My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 789 You are so open-minded!

The Emperor of the Tang Dynasty, isn't that the current emperor?

No wonder this place is so elegant and luxurious. It turns out that they are in Da Nei.

This is too ridiculous!

Couldn't the family send someone to save themselves? Even if it means killing yourself.

Why was it sent to the palace?

"Your Majesty, all four of them fainted!"

"Wake up!"


Someone immediately brought water and poured it directly on the faces of the four people.

"Cui Zhe pays homage to His Majesty!"

"Wang Ming pays homage to His Majesty!"

"Lu Yuanyi pays homage to His Majesty!"

"Zheng Qing pays homage to His Majesty!"

After the four woke up, they knelt on the ground and saluted Li Zhi.

"You are so brave, so brave!

He colluded with officials, ran rampant, was good at killing people, and attacked prisons.

This aristocratic family has raised some good sons. I would like to ask your family about it. "

Li Zhi slammed the table and shouted angrily at the four people.

"Your Majesty, this is a false accusation, it is a false accusation!"

Cui Zhe was also frightened and trembled. The emperor wanted to use them to take action against the aristocratic family.

"False accusation? You mean someone made a false accusation?"

"That's right, it's purely a false accusation!"

Lu Yuanyi also hurriedly replied to the emperor.

"Come here, take us down!"

Li Zhi was too lazy to argue with them. These few were tough, so it was enough to have someone on hand anyway.

Besides, doesn’t he have Xu Jingzong? He speaks professionally.

"Your Majesty, you are wronged!"

"Your Majesty, don't accidentally hurt a good person!"

"Your Majesty, Mingcha, Mingcha!"

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty!"

The four people were pulled down with despair, their eyes full of fear.

"Your Majesty, are you going to stop the trial?"

Ruian glanced at Li Zhi and was a little stunned.

After all the effort to bring someone here, you just said these two words and then led him away?

This is too sloppy!

"Trial? I'm just looking at them. Besides, interrogating people is not my specialty. Just leave it to Xu Jingzong."

"Your Majesty is wise!"

Ruian saluted and went directly to make arrangements.

Xu Jingzong was called directly from home. Looking at Cui Zhe and the four people in the prison, he was stunned when he heard their identities.

Good guy, if the emperor doesn't take action, it will be a big deal.

With these four people in hand, he didn't have to think about what would happen next.

Next, he also started to fabricate charges against the four people, and then brought them to Li Zhi's case.

Looking at the charges sent by Xu Jingzong, Li Zhi also smiled slightly.

Professional things should be left to professionals. Don’t you think it’s good?

From evidence to testimonials, everything is perfect.

"Immediately find a way to reveal this crime to the people of the four major families. I believe they will know what to do!"


Ruian smiled and ordered four copies of the crime to be transcribed and sent to Cui Yuqing and others.

"Uncle Clan, Uncle Clan, someone sent this!"

Cui Yuqing received the accusation of coming out of the palace and rushed to Cui Yuqing in a hurry.

"What is going on? Where did this come from?"

Cui Mingcheng was stunned for a moment. After he revealed the crime, he almost died of fright.

If all the evidence above is true, there will be nothing wrong with the entire Cui family if the emperor uses this.

"Someone sent this specially, what should I do now?"

Cui Yuqing was depressed. This thing was obviously sent here by someone, and this person was probably the current emperor.

But it has only been a day since this man was brought to the palace, and all this has been done?

My pigeon hasn't flown yet, so your speed is too fast.

"What should we do? Your Majesty is giving us power."

Cui Mingcheng sighed, he couldn't understand what the emperor meant.

This is because I want to reduce my power but don’t want to go to war, forcing myself to plead guilty!

"so what?"

"So immediately send this incriminating letter to your hometown and let your uncle handle it!"


"and many more!"

"Don't just send flying pigeons to deliver the message, send people to send fast horses eight hundred miles to send it back quickly!"


Soon another group of pigeons flew out of the Cui Mansion, and then several war horses galloped out towards the Qinghe River.

"Your Majesty, a letter from Duke Gaoyang!"

Duofu walked to Wu Zetian and handed Xu Jingzong's letter to Wu Zetian.

"I know, please go down!"

Wu Zetian opened the letter and felt a little excited after reading it.

The people from the four major aristocratic families finally arrived, and now the aristocratic families are going to be in serious trouble.

Raising her hand and throwing the letter into the charcoal basin, Wu Zetian began to review the memorial sent by Li Zhi again.

I don't know which loudmouth also revealed the news about the aristocratic family, and the whole of Chang'an became nervous for a while.

Except for the people from the four major aristocratic families, other dignitaries are waiting for the show to begin.

Let's see whether the emperor takes the opportunity to overwhelm the aristocratic family, or whether the aristocratic family fights to the death and competes with the emperor.

The outcome of this matter will directly affect the structure of the Tang Dynasty, and will also affect the attitude of various wealthy families towards the Royal Family of the Tang Dynasty.

Just when they were in trouble, the instigator, Li Yanran, was obsessed with the mountains and rivers.

Along the way, Fan Ze cooked game and looked at the beautiful scenery of the Tang Dynasty, which was called a sense of freedom.

