My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 778 The sweep begins!

Chapter 778 The sweep begins!
  Bite off a large piece of jujube in one bite, and Li Yanran's big eyes curved into a crescent moon.

"Miss, the affairs of the royal family are not as good as those of the common people. There is nothing wrong with being careful in everything!"

"You have to lecture me too, right? Jiji Wai Wai Wai Wai, I'll ignore you and go out to play!"

After slapping the date core on the table, Li Yanran also jumped off the chair and ran towards the door.

"Miss, wait for me!"

When he heard that he was going out to play, Li Feng hurriedly chased after him.

After a few days, Di Renjie more or less mastered some evidence, and then handed it all into Li Yanran's hands.

"A bunch of scum, tell the Longmen bodyguards to do it at night, and tie them all up to me, one by one!"

Li Yanran slapped the information directly on the table, her eyes full of anger.

"Your Highness, there are some things that you can't do recklessly. These are officials of the Tang Dynasty, not ordinary people.

You do it when you say it, and tie it when you say it will be tied. This will cause problems if someone impeaches you.

If that doesn't work, notify the soldiers at the left-behind mansion to take action. "

When Di Renjie saw that Li Yanran was getting reckless again, he immediately stopped him.

Longmen bodyguards are just the bodyguards of a merchant, they have already done too much.

Whether it's to suppress bandits or whatever, it's completely beyond what an ordinary citizen can do.

If we attack officials on a large scale, we are simply asking for trouble.

"Brother Li, according to the information we have received, the people in the left-behind mansion have little to do with these people. Sending them to do things should be effective."

Li Siwen also frowned, and he agreed to let the people in Liushou Mansion take action.

"Can you guarantee that they won't leak the information? If this information is leaked, people may escape.

If you can't take down this group of people, it will be difficult to do anything next.

Since you want to do it, it must be done well, otherwise it is better not to do it! "

Li Yanran glanced at the two of them. It wasn't that she didn't believe in Liu Gu's left-behind mansion, but that she didn't believe in human nature.

This thing involves too many places, and Luoyang is a key department, with intertwined forces and intricate connections.

She had to be nervous.

"Actually, this is very simple. The soldiers from the left-behind mansion are the main ones, supplemented by our people.

Just lend them a name, and the Longmen escorts will take care of the rest.

Besides, we don't need to notify them now. We just need to have people transfer the people from the left-behind mansion over when we take action, and then monitor them closely.

This can avoid information leakage to the greatest extent. "

Di Renjie knew Li Yanran's worries, so he also gave his own solution.

Everyone knows that they are afraid of leaking secrets, but using only Longmen escorts will make a big mistake.

Compared with those officials, Li Yanran herself is the most important.

The Longmen escorts were too eye-catching. Although the emperor knew about these situations, there was no guarantee that the ministers would raise objections.

If you talk about it too much, sometimes it will become a fact.

Have to guard against.

"Okay, let's do it this way, with the Longmen bodyguards as the main body, and the Liushou Mansion soldiers as the secondary ones, we will take action tonight!"

The greatest advantage of Li Yanran is that she always follows the good and never thinks that what she says or does is right.

As long as there are suitable opinions and methods, she welcomes and supports them.



The two nodded together, and then went to let the Longmen escort prepare for the night's action.

During the second watch, Li Siwen also visited the Longmen Escort School in person. Seeing these powerful Longmen Escorts, he felt more at ease.

With such strong men, why worry about corrupt officials not being eliminated?

"Hou Qi, take my orders to the left-behind mansion immediately, and ask Le Qing to lead the left-behind mansion cavalry to meet me at the school grounds immediately."


Hou Qi got on his horse and ran directly towards the Liushou Mansion.

"The rest of us will go to the school grounds immediately."


Li Siwen also rushed towards the school grounds with two hundred Longmen bodyguards.

"What, now you want me to lead the cavalry to the school grounds to meet with Special Envoy Li?"

Looking at Hou Qi in front of him, Le Qing was completely confused.

What are you thinking when you come over here in the middle of the night and ask me to take people to the school grounds?

We are the elite of the Tang Dynasty's left-behind mansion, not his Li Siwen's personal soldiers.

How can you come and leave as soon as you say you want to come?

"What's the matter? Do you have an opinion?"

Hou Qi also stared, not knowing what he meant.

"No objection, but the soldiers of the left-behind mansion cannot go out without permission unless ordered by the left-behind. You should explain the matter clearly, and I will ask the left-behind for permission!"

Le Qing was also depressed. In this situation, you didn't even say clearly and asked me to bring someone to join you.

If something goes wrong, he can't bear the responsibility.

"Special envoy orders, Le Qing will immediately lead the cavalry remaining in the guard team to meet at the school grounds. If there is any delay, military law will be dealt with!"


Upon hearing this, Le Qing immediately stood up straight and saluted Hou Qi.

If it was still a discussion before, it has now become an order.

If he disobeyed his orders, it wouldn't matter if Hou Qi chopped him down on the spot.

"Send troops within a quarter of an hour and arrive at the school grounds within two quarters of an hour. Anyone who dares to tip off the information will be dealt with according to military law!"


