My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 801 If you don’t let me down, I will definitely not let you down!

Chapter 801 If you don’t let me down, I will definitely not let you down!

Ruian shouted loudly, and Long Chu walked towards the Zichen Palace where Wu Zetian was.

"I have met your Majesty!"

After receiving the notification, Wu Zetian also waited early.

"Go in and talk!"

Li Zhi held Wu Zetian's waist and entered the palace.

Abandoning the palace maids and eunuchs, Wu Zetian also leaned in Li Zhi's arms.

"Meiniang, the elders of the four great families have arrived in Chang'an!"

Li Zhi glanced at Wu Zetian and spoke slowly.

"Really? Then when will Your Majesty plan to see them?"

Wu Zetian also pretended to be excited when she heard this, and replied to the person next to her.

"I have arranged for Xu Jingzong to meet with them!"

"Your Majesty, the elders of the four major aristocratic families are all highly respected people. Although Xu Jingzong has a high and powerful position, if he goes to meet with those people.

Will he be born a little shorter? This may be detrimental to negotiations. "

Wu Zetian's acting skills were superb, and her brows immediately knitted together.

"A little shorter? He went there on my behalf. How could that be? Moreover, they also negotiated a preliminary result!"

Li Zhi also took out Xu Jingzong's book from his pocket and put it in Wu Zetian's hand.

"The results will be available so soon?"

Wu Zetian looked at the fold in her hand and her eyes widened, looking surprised.

"Let's see!"


Wu Zetian nodded, opened the booklet and read it carefully.

"Your Majesty, this time the family is no longer bleeding, but cutting the flesh.

Are there any traps here? "

After reading the excerpt, Wu Zetian also talked about the issue that Li Zhi was most worried about.

"I was a little suspicious at first, but after Xu Jingzong analyzed it, I understood it!"

Li Zhi also expressed Xu Jingzong's analysis.

"Your Majesty, the four major families are like four hungry wolves. However, with this wave of weakening, as long as there is no major change, it will be difficult to rise again in a few decades."

Wu Zetian nodded. With this action, as long as Li Zhi doesn't faint, he can use people from the four major families again.

At least during his lifetime, these aristocratic families should be able to remain dormant.

"I understand. I'm afraid that when Hong'er ascends the throne a hundred years from now, these aristocratic families will be resurrected!

Now these aristocratic families are the pillars of our Tang Dynasty. They can be chipped but cannot be destroyed. They are very annoying! "

Li Zhi glanced outside, his eyes still somewhat worried.

He can suppress the four major families, but what about his son?

After his death, Li Hong ascends the throne. If he mistakenly believes the slander and activates the four major families again, then the opponent may be more difficult to deal with than now.

He couldn't destroy all those aristocratic families, otherwise the Tang Dynasty would be over.

"Your Majesty, your dragon body is in good health and you live forever. How can you say such a thing!"

After hearing what Li Zhi said, Wu Zetian also hurriedly complimented him.

"Long live the body? Mei Niang, just listen to these words. Who in the past and present can live long?

If I can manage it for a hundred years, I will have no regrets. "

Li Zhi shook his head, let alone longevity, he would be satisfied if he could live to be a hundred years old.

However, if we count all the emperors from ancient to modern times, no one can live over a hundred years old, and even those who are eighty years old are rare.

"Your Majesty, don't say these things, I will not obey you!"

Wu Zetian leaned into Li Zhi's arms again, looking like a sad little woman.

"Mei Niang, I have an idea, I don't know if it's mature or not!"

Li Zhi touched Wu Zetian's hair, a trace of hesitation flashed in his eyes.

"Your Majesty, if you have anything to say, just say it, Mei Niang is listening!"

Wu Zetian was stunned, wondering what other strange ideas Li Zhi had.

"Although Hong'er is a bit dull, Yanran is extremely smart. Is it possible for Yanran to help Hong'er?"

Li Zhi smiled. Li Hong was no better than Li Yanran. If Li Yanran were a man, he would definitely hand over Datang into his hands with a million confidence.

