My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 773 How can I not take revenge overnight! Call me!

Chapter 773 How can I not take revenge overnight! Call me!

Le Qing was also frightened and trembled, and quickly signaled to his men to take down Dou Zheng.

"Li Siwen, if you want to get information about my brothers from me, just go ahead and dream!"

When Le Qing's people grabbed him, Dou Zheng also spat and shouted at him loudly.

"Haha, after I get your evidence, you won't be too late to speak harshly. Please escort me out!"

Li Siwen waved his hand, and Le Qing immediately took Dou Zheng out.

"Let me go. I am a member of the judicial army in Luoyang, Tang Dynasty. You have no right to treat me like this."

Dou Zheng was also addicted to acting, even if he was being held captive, he would still argue vigorously.

"Special Envoy Li, isn't this good? Do you want to inform the left-behind and Henan governor?"

Le Qing frowned. Although Li Siwen was a special envoy, he did not have an official position after all.

It is so easy to punish a judicial officer who joins the army, and he is an official in a sensitive place like Luoyang, the eastern capital.

Somewhat bad.

"Are you teaching me what to do?"

Li Siwen glanced sideways at Le Qing, Liu Gu didn't dare to say anything here, even a little captain like you dared to say anything.

"Don't dare!"

Le Qing quickly stepped aside.

He had seen Li Siwen's decisiveness in killing before. After all, he was the one who made the county lieutenant of Jicheng himself.

It seems that this time the fight between sinus and sinus is more or less bad.

"Stay here, you really don't want to go take a look?"

Liu Ding came to Liu Gu's side, his eyes full of doubts.

Li Feng made it clear just now that Li Siwen wanted to take action against Dou Zheng, a member of the judicial army.

As the person with the highest official position in Luoyang, now they are going to cause trouble. You are sitting here on the Diaoyutai. Isn't it a bit irresponsible?

"What am I going to see? Serve as a background for Li Siwen, help him out when something goes wrong, and then take the blame for it on the way? What are you thinking!"

Liu Gu took a sip of tea, his eyes filled with contentment.

He had already seen through this kind of thing. Li Siwen might have come here for more than just a little Zhang Maosun.

Although there are reasons to deal with the four major aristocratic families, it is really not worth a special envoy to do this.

At first he thought that the emperor was going to take action against him, but now he saw it clearly.

This is to rectify Luoyang and eliminate those dirty people in the officialdom.

This matter is inherently difficult to handle. If we come forward now, we will probably become the target of criticism.

It's better to leave this kind of matter to Li Siwen and sit back and watch the fight, if the other party really needs it.

Then it's not too late for him to take action.


"But what? When I do something, I want you to be beside me.

The ugly thing to say is that your hands and feet are not clean. If you really commit something, you will die.

Stay away from death, understand? "

Liu Gu glared at Liu Ding and said this inexplicably.

After hearing this, Liu Ding knelt on the ground with a thud.

"Master, don't worry, I will handle it right away. If it is really my matter, I will never implicate you!"

He did do some things before, but they were all done under Liu Gu's instruction.

Moreover, all the benefits he received were handed over to the left-behind residence.

Now that Liu Gu said this, he meant to tell himself that if he couldn't get rid of all the troubles, he would never come forward as a guarantee.

"Well, as long as you know what to do, by the way, tell the concierge that I'm ill and I won't see guests for the next two days!"


Liu Ding stood up and saluted, then turned around and walked out.

"The rain is coming!"

Liu Gu took another sip of tea, then sat on the recliner and started to sway.

Li Feng led people to directly surround Batu Haran's shop, and then obtained the so-called secret account book from the place he said.

"From now on, no one can enter this shop."


Leaving behind the Yihuo soldiers who came with him, he also galloped towards Fuyin Yamen with his horse and whip raised.

"came back!"

Li Feng rushed into the yamen and directly placed the account books in front of Li Siwen.

"Dou Zheng, now I will give you a chance to be frank and lenient. Tell me everything you know, otherwise you will be responsible for the consequences!"

Li Siwen threw the account book directly onto the publican and shouted at Dou Zheng below.

"If you want me to kill or behead you, please do as you please. If you want me to betray my friends for glory, that's impossible!"

Dou Zheng also bared his teeth and replied to Li Siwen.

"Haha, you are a good man. These envoys alone are enough to defeat you.

Just now I said that I would give you a palm punishment, so of course I can't just keep my word. Someone will come and execute you. "

Li Siwen sneered and ordered Leqing to be executed.

"This is not good!"

Le Qing was dumbfounded. He originally thought he was just supporting Li Siwen, but no one said he wanted to do it himself.

After all, the Dou family is still very powerful in Luoyang. If they find out, they will personally execute Dou Zheng.

Then you have to fight to the death with yourself.

"You are also afraid of Dou Zheng and the Dou family, right? Li Feng, come here!"


Li Feng sneered. He was about to vent his anger on Li Yanran's behalf, but now the opportunity finally came.

When he walked in front of Dou Zheng, a Yamen servant brought him a punishment board.

Li Feng shook his head. He couldn't feel the punishment board as he did when he used his own hands.

