My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 788: Head of the house, something serious has happened.

Seeing Lin Cheng's figure, the soldiers at the door immediately stopped him.

"I have something important to report to Your Majesty on the order of Princess Lishan!"

Lin Cheng dismounted and directly revealed his identity and purpose of coming.

"Princess Lishan's order? Wait."

The soldier was stunned for a moment when he heard Lin Cheng's words and asked him to wait.

"Where's Kong Dayan? Let him come over to see me!"

Lin Cheng also became angry when he heard that the other party asked him to wait.

When I left, I was a serious captain of the imperial army. What's wrong with you?

You don’t know anyone anymore, right?

"You are so arrogant, you can call us Fire Chief directly?"

Several soldiers immediately set up their spears.

"What are you doing, what are you doing!"

When a senior official saw this, he also ran over and was instantly stunned when he saw Lin Cheng being surrounded.

"Captain Lin Lin, why are you back?"

"Jia Bin, how old have you become? Look at the soldiers under your command, what kind of stuff are they all doing!"

Lin Cheng's face was filled with coldness, and he glanced at the Imperial Guard next to him and scolded him.

"Everyone, get lost. This is the former Colonel Lin Chenglin of the Forbidden Army. He is now the Colonel of the Guards of Her Royal Highness Princess Lishan."

Jia Bin also shuddered and quickly revealed Lin Cheng's identity.

"Captain Lin, these are new recruits who have just been transferred from the border to supplement the Imperial Army. Please calm down! What are you doing here?"

After scolding the person, Jia Bin also smiled and spoke to Lin Cheng.

"Hurry and inform Your Majesty that I have something important to report on the order of the princess!"

Lin Cheng also stated his purpose of coming again.

"Then you have to wait a moment, I will send someone to report it right now."

Hearing that the other party came here on Li Yanran's order, Jia Bin also trembled and hurriedly gave instructions to the people around him.

"Your Majesty, Lin Cheng, the former Imperial Military Academy Lieutenant, has important matters to attend under the orders of Her Royal Highness the Princess."

Ruian walked in and told the news about Lin Cheng directly.

"Here he comes, he's here, bring him in immediately!"

Li Zhi stood up suddenly, his eyes full of excitement.

I have been calling for it for so long, and finally it is here after waiting for so long.


After hearing Li Zhi's words, Ruian trotted away quickly.

"Colonel Lin, if you don't stay in the fiefdom and enjoy the blessings, why are you here again?"

Jia Bin approached Lin Cheng and asked him cautiously.

"What? Are you trying to trick me?"

Lin Cheng glanced at Jia Bin and replied to him calmly.

"No, isn't this just out of curiosity!"

"Ask what you should ask, and don't ask what you shouldn't."


Jia Bin smiled again, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and then stepped aside.

"Your Majesty has a decree to come to Xuanlin City!"

A young eunuch came to the palace gate, shouted loudly, and came to Xuanlin City to see him.

"Lin Cheng accepts the order!"

After receiving the order, Lin Cheng left directly with the young eunuch.

"You guys stay here and ask for leave from Kong Huochang. I have a stomachache and have to go to Dengdong!"

After Lin Cheng left, Jia Bin also took a leave of absence and ran to the side.

"Look at how long it is, it scares the shit out of you!"

"Haha, if this were placed on the border, I might be scared to death!"

"Don't talk nonsense and guard the door with peace of mind!"

Lin Cheng was taken all the way outside Li Zhi's imperial study. Looking at the place where he used to be on duty, he felt as if he was in another world.

"Your Majesty, bring Lin Cheng here!"


"Your Majesty has a decree to come to Xuanlin City!"

After hearing Ruian's words, Lin Cheng also hurriedly entered the imperial study room.

"Lin Cheng pays homage to His Majesty!"

"Long live my emperor! Long live!"

After entering the door, Lin Cheng knelt directly in front of Li Zhi.

"Lin Cheng, get up and speak!"

Li Zhi waved his hand, signaling Lin Cheng to get up and talk.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Lin Cheng stood up slowly and stood beside him.


Seeing Lin Cheng not speaking, Li Zhi was also dumbfounded.

Aren't you sending a message to Li Yanran?

You are talking!

"What did Yanran ask you to bring me?"

"Your Majesty, Cui Zhe, Lu Yuanyi and others from the four great families have been safely brought to Lishan, waiting for you to summon them!"

Only then did Lin Cheng react and hurriedly told the news that the person had been brought.

"Have you arrived at Lishan? Why don't you bring them directly to Chang'an?"

Hearing this, Li Zhi was also stunned for a moment.

Some people don't understand why the other party doesn't bring them directly to Chang'an.

"Your Majesty, this is all His Majesty's intention. She was afraid that those people would set up a siege outside Chang'an, so she asked us to go to Lishan first and then inform Your Majesty to pick them up."

Lin Cheng was also dumbfounded. As an emperor, you don't know this?

If someone who worked hard day and night was taken away in Chang'an, then Li Yanran would not be able to tear him apart.

"Well, I'd rather consider Zhou Xiang and Ruian!"

Li Zhi also smiled. This good daughter of hers really had no plans left.

Taking this little thing into consideration, it is right to be cautious in sailing the ship of ten thousand years.

"The servant is here!"

Ruian walked in and saluted Li Zhi directly.

"Immediately order Lieutenant Li Ge of the Qianqi Imperial Army to lead his troops to Lishan Mountain with Lin Cheng."

Li Zhi also knew the importance of the matter and directly dispatched his own private imperial army, the Thousand Cavalry Forbidden Army.

These can absolutely be trusted, and only when they are dispatched can we feel completely at ease.


Ruian glanced at Li Zhi, turned around and walked out.