Within a quarter of an hour, the two hundred remaining cavalrymen were also ready, and then they ran towards the school grounds under the leadership of Hou Qi.

After they left, someone naturally left to report to Liu Gu about the sudden deployment of cavalry.

"What is Li Siwen going to do when the cavalry is dispatched this night?"

Upon hearing the news, Liu Gu jumped up and jumped out of bed.

"I don't know. Colonel Le Qing asked Hou Qi, but the other party directly used the special envoy's order to press him.

He can only lead the cavalry to meet the opponent first, and then send me to report to you. "

The person who sent the message also told all the specific circumstances.

"No, there's something wrong here. Li Siwen must be doing something, something big. Help me change my clothes, and then tell all the soldiers in the left-behind mansion to prepare."


After the soldiers left, Liu Gu also looked at the bright moon in the sky.

He really couldn't imagine what Li Siwen would do next.

This guy is simply a thunder, a big thunder that may explode at any time.

In less than two quarters of an hour, Hou Qi and Le Qing rushed to the school grounds with two hundred left-behind cavalrymen.

"Special Envoy Li, what is this going to do? We are mobilizing troops and horses at night, but has something happened in Luoyang?"

Le Qing came up to Li Siwen, saluted and asked him questions.

"There is so much nonsense, you should ask what you should ask, and if you shouldn't ask, just shut your mouth.

The troops were divided into five groups, Hou Qi all the way, Liu Mu all the way, Zhou Ding all the way, He Hui all the way, and I all the way.

Anyone who dares to leak this operation will be killed without mercy.

Act now! "

Seeing everyone coming, Li Siwen also directly ordered the soldiers to divide into five groups.


After hearing this, all the soldiers shouted together and then started marching according to the pre-arranged route.

Le Qing followed Li Siwen, looking at the familiar road, and seemed to understand something.

This is the route to Si Cao Zhang Binglin. Zhang Binglin is usually very close to Dou Zheng.

It turned out that those rumors were all false. It seemed that Dou Zheng had told everything he knew.

It seems that Luoyang's officialdom is in trouble now.

Riding his horse to the outside of Si Cao's mansion, Li Siwen also spat when looking at the door in front of him.

Corrupt officials, just look at you, you know you are not a good person.

"Knock on the door!"

Hearing this, Le Qing also hit the door bravely.

"Who is it!"

The concierge inside heard the sound and hurried over to ask.

"Open the door quickly. I'm Le Qing. I'm passing the order to stay behind. I want Secretary Zhang Binglin to meet immediately!"

Le Qing glanced at Li Siwen behind him and said what he told him.

"Captain Yue?"

When the servant heard that it was Le Qing, he opened the door a crack.


Seeing the door open, Le Qing kicked it open, and the servant was knocked out.

"Take people!"

Le Qing waved his hand and rushed over with his men.

"What do you want?"

All the servants in Si Cao's Mansion also surrounded them, but they were controlled by the Longmen bodyguards and Liushou Mansion soldiers with knives.

"what happened?"

Listening to the noise outside, Zhang Binglin also put on some clothes and walked out.

"Si Cao Zhang Binglin?"

"That's right, what's wrong?"

Looking at the group of strong men in front of him, Zhang Binglin was also stunned.

"Take it!"


Upon hearing the order, the soldiers from the Remaining Mansion and the Longmen bodyguard also rushed over and took Zhang Binglin down.

"What on earth are you doing? Who gave you the right to take me?"

After being captured, Zhang Binglin was still in a state of confusion.

He still hasn't figured out his status, so he was deducted for no reason.


Li Siwen also rode his horse into Si Cao's house and spoke to Zhang Binglin who was being escorted down.

"Special Envoy Li Li!"

By the light of the fire, Zhang Binglin also saw Li Siwen's appearance clearly.

It didn't matter if he didn't look at it, he was so frightened that he almost stopped peeing.

Why is Li Siwen here? Has his matter been found out?

"Haha, Zhang Sicao, you're fine!"

Li Siwen also smiled at Zhang Binglin, but in Zhang Binglin's opinion, this smile was scarier than a ghost.

Why is he laughing? Am I going to die?

"Special Envoy Li Li, what do you mean when you come to my place in the middle of the night?"

Zhang Binglin also tried his best to put on a smile that was uglier than crying, and asked about Li Siwen's coming here.

"It's very simple for me to come here. You should be familiar with Lihe Company."


Hearing this name, Zhang Binglin was so frightened that he almost lost his mind.

Of course he knew the Lihe Company very well, and he knew even more about the dirty things he had done with the people in that company.

"What's wrong? What does a business name have to do with me!"

Frowning, Zhang Binglin immediately wanted to distance himself from the relationship.

"Since I'm here, you should know what's going on here, and you're still hiding it from me, right?
  Le Qing, go and fetch all the proprietors and shopkeepers of Lihe Company immediately, and have a good meeting with our Secretary Cao. "

Li Siwen sneered, he wouldn't shed tears until he saw the coffin, right?

Then I will bring you the coffin and see if you want to give up.


After saying this, Le Qing got on his horse and led a group of fire cavalry towards Lihe Trading Company.

"Special Envoy Li, can you lend me a moment to speak?"

(End of this chapter)

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