My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 772 It’s not just paying for it, you still have to be a spy!

Li Siwen was stunned on the spot.

Brother Li, what is going on? Do you still dare to accept his money in this situation?

This matter has already made a big fuss and everyone in the city knows it. If you don't deal with him at this time, what do you want to do?

"Five thousand taels is five thousand taels, I admit it!"

Li Siwen was stunned, but Dou Zheng seemed to have grasped the life-saving straw.

He could also see that Special Envoy Li still indulged his brother, and the other party would definitely listen to what he said.

Although five thousand taels of gold was a lot, he gritted his teeth and could hand it over even if he lost everything.

Whether life is more important or money is more important, he still knows this clearly.

"But this is just the most basic thing. This matter is so big that you, a judicial officer, will definitely not be able to do it, so you also know what will happen next!"

Li Yanran gave Li Siwen a look to signal him not to speak.

"I agree with this. I can't join the judiciary and join the army."

Dou Zheng nodded, knowing the consequences.

It would have been easier if this matter hadn't happened like this, but now it has become a fact that he colluded with Batu Haran.

There is no airtight wall in the world. Even if Li Siwen accepted five thousand taels of gold from him, he would not dare to protect himself.

After all, the other person is not his father, so there is no need to hook up with him because of him.

"Also, as a Luoyang judicial officer who joins the army, you must know a lot of other people's secrets. My brother wants to know all your information!"

Li Yanran smiled, the officialdom was originally a system, deceiving the superiors and hiding from the inferiors, and covering the left and right.

Ordinary people who really want to rectify a local officialdom will face attacks from all directions, from top to bottom, from left to right.

But now Dou Zheng gave him hope, a breakthrough in Luoyang's officialdom.

If Dou Zheng can help her, then she can tear a big hole from here and completely defeat the entire officialdom of Luoyang.

She couldn't clean up the world, and she didn't want to do it, but there were some things she could do if she met her.

Luoyang is very important and will be the center of the Tang Dynasty in the future, even more important than Chang'an in the Tang Dynasty.

If I can help my younger brother put Luoyang in order in advance, it will be a good thing whether I do business in Luoyang or my younger brother ascends the throne in the future.

"Brother, what do you want to do?"

Li Siwen was also stunned. He seemed to have guessed what Li Yanran meant.

But is this something you should care about?
  This is what your Majesty, the Tang Dynasty, and the like, the prime ministers and ministers, should do.

"Brother, haven't you already guessed it?
  Your Majesty asked you to come to Luoyang not just for Zhang Maosun, but also for a deeper meaning.

You must keep your body and mind high and observe the sentiments of the people. Otherwise, wouldn’t this special envoy be worthy of his name?
  If you can't achieve anything, then you won't be able to show your gratitude to the emperor. "

Li Yanran glanced at Li Siwen again. Didn't I just tell you not to talk too much?


"Dou Zheng, you have heard what my little brother said. If you hand over all the information you know, I can make the decision to save you from death. Otherwise, you know the consequences!"

Li Siwen was silent. Li Yanran had said so, what else could he do.

I can only bite the bullet and do it.

"Special Envoy Li, I do know a lot of information, but do you really have the courage to do it?
  This is Luoyang, where all forces are intertwined and intertwined.

If you are not careful, you may become an abandoned child, so you should not do those thankless things! "

Dou Zheng was also depressed. He knew the consequences of handing over the information and what difficulties Li Siwen would face.

He didn't understand whether this was the emperor's intention or his own idea.

If it was the emperor's will, then it would be okay. If he was the one who made contributions by himself, the result would probably be that Li Siwen would be finished, and he would be finished with him.

"Haha, this special envoy knows what he is doing and what you are worried about.

If you don't tell me now, I will take you down immediately, and you will still be dead by then.

But if you can help me facilitate this, it will be considered as making up for the mistake, and you may have unexpected gains by then! "

Now that he knows Li Yanran's decision, Li Siwen must fully cooperate.

As for the consequences, it depends on Brother Li's ability.

"You mean?"

Hearing Li Siwen's words, Dou Zheng's eyes also lit up.

"I didn't say anything, and I won't promise you anything. I can only say that this is an opportunity. You can do it yourself!"

Naturally, Li Siwen would not be stupid enough to do something big and all-inclusive. If he didn't do what he said, Dou Zheng would still have to fight against him.

"I do. I have collected some things over the years and dedicated them all to Special Envoy Li!"

Dou Zheng knew that these superiors would never promise anything, but this was his only hope.

As for those official rules and mutual support, those are nothing.

Protecting yourself is the most important thing.

"Okay, then you have to put on a show with me, my brother, about this matter."

After glancing at Dou Zheng, Li Yanran also smiled like a little devil.

"Acting? Acting in what?"

Dou Zheng was stunned. Now that he is like this, why should he act? What is there to do?

"Brother, since you want to do something, this scene must be performed.

