My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 780 Before fighting against foreigners, you must first calm down the inside. I won’t rest as

Di Renjie nodded. He had already prepared these people, but he couldn't do it by himself.

After all, they are just special envoys and have no actual official positions at all.

Now Luoyang has a temporary management deficiency, and even if it needs to be appointed, it must go through the actual manager of Luoyang.

Originally, they had already overstepped their authority in arresting people. If they were to arrest people now, they would appoint one person to arrest them.

This is going to go terribly wrong.

"Well, I understand your thinking, then let Liu Gu and Luo Zhengfang appoint them directly.

Another thing is to ask Li Siwen to seize the time to record all the confessions of the officials, remembering that he must not wrong anyone.

After everything is counted clearly, Liu Gu and Luo Zhengfang will be joined together to report the matter in the name of the three parties. "

Li Yanran glanced into the distance and directly said everything she was thinking.

"I'll arrange for someone to do it right away!"

Di Renjie saluted and left directly.

The whole prison was so exciting now, and Li Siwen was ruthless enough. Whenever he captured an official, he would tell the other person who leaked the secret.

This also led to one death battle after another in the prison.

After all, enemies are extremely jealous when they meet each other, and no one holds back. The main focus is to fight violence with violence.

In this atmosphere, Li Siwen's evidence collection work went very smoothly. Not only did he obtain a confession, but he also made new progress.

With this in the prison, Luo Zhengfang and Liu Gu also got Li Siwen's idea, and quickly straightened the people selected by Li Siwen, allowing them to sort out all aspects of the situation temporarily.

At the same time, Kuai Ma also left Luoyang at an accelerated speed of [-] miles, and rushed towards Chang'an with the evidence collection materials and confessions.

Lin Cheng and his men also stayed out day and night, trying their best to ensure that no one would discover their situation.

All they can do now is to be careful and careful, even if the detour is far away and the road is difficult, they still have to ensure the safety of the people in the car.

Finally, Li Zhi's people returned to Chang'an and handed over Li Yanran's reply letter.

After reading the reply, Li Zhi immediately went to find Wu Zetian.

"Mei Niang, tell me what kind of fairy child we have given birth to. He can think of everything before us!"

After Wu Zetian read the reply, Li Zhi smiled at her from the side.

"Your Majesty, she is completely at your mercy. If you weren't so brave, she wouldn't be so smart!"

Wu Zetian was also extremely satisfied and replied to Li Zhi.

"Haha, I am Yingwu, I think you are smart, Mei Niang, Yanran, all these are just following your mother!"

Li Zhi was also proud, and then he flattered Wu Zetian.

"Your Majesty, you deserve to be ashamed of what you said to Mei Niang. I am stupid, but I am smarter than Yanran."

The speaker has no intention, the listener has the heart.

Hearing Li Zhi's words, Wu Zetian was also shocked and broke into a cold sweat.

Could it be that Your Majesty is doing this to yourself?

Or are you worried about your current situation?

She ordered her power to stop expanding after Changsun Wuji stepped down.

"Haha, I can only say that this Yanran is born with a good talent. It's a pity. It would be great if he was a prince!"

Li Zhi didn't notice Wu Zetian's situation at all. All he had now was regret.

If Li Yanran was not a girl, but a man, then he would definitely hand over Datang to the other party without hesitation.

It's just a pity, such a pity.

"Your Majesty, don't say that, a man is a man, and what about being a girl?

I really don't want her to be so tired. After all, I watch you reviewing memorials all day long and late into the night. I feel so sorry for you.

The concubine suggested that she wait until Yanran comes back and bring her directly to the palace, where she can be disciplined by the concubine herself and change her temper.

To avoid making any big mistakes in the future. "

Wu Zetian didn't even dare to breathe loudly when she spoke now. After all, she was in the royal family and couldn't help herself.

If Li Zhi is really wary of Li Yanran, she knows better than anyone what the consequences will be for her daughter.

So she had to find a way to make up for it and absolutely couldn't let this happen.

"This is unreasonable. There is no such rule in the Tang Dynasty. The royal children who have gone out to fight return to the palace for education.

Besides, I am very pleased with what Yanran has done, and you may have misunderstood me.

I'm not afraid of Xiao Yanran, and I won't do anything to her. Don't overthink it! "

Li Zhi now understood that Wu Zetian had really misunderstood him.

He had no intention of being afraid of Li Yanran. After all, she was his biological daughter and no one else.

Moreover, he and Li Yanran are now tied together. As long as his daughter is good to him, he will be fine.

If Wu Zetian calls him back from his fiefdom now, who will make money for him in the future?

This can't be done, it really can't be done.

"I think too much?"

Wu Zetian was also dumbfounded. Did she understand it wrong?

How is this possible? Every word of the emperor is not without purpose.

Will I understand it wrong?

Could it be that this pillow person wants to use his daughter to beat himself up?

