My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 792: This princess wants to do justice for heaven!

Di Renjie's lips were cracked and he stared at Li Yanran with a pair of red eyes.

"There is no explanation, I am just worried about the situation in Luoyang. Isn't this explanation enough?

Besides, it was Li Siwen's own request, saying that he was still young and could not cover the situation in Luoyang.

He strongly urges me to keep you here to help him.

In fact, I am also in a dilemma. I know it is not good to leave you there, but I can't help it! "

Li Yanran smiled again. Since Li Siwen was not around now, he would definitely not blame himself if he pushed the pot over.

Besides, he didn't take the person seriously in the first place, so it's only natural that he should take the blame.

"Really? Then how come I heard that not only me, but also Li Siwen was tied up and thrown into the house.

And this letter, how do you explain it? "

Di Renjie sneered and took out the letter Li Yanran left for Li Siwen from his arms.

After seeing this letter, Li Yanran also hated Li Siwen in her heart.

You are a murderer, even if you sell it to me, you can't take out this letter.

It is true that he is not in front of Li Yanran, otherwise he would have to reward him with dozens of big pot stickers to eat.

So angry.

"Xiao Langjun, do you have nothing to say?"

Looking at Li Yanran whose expression changed again, Di Renjie also said coldly.

"Yes, it's me, what can you do?

Luoyang is a very important matter, there must be no problems, and it is appropriate to send you there to watch over it. "

Seeing Di Renjie's reluctance, Li Yanran also glared at him.

It’s okay if you don’t do things according to my wishes, but now you’re here to explain to me.

You really treat me like a soft persimmon, right?

This girl, I also have emotions.

"Then Di Renjie can only bid farewell to His Highness. I failed to obey your order and stay in Luoyang.

I am not worthy of being a commander of a city. Please let me go, Your Highness! "

Seeing that Li Yanran still refused to repent, Di Renjie was so angry that he got off his horse and saluted him on the spot.

"Don't bother, I'm just impulsive.

Don't quit your job easily. You're not a three-year-old, are you? "

Li Yanran also felt numb after hearing this. You are not a child. Commander Yi, others can't find a good job even with a lantern, so you just resigned.

It was so impulsive.


Di Renjie tilted his head to the side, as if he was waiting for you to speak.

"Okay, don't be angry, can't I apologize to you?

We have worked so hard in Luoyang to achieve our current results.

Do you really want to see Li Siwen's stupid batch ruined by us? "

Glancing at Di Renjie, Li Yanran also jumped down from the carriage, her eyes full of embarrassment.

She knew that Di Renjie didn't really want to resign, but was just a little angry.

But that decision was made after careful consideration, otherwise who wouldn't want such a smart person to work beside him.

"There are Zhang Minggu, Li Daosan, and Pei Xinqi in Luoyang, and the shopkeepers we just hired are all capable people. Why do I have to be there?

I understand, Your Highness is annoying me and is afraid that I will nag in your ear, so he wants to keep me away.

This way your ears will be clear, and you won't have to be lectured by me all day long. "

But have you ever thought about what happens if this happens?"

Listening to Di Renjie's rapid-fire words, Li Yanran instantly felt the pain of Sun Wukong.

I guess Tang Monk's tightening curse was nothing more than that, it was too torturous.

"Okay, I really know I was wrong, why don't I dare not do it next time?

Di Renjie, you have a lot of knowledge, so don't be like me, a kid. "

When Di Renjie finished nagging, Li Yanran quickly apologized and laughed. He was really afraid that this guy would start talking again.

Then she might have nightmares.

"When you return to Chang'an, you must give me a profound review. The written review must not be less than 3,000 words!"

Di Renjie knew that he said too much, but these things were the anger he had been holding back for the past few days.

If he didn't say this, he would really be afraid of his sudden death.

“Is three thousand words too much? Can eight hundred words be enough?”

Li Yanran's face instantly collapsed when she heard that the other party wanted to write a self-review.

In my previous life, I wrote essays for school and planning for work. Now here, you ask me to write reviews.

Paying back three thousand words is a bit too inhumane.

"Then His Highness agreed to my request to say goodbye and let me go!"

Di Renjie saluted Li Yanran again and talked about resigning.

"Okay, okay, can't I write it?"

Li Yanran was helpless. Although she didn't think she had made any mistake, she had been wronged after all.

If he didn't give an explanation, Di Renjie might really explode.

"That's pretty much it. I just heard that Mr. Young is going to Dongshan. What are you going to do there?"

Since Li Yanran couldn't give in, Di Renjie wasn't the one who would hold on to her pigtails.

When he arrived at the fiefdom, he had plenty of time to chat slowly with Li Yanran.


"I heard that the mutton in Dongshan is delicious, so I want to go there to have a tooth festival!"

Li Yanran hurriedly covered Li Feng's mouth. If Di Renjie knew that he was going there to clean up, it would be terrible.

"The Sheep of Dongshan is indeed famous far and wide, but how did I hear that you claim that your father is the Golden Horn King of Pingdingshan? Are you going to Dongshan this time to clean up the bandits?" Seeing that Li Yanran still refused to tell the truth, Di Renjie's blood pressure instantly increased. It started to roar.

Can you hide such a big thing from so many people?

He also said that he knew he was wrong. Is this the attitude of knowing he was wrong?

So annoying.

"You already know this, and I won't hide it from you.

This Lian family is so abominable. They bully the common people and occupy the land. I am doing justice for God. "

Now that the other party knows, Li Yanran also spreads her hands, as if I have nothing to hide from you.

