My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 777: I was beaten, you must give me some compensation!

Si Cao Zhang Binglin looked at Dou Zheng nervously. Among these people, he was the closest to Dou Zheng, and the two of them also had in-depth cooperation.

If he confessed himself, wouldn't he also become like this?
  He really couldn't imagine the consequences.

"Yes, Dou Canjun, do you feel any pain?"

Lu Chen, the legal officer, also joined in. He cooperated a lot with Dou Zheng in his duties, and things happened from time to time to protect each other.

He was also very worried about what the other party told Li Siwen.

"Dou Canjun, this is too cruel!"

"Yes, even if he is a special envoy, he can't do this!"

"Hey, I'm suffering!"

The rest were all officials, and they all had connections with each other, so they came to join in the fun.

"Except for Lu Chen and Zhang Binglin, everyone else should go back!"

Dou Zheng waved his hand, signaling all the petty officials to step back.


A group of petty officials also bowed and left.

"what happened?"

Zhang Binglin also frowned. Dou Zheng leaving him and Lu Chen behind was definitely not a good thing.

"I want money!"



Both of them were dumbfounded. You were so stupid that you didn't say anything, and when you spoke, you asked for money.

Isn't this too shameless?

"Li Siwen said that as long as I confessed everything I knew, he would spare my life, but I didn't, so that was the result.

Now I have lost my official position and been beaten.

It shouldn’t be too much to ask for some compensation from you! "

Dou Zheng glanced at the two of them and directly expressed his thoughts.

Although there are some lies in this, it is true that he lost his official position and was beaten.

"As long as you don't betray us, it's all easy to talk about.

Isn't it just a judicial officer? With Dou's ability, there will be a bigger stage waiting for you. "

The two looked at each other, and Zhang Binglin also smiled.

"Don't say these foolish words, if each person gives me two thousand five hundred taels of gold, our affairs will be ruined in my stomach.

Otherwise, next time Li Siwen comes to see me, it's not certain whether I can control my mouth. "

Dou Zheng glanced at the two of them again. Dou Zheng didn't know what they were thinking.

He really didn't believe the current situation. The two of them could jump out of the palm of his hand.

"Dou Canjun, are you threatening us?"

Lu Chen frowned and shouted at Dou Zheng.

"Yes, I am threatening you!

Now I have been dismissed from office, but you are all still fine.

Two thousand five hundred taels to buy a safe, you are very wealthy.

If the money is gone, you can make it again, but if the official is lost, you know the consequences better than anyone else. "

Dou Zheng smiled, but his face was indeed a bit eye-catching.

But he likes the word threat because that's what he wants to do now.

"You, you, we have been friends for several years, do you have to turn us against each other?"

Zhang Binglin also frowned and spoke slowly to Dou Zheng.

"Friends can't be eaten as food, right? After giving the money, we can go our separate ways from now on.

And it's not a big deal to turn against each other. After all, you're not poor, so you can still afford this little money. "

Dou Zheng glanced at Zhang Binglin. In fact, he had turned against him, but you didn't know it.

It makes sense to use your money to pay off my debt.

"Two thousand five hundred taels of gold, you are eating a fat man at once. How much is our annual salary? Isn't this a bit too much?"

Lu Chen also knew that this massive bleeding was unavoidable. After all, the other party was right. Dou Zheng knew that they had too much.

In the past, these may have been a win-win cooperation, but now they have become a life-threatening situation.

Whether they want money or officials, they know it very well.

But I still know that if I ask for a high price, I still have to pay back the money.

“I know very well how much your salary is, and I know even better how much you actually earn.

Although two thousand five hundred taels of gold is a lot, it won't make you bankrupt.

Also, this is a notification, not a discussion. I hope you two understand. "

Dou Zheng grinned and felt a severe pain in his cheek.

Damn Li Feng, he wants to avenge his private revenge, right?

You'd better pray that you don't get into my hands.

“Although you know very well how much I earn, you don’t know how much I spend.

One thousand five hundred taels, that's all I have now.

If you want it, I'll raise the money right away. If you don't want it, we'll go down together.

One thousand five hundred taels of gold is enough for my family to have enough food and clothing for the next life. "

Zhang Binglin sneered. There must be a limit to the heavy bleeding. For two thousand five hundred taels of gold, it would be better to kill himself.

Anyway, there is only one thing that can be desired between money and officialdom. It is up to Dou to decide whether to give up official position or give up money.

If the fish is dead and the net is broken, he will get nothing. If he obeys himself, he can still get one thousand five hundred taels of gold.

How to choose, Dou Zheng knows better than himself.

"Are you really not afraid?"

"I told you, there is only so much money. Do you want it or not? If not, I will accompany you as an idler!"

Zhang Binglin also sneered and threatened, who wouldn't?

In the end, the battle is about who is more ruthless and who is more patient.

"you you."

Dou Zheng was also very angry at Zhang Binglin. You are really a pig who is not afraid of boiling water, right? "Okay, Dou joins the army. Now that things are like this, let's all take a step back.

