My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 800 It’s time for the family to bleed!

Chapter 800 It’s time for the family to bleed!

Li Yanran slapped her again.

She really doesn't like to hear this, so I'll give you a big eggplant.

It should be called departure, not hitting the road.

Such an old man can't even speak a word.

No wonder you are thirty and still single.

Such a good person, why does he have a mouth?

"Now that the land deeds have been given to you, you must start cultivating them from tomorrow and don't let these lands down!"

"I don't say thank you for your kindness. Fengjiacun will never forget Xiaolangjun's kindness and kindness, and he will definitely not let you down."

Feng Laoliu knelt down in front of Li Yanran with a bang, and then banged his head on the spot.

"Thank you, Mr. Xiaolang, for your great kindness!"

"Thank you, Mr. Xiaolang, for your great kindness!"

"Thank you, Mr. Xiaolang, for your great kindness!"

The people in Fengjia Village also knelt on the ground and shouted along with Feng Laoliu.

"Okay, everyone, get up. I can't bear your great gift."

Li Yanran was dumbfounded. This was the first time she encountered such a scene.

At this moment, even though she was a person in two lifetimes, she was feeling a little numb.

"Young Master, you deserve this gift. This is all we can do for you."

Feng Laoliu kowtowed again.

They were just some poor farmers, and they couldn't give Li Yanran anything good.

All I can do now is my own will.

"Xiao Langjun, it's time to set off!"

Di Renjie came over and signaled that she should stop pestering her, otherwise she might not be able to leave tonight.

"Get out of the way and send the young man on his way!"

After Feng Laoliu heard this, he quickly asked the people behind him to get out of the way.


Li Yanran got on the carriage, and Hou Qi took the lead, crossing the crowd and walking towards the distance.

"Have a nice trip, young man!"

"Have a nice trip, young man!"

"Have a nice trip, young man!"

Looking at Li Yanran's motorcade, the people in Fengjia Village also shouted together to see them off.

After crossing Dongshan, Li Yanran also headed west, towards Chang'an.

Just when Li Yanran returned to Chang'an, people from the four major families also gathered in Chang'an.

Not because they wanted to come, but because they had to.

These people also saw those crimes, and they knew very well that this was a signal from the emperor.

If he doesn't come over now, then the next ones to invite them may be the elite soldiers of the Tang Dynasty.

They won't do anything like drinking wine as a penalty if you don't drink a toast.

"Your Majesty, all the elders of the four great families have arrived in Chang'an!"

Ruian came to Li Zhi and reported the intelligence he had just received.

"You are still aware of the current affairs. I will announce Xu Jingzong to come over immediately. I have something to explain!"

Li Zhi also smiled when he heard that everyone had arrived. These people were usually all awesome.

Now I finally gave in.


After hearing this, Ruian also bowed and left directly.

Soon Xu Jingzong came to Li Zhi, and he hurriedly saluted when he saw the emperor on the dragon throne.

"Okay, the elders of the four major families have gathered in Chang'an. Take some time to meet them!"

After looking at Xu Jingzong, Li Zhi also said what he wanted to do.

"Your Majesty, is it okay for me to meet the elders of the four great families?"

After hearing Li Zhi's order, Xu Jingzong was also stunned for a moment.

Although he was a Duke of the Tang Dynasty, he was still somewhat inferior compared to the elders of those aristocratic families.

Now let yourself go to meet them, isn't it a bit of a mismatch?

"What's wrong? Do you still need me to go and meet them in person? They're just a bunch of gluttons.

What you have to do now is tell them what we said before and let them give up everything I want.

Of course, it's okay if someone disagrees. I have to kill a fat chicken to scare those monkeys! "

Li Zhi naturally knew what Xu Jingzong was worried about.

As the saying goes, times have changed.

He has completely taken the initiative, and those so-called aristocratic families can only surrender at his feet.

If they don't comply, don't blame yourself for wielding the butcher's knife.

"Xu Jingzong understands."

Looking at Li Zhi again, Xu Jingzong also bowed.

He finally understood that the reason why Li Zhi asked him to meet the elders of those aristocratic families was just to show off his power.

Let them understand that the other party is no longer qualified to bargain with the emperor at this time.

Either surrender obediently, or report to the underworld obediently.

There is no other way out.

"As long as you understand, Xu Jingzong must not let me down!"


Xu Jingzong saluted again and slowly withdrew.


"The slave is here!"

"You should have people keep an eye on you when the time comes, so that nothing goes wrong!"


Ruian also smiled and followed Xu Jingzong out.

"Father, the four great families are just the appetizer. I will definitely accomplish all the things you have not accomplished before step by step."

Looking at the backs of the two of them, Li Zhi also had a cold look on his lips.     What the son cannot do, the son has to help him do it no matter what.

After cleaning up the four major families, most of the hidden dangers within Datang can be eliminated.

In this way, his future plans will be smooth.

Xu Jingzong quickly sent invitations to the four major aristocratic families and made an appointment at the most famous Chunming Tower in Chang'an.

