My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 791 Xiaolangjun, I need an explanation!

Chapter 791 Xiaolangjun, I need an explanation!

Li Yanran moved the Golden Horn King out with a smile.

Let’s see if you still dare to get involved with me, the daughter of a big bandit.


Li Feng stood behind him and stopped laughing.

Return to Pingdingshan, King Golden Horn, I wonder if His Majesty will slap you with big-eared melon seeds after hearing this.

Li Yanran rolled her eyes at Li Feng, which meant that if you dare to reveal your secret to me, I will reward you with two hundred big-eared posts.

"Pingpingdingshan? Where is it?"

Feng Laoliu was also stunned when he heard Li Yanran's nonsense.

Where is Pingding Mountain? He has never even heard of it, let alone going there.


Li Yanran was dumbfounded. How come your focus is so different?

What is Pingdingshan? In Journey to the West, why do you want to go to heaven?

Also, I said that my father is a bandit king. Didn’t you hear me?

"I said I was a bandit, didn't you hear?"

"I heard that. That's not right. We were also bandits just now, and we are the perfect match for you!"

Feng Laoliu bowed again. No matter what you meant, he was determined to follow you.

"I, I, it's not difficult to follow me. Let's go back with me.

If you rob the Lian family first, I will allow you to join Pingdingshan! "

Li Yanran really didn't want to get involved with this group of people, even though they were all poor homeless people.

But she is not a philanthropist. She has to rush back to Chang'an, so she has no time to care about them.

If we take these people back, we will not be able to reach Chang'an until the end of the year.

"Robbing the Lian family? You can't do it, you can't do it!"

Hearing what Li Yanran said, Feng Laoliu was stunned.

Why did he drag his entire family to escape? It was because he couldn't afford to offend the Lian family.

If he dared to rob the Lian family, as for this, they would have been killed long ago.

"Then let's go to the sky and go to each side.

You will be your good son, and I will be our road robber.

At worst, I'll give you some more money and food, and let's each take care of ourselves. "

Li Yanran smiled, this was the effect she wanted.

If you dare not touch the Lian family, then you are not worthy of being Li Yanran.

Then there's no need to talk nonsense to you.

At worst, you can share some money and treat me as if you have robbed me.

Spend money to buy peace of mind.

"But robbing the Lian family is no small matter. If we alert the government and become a rebel, it will be over."

Feng Laoliu also frowned. He was robbing the Lian family. This was a big bandit after all.

Those who open their mouths and keep silent are the big ones, powerful, powerful.

"What about rebels? You can't sneak into the village, rob and run away?

Besides, if you're afraid of being recognized by others, wouldn't you cover your face?

Anyway, I, Pingdingshan, will not be a coward. If my father finds out, he will kill you directly.

You'd better stop following me, I'm afraid you will all die in Pingdingshan. "

Li Yanran smiled, but didn't have the guts to follow.

"Then even the family is staying in the county town. Even if we want to, we are powerless. We alone, even with Xiao Langjun's men and horses, can't kill them."

Feng Laoliu frowned and replied to Li Yanran.

"Since they can't enter the city, don't they even have a big family and a big business? Don't they have any land or acres outside the city?"

Li Yanran rolled her eyes at Feng Laoliu. Don't say you are not strong enough. Even if you are strong enough, you still can't fight in the county.

If his father found out, he would beat his legs into knots.

"That's true. One-third of the entire county outside is owned by the Lian family. It can be said that everyone surnamed Lian is everywhere."

Feng Laoliu was stunned for a moment, how could the Lian family have no property outside the city.

Compared with their shops in the city, their main business is outside the city.

It can be said that all the mountains and acres are the property of the surname Lian.

"Then why don't we just rob their Uburg outside the city?"

Li Yanran smiled. This kind of local tyrants and evil gentry were the worms of the Tang Dynasty. Although she was not a holy mother, she could still be regarded as a person with conscience.

In my previous life, I could only fight hard in the online world, but things are different now.

She wants power and people, and she would be a coward if she didn't do something.


"We have to grab it. This is a certificate of nomination. If you want to go to Pingdingshan, how can you do it without doing something?"

Li Yanran slapped Feng Laoliu on the head again, her eyes full of anger.

She wanted to see if this person would jump out and bite if he was cornered.

"Then do as Young Master said, and I'll hand over the certificate. Isn't it just robbery?

It's not robbery to rob anyone, I will risk it all. "

Feng Laoliu gritted his teeth and nodded towards Li Yanran.

"Okay, let me see how you perform! Hou Qi, get ready, let's go to Dongshan!"

Li Yanran smiled and called Hou Qi directly.


When he heard that Li Yanran was about to change his itinerary temporarily, Hou Qi was also dumbfounded and glanced at Li Feng on the side.

"Xiao Langjun, we are pressed for time. If we go to Dongshan again, I'm afraid we will be punished!"

Li Feng was stunned for a moment, and then directly tried to persuade Li Yanran.

Although Dongshan is not far from here, it will take at least two or three days to go back.

Walking was already slow enough, let alone now.

