, can you use your brain?

Li Siwen glanced at Di Renjie, and if he didn't understand what he was talking about, he would really be a fool.

"Don't stop, keep beating him! How dare you offend Special Envoy Li, I really don't want to live anymore!"

Before Li Siwen spoke, Dou Zheng also shouted at the executioner.


After the officer heard this, he shuddered, raised the punishment board in his hand, and struck Batu Haran.


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