My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 782 Thunder’s Fury

"Your Majesty, calm down!"

With a pop, he fell to his knees on the ground.

Li Zhi's roar frightened Ruian so much that his cerebellum twitched.

"Calm down, how can I calm down? Each of these officials has failed to trust me, the officials of the Tang Dynasty."

Li Zhi's eyes almost popped out. Calm down?

It would be strange if he could calm down his anger.

Are these the officials of the Tang Dynasty? Are these the carefully selected parents?

With a salary from the Tang Dynasty, he did such a nasty and evil thing.

It really made him want to kill someone.

"Your Majesty, what happened?"

Until now Ruian still doesn't understand what is going on in Luoyang.

"What's going on? Officials colluded with businessmen, bullied the market, offered bribes and accepted bribes. Do they really think that the laws of the Tang Dynasty are just for show?

Immediately ask Zhang Zhishui, the Secretary of the Ministry of Punishment, Lu Chengqing, who is also in charge of the Ministry of Personnel, Wei Fu, the Minister of Dali Temple, Gao Zhizhou, the Yushitai, and other officials to come over. "

Li Zhi and Ruian, both eunuchs, couldn't afford to say that, so they directly asked him to call all the officials.


Ryan shuddered and quickly retreated.

The person whose name was called soon put down what he was doing and rushed to the palace.

Looking at his colleagues, Zhang Zhishui also frowned.

He should be very cautious as the Minister of Punishment now. After all, Cui Shouye had set him up before, so it would have been good if he had not been replaced.

So from that time on, he always took a protective view on anything related to Li Yanran.

He finally understood that Li Yanran was the sweet spot in Li Zhi's heart.

Anyone who dares to make trouble with her will be made hard by the emperor.

Perhaps it is precisely because of his attitude that his position has become more stable recently.

"what's going on?"

Looking at Lu Chengqing, who was also in charge of official affairs, Zhang Zhishui also approached.

"I don't know. I suddenly received His Majesty's order. He only asked me to come over to discuss matters, but he didn't say what the matter was!"

Lu Chengqing shook his head. He also wanted to ask others if they knew what was going on.

After all, if the emperor summoned so many people at once, it must be something big.

If you can't know in advance, you will be very passive when the time comes.

"Doctor Gao, do you know what His Majesty means this time?"

Unknown to Lu Chengqing, Zhang Zhishui set his sights on Gao Zhizhou again.

After all, this person is a close minister of Empress Wu, so it's not certain that he may have any inside information.

"I really don't know. His Majesty summoned me so suddenly. I was just wondering!"

Gao Zhizhou also shook his head. After receiving Li Zhi's summons, he immediately went to ask Xu Jingzong.

The other party's reply to him was to wait and see what happens and not to show off.

Because he didn't get any precise information from Empress Wu.

"Your Majesty has decreed that Zhang Zhishui, the Minister of the Ministry of Punishment, Lu Chengqing, who is also in charge of the Ministry of Personnel, Wei Fu, the Minister of Dali Temple, and Gao Zhizhou, the Yushitai, have an audience!"

Hearing Ruian's shout, the people waiting outside immediately tidied up their clothes and entered the royal study.

"Zhang Zhishui, Minister of the Ministry of Punishment!"

"Lu Chengqing, the Minister of Civil Service!"

"Weifu, the minister of Dali Temple!"

"Censor Gao Zhizhou!"

"I have seen Your Majesty!"

"Long live my emperor! Long live!"

The four of them saluted Li Zhi on the dragon throne and shouted long live!

"Everyone get up!"

Looking at the four people in front of him, Li Zhi also waved his hand to make them all stand flat.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

After the four stood up, they looked at each other and stood aside.

"Do you know why I called you here this time?"

"I don't know!"

The four of them shook their heads together, who knows what you mean by calling us over.

"Ryan, show them!"


After hearing Li Zhi's words, Ruian also hurriedly distributed the things sent from Luoyang to the four people.

"This is?"

Looking at the information in front of them, all four of them were dumbfounded, especially Gao Zhizhou from Yushitai.

Logically speaking, it should be their job to inspect hundreds of officials, but now that the emperor has all this information, he still doesn't know it.

Could it be that this time I have to ask myself for responsibility?

"Look, these are the officials of our Tang Dynasty. More than 50% of the officials in Luoyang are corrupt and accept bribes. They collude with officials and businessmen to bully and dominate the market.

Gao Zhizhou, how did you become a censor? Is this how the supervisory officials supervise me? "

Li Zhi slapped the dragon case again.

Gao Zhizhou, who was named, also knelt on the ground with a thud, his eyes filled with fear.

It is true that the Yushitai is a supervisory authority, but who would have known that the current situation in the Tang Dynasty would be so corrupt.

Moreover, Luoyang's location was important, and the officials were so intertwined and piled up layer by layer that even a censor couldn't get out even if he entered.

This is just like Chang'an. The situation may be much more serious than Luoyang, but whoever dares to investigate can do so.

"My crime deserves death!" Can he tell the emperor this now?


The only thing he could do was to hope that the emperor was just talking and didn't really have murderous intentions towards him.

