My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 787 Bandits come out of the mountain

After hearing Wang Hu's words, the bandits also became excited.

They are not happy to pick up people in the middle of the night, but they are not at all ambiguous when it comes to fighting with guys.

After working for so long, I finally had some entertainment.

"set off!"

Wei Shan gave an order, and four to five thousand bandits also carried torches and swords, followed the company's car and killed in the direction of Lincheng.

"The troops are out, the troops are out!"

It was no small matter that Lishan sent troops, and the bandits who were watching outside also rushed back on horseback immediately.

"What's going on?"

The bandit leader Liu He also trembled and rolled up from the bed.

"Lishan has sent out troops, sent out troops!"

"What? How many soldiers and horses came out!"

Liu He was dumbfounded. He only had a small group of people here, with only four to five hundred people eating and drinking.

If the other party comes with thousands of people, they will have to kill themselves.

It seems that I didn't do anything. I didn't rob or kill anyone. I just stayed here. It doesn't count as causing public outrage.

Why did you send troops?

"There are thousands of people there."


Upon hearing this, Liu He collapsed on the ground and his lips began to tremble.

"Did any of you disobey my orders and rob passing merchants?"

Liu He's first reaction was that someone must have failed to abide by the rules he had set and robbed passing merchants. Otherwise, how could he have stung the hornet's nest?

"No, we have been talking like birds these days. Not to mention merchants, we don't even dare to move for fear of offending the local bullies in Lishan."

A young bandit leader was also dumbfounded. What did he mean by robbing merchants?

He didn't even dare to kill an overgrown bird, for fear that it would be Lishan's plaything.

He also robbed merchants and wouldn't even dare to borrow ten of their courage.

"Then why did they come out, or did they mobilize the whole army, just to get rid of us?"

Liu He kicked the man over with one kick, his eyes full of anger.

"Master, now is not the time to think about that. What should we do now?"

"That's right, head of the house, now we should do some miscellaneous things!"

"Come up with an idea."

A group of people saluted Liu He, their eyes filled with horror.

Even though they are calling the shots on the top of the mountain, they really mean nothing in Lishan Mountain.

You must know that this place is hailed as a Jedi place by the bandit community. Let alone them, even the bandit kings who are famous in the Tang Dynasty changed their expressions upon hearing Li.

Not to mention little bastards like them.

"Run, run quickly, save your life first!"

After Liu He heard this, he immediately asked someone to bring the war horse, turned over and galloped wildly.

Looking at Liu He's back, everyone was stunned.

I have never seen Liu He move so fast and neatly before.

"What are you waiting for? Run!"

I don't know who shouted, and the remaining bandits scattered like birds and beasts, and disappeared in an instant.

Once the people's hearts are dispersed, it will be difficult to lead the team. Liu He may not even be able to become the king of the mountain after escaping this time.

Wei Shan and the National People's Congress troops were like locusts crossing the border with great momentum. Not to mention the mountain bandits, even the birds and beasts along the way were so frightened that they didn't know where to go.

The road went from night to day, and then from day to night.

"Colonel Lieutenant, you said there wouldn't be any problems with the car, right?"

"Fart, he was riding alone, how could anything happen?

Besides, it’s the middle of the night again, and the dogs are all asleep, let alone the people. "

Lin Cheng slapped the man on the head, his eyes filled with nervousness.

He was also worried. If the car was caught by someone, the other party would probably follow the traces and kill them.

When the time comes, he will kick off his hooves and run away.

"Captain, something happened. We found a large group of people coming towards us. There are thousands of them!"

Just as the two were talking, a cavalryman also galloped over, his eyes full of nervousness.

"Thousands of people?"

Upon hearing this information, Lin Cheng's heart suddenly jumped up.

Why are so many people showing up? Is there really something wrong with the car?

But this is a bit unreasonable.

This is Lishan Mountain. If there are so many soldiers and horses ambushing around, they don't know it yet.

When he gets back, he will report it to Li Yanran and chop off this guy's head.

"That's right, what should we do?"

"Gather immediately, except for the scouts, the rest of the people will retreat back!"

Although things were abnormal, Lin Cheng knew his importance and absolutely could not risk staying.


Soon forty-five cavalry escorted four carriages and began to retreat, and the remaining four scouts also hid.

"It's right in front, I'll report it!"

When they almost arrived at Lin Cheng's hiding place, they even rode forward to meet Lin Cheng.

Looking at the empty hiding place, even Che was dumbfounded.

Where are people? Where have they all gone?

Could it be that something went wrong in Lincheng and was robbed?

Logically speaking, it shouldn't be, and it doesn't look like there has been a battle here.

"Are you out of breath? I'm connected to the car."

In desperation, he even yelled at the people around him. He didn't believe that Lin Cheng would be picked up so accidentally.

Even if he withdraws, he will definitely leave a tail behind.

"Lian Che? It turns out it's you, I'm scared to death!"

Hearing this shout, the people arranged by Lin Cheng also rushed out and rode to his side.

Glancing at Pao Ze in the hiding place, even Che understood.

Wei Shan and the others must have been discovered by Lin Cheng's scouts, so they ran away in a hurry.

"I'm just going on my way, where is the captain?"

"The captain has evacuated. Come on, I'll take you to rendezvous!"


Even the car followed the scout and ran towards Lincheng.

It didn't take long for Lin Cheng to run more than twenty miles. Fortunately, he took a short rest, otherwise it might be dawn before Lian Che could catch up.

"You idiot, don't you know how to send someone to inform you first?"

