My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 781 He can remember the suffering last time for a lifetime!

Li Zhi returned to the imperial study and immediately started making arrangements.

There is always nothing wrong with doing everything in advance, and everything must be done beforehand, so that he can start taking action as soon as the people from the four major families are sent to Chang'an.

The sooner it ends, the better it will be for yourself and Datang.

With new officials taking office in Luoyang, the business environment has also been greatly improved.

Li Yanran mainly targeted the upper-level officials this time, and did no harm to the people at the bottom.

Therefore, Luoyang now has stability amid chaos, and normal public order is still fine.

After hearing about the collapse of those businesses, the previously oppressed merchants also began to expand at the fastest speed, relying on price reduction and promotions to seize the market they left behind.

And Li Yanran was not to be outdone. She had done so much, so she couldn't let others take all the benefits.

So she began to negotiate with the imprisoned businesses, using the money contributed by the officials to purchase their stores.

The businessmen know their current situation, and they are very clear about Li Yanran's price.

The other party is the most suitable regardless of status or price.

Immediately, some people agreed with Li Siwen's purchase intention, and some even advocated giving the store directly to Li Siwen, hoping that the other party would open up.

But these were all rejected by Li Siwen. He didn't want to have any leverage on these people.

After all, these are hungry wolves that eat people without spitting out their bones. If you get involved with them, there will be endless troubles.

In the end, all these shops were taken over by Li Yanran.

The first thing Li Yanran did when she took over these stores was to immediately recruit the previous clerks back. The premise was to identify their likes and dislikes.

Those who perform well are given high salaries, and those who have a bad reputation are all eliminated.

Moreover, Li Yanran’s goods here are also on sale at a huge discount.

Anyway, you don’t have to spend money yourself, and now that competitors have lowered their prices, if they don’t follow suit, it will be useless even if they win these stores.

For a time, the people in Luoyang were all excited. This has not happened for several years.

After all, those businesses in the past were backed by people from the government, and there were thousands of ways to suppress their peers. There was no need to use ordinary methods like price reductions.

Now everything is back to normal. Until something new happens, the people can only benefit.

After finishing the work, Li Yanran came to the vegetable stall again.

"Huang Sanniang, I haven't seen you in the past few days. You have bought a lot of things!"

Looking at Huang Sanniang with a cheerful face, Li Yanran also smiled at her.

"Baby, are you here again? Come and eat a cucumber!"

Seeing that it was Li Yanran, Huang Sanniang also smiled, grabbed a cucumber and handed it over.

Li Yanran didn't hesitate, just wiped it on her body and took a bite.

“Huang Sanniang’s cucumbers are still delicious, refreshing and crispy!”

"Little boy, you have the sweetest mouth. I, my mother-in-law, miss you so much!"

Huang Sanniang also pinched Li Yanran's little face, her eyes full of smiles.

"Hehe, Sanniang, I heard that things have changed in Luoyang recently. What is the situation here!"

Li Yanran smiled back and asked Huang Sanniang.

"Stop talking, I don't know what's going on in Luoyang now. The officials seem to have been investigated a lot, and then the shops started to cut prices.

I've been eyeing this hairpin for a long time, so I just bought it. "

Huang Sanniang put her face in front of Li Yanran's and whispered to her.

"The affairs of those big shots are not something that ordinary people like us can deal with, as long as we can benefit!"

"You're right, kid. It doesn't matter to us how those officials are. I'm just a vegetable seller. As long as I can see the benefits, that's fine!"

Huang Sanniang also touched Li Yanran's little head.

To be honest, she really felt that the other person was cute. If her own child could be like this, she would be satisfied even if she burned her husband's ancestral grave.

"Well, I'm taking a walk then!"

Li Yanran took another cucumber and stuffed it into Li Feng's hand.

After a day of shopping, Li Yanran returned to the British Public Courtyard with satisfaction.

"Brother Li, what are you doing, but you are making me anxious to death!"

Seeing Li Yanran's figure, Li Siwen immediately greeted her.

"I went shopping, look what I brought back for you."

Li Yanran waved as she spoke, and Li Feng also sent two bitter melons to Li Siwen.

"Brother Li, please spare me, I don't want to eat this thing anymore in my life!"

Li Siwen was stunned when he saw the bitter melon.

The pain he suffered last time is still fresh in his memory. If he eats it again, he would rather die.

"I see you're so scared. What do you want from me?"

Li Yanran smiled. She just wanted to scare Li Siwen. This was her trump card. If he dared to cause trouble, don't blame her for being tortured.

"Many businessmen are coming to me today and want to cooperate with me, and the rewards are very high."

Li Siwen told all the situations he encountered.