If there is a delay in returning to Chang'an, the emperor will be unable to offend Li Yanran and will have to deal with himself.

"Don't worry, it won't be a waste to go to Dongshan. When the time comes, you can go back directly to the west from Dongshan.

At worst, if you increase your speed when the time comes, you can get back. "

Li Yanran shook his head. She had to go and see Dongshan, otherwise he wouldn't be able to swallow this breath.

"OK then!"

Li Feng gave Hou Qi a helpless look. Li Yanran was already like this, what else could he say. “The young man has an order to divert to Dongshan!”


A group of forbidden troops also began to pack up and prepare to march towards Dongshan.

As for the captured Dongshan people, when they heard that they were going back to Dongshan, they were both expecting and fearing.

"Brothers, this young gentleman is the son of King Jinjiao of Pingdingshan.

He will now lead us back to Dongshan, rob the Lian family, and then go to Pingdingshan to live happily.

If you don't want to go, just tell me and you can leave now. "

Feng Laoliu looked at the group of farmers in front of him and shouted at them.

"Follow Feng Laoliu and eat chicken and meat."

"Feng Laoliu, since we are following you, we can trust you. I will go wherever you go!"

"That's right, besides robbing the Lian family, I did it!"

This group of men also glanced at Feng Laoliu. Since they had selected the person, they had no intention of betraying him now.

Besides, robbing a businessman is robbing, and robbing a businessman is also robbing.

Then why not go after the culprit who forced you to leave your hometown?

"Then what are you waiting for? Let's go.

Go and rob the Lian family, snatch what he took from us, and then take it back! "


"Eat the big family and rob the Lian family!"

A group of farmers were all excited, shouting slogans and followed Li Yanran's team.

"Miss, is this really okay?"

Li Feng spoke to Li Yanran inside the carriage.

"What's wrong?"

Li Yanran opened the side curtain and looked at Li Feng next to her.

"Are you really going to do that bandit thing? If the higher ups find out, they may not know how to deal with you!"

Li Feng was depressed. There was nothing to worry about in this situation now.

"Even if dad knew about it, he wouldn't blame me. These people are simply sucking the blood of Datang. He won't care."

A hint of coldness flashed in Li Yanran's eyes.

She had to do what she had to do, and she didn't care what the consequences would be.

Just think of yourself as a playboy, or you'll get scolded at worst.

Dad can't possibly lose his legs because of a bad person.

"But it doesn't make sense after all, and what if this alarms the local garrison?"

Li Feng is still a little worried, what will happen if Li Yanran's technology is involved.

"So when the time comes, we have to fight quickly and tell Hou Qi to run away after grabbing it. We must not leave any tail behind!"

Li Yanran naturally wanted to get these, so he wanted to follow the other party.

As long as they have that intention, the rest can be prepared by themselves.

"This is absolutely not allowed."

Li Feng was depressed. It turns out that you didn't want Feng Laoliu and others to take action. You just wanted to take action on the Lian family yourself.

This is even more unruly.

After all, you are the princess of the Tang Dynasty. You had something to say when you watched them rob.

Now you are going to take matters into your own hands and become a bandit. If word spreads, the Emperor will have his skin and bones ripped apart.

"Don't worry, I'll take care of you if anything happens."

Li Yanran patted his chest, he could still afford such a small thing.

"Xiao Langjun, where is Xiao Langjun?"

Just when Li Feng had nothing to say, a voice suddenly rang.

Hearing this voice, not only Li Feng was dumbfounded, but Li Yanran was also dumbfounded.

Why does this voice sound so familiar?

After looking at Li Feng, Li Yanran also shuddered, wondering if the debt collector would come again.

"Miss, it's over!"

Li Feng's face also fell. It was obvious that Di Renjie was here.

"Is there still time for me to run?"

Li Yanran glanced behind her. Now her only thought was to run, far away!

She really didn't expect that Di Renjie could come back.

If she had known this, she wouldn't have traveled around. Wouldn't it be nice for him to leave earlier?

"It's too late! People are already here."

Li Feng looked at Di Renjie, who was very close at hand, and immediately rode aside.

"Shut up!"

Di Renjie rode up and stopped the horse.

"Di Di Renjie, why did you come here after you if you weren't just enjoying your time in Luoyang?

It looks like you haven't rested for several days!

Li Feng, quickly ask Fan Ze to prepare delicious food and help him catch the wind! "

Looking at Di Renjie, who was disheveled and had bloodshot eyes, he was also shocked.

"Young Master, what a great trick, you just glanced at me and ran away!"

Di Renjie glared at Li Yanran. He had been spoiled by Li Siwen for three days.

If he hadn't threatened to die and went on a hunger strike to protest, Li Feng would not have let him go.

And after leaving Luoyang, he ran wildly day and night, not daring to stop for a moment.

Finally arrived.

"Di Renjie, don't be angry. Eat first. Li Feng quickly asks Fan Ze to prepare something delicious!"

Li Yanran smiled all over her face. She was really afraid that Di Renjie would grab his ears and preach.

"I don't want to eat, Xiaolangjun, I need an explanation!"

(End of this chapter)

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