My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 790 Pingdingshan Golden Horn King

A trace of pride flashed in the big man's eyes, "I'm so smart."

The good horse looked good, but it was just a lady from an official family with fine skin and tender flesh, and ordinary people couldn't afford to raise it.

This donkey looks like a farm girl, able to work and not picky about food, who wouldn't like it.

"The wise man in charge!"

"I want that donkey!"

"Yes, that's right, I want a donkey!"

After hearing what the big man said, the bandits behind him also shouted together, demanding Li Yanran's donkey.

"Boy, do you hear that? Give us that donkey and you can go!"

The big man looked at Li Yanran again and shouted at him.

"This strong man, I don't think you look like bandits!"

Li Yanran really found fun and smiled when she looked at these bandits.

"Who says we are not bandits? I have killed many people under my command. Give me the donkey quickly!"

The big man was a little scratched by what Li Yanran said. This guy's eyes were really poisonous, and he could even see through it.

At that moment, he waved his ghost-headed sword again and asked her for the donkey.

"Haha, come on! Remember, don't hit too hard, I want to survive!"

Li Yanran waved her hand and directly told Hou Qi to take action.


Upon hearing Li Yanran's order, Hou Qi also took out the horizontal knife in his hand, rode his horse and rushed out.

Two hundred cavalrymen ran wildly and rushed directly towards the big man.

"My heavenly grandma, I surrender!"

Seeing the cavalry coming, the big man trembled in fright, threw the ghost head sword away, and knelt on the ground unable to get up.

The bandits behind him were so frightened that they almost flew out of their wits. The guy who threw him away could only run away and fall, and he collapsed immediately.


Looking at the bandits kneeling on the ground, Hou Qi was stunned.

What the hell is this? He has suppressed bandits not once or twice, but he has never seen it so easy.

Before he even hit me, he was all lying on the ground.

Is this special guy a bandit?

It's no different from ordinary people.

"Your Highness, what's happening here!"

Hou Qi came to Li Yanran with a depressed face and returned the greeting to him.

"Bring that bandit leader!"

Li Yanran didn't expect that this would be so easy. In the past, he had to pester the bandits no matter what he encountered. How could there be such a master?


Soon Hou Qi tied up the bandit leader and sent him to Li Yanran.

"Tell me, what is your name and what do you do?"

Li Yanran rode on the donkey and asked the big man.

"Can you give my brothers something to eat first, and then we can talk."

The big man looked embarrassed and asked Li Yanran for food.


Li Yanran was also confused when she heard this. What does it mean to be given food first?

You are robbers, not beggars.

I asked you who you are, you asked me for food.

Isn't it a bit misleading?

"Young Master, just give me something to eat. My brothers have been hungry for two days. If they don't eat, they will starve! I, Feng Laoliu, beg you!"

Feng Laoliu also hurriedly asked Li Yanran for help.

“I’ve been hungry for two days, how did you become the head of the household?

No, I can see that you, the boss, are indeed not that material. "

Thinking of his conversation just now, Li Yanran was convinced.

With a boss like you, I have only been hungry for two days.

It is not an exaggeration to say that you are hungry for nine meals in three days.

"Hou Qi, give some of our dry food to them!"

Seeing the pitiful looks of those people, Li Yanran was convinced and called Hou Qi to help those people prepare food.

"Thank you, thank you young man! I thank you for being my ancestor for eight generations."

Feng Laoliu also saluted again, his eyes filled with gratitude.

Li Yanran just slapped me, you robbed me, I will give you food, you are so mean and you are cursing me.

Not really a thing.

"What's wrong with me?"

Feng Laoliu was stunned for a moment, and he was almost stunned by the scratch.

This little kid looks not tall, but his hands are really strong.

Whose son is he?

Li Yanran felt bad looking at the bandits who were eating Hu cakes.

She knows better than anyone how hard this biscuit is, and even if she eats it, she has to drink some water to swallow it.

These guys all have iron teeth and bronze teeth, and they don't even swallow their saliva when they bite.

What kind of bandit is this? He is worse than a refugee.

"Feng Laoliu, what on earth do you do?"

Li Yanran glanced at the tall Feng Laoliu again and asked him directly.

"Can you give me a bite to eat?"

Watching his brother eating the cake, Feng Laoliu also swallowed his saliva and asked Li Yanran for some cake.

"I'll give it to him!"

Li Yanran was really speechless and could only ask Hou Qi to take two biscuits and hand them to Feng Laoliu.

"Please untie it for me."

Hou Qi was stunned for a moment, and then hurriedly untied the rope from Feng Laoliu.

As soon as his hands were freed from the trap, Feng Laoliu also grabbed the biscuits and started eating them, as if he was holding delicacies instead of biscuits.

"Eat slowly, no one will compete with you!"

Looking at this posture, Li Yanran finally understood why Feng Laoliu could become the bandit leader.

When it comes to eating, I guess none of the bandits can compare to this guy.

"Finally a full meal!"

After eating, Feng Laoliu also touched his belly, his eyes full of satisfaction.

"Tell me, what's going on!" Looking at the other person's appearance, Li Yanran also sat next to him and asked what the other person's situation was.

"Xiao Langjun was right. We are not bandits, but villagers in Dongshan."

After eating and drinking, Feng Laoliu also spoke to Li Yanran.

"The dealer in Dongshan? Then why did you come here to rob the village?

Don’t you know that according to the laws of the Tang Dynasty, robbers along the road will be beheaded? "

Li Yanran was stunned for a moment when she heard the other party's identity.

If good farmers don't do their jobs, why would they drag such a group of people to act as robbers?