One thousand five hundred taels is quite a lot, so just accept it when you see fit.

This way we can still be friends, right? "

Seeing the tense atmosphere, Lu Chen also smiled and spoke to Dou Zheng.

"Friends, let's forget it. You are officials and I am a citizen. One thousand five hundred taels is just one thousand five hundred taels.

My face hurts. After I give you the money, you won’t come here again. "

"see a visitor out!"

After saying this, Dou Zheng stood up and walked inside.

"Zhang Sicao, Lu Facao, please!"

A servant came in, saluted the two of them, and asked them to leave.



The two of them also glanced at Dou Zheng's back, immediately rolled up their sleeves and left.

After leaving Dou Mansion, the two of them also looked at each other.

"Do you really want to give him the money like this?"

A trace of reluctance flashed in Lu Chen's eyes. Although it was only one thousand five hundred taels of gold, it was equivalent to fifteen thousand taels of copper coins.

Even if I can make more money, I still feel bad.

"Is it okay if I don't give it? This guy has always been a cruel person. If you really make him anxious, he will do anything.

Just think of it as spending money to save your life, it’s time to pay for it. "

After Zhang Binglin finished speaking, he boarded the carriage and ran towards his home.

"Hey! Let's go back home!"

Lu Chen also got on the carriage and left Dou Mansion.

After receiving accurate news, Luoyang's officialdom also recovered somewhat. Except for those timid ones, the remaining officials continued to maintain their original status.

In their view, this officialdom is a whole, and it is not something that anyone can move if they want.

Li Siwen is just a young boy, he really wants to take over the whole of Luoyang.

"Your Highness, there is news!"

"what news!"

Looking at Di Renjie, Li Yanran also raised her eyebrows.

"The news from Dou Zheng said that today the chief minister Zhang Binglin, the legal chief Lu Chen and some other minor officials all went to his mansion."

"They want to ask the other party if they have leaked their situation!"

After hearing this, Li Yanran immediately understood what those people wanted to do when they went to Dou Zheng's house.

"That's right, what Dou Zheng told them was that he didn't reveal their situation at all, so they should be relieved now.

The next thing we have to do is collect evidence and close the net. "

Di Renjie nodded and quickly told the news about Dou Zheng.

"Then hurry up and do it! One by one of these moths, I will serve them all to him this time.

Also, you should pay attention to the lower-level officials who are suitable for training. If there is really a big change of blood here, there must be someone to take over, right? "

Li Yanran glanced at Di Renjie again, indicating that the other party should also pay attention to the situation of the successor.

"Your Highness, there is something that should not only be said but should not be said!"

Hearing what Li Yanran said, Di Renjie's brows furrowed.

"If you have anything to say, just say it. There is no need to worry between us!"

"Your Highness, you were right to handle the matter of deposing Dou Zheng because it happened suddenly.

But if you really want to do something extraordinary to the whole of Luoyang, I suggest you report this matter to His Majesty and hand it over to the Ministry of Husbandry, and the Ministry of Punishment will handle it better. "

Di Renjie gritted his teeth and slowly spoke out his thoughts.

"You mean that I only need to collect evidence and let go of the subsequent disposal?

Will this prevent me from being feared by my father and officials because I stretch my hand too far? "

Li Yanran was stunned. He seemed to understand what Di Renjie meant.

After all, she is just a princess. Although she has a noble status, she is not an official in the court after all.

If you get too involved in Luoyang's affairs, it's easy for Baiguan to talk about it. The key is that he is afraid that his father will be afraid of cultivating his power.

"Yes, in fact, your visit to Luoyang this time has been very successful. As long as Lin Cheng can safely send people to Chang'an, our merits will be considered complete.

There is no need to cause His Majesty displeasure because of these officials, what do you think? "

Di Renjie nodded, the current situation is the best ending for Li Yanran.

If she really gets angry, she should be dealt with to the end.

That would be superfluous.

After all, God's heart is unpredictable. Even if you are the emperor's daughter, you will inevitably be suspected.

Imperial power is the most sensitive at all times, and too many people have died due to these suspicions.

He also didn't want Li Yanran, a little kid, to give up on this because he didn't consider things comprehensively.

"Don't worry, I have never been in charge of my position, and I still know the stakes.

Moreover, when I asked you to cultivate those grassroots officials, it was not to cultivate my own power.

Just take care of this! "

Li Yanran knew that Di Renjie was doing it for her own good and had no intention of blaming him.


Di Renjie bowed and quickly left.

"Do I need to cultivate power? I have gold and silver, and I don't want to be a queen.

Li Feng, do you think Di Renjie is too sensitive? "

Glancing at Li Feng next to her, Li Yanran also crossed her legs.

"Miss, Commander Di is doing this for your own good!"

Li Feng looked at Di Renjie's back and quickly took out a jujube.

"I know, otherwise I would have let the dogs out when he said this!"

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