The members of the four major aristocratic families also hesitated after receiving the invitation. After all, he was just Xu Jingzong, and there was no need to give him face.

But now is an extraordinary period, and Xu Jingzong is a close minister of the queen and a celebrity of the emperor.

If you are offended, it will be somewhat bad.

Finally, the four elders of Cui Shiqing's aristocratic family also came together.

When Xu Jingzong met with the four people, he showed no politeness and directly had the prepared materials delivered to the four clan elders.

The four of them are all human beings. After seeing this material, they immediately understood that the emperor Xu Jingzong came to represent this time represented the imperial court.

The next step is simple. They came here prepared for heavy bleeding.

As long as the emperor can let them live this time and let them recuperate, no matter how much they pay, they will not hesitate.

And they are also well aware of their current situation. The four major families have become a major problem for the Tang Dynasty regime with their huge names.

Today's Li Zhi seems gentle and gentle, but in his heart he is a more vicious person than the late emperor.

It can be said that he is a wise master of a generation.

Once such a ruthless person takes care of him, the four major families will eventually fight against each other due to suspicions from both sides.

Faced with such ruthless people, all they can do is dilute their power and show submission.

Anyway, life is short and family is long.

A mere twenty or thirty years is nothing to the aristocratic family.

When the new emperor ascends the throne a hundred years after Li Zhi, they will still need their own support. Then it will be the opportunity for the four major families to take off again.

Take a step back and endure the calmness for a while.

No one understands this better than the family.

Although the decision to bleed has been made, we still have to fight for what we have to fight for.

It was just a bargain. Both parties were monsters who understood people's minds, and in the end it was basically settled.

The four major aristocratic families terminated their support for some localities, and senior officials serving in the central government were also decentralized to the localities.

However, some aristocratic families still retain their status in the court. After all, completely expelling the four major aristocratic families from the central government is not only in the interests of the aristocratic families, but also in the interests of the Tang Dynasty and the emperor.

"Your Majesty, a letter from Duke Gaoyang."

Duofu held a letter in both hands and respectfully delivered it to Wu Zetian.

"Put it here!"

"Slave, please leave!"

Duofu put the letter in front of the case and stepped out wisely.

After looking at the letter before the case, Wu Zetian also tore it open.

Xu Jingzong has recorded all the results of today's negotiations with the four major families in the letter.

Lifting it with bare hands, he placed the letter directly in the charcoal basin.

"The four major aristocratic families are, after all, the four major aristocratic families. This trick of retreating into advancement is really a slippery slope.

Diluting local power and ensuring a central position is a good move! "

After whispering a few words, Wu Zetian also wrote a reply and asked Duofu to be sent out of the palace.

The next day, Xu Jingzong also came outside the imperial study room after the court meeting.

"Your Majesty, Duke Gaoyang wants to see you!"

"So fast?"

Hearing Xu Jingzong's request to see him, Li Zhi was stunned for a moment.

Could such a big matter be decided in just one meeting?

Or is it that the four major aristocratic families really want to drink wine as a penalty and force themselves to take action?

"Announce your visit to Emperor Jingzong!"

"Your Majesty has a decree to announce that Jingzong has an audience!"

Xu Jingzong cautiously came to Li Zhi, knelt on the ground and shouted long live.

"Don't mess with those vain people. How is things going?"

After glancing at Xu Jingzong, Li Zhi also hurriedly asked about the situation over there.

"Your Majesty, these are some preliminary agreements reached between me and the four major families. Please take a look at them!"

Xu Jingzong also took out the folding book from his arms and held it on his head with both hands.



Ruian took the folder from Xu Jingzong and slowly handed it to Li Zhi's Dragon Case.

Opening the booklet, Li Zhi glanced at it and his eyes were full of doubts.

"Xu Jingzong, are they so easy to give in? This is not like their previous style!"

"Back to Your Majesty, I thought there was something fishy about this at first, but after thinking about it all night, I finally came to some understanding."

Xu Jingzong smiled. He felt a little strange at first, but after thinking about it, it became clearer.


"Your Majesty, although the family is deeply rooted in our Tang Dynasty, the king is the king and the ministers are ministers.

Now they should also know that their family is too big and is about to become the opposite of the Tang Dynasty.

Just take this opportunity to retreat and dilute their strength.

This will prevent them from losing their tail and becoming His Majesty's enemies.

Secondly, it is also a warning to the children of the aristocratic family to avoid the second one, Cui Zhe and others.

Thirdly, it is also to accumulate strength, and when there is a suitable opportunity, I will definitely be able to flourish again! "

Xu Jingzong also hurriedly expressed all his analysis.

"I understand, go down!"

Li Zhi frowned and waved his hand to Xu Jingzong.

"I resign!"

Xu Jingzong saluted and slowly withdrew.


"The slave is here!"

"Show off in the Zichen Palace!"

"Your Majesty is showing off at the Zichen Palace!"

(End of this chapter)

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