My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 779 I want money, and I want people too!

Looking at Le Qing's leaving figure, Zhang Binglin also looked at Li Siwen.

He knew that he might not be able to escape from this matter, so he also wanted to negotiate with Li Siwen.

"You all stand aside for now!"

Li Siwen waved his hand to the people around him, indicating that they should go down temporarily.

"Tell me?"

Glancing at Zhang Binglin, Li Siwen also sneered.

"Special Envoy Li, I know I violated some rules this time, but please show your respect. Zhang Binglin will never forget it."

"What's the use of asking you to forget it, let's get to the point?"

Li Siwen is depressed, what's the use of asking you to be grateful.

I am not a Bodhisattva, so I still want to eat your incense.

"Please make a price. As long as I have it, I won't let you down!"

Zhang Binglin was stunned, couldn't this guy be tactful?

Just go straight to the topic? That means you have a distinguished status, otherwise you would have been killed a hundred and eighty times.

"Then just do what Dou Zheng said, five thousand taels of gold, remove yourself from the post of Secretary, and then tell you everything about the others."

Li Siwen didn't show any pretense and directly made his request.

"This damn Dou Zheng!"

Zhang Binglin also cursed loudly when he heard this.

No wonder they asked for five thousand taels of gold from themselves and Lu Chen. It turned out that they were trying to make up for it from themselves.

Even if he betrays his friends, he also steals his own money.

It's really meowing a dog.

"Don't talk nonsense, yes or no. If you admit it now, I'll count it as surrendering. Then you can get a lighter sentence. If you don't admit it, then just wait for His Majesty to exile you three thousand miles!"

Li Siwen glared at Zhang Binglin again, what else can you do if you curse now.

This is the case, and you have to weigh the consequences yourself.

"I am willing to give two thousand taels of gold to the special envoy, and at the same time, I will report all the information I know. I just hope that the special envoy can be accommodating and exonerate Zhang!"

Zhang Binglin knew that he was doomed this time. Those who accepted money were very guilty in the Tang Dynasty. The maximum penalty was three thousand miles of exile. Of course, death with a cane on the spot was not ruled out.

So what he can do now is to find ways to lighten his guilt, and the only hope is Li Siwen, the special envoy.

He still knows this sentence: He who knows the current affairs is a hero.

"Excuse me? Your crime and trip have already violated the laws of the Tang Dynasty. Can I help you excuse yourself? Do you want to drag me into trouble?"

Li Siwen kicked Zhang Binglin to the ground.

By collecting money privately, I'm afraid I don't want to involve myself.

He is not stupid, so naturally he cannot do this.

A gentleman loves money and gets it wisely. He is not Li Yanran. He will still cheat you after taking the money.

A manly man cannot do that.

"No, how could it be? Zhang's money is not here, but in a tomb outside the city.

As long as the special envoy is willing to help me roll it out, I will give you the position. "

Zhang Binglin quickly got up from the ground and cried to Li Siwen.

"Tell me the information you know first, and we'll talk about those things later!"


Zhang Binglin also nodded crazily, then sent someone to get paper and pen, and told all his testimony.

"Come here, take Zhang Binglin into prison and seal Si Cao's mansion at the same time. Anyone who enters or exits without permission will be killed without mercy!"


After taking down Si Cao Zhang Binglin, Li Siwen also rode directly to the place scheduled with Li Yanran.

"Brother Li, confession, Zhang Binglin's confession."

"Come and show me!"

Li Yanran took the confession directly from the curtain next to it, and after reading it, handed it to Di Renjie.

"Your Highness, now that we have alerted the enemy, we should act immediately to arrest all those involved in this confession.

As for whether he is innocent or falsely accused, it will be clear after the first trial. "

After Di Renjie read the list above, he also suggested that Li Yanran go out directly and capture the people first.

"Well, just do as Di Renjie said. If there are not enough manpower, continue to call Longmen bodyguards to participate in the operation!"

Li Yanran nodded. She had the same idea as Di Renjie. If she wanted to do it, she would do it with a sweep.

Don't worry if all those moths run away.

"Also, that Zhang Binglin wants to spend two thousand taels of gold and let me help him roll it out."

After hearing Li Yanran's order, Li Siwen also brought Zhang Binglin's intention.

“I want the money, and I want the people too!

It’s not the first time we’ve done a business where we just collect money and don’t do anything, so we accepted this deal.

It’s all a gift from the people, and I deserve it. At worst, I’ll give them a huge price reduction to benefit the people, so I’ll just help them pay off their debts! "


Li Feng galloped on his horse, took his soldiers away directly, and continued to arrest people according to the confession given by Zhang Binglin.

"Your Highness, isn't it good to do this? If you really take Zhang Binglin's personal wealth, what will happen if he bites you back?"

Looking at Li Siwen's leaving figure, Di Renjie also frowned.

“Ill-gotten wealth must be obtained in a wise way, so what happens to me when I take the money?

What if he bites back? What can he do without any evidence?

At the worst possible outcome, I will tell my father about this matter and we will share half of it when we meet. I believe he is willing to take over this trouble! ” ˆ ˆ Li Yanran didn’t care at all. In fact, this thing was nothing.