No, I must warn Xu Jingzong and the others to act cautiously and not cause any more trouble.

Otherwise, you may run into big problems.

"That's right, I don't agree with Xiao Yanran returning to the palace.

This child has a wild temper, and you saw it during the time she was in the palace. She was unhappy.

That's my daughter, and I don't want to see her depressed all day long. "

Li Zhi held Wu Zetian in his arms. Li Yanran's life path was still very long, and he didn't want his daughter to live like this for the rest of her life. As for children, it is enough to be happy and healthy.

"Your Majesty, just spoil her!"

Wu Zetian also calmed down, enjoying this moment of tranquility.

"How can a father not spoil his own daughter? Who told you to throw our daughter out so cruelly? Just let her suffer outside!"

Li Zhi smiled, somewhat complaining about Wu Zetian.

For such a good child, it is simply too cruel for a father to not be able to witness her growth step by step.

"You also said that if you had told Yanran's situation earlier, you still don't know the consequences?"

Wu Zetian also hugged Li Zhi and replied to him.


Li Zhi fell silent instantly. Li Yanran really couldn't be exposed in that situation.

It can only be said that time is fate.

"Your Majesty, let's not talk about that. Next, we just need to wait for those people to be sent over.

What are you going to do when people arrive? "

Wu Zetian knew that she had talked too much again, so she quickly changed the topic.

"What are we going to do? We will naturally have to negotiate when the time comes, and let them surrender to me and give up more benefits.

After all, we can't really clear out all these aristocratic families now. This would be detrimental to Datang! "

Hearing this, Li Zhi also sighed.

The aristocratic family cannot do without the Tang Dynasty, and the Tang Dynasty cannot do without the aristocratic family.

But what Datang needs is a controllable aristocratic family, not the current situation.

His father had been suppressed by the family before and could not show his talents, but now he wants to completely change this situation.

After all, the Tang Dynasty in my eyes is more than this, there are bigger and broader places waiting for the soldiers of the Tang Dynasty to explore.

He is still very clear about this truth before fighting against the outside world.

Therefore, since he succeeded to the throne and stabilized Datang's fundamentals, he began to weaken the family.

Now that God has given him such a good girl, if he doesn't do something to make a difference, he would be really sorry for Li Yanran.

"What if they don't agree?"

This is also what Wu Zetian is worried about. If the family refuses to give in, Datang will be in huge trouble.

The family's tentacles in Datang were too deep, and Li Yanran's move was too sudden.

They are not ready yet, ready for a complete break with the family.

If the talks really break down, things will get out of hand.

"Don't agree? If it were before, I might hold my nose and admit it, but now it's them.

If you don't agree, then don't blame me for being ruthless and killing these families completely.

Now we are about to go to war with Tibet, and there are constant frictions in the Western Regions. In addition, I also want to expedition to Goguryeo, which requires the strength of the whole country to act.

Before fighting against the outside world, you must first calm down the inside. If you don't conquer them, I won't be at ease! "

Li Zhi sneered, did they disagree? He doesn't agree.

He had too many things to do next, and he would not worry if these time bombs were allowed to remain inside Datang.

If Datang is really at war with these enemies, and the aristocratic families are holding Datang back, it will be a disaster for Datang.

"Mei Niang understands. If you need me to do anything, Your Majesty, just ask."

Wu Zetian had already seen Li Zhi's determination.

Reconciliation with the aristocratic family is simply impossible. If he loses one of their legs this time, there is no way this pillow person will give up.

And Li Zhi is right when he says that in order to deal with foreign affairs, we must first settle the domestic affairs.

The Tang Dynasty seemed to be in full bloom, but it was also plagued by internal and external troubles.

The Tang Dynasty's national power has been improving in recent years, and Tubo has not fallen behind.

They have been closely following the steps of the Tang Dynasty to improve. If they take Tibet lightly, the Tang Dynasty will inevitably suffer a huge setback.

By then, not only Tuhun Valley, but also the entire southwest of the Tang Dynasty will be captured by Tubo's military peak.

Then Datang will really be in trouble.

"No, these are my business. You just need to stand behind me and watch me help Datang create a prosperous world!"

Li Zhi shook his head. Wu Zetian was indeed his good wife, and the people under her also made their best efforts to solve the Changsun Wuji matter.

But he didn't want Wu Zetian to get involved.

If Wu Zetian really unites with those aristocratic families, he may have to take action against Wu Zetian in the end.

The imperial power is supreme, and he will never allow any danger to arise. In addition, he does not want to have a conflict with his pillow person.

"The concubine understands!"

When Li Zhi said this, Wu Zetian stopped talking.

Now she couldn't say or do anything.

Otherwise, the emperor's sensitive nerves will be disturbed.

"Well, then you can rest, I still have things to deal with over there."

Li Zhi kissed Wu Zetian on the head again, then stood up and left.

"The concubine sends you off to His Majesty!"


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