My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 799 Send the young man on his way!

Chapter 799 Send the young man on his way!

Looking at the contents of the box, Di Renjie went numb.

This is really a grocery store. From gold collars and necklaces to gold earrings and gold rings, everything you can find and see in the market is available here.

It can be seen that the other party has worked very hard to collect these one thousand taels of gold.

"Dongshan is a small place and there are not that many gold cakes or gold ingots, so we can only collect all the gold jewelry in the city. I hope your husband will understand!"

Looking at Di Renjie in a daze, Lian Qing hurriedly saluted, somewhat embarrassed.

"Well, as long as the portion is enough!"

Di Renjie didn't have much to say, and as long as the weight was enough, he had nothing to say.

"That's natural. One thousand taels of gold is just a lot more!"

Lian Qing nodded. He knew this was a bit indecent, but there was nothing he could do about it.

"Okay, if that's the case, let's settle the matter, but let's talk about the ugly things ahead. You better not come to Fengjia Village again!"

Di Renjie smiled, closed the two boxes, and ordered people to take them away.

"Of course we don't dare to come back to Fengjia Village. Not only that, we will also return all the land that previously belonged to Fengjia Village. This is the land deed."

After Lian Qing finished speaking, he took out a stack of land deeds from his pocket and placed them in front of Di Renjie with both hands.

"You are still sensible, so I will thank you on behalf of the people of Fengjia Village!"

Di Renjie took the land deeds into his hands without any hesitation.

These things originally belonged to the people of Fengjia Village, but now they are just returned to their original owners.

"this is necessary!"

Lian Qing quickly saluted.

"In that case, go back!"

After Di Renjie said this, he waved his hand and turned around to report to Li Yanran.

"Mr. Lang, please wait a moment!"

Seeing Di Renjie about to leave, Lian Qing hurriedly stopped him.

"Anything else?"

Di Renjie turned around and looked at Lian Qing, wondering what else he had to do.

"Mr. Lang, please lend me a moment to speak!"

Lian Qing glanced at the people and imperial troops behind Di Renjie and felt a little embarrassed.


Di Renjie frowned.


Lian Qing bowed and saluted again, making a gesture of invitation.

"All right!"

Di Renjie also followed Lian Qing directly to the back of the carriage.

Lian Qing glanced around, then gave Lao Er a look.

Soon Huo and Lian Yu also carried a box and placed it in front of Di Renjie.

"This is?"

Looking at the box, Di Renjie immediately understood what the other party meant.

This is to build relationships from your own side.

Lian Qing slowly opened the box and saw that it was neatly filled with heavy gold cakes.

"Mr. Lang, a little thought is no sign of respect!"

"You must have given this money to the wrong person. After all, I am just a little housekeeper. I am afraid I cannot afford such a big gift!"

Di Renjie grabbed a gold cake and weighed it.

"Mr. Lang, please don't say this. We know that the Li family's husband is noble, and we cannot climb up to it. Even if you are Lang Jun, you have a bright future.

The money has no other meaning, just to make the husband a friend, and I hope you will accept it. "

Lian Qing knew that it would not be easy to get the other party to accept so much money without knowing the root cause.

So he hurriedly explained to Di Renjie.

Taking five hundred taels of gold to make a friend is a bit excessive, but it is not uncommon in the Tang Dynasty.

"This is not good."

Di Renjie smiled, his face instantly filled with greed.

"There's nothing wrong with it. As long as Mr. Lang is willing to recognize us as friends, he will show his filial piety every year from now on."

Lian Qing is also willing to go all out, even though Lian's family has a big business and makes a lot of money every year.

But there were many of them, so they spent a lot of money, and they also had to pay tribute to Yang Zhizhong.

There was not much left, so to get another five hundred taels of gold was really a hard squeeze.

"Then I will be the father-in-law of the family."

Di Renjie also saw that the Lian family's current fortune was largely due to Lian Qing.

If nothing else, at least he is still very proficient in giving up.

"I would also like to thank you, Mr. Lang, for loving me and being willing to be our friend!"

Hearing this, Lian Qing also became excited, as long as Di Renjie dared to accept the money.

There will be plenty of opportunities for the Lian family to prosper in the future.

"Mr. Lang, since we are all friends, can you tell me your name?"

Lian Huo on the side glanced at Di Renjie and asked for his name.

"My surname is Di, which means Jie."

Di Renjie thought about it for a moment, and also hid the words in the middle to show people as Di Jie.

"Di Jie, a good name, the words are just like the person he is. He is an outstanding person among people."

Lian Qing and others also breathed a sigh of relief now. Since the other party had mentioned their names, it meant that they recognized themselves.

I didn't intend to lift my pants and deny recognition.

"Mr. Di Lang, if it is inconvenient for you to get this money, please give us your address and we will have someone send it to you!"

"No, if you don't even have this ability, I won't have the guts to accept your money!"

Di Renjie smiled, then stepped out of the carriage and whispered a few words in Hou Qi's ear.

Hou Qi nodded, and a carriage arrived and put the other five hundred taels of gold on it.