If you want to tear open the iron wall of Luoyang's officialdom, the first thing you have to do is not to alert the enemy.

If those bulls, ghosts, and snakes are all in danger and want to destroy evidence in a hurry, this matter will be difficult to handle.

So we need someone to step up and be our internal correspondent.

The first is to appease their emotions, and the second is to deliver news at any time.

This way we can have enough time to prepare and catch them all! "

Li Yanran smiled. Although Dou Zheng paid for his life, if he was wrong, he was wrong. This was not enough.

This man is in his hands, and it would be a waste if he didn't squeeze all the oil out of him.

"Am I going to be the internal correspondent? That's not possible, that's absolutely not possible!" Dou Zheng looked at Li Yanran and was scared to death.

What the other party said was very obvious, that he wanted to go to this fire pit himself and be the guide.

If this thing is done, it will indeed make up for the mistake, but even so, he will become an enemy in all aspects.

This still happened. If it didn't happen, not only him but also his family might become victims.

"Yes, this internal response is still necessary. The decision is yours, do you understand?"

Li Siwen glared at Dou Zheng, things have reached this point, and you still want to refuse?

Do you have the right to say no?
  I really don't know what to say.

"I, Dou Zheng, understand!"

Dou Zheng sighed and could only salute again, accepting the fact that he didn't want to accept.

"Okay, then from now on Dou Zheng, you will be my brother's. We will perform a painful trick with them later. You have to endure it!"

Li Yanran smiled again. She had already calculated that the other party would not be able to resist.

"The cruel trick? Let's forget about it!"

Dou Zheng was stunned again, completely confused.

If you do internal response, do internal response. Why do you need to resort to bitter tactics?

"You have to have a bitter plot, and you have to do it to show others.

After all, you did this to me, and you just hit my brother. If you don't do something, it will be difficult to convince everyone.

You have to look good to be a co-conspirator, what do you think? "

Li Yanran patted Dou Zheng on the shoulder and explained the purpose of the bitter meat trick.

"What kind of torture do you want to do?"

Dou Zheng was a little hesitant. He had indeed been impulsive before, and he could accept being beaten.

But this degree must be grasped.

"It's okay. Didn't my brother say you should slap your mouth before? Let's do it.

This can reflect the majesty of my brother and also reflect the contradiction between the two parties. Why not do it. "

A hint of cunning flashed in Li Yanran's eyes. Just now you wanted to hit me in the mouth. If I don't return it, don't blame me for returning it.

Repaying others with their own way is what I have always done.

"Zhang Zhang Zui? Can you change it to something else? I can accept a few slaps!"

Dou Zheng was dumbfounded, and his eyes were full of fear when he looked at Li Yanran.

This little guy is really a vengeful master, and he has sharp teeth and a sharp mouth, much more powerful than his brother Li Siwen.

"That's it, isn't it just a few slaps in the mouth? Are you a man who is still afraid of this?"

Li Siwen glared at Dou Zheng, "Brother Li is so cute that he let go, but you still won't let me go."

What about hitting you in the mouth? This is retribution.

It’s not that I won’t repay it, it’s here now.


Dou Zheng could only salute again, and if he got slapped in the mouth, he would get slapped in the mouth!
  "Then let's get started!"

Li Yanran gave Li Siwen a look.

"I'll go to your uncle!"

Li Siwen kicked Dou Zheng backwards.

"You still want to negotiate terms with me? You are so beautiful!"

"You're such a rotten piece of shit, I won't even look at you."

"Special Envoy Li, I don't dare anymore, please spare my life!"

Li Siwen beat and Dou Zheng howled, and everyone outside was stunned when they heard it.

What's happening here?
  What's going on in there?

Shouldn’t there be an exchange of interests and peaceful coexistence?

Why are you still fighting?
  "Come on!"

After hearing Li Siwen's words, Li Feng and Di Renjie looked at each other and rushed in.

"What kind of love is this?"

Before Li Feng finished speaking, Li Yanran came over and whispered a few words in his ear.

"Li Feng, pass on my brother's instructions and immediately take people to Batu Haran's shop to look for the secret account book."


After hearing this, Li Feng glared at Li Siwen, "Just take advantage of my lady all day long."

When I get back to Chang'an, I'll have to give you a good meal.

"Le Qing, you are here to follow Special Envoy Li's dispatch. Come and follow me to Hupu in Batu Haran."

Li Feng mounted his war horse and left with a fire cavalry.

"Le Qing, come in here!"


After hearing this, Le Qing rushed in in a hurry.

"Give me arrest him!"

Li Siwen stood up from Dou Zheng and signaled Le Qing to take someone.

Le Qing was also a little confused about the situation. What happened to Dou Zheng?
  It's okay, why are you provoking Li Siwen? Don’t you know that he is famous for being troubled by ghosts?

It's really asking for death.

"Why are you standing there stunned? Is he related to you?"


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