"You are too stupid. Those people annexed the land and insulted the people. They have their own sanctions under the laws of the Tang Dynasty.

If you go over like this, isn't that nonsense? "

Di Renjie is really convinced. This is the Tang Dynasty, not the last years of the previous dynasty.

By doing this, aren't you afraid that your identity will be exposed and the emperor will take care of you?

"What nonsense are you talking about? Haven't you heard that if the road is not level, someone will step on it, and if the road is not level, there will be people who will set it aside.

Now I am the princess of the Tang Dynasty. How desperate I would be if I were one of those exploited people.

They will think that this Tang Dynasty is no different from the previous dynasty, and what I have to do now is to uphold justice for heaven.

Besides, I'm not afraid even if I'm exposed. This is what I should do as a princess of the Tang Dynasty. Dad will definitely understand me. "

Li Yanran also had her hands in her pockets. It was hard for her to imagine what kind of exploitation Feng Laoliu and the others had to go through before they left their hometown and became bandits.

Besides, only a few years after the founding of the Tang Dynasty, something like this happened.

As the princess of the Tang Dynasty, she had the responsibility and obligation to take down these people.

"Even if you can rob the Lian family's property, what happens next? What should those people do?

Don't say you want to bring all the people back to Lishan, it's not just one or two. "

Di Renjie was also helpless, and Li Yanran didn't know who to follow this bad temper.

Your majesty is gentle and elegant, and the queen is dignified and wise. How come you have such a reckless princess?

Could it be that he followed Emperor Taizong?

This atavism is so unreasonable.


To be honest, Li Yanran really didn't think about how to settle the people like Feng Laoliu. Originally, she thought that after robbing the Lian family, she would distribute all the money and food to them.

It is simply impossible and unrealistic for them to settle elsewhere and bring them back to Lishan.

“You must be thinking of grabbing things and giving them to them so they can find a place to settle.

But have you ever thought that now that you feel comfortable, they will really become robbers and robbers, and they may even be designated as rebels.

When the time comes, all these hundreds of people will be questioned and executed. Do you really want to see such a result? "

Di Renjie glanced at Li Yanran again and directly expressed her thoughts.

"I didn't let them actually take action. I will be the one who robs the Lian family. I don't think it has anything to do with them!"

Li Yanran was a little dumbfounded, but still didn't think what she did was wrong.

The one who became the bandit was himself, not Feng Laoliu.

"The law of the Tang Dynasty states that those who assist bandits will be punished as bandits. Even if you don't let them participate, they can run away?

The Lian family is a local wealthy family. How can we let it go if we are robbed?

As long as one of these hundreds of people goes to the government to report, the Lian family members, together with the local government, will dare to name them a rebel.

When the time comes, there will be no place for them in the vastness of the world, and all of these people will die! "

Di Renjie shook his head, Your Highness, Your Highness, your thoughts are still too simple.

You still don’t know the local situation clearly.

It is common for big families to collude with the government. The greater the losses suffered by the Lian family, the greater the guilt of Feng Laoliu and others.

"Then what do you think I should do? Am I still unable to take over a small Lian family?"

Li Yanran was completely convinced, but she was a royal princess. Could it be that she couldn't afford to offend a small local clan?

This is so weird, Feng Laoliu and the others are feeling aggrieved, why should I feel aggrieved again?

"Actually, it's easy to take down the Lian family, and it's not difficult even for the officials behind him."

Di Renjie smiled. In his opinion, these were not problems at all. There was no need to risk being a bandit.

"you say!"

"As long as you write a letter of divorce and go directly to Puzhou, let Yang Mingzhong, the governor of Puzhou, thoroughly investigate the situation in Dongshan.

With your intervention, let alone a small Lian family, even the magistrate of Dongshan County can hardly escape the blame.

By then, the Lian family will be wiped out and the Dongshan County magistrate will be investigated. Those Dongshan people will be able to return to their homeland and avoid the pain of leaving their hometown! "

Di Renjie directly expressed his thoughts.

Yang Mingzhong, the governor of Puzhou, could be considered a virtuous person, and with Li Yanran's letters, it would be easy to win over the small Lian family.

"How long will this take approximately?"

Li Yanran thought for a while and decided that it would be a serious solution to solve the problem from the official level.

But he couldn't delay for too long. After all, returning to Chang'an was the top priority. She wanted to cut the knot with a quick knife, so she just cut it off.

This tossing now will probably waste a lot of time.

"The Puzhou Administrative Office is not far from Dongshan. If you take a fast horse, it will take at most two or three days. Coupled with the trial work, a conclusion will be reached within ten days."

Di Renjie thought for a moment and realized that ten days was enough.

After all, there are still a series of trials and investigations.

"Ten days is too long. I simply can't stay that long."

Li Yanran shook her head. How could she bear it for ten days? I would not be able to beat him to death by then.

"Young Master, who said you should stay here? All you need to do is send someone over there to wait for the results. When it's time for you to hit the road, hit the road.

The incident in Luoyang was such a big deal that it was inevitable that the Queen would be suspicious.

If I find out that you ran away to Luoyang privately, will I still have to deal with you? "

Di Renjie was depressed, why do you still want to stay in Dongshan?

Luoyang is about to explode, and now Chang'an is probably going to explode too.

Whether you return to Luoyang or not, you really have to wait for the Queen to go to Lishan to raise an army to investigate the crime.


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