My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 793: Can you pay attention to the impact? Don’t kidnap people easily!

Hearing this, Li Yanran also took a breath of air and her legs trembled involuntarily.

To be honest, although she was not afraid of anything, she was only afraid of the first empress of all time.

After all, this woman has done something that no woman has ever done, so who can not be nervous.

Moreover, my mother was known to be cruel and ruthless in history, and she really couldn't be offended.

"So it's better to return to Chang'an quickly."

Seeing Li Yanran's appearance, Di Renjie also breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as you still have people to be afraid of, that's fine. Otherwise, if you are truly fearless, then it will not only be difficult to handle, but there will really be nothing you can do.

"If you don't reply, you also said that such a big thing happened in Luoyang, and the news must have spread in Chang'an."

Based on my mother's intelligence, she must have guessed that I was no longer in Chang'an.

Anyway, it’s already like this. It’s not too much for me to go to Dongshan to eat roasted whole lamb! "

Li Yanran thought for a moment and looked at Di Renjie. It was impossible to say that she was not exposed now.

Anyway, I already have a golden phoenix and a phoenix. Even if I get angry again, I won't do anything to me.

Everyone is like this, you have to be kinder to yourself, right?


When Di Renjie heard this, his defense was completely broken. You are completely out of control, right?

"Young Master, even if you want to eat Dongshan's sheep, it's the same as asking Li Feng to buy a few and take them back to Lishan. There is no need to go to that place of right and wrong!"

After thinking for a moment, Di Renjie spoke again.

"I have made up my mind. I want to go to Dongshan to see how this Lian family can cover the sky with one hand.

In addition, he immediately wrote a letter to Yang Mingzhong, the governor of Puzhou, telling him that I was very concerned about Dongshan.

If he dares to protect each other and favor the Lian family and the Dongshan County magistrate.

I went to complain to my father and took off the official hat from his head. "

Li Yanran also glared at Di Renjie, "I have already given in. You can't even let me go for a walk in Dongshan."

Besides, I still don’t know whether the Lian family is what Feng Laoliu said, so evil.

If he mistakenly accuses a good person, he will be used as a weapon.

"That's fine."

Di Renjie didn't have much to say. As long as she didn't act recklessly, pretending to be a bandit and rob Na Lian's family, and just went to Dongshan to have a look, there shouldn't be any problems.

"Then what are you waiting for? Go to Dongshan!"


It was already evening when the group of people arrived at Dongshan. Feng Laoliu approached Li Yanran again and pointed to the field in front of him.

“These were the fields we worked hard to open up before, but now they no longer belong to us!”

After glancing at Feng Laoliu, Li Yanran also took a general look. There were indeed a lot of fields, but no one was cultivating them.

"That's our village over there, Fengjia Village, but hey!"

Feng Laoliu sighed again. He really had no shame in going back.

"Hey, what the hell, let's go back to the village first!"

Li Yanran looked at the few wisps of smoke in Fengjia Village and couldn't help but frown.

"Aren't you going to rob the Lian family and then go to Pingdingshan? Why are you going back to the village?"

Hearing Li Yanran's words, Feng Laoliu was also stunned for a moment.

I have already decided to become a bandit, so why go back to Fengjia Village?

I've only been out for a few days and it's so embarrassing to go back in despair!

"I've changed my mind. I'll go back to the village first and talk about it later!"

After Li Yanran finished speaking, she returned directly to the carriage.


Looking at Li Yanran's carriage, Feng Laoliu was also dumbfounded.

This. What should I do?

"Sixth, aren't we going to raid the people named Lian? Why are we going back to the village?"

A slightly older man walked up to Feng Laoliu, his eyes full of hesitation.

"I don't know either, let's go back and talk about it first!"

Feng Laoliu also shook his head helplessly and followed Li Yanran.

A group of people entered the village and saw that the village was in ruins and the streets were filled with garbage. There were only a few old people sitting on the edge of the door wondering what they were thinking.

"Liuzi is back? Liuzi is back!"

Looking at Feng Laoliu who entered the village, the eyes of the old people also shone, as if they saw hope.

One by one, they rushed to Feng Laoliu in a hurry.

"Uncle, I."

Looking at the old man in front of him, Feng Laoliu also lowered his head.

This is his cousin. When he asked him to go with him, he refused to do so.

It is said that fallen leaves have returned to their roots, and even if they die, they will die in Fengjia Village.

"Stop talking, just come back.

It’s okay if the land is gone, as long as we people are still there.

If you endure a little hardship and waste a little effort, you can cultivate it again, and you can still survive! "

Feng Zhe touched Feng Laoliu's face, and there was a glint in his eyes.

"Uncle, me!"

Feng Laoliu knelt directly in front of Feng Zhe, really not knowing what to say.

If he dared to say now that he came back to rob the Lian family, he would probably beat him to death.

"Okay, I still have some food at home. You are all hungry. I will take it out and cook for you right now!"