"Miss, do you want to hurry up?" Li Feng has been very worried these past two days. You have to work hard day by day to get back to Chang'an and Lishan in the year of the monkey.

There are only two hundred forbidden troops around him. If someone unexpectedly pops up along the way, he will be in big trouble.

"I'm not in a hurry, so why are you? Don't you think that the beautiful scenery of the Tang Dynasty deserves our careful appreciation!"

After rolling her eyes at Li Feng, Li Yanran looked at the scenery in front of her again and thought it was really good.

"But it's dangerous here after all. What if something goes wrong?"

Li Feng is almost dying of anxiety. How long has it been since this happened? Why do you still appreciate the beautiful scenery?

What to do if you encounter a strong man?

"What could go wrong? Who dares to rob us?"

"Hey, I opened this mountain, I opened this road. If you want to live from now on, leave money to buy the road!"

With a loud shout, a group of bandits suddenly rushed out from both sides and stood in front of Li Yanran.

"Look, no one is coming here!"

Li Feng was also drunk. The lady had really opened her mouth. Someone jumped out as soon as she spoke.

What a big deal!

"Isn't this just right? You hold the line and let me go meet them!"

Li Yanran said that she also jumped off the carriage, put on her little donkey, and walked forward.

"Let those in charge speak out!"

A tall and thick bandit carried a ghost-headed sword and shouted at the team in front of him.


"That thief, what did you call me for?"

The crowd dispersed, and Li Yanran also appeared in front of the bandits on a donkey.

"Why did a doll come out? Where is your grandpa?"

Seeing Li Yanran's figure, the bandit also laughed loudly.

You have to take care of your own affairs, so why did such a little douchi pop up?

"How can you see my grandpa? Tell me, what's the matter?"

Li Yanran rolled her eyes at the man, there was so much nonsense.

How dare you look down on this girl? It's because you bandits have healed their scars and forgotten the pain, or you bullied me into not being able to lift a knife.

"That's a good relationship, baby, we're here to make money and not kill people.

Judging from your appearance, you should be from an ordinary family. How about spending money to keep yourself safe? "

The big man also glanced at the bandits beside him and smiled at Li Yanran.

"Then how much money do you want?"

Li Yanran also smiled and asked him directly how much money he wanted.

"You have at least two hundred people, and I don't want more.

On a per-capita basis, if one person always sacrifices his life for money, he may not have much.

One hundred guan, take the money and we'll leave immediately! "

The big man glanced briefly and stretched out a finger.


Hearing the big man's words, Li Yanran was also so full of laughter that she fell on her back.

This guy turned out to be a master who didn't know how to count. Two hundred people wanted one hundred guan.

Let's have a knife when we meet, right?

You know how to charge a high price.

"What are you laughing laughing!"

Seeing Li Yanran's smile, the man fell on his back, and the big man was also stunned for a moment.

"It's okay, I laugh at this strong man's kindness, but a hundred guan is still a lot of money.

We don’t have that much money with us, so we can discuss it and order less, okay? "

Li Yanran covered her mouth and replied to the big man.

"A little less?"

"If not, why don't you order less?"

The people next to the big man also said to him.

"Then just order less and give me fifty guan!"

The big man was open-minded and stretched out five fingers directly towards Li Yanran.

This is cut in half again, good guy, it’s really easy to negotiate.

"Not even fifty guan! If not, how about less?"


"How about less? It's not easy to go out!"

The same man also frowned and replied to the big man.

"Then give me twenty-five points!"

The big man thought for a moment, fearing that Li Yanran would not be able to understand the human language, so he expressed it with two hands, two hands, and five hands.

"Twenty-five guan is not a lot, no!"

Li Yanran really couldn't hold it in anymore.

This guy is so funny. She has met a lot of bandits, but she has never met the owner of this number.

Not only can it increase the price, but it can also be cut in half by itself.

"Baby, are you using me as a bargain? You don't even have twenty-five guan, so how much do you have?"

The big man was angry, and the ghost-headed sword was stuck directly on the ground, his eyes full of anger.

You're both a chariot and a horse, and you don't even have twenty-five strings in total, so why have you waited so long for a bunch of poor people?

"I'm not consistent, do you want me?"

Li Yanran smiled again and directly gave her the usual price.

"If you have enough money, you are just sending a beggar. If you don't have any money, then give me your donkey and it will all be used as payment of debt."

The big man glanced at the donkey under Li Yanran's crotch and asked for it by name.

"Master, this donkey is so thin, it's worth half a pound at most. It's not a loss if you want it."

"Yes, what do you think of my horse? These are fine horses, each worth hundreds of dollars. Why don't you want this?"

Li Yanran was also interested in this big man. This guy was so funny.

Anyone with a discerning eye knows that this war horse is priceless, so why do you have to stare at the little donkey under your crotch?

"Fart, this good horse is rich in valuables, and it also needs to eat high-quality fodder, soybeans and black beans. This will make us all poor in a few days."

Instead of getting a man back, it's better to have the little donkey.

This thing is easy to feed, and if you keep it, you can work in the fields. Isn’t it more valuable than that horse? "

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