Now the entire officialdom in Luoyang can be said to have changed its color after hearing about business, let alone acting as a protective umbrella for them.

I don't even want to have any relationship, and I don't dare to get involved.

Only he, the special envoy and the initiator of this matter, dared to do anything illegal at this juncture.

Li Yanran jumped up and slapped her, then punched and kicked her again, which made Li Siwen stunned.

"Brother Li, why did you hit me?"

Li Siwen looked at Li Yanran, wondering what he meant. “Hit you? This is light.

If you want to die, don't take me with you. Don't you know the consequences of collusion between government and businessmen?

I don't think it's okay for you to make money, but if you do these things.

No need for the court, no need for your father, I will break your legs myself. "

Li Yanran kicked Li Siwen again. You kid is really becoming more and more depraved and becoming more capable.

They all dare to collude with government officials and businessmen to bring harm to one party.

"If you can't, then you can't. As for beating me like this?"

Li Siwen covered his butt, his eyes full of depression.

I didn’t agree, I was just telling you!

Besides, he has no official position, so even being a special envoy is temporary.

There is nothing wrong with talking about cooperation with businessmen, but is there such a big reaction?

"If I hear this kind of thing from your mouth again, you will know the consequences!"


Li Siwen quickly saluted.

"Okay, now that we have our own shop, you have to shoulder the burden for me.

After I leave, Luoyang will have to rely on you. If you don't do it well, you know the consequences. "

Li Yanran patted Li Siwen on the shoulder, indicating that he must take responsibility for Luoyang.

"Brother Li? What do you mean?"

Li Siwen was also stunned when he heard Li Yanran say this.

"I can't stay in Luoyang for a few more days. Although Luoyang is good, it is not Chang'an after all. It's time to go back!"

Li Yanran nodded.

Now the situation in Luoyang is almost complete. In terms of water transportation, there are Pei Xinqi and Zhang Minggu, and in terms of sea transportation, there are Pei Xinqi and Li Daosan.

With them here, there should be no problems. In addition, the situation in Luoyang is stable now, and there will be no variables.

There is no use for her staying in Luoyang. It is better to return to Chang'an as soon as possible.

"Is this going?"

Li Siwen also frowned when he heard the definite answer.

If Li Yanran leaves, he will have no backbone.

"Well, once Father has issued his decree to Luoyang, he should be leaving!"

"Brother Li, don't worry. Although I'm not as smart as you, it's impossible for others to trick me.

I may not be aggressive enough in Luoyang, but I can still defend the city! "

Now that Li Yanran has made her decision, Li Siwen can only say that he wants her to leave with peace of mind.

"Let's talk about it then. It would be strange if I could rest assured about you, so I'm going to let Di Renjie stay here to help you this time."

After glaring at Li Feng, Li Yanran also sighed.

She actually hoped that Li Siwen could take the lead, but it backfired.

Li Siwen was brave enough but not resourceful, so she would really not worry if he didn't have someone by his side.

Luoyang was too important. She had spent so much effort to achieve the great situation she was in now. If she was defeated by Li Siwen, she would have to vomit blood and die.

"Di Renjie? Let's forget it. He is your commander in chief. If you let him stay in Luoyang, he will be criticized.

In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, let him follow you back to Chang'an! "

Li Siwen was dumbfounded. Who is this Di Renjie? He is the commander of Princess Lishan.

If you leave and he is still in Luoyang, if he is recognized by others, he will inevitably be impeached by the censors.

By then, not only Di Renjie may have problems, but Li Yanran may also be held accountable.

Besides, Di Renjie is famous for his troubles. If he were here, he would not be controlled to death.

No, he absolutely couldn't let Di Renjie stay here.

"Are you afraid that Di Renjie will get in your way here?"

Li Yanran glared at Li Siwen again. He knew Xiao Jiujiu in his heart better than anyone else.

"Then what should I do if you are here? I am really doing it for your own good!"

When Li Siwen's thoughts were revealed, his face turned red and he hurriedly explained to her.

"That won't work. Di Renjie will have to stay here for at least ten and a half days after I leave. Let's wait until the situation in Luoyang has completely stabilized!"

Li Yanran shook her head. Di Renjie must stay here for a while, and this cannot be explained.


A fast horse rushed directly into Chang'an City.

The knight came outside the palace and handed Li Siwen's materials directly.

After hearing that it was from Luoyang and Li Siwen, the Imperial Army immediately sent it in.

"Your Majesty, there is urgent news from Luoyang!"

Ruian took the materials and sent them to Li Zhi immediately.

"Bring it quickly!"

Li Zhi took the materials directly into his hand and looked through them carefully.

"A bunch of bastards!"

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