When he heard that Lian Che was bringing Wei Shan for the round, Lin Cheng slapped him.

NNND, you are not reliable at all. I almost had a heart attack due to fear.

"It's Liancheng's lack of consideration, please forgive me!"

Even Che was covering his head, his eyes filled with grievances.

Damn me, I never knew you were so sensitive. You could run away for more than 20 miles at the slightest sign of trouble. No wonder His Highness asked you to be responsible for escorting these people. You really did not choose the wrong person.

"I'm sorry for your stupidity, but when we get to the fiefdom, you have to treat us to a drink to apologize! Are you right?"

Lin Cheng glared at Lian Che again, asking me to forgive him was not impossible, but he couldn't let it go so easily.

"Yes, please have a drink!"

"I must kill him well!"

"That's why I was so frightened that I ran so far!"

Hearing Lin Cheng's words, the Imperial Guards around him also shouted that they wanted to treat guests to wine in their cars.

"Captain, I only have a small salary, but you are killing me!"

Even Che's face is full of embarrassment, what's the matter?

It was you who asked me to inform Wei Shan, and now you ask me to treat you, which is a bit unkind.

"Don't worry, I won't let you go into debt. I will make up for whatever is not enough!"

"Then let's go to Haijulou!"

"it is good!"

After a group of people started making jokes, Lin Cheng also led the imperial army and ran back.

"Why haven't you come yet? Nothing will go wrong!"

Wang Hu rode on his horse and asked Wei Shan.

"Fart, shut your crow mouth.

where is this? The boundary of Lishan Mountain.

If something goes wrong under our noses, His Highness will not be able to twist our heads off. "

When Wang Hu said this, Wei Shan's heart was in his throat.

If something really went wrong, Li Yanran would really go crazy.

“Wei Shan, don’t think that just because His Highness puts you in charge, you can sit on my neck and shit.

Damn it, please speak with respect!

Otherwise, be careful, I'll slap you! "

Wang Hu was also angry after hearing Wei Shan's words.

He has been giving in to me all these days, and now he is scolding me in front of so many brothers.

I really can't bear it, even my aunt can't bear it.

"Stop talking nonsense, I'm not in the mood to argue with you."

Wei Shan is also depressed. My heart is in my throat, so you can't be more serious.

I'm bothered.

"Tch, it's as if no one is in the mood to argue with you!"

Wang Hu was also depressed for a moment. It's not because you don't respect me.

A group of people just waited and waited and waited.

Finally, I heard the sound of horse hooves in the distance.


Wei Shan's ears twitched and he also rode forward to fight with Lin Cheng.

"Captain Lin Cheng, Wei Shan has been waiting for you for a long time!"

"Wang Hu has been waiting for you for a long time!"

The two of them saluted Lin Cheng together. After all, this was a serious family, a legitimate captain.

There is a staff and a salary.

No matter how many people they have under their command, these bandits must still respect what they deserve.

"Okay, I feel relieved when I see you. Take the time to return to the fief!"

Lin Cheng was completely relieved when he saw Wei Shan and Wang Hu.

At this moment he was truly safe.

There were no problems, and he could finally take a good rest.

"Return to the fief!"

Wei Shan gave an order, and the prisoners completely surrounded Lin Cheng and the others, and the four carriages were also the top priority, in the center of the crowd.

"Colonel Lin, who is the big shot here? There is no news at all before!"

Wang Hu glanced at the carriage that was surrounded by people, his eyes full of curiosity.

"Don't ask questions that you shouldn't ask."

Lin Cheng glared at Wang Hu, these are things that a bandit leader like you can ask.

Don’t you know what it means that the more you know, the faster you will die?

"I see!"

Wang Hu was stabbed and quickly saluted.

A group of people walked from night to day again, from day to night, and then returned to the hot spring town without any danger.

"Lieutenant Lin, after traveling for such a long time, I arranged a banquet to welcome you!"

Back in the hot spring town, before Lin Cheng could rest, Wei Shan rushed over.

"No, we have an appointment today."

Lin Cheng also smiled when he heard Wei Shan's words. They all agreed that they would kill him with all his strength.

Let Wei Shan treat us now, it won’t be a waste.

"That's fine!"

Wei Shan also smiled sarcastically, then turned around and left.

"Wei Shan, wait!"

"Captain Lin, what else can you do?"

Wei Shan stopped and saluted Lin Cheng again.

"We may have to go out later. You arrange some trustworthy people to guard those carriages. Remember, they must not cause any problems!"

Lin Cheng thought for a moment and decided that he was going to have a drink later, so there couldn't be anything wrong with this person.

"Don't worry, I will personally take people to watch. You can have wine when you should."

Wei Shan saluted. He also knew the seriousness of the situation and immediately led his own men to garrison.

"Forget it, I'm always a little uneasy, come on."

Lin Cheng glanced at Wei Shan and shouted directly outside.

"Colonel Captain!"

"Tell Lian Che that he owes him the drink first, and then we can wait until he is sent to Chang'an!"


The forbidden soldier also shook his head and ran directly outside.

"Then I will also order people to strengthen the guard!"

Although he didn't know who the other party was, Lin Cheng paid so much attention to him that he couldn't let down his guard.

"It's work!"


Wei Shan left and immediately arranged for five hundred trustworthy bandit prisoners to guard outside the school grounds.

Just like that, at dawn, Lin Cheng left in person and ran towards Chang'an.

Lin Cheng entered Chang'an without any danger, and then rushed all the way to the outside of the palace.


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