"Lu Chengqing, is it possible that the selection and appointment of officials in the Ministry of Civil Affairs are all so unrestrained and without a bottom line?

Gao Zhizhou's Yushitai was only responsible for supervision. The root cause of this matter still lies with the Ministry of Personnel, and the Ministry of Personnel is also to blame! "

Looking at Gao Zhizhou who was kneeling on the ground, Li Zhi also focused on Lu Chengqing.

"The minister deserves death!"

Lu Chengqing hurriedly knelt down with Gao Zhizhou.

He is also a loser now. After all, he is just a minister of the Ministry of Household Affairs. Although he is in charge of the affairs of the Ministry of Personnel, he is not the chief official of the Ministry of Personnel after all.

Moreover, these officials appointed in Luoyang also happened before.

He was completely accidentally injured.

"Sin deserves death. If you can really die ten thousand times, then forget it."

Li Zhi knew it was useless to blame them now, so he said nothing more.

"Your Majesty, we should immediately launch a joint trial among the three departments to verify the information on these materials one by one. If it is determined to be true, we should be severely punished!"

Zhang Zhishui also noticed it and hurriedly followed Li Zhi's words.

"Your Majesty, Zhang Shangshu is right. This matter involves too much scope and we have to be cautious. A joint trial by the three departments should be initiated.

Be sure not to let a bad person go and not frame a good person. "

Wei Fu also saluted Li Zhi. Seeing this situation, half of Luoyang would be taken away.

Since the founding of the Tang Dynasty, so many officials have never been dealt with at one time, let alone the Tang Dynasty, and even the Sui Dynasty has never done so before.

After all, Luoyang was also the capital of the Tang Dynasty, and it did so many things without saying a word.

He was really curious about who was brave enough to do this.

Anyway, he wouldn't dare to put it on him.

"Well, it is appropriate for the three divisions to hold a joint trial. After all, such a big case is very rare even in the history of the Tang Dynasty.

Dali Temple, the Ministry of Punishment, and the Yushitai immediately sent people to Luoyang to prepare to supervise the case.

As you said, you can't let a bad person go, and you can't frame a good person.

If I know who dares to practice favoritism and malpractice in this, I will punish him from the Nine Clans. "

Li Zhi nodded, which was why he called these people over.

The joint trial of the three agencies will definitely be launched, but he will have to say ugly things first.

He couldn't let his girl work hard to do these things, only to be wiped out by these people with official protection. Then Li Yanran would have to rip off his beard when he came back.

"The minister leads the order!"

"The minister leads the order!"

"The minister leads the order!"

Zhang Zhishui and the other three also saluted together and accepted Li Zhi's order.

They now understood that the emperor was determined to take action on the officials in Luoyang.

Now, if anyone dares to put water on this pass, the emperor will kill him.

No one would do this kind of stupid thing.

The three of them took the order, and only Lu Chengqing from the staff department was left confused.

The joint trial of the three departments has nothing to do with his own officials. Was he just planning to scold him when he was called here, saying that the officials did not have the ability to recognize people?

This is completely unnecessary.

"Lu Chengqing, although the joint trial of the three divisions has nothing to do with you, under the current situation, your officials have no choice but to take action.

They immediately selected suitable officials to go to Luoyang, although they had already selected some lower-level officials to temporarily replace them.

But after all, it is Luoyang, the capital of the Tang Dynasty, so there cannot be any problems. "

Li Zhi glanced at Lu Chengqing and told him the reason for calling him here this time.

"I will immediately mobilize officials to go to Luoyang."

Lu Chengqing hurriedly saluted.

"But there is one thing I want to explain in advance. If someone assigned by the Ministry of Official Affairs has such a problem, you will be responsible for the consequences!"

"I understand!"

Lu Chengqing was dumbfounded when he heard this. Compared with the three-division trial, his side was more difficult.

Because no one can guarantee that the officials sent there are upright and upright people. Besides, they were honest and upright before, but what should they do if they are hunted over there?

It seems that I need to think carefully about who should be sent to take charge.

"Okay, let's all get down!"

Li Zhi clapped his hands, and the four of them also hurriedly saluted and retreated together.

"Three of you, do you have a suitable person to go to Luoyang to stabilize the situation?"

After leaving the door, Lu Chengqing looked at the three of them, full of expectation.

If they can recommend people to go up, they can also share some of the burden for themselves.

Although Luoyang is rich, it is obviously a trap now. When something goes wrong, whoever benefits will take the blame.

Anyway, he has never thought about cultivating power. He is nothing yet, so why think so much about it.

"These are the affairs of the Ministry of Personnel, and I, the Ministry of Punishment, can't get involved!"

"The same goes for Yushitai. The officials under my command don't care about management. Luoyang is important and I can't do anything about it."

"Dali Temple only knows how to solve cases and doesn't know anything else. Minister Lu should just figure it out on his own!"

The three of them were not fools, so they naturally understood what Lu Chengqing meant.

Now Luoyang has become a thorn in the emperor's side. If anyone dares to cause any trouble there, he will definitely be implicated.

Money can be made at any time, and power can be expanded at any time. There is no need to show off now.


After listening, Lu Chengqing also sighed and walked at the front a little lonely.

The remaining three looked at each other and were somewhat silent.

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