Soon Li Ge and the Qianqi Forbidden Army were assembled, and then left the palace with Lin Cheng and ran towards Lishan Mountain.

"What? Someone is coming from Lishan?"

Cui Mingcheng instantly became excited when he heard the news.

"Uncle Clan, what should I do?" Cui Yuqing also frowned.

They already knew the situation in Luoyang and had set up a trap around Chang'an, but why did someone come from Lishan?

"What should I do? Send someone to inform the troops on guard outside to go to the Lishan fiefdom to rob me."

Cui Mingcheng slapped the table and stood up. It was absolutely impossible to let this person go now.

Even if the Lishan fiefdom is lifted, the people still have to be robbed.

"Uncle Zuzu, are you okay?"

Cui Yuqing was dumbfounded, what a bullshit idea you have.

To go to the Lishan fiefdom to rob people, only those with a bad brain could come up with this idea.

Hearing this, Cui Mingcheng almost got angry to death and slapped him directly.

I'm just a junior, but I dare to curse the old man that I'm sick?

"Uncle Clan, why are you slapping me in the mouth?"

Cui Yuqing was also stunned by this mouth. What was going on? It was a big slap in the face.

"Are you stupid? Dare you say that I am sick, old man? Slapping you in the mouth would be considered a minor offense!"

Cui Mingcheng glared at Cui Yuqing, his eyes full of anger.

"What I mean is that you may not know what is going on in this Lishan fiefdom. It is a pure bandit's nest.

There were thousands of captured bandits inside, as well as the Princess Guards and the Prince's Guards.

Is it possible to take over the Lishan fiefdom? "

Cui Yuqing covered his head, his eyes full of depression.

If others don't know the strength of Lishan fiefdom, how can he know it?

In addition to the Princess Guards and the Prince's Imperial Army, the Lishan fiefdom also had thousands of bandits.

Just rely on these shrimp soldiers and crab generals in your hands, if you want to go to the palace to cause trouble, save it.

"This Lishan fiefdom is so strong? This is near Chang'an. How could such a troop be allowed to appear?"

Now Cui Mingcheng also understood why Cui Yuqing said he was sick.

If this special meow really sneaks in without reason, it will be a waste.

But how could the emperor allow such a troop to appear under his nose?

It's so weird.

"This is all authorized by His Majesty. The key now is what to do next."

Cui Yuqing was also depressed. How do I know why the emperor allowed Li Yanran to have such strong strength?

But she is my daughter, do you care about her?

I can't even figure out my own affairs, so I don't have so much leisure time.

"What should we do? Since we can't hold back the Lishan fiefdom, then...then send someone to block the passage from the Lishan fiefdom to Chang'an. If I ask him to come, he won't be able to get out."

Cui Mingcheng thought for a moment and directly expressed his thoughts.

"I'll send someone to make arrangements right away!"

Cui Yuqing bowed and left directly.

As soon as he ran out, he bumped into a servant.

"You can't walk without eyes?"

Cui Yuqing got up from the ground, his eyes full of anxiety.

"Master, something serious has happened!"

The servants also hurriedly saluted Cui Yuqing.

"Why is it so bad?"

"Qianqi. Qianqi Forbidden Army just followed the man who came from Lishan out of the imperial city and headed towards Lishan!"


Upon hearing this, Cui Yuqing kicked the servant, then ran towards the main hall.

"Did it get set up so quickly?"

Cui Mingcheng was also stunned for a moment when he saw Cui Yuqing leaving and coming back.

This guy really comes and goes like the wind, his legs are tickling fast enough.

"The arrangements have been made. The Qianqi Imperial Army has left the imperial city and gone to the Lishan fiefdom to pick up people!"

Cui Yuqing is depressed. Even if I fly, I can't get there.

"What? The Thousand Cavalry Forbidden Army is dispatched?"

Cui Mingcheng was also shocked when he heard Cui Yuqing's words.

The thousand-horse forbidden army has gone out, and it is impossible to rob people.

Those are the emperor's personal guards, but water can't be poured into it, and no one can do anything about it.

If one of his own people dares to compete with the Qianqi Forbidden Army, it will be like moths rushing to the flame and destroying themselves.

"What should we do now?"

Cui Yuqing was also a little undecided. Don't think about robbing people now.

What to do next? He was really numb.

"How do I know what to do? Flying pigeons will send a letter to the family immediately, so that the family can make plans in advance."

After leaving a word, Cui Mingcheng also threw up his sleeves and left.


Cui Yuqing also sighed and walked out.

Soon several homing pigeons soared into the sky and flew into the distance.

Li Ge and his men rushed all the way to the Lishan fiefdom. Looking at the carriage in front of him, he directly ordered everyone to surround it and escort it towards Chang'an.

"Your Majesty, fortunately you have fulfilled your mission and brought all four of them back!"

Li Ge came to Li Zhi and after saluting, he also told all the situations of the four people.

"Okay, bring people here!"

Li Zhi's eyes were filled with joy and he directly ordered Li Ge to bring the people over.

Cui Zhe and the four others were also escorted into the royal study by several imperial soldiers.

Looking at the four people, Li Zhi also frowned.

These four people were unkempt and dressed in rags.

He didn't believe that they were the noble sons of the four great families, but it was more appropriate to say that they were beggars on the street.

"Take off their blindfolds!"


The Imperial Guards also hurriedly removed the things from the four people's eyes.

"Where is this?"

The four of them finally saw the light of day. They pulled the hair on their heads and looked at their surroundings, filled with doubts.

"Cui Zhe, Lu Yuanyi, Wang Ming, Zheng Qing."

After looking at the four people, Li Zhi directly called their names.

"You are you?"

When they heard someone calling their names, the four of them raised their heads and looked at Li Zhi in front of them.

"I am the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty!"


The four of them also gasped, and then fainted in unison.

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