Feng Zhe helped Feng Laoliu up, and then walked towards his home with trembling legs.

"Let's take a look!" Li Yanran asked everyone to wait outside, and only brought Li Feng and Di Renjie into the village.

Looking at the scene in front of her, Li Yanran also looked at Di Renjie aside.

"I saw!"

Di Renjie's eyes also flashed with anger, this scene was simply appalling.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he wouldn't have believed that there was such a place under the prosperous Tang Dynasty.

For a moment, he also understood why Li Yanran wanted to rob the Lian family.

The Lian family really deserves it for bringing this place to such disaster.

"Ten rooms and nine empty rooms. I wonder if my father would be mad to death if he knew there would be such a place under his rule!"

Li Yanran shook her head. She was really here. If it were him, the entire Lian family and the county magistrate would probably be killed.

"It's indeed worth killing! But you can't be impulsive."

Di Renjie nodded. He should be killed indeed, but this is a matter of law and has nothing to do with you.

"I understand. Let's rest here for today. Let's go to the county town tomorrow!"

Li Yanran sneered and went to the county town tomorrow to check on the situation.

"Xiao Langjun, are you afraid of this?"

Li Feng frowned. The surrounding environment was not so bad. In his opinion, living here would be better than living in the wild.

"There's nothing to be afraid of. I'll just live here. I'll find Feng Laoliu and ask him to clean up a house for me.

In addition, you can ask Hou Qi to bring in some of our dry food and share it with them. "

Li Yanran glared at Li Feng, "I haven't said anything yet, but you are in trouble."

Besides, what's wrong here? After all, it's a place that can protect you from the wind and rain. It's better than hiding in the carriage!


Li Feng had no choice but to go to Feng Laoliu and ask him to arrange a place for Li Yanran to live.

Hearing that Li Yanran wanted to live here, Feng Laoliu was stunned for a moment, but he had to bow his head under the eaves.

He was counting on Li Yanran to take them to Pingdingshan.

A room was immediately cleaned up, and after Li Yanran was settled in, the people of Fengjia Village also started making a big meal.

He gathered all the dry food sent by Hou Qi and let the whole village eat it together.

They ate from a big pot, and Fan Ze also helped Li Yanran make a delicious dinner in the courtyard.

After eating a table of delicious dishes prepared by Fan Ze, Di Renjie felt that his whole body was enlightened.

After traveling for so many days, he almost died.

All I ate was Hu Pancakes with cold water, and I finally had something serious to eat.

"Young Master, Chef Fan's craftsmanship is indeed top-notch!"

Di Renjie put down the bowl and chopsticks and praised Li Yanran.

"That is, if Fan Ze's skills are not good, can I invite him to Chang'an?"

Li Yanran also smiled. If Fan Ze's cooking was not delicious, why would he go to such trouble to kidnap someone from Luoyang to Chang'an?

Although Fan Ze's food is not that exquisite, there is nothing he can do about it even if it suits his taste.

"The word "please" is used well. I heard that you knocked Fan Ze unconscious and tied him to the car, and even ransacked the entire kitchen.

You didn't look at Li Siwen's face, he almost exploded at that time! "

Di Renjie was also convinced by Li Yanran.

This man is really reckless, and he will quickly get hold of anyone he likes.

It was me at first, but now it's Fan Ze.

Fortunately, he was a woman. If he had been a man, the ladies from the aristocratic families of the Tang Dynasty would have suffered.

Too brutal.

"He deserves it. He's so angry that he gets knocked down."

Apart from Li Siwen, she had nothing to say, but when it came to the stick, Li Yanran got angry.

If he could keep someone under his radar, would she be blamed so much?

When I returned to Lishan, I still had to write an examination, which cost 3,000 words.

Deserve it.

"Young gentleman, there is something Di Renjie doesn't know whether to say or not?"

Looking at Li Yanran again, Di Renjie also frowned.

"If you have something to say, just say it. If you say it's right, I'll listen. If you say something wrong, I'll turn a deaf ear!"

"Can we please stop kidnapping people in the future? If this spreads, it will be harmful to your reputation.

After all, you are the princess of the Tang Dynasty, so it is not a problem to do this all the time! "

Di Renjie was depressed. It was obviously your fault first, but now it sounds like it's Li Siwen's problem.

People can be impulsive and reckless, but they cannot be unreasonable.

"It depends on that person's condition. What do you mean by that?

It sounds like I can do nothing but kidnap people. Why don't I kidnap you, Sun Simiao, Zhang Minggu, Pei Xinqi and that Fan Ze!

Don't treat me like a heinous thug. "

Li Yanran was depressed. I didn't imitate those playboys who robbed civilian girls.

Although I tied up several people, none of them were women.

And I never tie up useless people, I tie them up for their own good.

"Xiao Langjun, you can wash your hands now!"

While the three of them were talking, Liu Peilan also came in with a basin.

"Perlan, do you think what I said is right?"

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