Even if the house is confiscated, it will be handled by the treasury. If you collect it yourself, you can enter dad's treasurer.

He believed that his father would be happy to take on this trouble.


"No buts."


Di Renjie also bowed and stepped aside without speaking.

After receiving the news, Liu Gu and Luo Zhengfang rushed over with their people as soon as possible.

"Young Master, Liu Liushou and Luo Fuyin would like to see you!"

A Longmen bodyguard came to Li Siwen and told the news that the two people wanted to see him.

"I thought they would come a long time ago, let them come!"

Li Siwen glanced at the bright moon above his head, and waved his hand to signal people to come in.

"Liu Gu, who is left behind in the Eastern Capital, has met Special Envoy Li!"

"Henan Governor Luo Zhengfang has met Special Envoy Li!"

The two came to the school grounds and hurriedly saluted Li Siwen.

"You are all here!"

Li Siwen rode on the horse and nodded towards the two of them.

"Special Envoy Li, what are you doing?"

Liu Gu, as the number one person in Luoyang, the eastern capital, glanced at Luo Zhengfang and asked Li Siwen.

"Luoyang is rotten. Luoyang's officialdom is rotten from the root. I have the emperor's mandate, so I ordered its elimination."

Li Siwen understood what Liu Gu meant and stated his intention directly.

Moreover, he also revealed his identity. This was the special envoy's order and the emperor's order.

All you can do now is obey orders, fully cooperate with yourself, and cannot do anything else.

"But you should have informed us about this in advance. Such a large-scale operation is aimed at Luoyang's officialdom. Isn't this a bit too much?"

Luo Zhengfang glanced at Li Siwen and accepted the conversation.

Li Siwen mainly targeted various officialdoms in Luoyang, and the one that was most affected was his Henan Prefecture Yin Yamen.

He knew very well what was going on with the officials under his command. Although not all of them were greedy, at least half of them had connections with merchants in Luoyang.

If the investigation continues like this, even if nothing happens to him, he will inevitably be blamed for his disadvantage.

"Then Luo Fuyin can you guarantee that I will tell you my plan? Can you ensure that no news will be leaked out so that those people can be prepared?

Even if you can promise not to leak the secret, I don't care if someone later finds out that you knew it but didn't report it. You will become the target of public criticism. Do you want this? "

Li Siwen smiled, I don't trust you, how could I tell you such a secret.

Besides, what can I do if I tell you? If you are killed by someone then, I’m afraid there won’t even be anyone to collect the body.

"Luo Zhengfang has to thank Special Envoy Li!"

Luo Zhengfang is depressed. Do you still love and protect me if you touch my person without telling me?

Does that mean that I, the old man, still have to kowtow to you as a token of my gratitude?

"There's no need to thank you. This special envoy never asks for thanks when he does good deeds.

Besides, even if you want to thank it, it's still too early. If you find out in the end that it involves you and Liu Gu.

The special envoy must also attend to official business! "

Li Siwen sneered. It's too early to thank me now. Please pray that you didn't commit any crime.

Otherwise, I will kill you.

"Envoy Li, please rest assured. Others dare not say it. I, Luo Zhengfang, act and sit upright and I am not afraid of being investigated."

Looking at Li Siwen's face, Luo Zhengfang also straightened up and spoke out his promise.

He acted upright and sat upright throughout his life, and was not afraid of anyone checking him.

"Okay, I hope you can do what you say!"

Li Siwen smiled, hoping that he would keep his word and not catch any pigtails for himself.

"Then does Special Envoy Li need any help? I have brought all the soldiers and horses from the Liushou Mansion here. If you need anything, they can support you at any time."

Liu Gu also knew that this matter was going to be a big deal today, and now all he could hope for was that he would not be found out.

"Well, let your soldiers from the left-behind mansion follow suit. Remember, what I want is to hit with one hit. If anyone doesn't do his best, be careful as I break his legs!"


After Liu Gu saluted, he directly ordered the soldiers of the left-behind mansion to follow suit.

This night was destined to be a sleepless night. More than [-]% of the officials in Luoyang City were investigated, and all the merchants related to them were also captured.

The worst among them was the land and water transfer envoy yamen. More than [-]% of all officials, from the transfer envoy to the ordinary officials, were captured.

It can be said that the entire land and water transfer has been taken over by the Yamen.

At dawn, those officials who had nothing to do went to work as usual. After entering the yamen and waiting for a long time, they could not see their superiors arriving.

Immediately after the news came, everyone was dumbfounded.

What's going on with this special cat? Everything has been investigated?
  Fortunately, they have a small officialdom and no one comes to test the cadres.

But without the presence of Shangguan, they would not be able to carry out their work.

"Di Renjie, are all the people I asked you to prepare ready?

Now Luoyang Yamen is almost in trouble. If no one takes the lead, there will be problems. "

Li Yanran glanced at Di Renjie. She had already predicted this situation in advance, so she asked Di Renjie to prepare those available people in advance.

"Your Highness, I have selected the person, but the real appointment cannot be announced through you and Li Siwen. It needs to be announced through Liu Liushou and Luo Fuyin."

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