You dare to be disrespectful to my lady. If I don’t beat you to death, I won’t be Li Feng.

"Brother, be gentle!"

Seeing Li Feng not using the torture board, Dou Zheng felt relieved.

Fortunately, fortunately, Li Siwen still knows the importance.

If he was put on the torture board, his face might be ruined.

"Don't worry, I promise to handle it with care!"

Li Feng smiled slightly, raised his arm and slapped him.

"Pa!" This moment stunned Dou Zheng, and a tooth flew out with blood on it.


Li Siwen on the side also gasped when he saw this.

He finally saw that both the master and the servant were ruthless characters.

Li Yanran wanted to use the bitter flesh trick to retaliate, and Li Feng took on the specific implementation work.

You have to be careful not to get into Li Feng's hands.

Li Yanran looked on and smiled, making me climb a tree and slapping me in the face.

It's time to smoke.

"Brother, be gentle, be gentle!"

Dou Zheng burst into tears. He had always slapped others since he was a child, and he had never been slapped by anyone.

Not only did his face hurt, but his heart also hurt.

It hurt so much that I almost pulled it apart.




How could Li Feng care about him so much? He just opened his bow from left to right and bombarded continuously.


I underestimate you, uncle.

If the lady hadn't still needed you, I would have whipped you to death in this court.

After twenty slaps, Dou Zheng's face could no longer be seen.

His mouth was ripped open, his teeth were knocked out, and his face was so swollen that he couldn't even see it.

"Little Master, the twenty strokes of palm punishment have been carried out!"

Li Feng was still very disciplined. If it was said to be twenty strokes, then there should be no more strokes and no less strokes.


Li Siwen looked at the inhumane Dou Zheng, with a hint of pity in his eyes.

Although this Dou Zheng is indeed hateful, killing people is nothing more than a nod.

After going through so much trouble, Dou Zheng is probably ready to die now.

So brutal!

"In view of what Dou Zheng has done, this special envoy has decided to suspend his judicial service and join the army. He will go home for the time being, but he is not allowed to leave Luoyang. He must be on call whenever he is called."

Li Siwen couldn't say anything at this moment and waved his hand directly to let Dou Zheng be taken away.

This cruel trick was so realistic that if he hadn't known about it, he would have believed it.

This child is so pitiful, but who told you to fall into the hands of my brother Li?

"that's it?"

Le Qing on the side was completely dumbfounded. Is this what happened?

You got such important evidence, why don't you kill him?

Why do you just slap twenty times and be done with it now?

This is too perfunctory.

If this is the case, is it still necessary for me to come over to suppress the battle?

Just go to Henan Prefecture directly.

What kind of medicine is Li Siwen selling in this gourd?

"what happened?"

Li Siwen glanced at Le Qing, his eyes full of doubts.

What the hell are you so cute about? I'll tell you something, but you can ask me a question.

Am I the special envoy or are you the special envoy?


Le Qing hurriedly saluted, and then ordered people to take the inhumane Dou Zheng away.

"The matter of Dou Zheng is over. Now it's your turn. Batu Haran, you bribed officials and went rampant in the countryside. Can you plead guilty?"

Li Siwen glanced at Batu Haran below and shouted directly at him.

Although the person behind you is Dou Zheng, the person who caused the trouble is still you, Hu Shang.

"Special Envoy Li Li, this can be regarded as a meritorious service for me. You can't cross the river and burn the bridge!"

Batu Haran also shuddered, and Dou Zhengren's head was beaten into a dog's head.

If it were him, he would probably be beaten to death on the spot.

"You deserve meritorious service for your crime? Is that meritorious service for you? It's just to make up for your own mistakes.

First, I will be sentenced to thirty years in prison and fined fifty thousand guan to make up for the medical expenses and mental loss of my brother Li Yan.

After the crime is discovered, he will be held accountable in accordance with the law. "

Li Siwen would never let Hu Shang go. Dou Zheng was hateful, and Batu Haran was even more hateful.

If he hadn't bribed the superior, would this situation have happened?

And he must be guilty of more than these crimes. When it is found out, he will be killed.

"I'm wronged!"

After hearing Li Siwen's verdict, Batu Haran sat directly on the ground, his eyes filled with despair.

Dou Zheng helped cover up the things he did before, but now that Dou Zheng has fallen, he cannot escape the disaster.

"Li Feng, execution!"


Li Feng smiled evilly and walked directly to Batu Haran.

"Little brother, be gentle!"

"Don't worry, I promise to handle it with care!"

After hearing this, Batu Haran immediately became drunk.

That's what you said to Dou Zheng just now, and then you were beaten like that.

Now you tell me again that you are afraid that someone will die too.




Li Feng didn't bother to talk nonsense to him, so he just opened his bow from left to right and slapped Batu Haran's face into a pig's head.

After these thirty slaps, Batu Haran fainted and died.

After looking at Batu Haran, Li Siwen also waved his hand and ordered people to take Batu Haran away.

"The remaining people are also guilty of conspiracy and will be sentenced to twenty years in prison. The crime will be investigated."


(End of this chapter)

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