"Let's just say goodbye. Don't worry, I will help you find a way to clear things up!" Di Renjie glanced at the third son of the Lian family and expressed relief.

"Then Mr. Lao Di is here, I'll take my leave!"

The three of them looked at each other and saluted together, then got on the carriage and drove slowly towards the county seat.

"Xiao Langjun!"

Di Renjie came to Li Yanran and told all the situation of the Lian family.

"You are so stupid. Why don't you buy more from them? After all, you are also a popular person in front of me. I really look down on you with this little money!"

Hearing that the Lian family had given Di Renjie another five hundred taels of gold in private, Li Yanran's eyes were full of disdain.

Since Di Renjie came under his control, he has spent hundreds of thousands of dollars without blinking an eye.

If he wants money, don't say it's a lot, he can still get it by using some means, ranging from ten thousand to twenty thousand.

These five hundred taels of gold really cannot catch the eye of the other party.

"Next time definitely!"

Di Renjie also smiled and shook his head.

Her Highness is really a bastard. She really dares not to work when she is paid.

Especially when facing this kind of aristocratic family, they would catch everyone and cheat them one by one, and they would cheat as many as possible without saying a word, and they would not be merciful at all.

"Forget it, you're not cruel enough. Next time something like this happens, just blame it on me and let me kill people with a knife."

Li Yanran also shook her head. Di Renjie was still not cruel enough. He had to be professional in this matter.

If the Lian family was looking for herself instead of Di Renjie, she would have to squeeze all the water out of their bones.

"Okay, okay, definitely next time!"

Di Renjie also sighed, this His Highness is incredible.

"Xiao Di, keep your word. Next time if something good like this happens again, remember to tell me!"

Li Yanran also patted Di Renjie's chest, acting like a little adult.

"I've accepted the money. When are you going to go back to Chang'an?"

"Xiao Di, you can arrange these things. You solved Feng Laoliu's problem, and you made one thousand five hundred taels of gold in vain by taking advantage of Yang Zhizhong. It's worth the trip to Dongshan."

Li Yanran smiled and turned back to her house.

"Hou Qi, make arrangements to return to Chang'an!"

Di Renjie called Hou Qi directly and prepared to return to Chang'an.

"Commander Di, it's getting dark right now. Are you going to drive at night now?"

Hou Qi was stunned for a moment, and looked at the sky and felt a little embarrassed.

"We have been delayed for two days. We have to catch up on the night journey. We can rest assured if we arrive in Chang'an as soon as possible! Let's go!"


Hou Qi took the order and directly commanded the imperial army to pack up and return to Chang'an.

"Xiao Langjun, everything is ready!"

"Pellan, clean it up!"

Li Yanran had nothing to say about the night journey and directly asked Liu Peilan to return to Chang'an.


Liu Peilan has now fully fulfilled her identity as a waiter. Being able to stay with Li Yanran is the only thing she can do for her adoptive father now.

At least when Her Royal Highness the Princess sees her, she won't forget her father's mess.

"Di Renjie, let everyone take a rest and leave before midnight!"

Li Yanran glanced at the sky and expressed her thoughts.

"I have the same idea as Xiao Langjun. We should leave at midnight to avoid trouble."

Di Renjie smiled slightly, Li Yanran really did everything in detail, she had thought of all this.

Sometimes he really doubts that the other person has the mind of a child?

The average adult would never think of so much.

After all, he is a child of the royal family, and his genes are too strong.

"Well, so be it!"

At the second watch, Li Feng quietly woke up Li Yanran, then got on the carriage and started quietly heading towards Fengjia Village.

When they arrived at the entrance of the village, Hou Qi was stunned because the men and women from Fengjia Village were already crowded in front of them.

"what happened?"

Li Yanran was also stunned for a moment when she felt the carriage stop moving.

"Xiao Langjun, please come out and take a look!"

Li Feng was helpless and could only let Li Yanran come out and see by herself.

She got out of the carriage and was stunned when she saw the scene in front of her.

"This Di Renjie, come here!"

Di Renjie ran over quickly.

"Give me an explanation."

"I don't know what the situation is. I have ordered them to disappear as much as possible, but who knew it would be like this!"

Di Renjie was also depressed. He didn't know why these people appeared here.

It's already the second watch and almost the third watch. Don't they sleep?

"Forget it, let's go and see!"

Li Yanran was depressed. She was most afraid of trouble and deliberately set her departure time at midnight. Unexpectedly, she was still discovered.

Seeing Li Yanran coming, Feng Laoliu came over immediately.

"Feng Laoliu, what are you doing here at night if you don't sleep?"

Li Yanran glared at the other person and shouted directly at him.

"Xiao Langjun, do you want to leave?"

Feng Laoliu also saluted Li Yanran.

Li Yanran nodded.

"We know that the young man is definitely not a creature of the pond, and he has not been staying in Fengjia Village for a long time, so we are here to see him off."

Feng Laoliu smiled and told them all their plans.

"I'm going to give you a big watermelon. I want to go back and enjoy my life, not to go to the West."

(End of this chapter)

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