What's going on, do you really think this is such an easy job?

Whoever comes out can dominate the mountain and become the king?

"Xiao Langjun, do you think we want to do this? I really had no choice but to drag these brothers out to beg for food."

Feng Laoliu also sighed, didn't he know that this robbery was illegal?

There is really no way to live, otherwise it wouldn't be like this.

"Tell me more about it!"

Hearing what Feng Laoliu said, Li Yanran was also dumbfounded.

I haven't heard of any drought or flood disasters in this area recently. Why can't we survive it?

And with so many people coming out to dominate the mountain and become kings, it might not even be enough for even one village.

Was there some man-made disaster?

"Then I'll talk to Xiao Langjun!"

Feng Laoliu also quickly started telling stories to Li Yanran.

"Bastard, there is such a thing? Is there really someone in Zhao Zhao Tang and Lang Lang Qian Kun who can't cure him?"

After listening to this, Li Yanran almost burst into tears. She finally knew where the local tyrants and evil gentry came from.

Just what Feng Laoliu said made her a little angry.

He robbed women, occupied property, and annexed land. To say that he did all kinds of evil is to praise him.

“This company has a big business, and it is said that there is someone behind it, and even the county magistrate wants to give him three points.

We were angry and couldn't afford to offend him, so we had no choice but to drag our family out and run for their lives. "

Feng Laoliu glanced at Li Yanran, his eyes full of decadence.

They can't be angry and can't afford to offend them. This sentence expresses the sadness in their hearts.

"Fart, this is the Tang Dynasty, not the previous dynasty. You dare to rob the Dao, but you don't dare to rob the Lian family?"

Looking at Feng Laoliu who was sighing, Li Yanran slapped him on the head.

In the final analysis, I am still cowardly, I am not afraid of death, I still care about this.

"Xiao Langjun, you don't know that there is someone behind the Lian family.

If we really want them to confront the Lian family, we don't dare.

Cutting off a road may lead to death, but if you dare to touch the Lian family, you are going against the official family.

Not only will the Lian family take action against us, but even the Tang government will not let us go.

Once we are identified as rebels, the whole village, young and old, as well as our relatives and other clansmen will be arrested. "

Feng Lao Li covered his head, his eyes full of depression.

No matter what I think, I can't help it.

Who can get a better deal by going against the government?

"Rebel? Haha, I want to see if this Lian family is the King of Heaven.

After all, this is Li Tang's world, not his family's shack.

Lead me the way, and I'll follow you to see how many heads the so-called Lian family has! "

Li Yanran also had a headache. Feng Laoliu was right.

In the early days of the Tang Dynasty, criminal law was taken seriously, especially for rebels.

It's okay for you to be a bandit and a road bully, and the government may or may not suppress you, but once you are classified as a rebel, it's different.

It was the national policy of the Tang Dynasty that rebels and thieves must be suppressed. Once such a force appeared somewhere, the local government would not be able to eliminate it.

Not only local officials, but also officials at the upper level will be held accountable one by one.

Therefore, officials from all over the country changed their minds when they heard about the rebels. Once they appeared, they immediately mobilized officers and soldiers to encircle and suppress them with all their strength.

This was also the reason why four to five thousand bandits had besieged Chu City for such a long time and did not dare to attack the city until the last moment.

Anyone who rebels against a traitor will be punished, not just talk.

"Xiao Langjun, you can't do that. We really can't afford to offend the Lian family, and we admit it.

From now on, we will not engage in the business of bandits and robbers. We have decided to make a living with you.

I hope that Mr. Xiao Lang is pity and can accept us. "

Feng Laoliu knocked his head to the ground, his eyes full of hope.

At first glance, this guy seemed to be a good person, and he believed that Li Yanran would definitely not ignore him.

"You are shameless!"

Li Yanran is really stupid now. You can't afford to offend the Lian family, but you dare to provoke me.

Aren't you fierce enough? So many people, so many horses, and swords.

It's not as intimidating as the Lian family.

"As long as the young man is willing to accept us, I am willing to cut off my skin for you!"

Who knew that this Feng Laoliu was the real Liuliu, he didn't even have any shame.

Picking out honest people to bully.

Li Yanran also figured out that this guy was a bully and afraid of the strong.

If you can't afford to offend the Lian family, you'll offend yourself.

Who is the prisoner and who is the master now?

"Feng Laoliu, you are really an old six. If you want to follow me, do you know what I do?"

"I haven't dared to ask yet, what does the young man do for a living? Although these brothers under our command are not good at robbery, they are all good at farming and making a living.

And now we have become homeless people, we don’t have many requirements, we just want to have enough food.

As long as you give us some land, we will definitely live up to you. "

Hearing this, Feng Laoliu was stunned for a moment. He really didn't ask what the other party was doing.

But looking at this battle, he is definitely not an ordinary child.

How could an ordinary family have so many guards and afford so many horses these days?

Even the Lian family only had a dozen or so horses.

With this attitude, he would believe that Li Yanran was the noble son of some great family.

That's why he relied on Li Yanran for nothing, and he could at least find a way for his large group of people to survive.

"I'll scare you if I tell you."

Li Yanran glared at Feng Laoliu, "Aren't you going to follow me?"

Then I want to see if you have the courage.

"Please make it clear, Mr. Xiaolang!"

Feng Laoliu saluted again. He was also very curious about Li Yanran's identity.

"Don't you know that I have so many horses and so many subordinates? In fact, I am also a robber.

My grandfather is a big bandit in Pingdingshan, known as the Golden Horn King. He has thousands of brothers under his command. Do you still dare to follow me? "

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