But there is no way, who made Li Yanran a girl.

"Your Majesty, this matter is absolutely unacceptable. Lu Pheasant during the Han Dynasty is a lesson learned from the past. It is absolutely unacceptable to let Yanran assist Hong'er.

I know you like Yanran, but doing this is not helping Honger, but harming Xiao Yanran! "

Wu Zetian stiffened, and a trace of panic flashed in her eyes.

Could it be that Li Zhi said this to test whether he could succeed?

But I haven’t done anything out of the ordinary recently.

"Mei Niang, don't be angry, that's what I think.

You see, isn't it great that you are assisting me in my political affairs now?

With a good wife like you, my headache is much better now.

If Yanran can assist Honger like this, it will be a good thing for both Datang and Honger! "

Li Zhi was stunned, wondering why Wu Zetian suddenly acted like this.

In his opinion, Wu Zetian assisted him, and he felt much more relaxed.

Otherwise, so many memorials might really kill him.

If it's so wonderful, why can't it be replicated?

In history, there are countless stories of brothers and sisters being respectful to each other, with younger brothers assisting their older brothers in achieving prosperity.

Is it just because Li Yanran is a woman?

"Your Majesty, are you blaming Mei Niang? From now on, those memorials should not be sent to the Zichen Palace.

I can also have a good rest, and I don’t have to worry about reviewing these military and state affairs all day long! "

Wu Zetian's little heart was beating loudly.

Tu Qiong saw that the emperor was afraid of himself after all.

If this is the case, all she can do is to protect herself wisely and put these things aside.

"Mei Niang, what's wrong with you? When did I blame you?"

Li Zhi was dumbfounded, really dumbfounded this time.

When did you mean this?

What is this?

"Your Majesty, the reason why Mei Niang did this is because she can't bear your Majesty's overwork. If there is a gap between us because of this, Mei Niang will be wronged." Wu Zetian also frowned when he saw Li Zhi's look, but still He threw himself into Li Zhi's arms and cried.

"Mei Niang, you really blamed me wrongly.

Although there are many rumors outside the palace, who can understand you like me?

I know your intentions very well, please don’t say these words that hurt our relationship as husband and wife! "

Li Zhi really felt like his head was getting big.

He knew that there had been a lot of rumors since Wu Zetian came to the throne, and Wu Zetian was also under great pressure and was terrified every day.

But he had never doubted Wu Zetian, otherwise he would not have been able to hand over the memorial to Wu Zetian for review with such confidence.

This time he really felt it and had no intention of targeting Wu Zetian.

What a mess.

"Then your Majesty must promise Mei Niang that once you are really angry with me, you must tell me as soon as possible.

Your Majesty is the top priority in Mei Niang's heart. Don't let us really create a gap! "

Wu Zetian was relieved when Li Zhi said this and leaned on Li Zhi's chest.

"Don't worry, if you don't let me down, I will definitely not let you down.

So what do you think about what I just said about Xiao Yanran? "

Wu Zetian was relieved, and Li Zhi was also relieved.

He really didn't know how it would end if Wu Zetian was offended.

Fortunately, fortunately, Wu Zetian is also reasonable.

"Your Majesty, Yanran is only ten years old. You are in good health and in your prime.

It's too early to say this now. Besides, I know this feeling, and I don't want Yanran to experience it again! "

Now that she understood that Li Zhi didn't mean to test, Wu Zetian's tone of voice softened a little.

"Then we'll talk about it when the time comes. I hope little Li Hong can grow up faster!"

Li Zhi thought for a while and didn't worry about anything anymore.

"Your Majesty, Xiao Yanran left Chang'an privately this time. Although she had your permission, she must be punished.

When he comes back, if I teach her a lesson, you can't protect her! "

When Li Yanran was mentioned, Wu Zetian's eyes widened again.

This guy was simply too audacious, and paired with such an unreliable father, she really had nothing to say.

"Don't worry, I promise I will definitely be on your side this time, and I will definitely not be partial."

Li Zhi was dumbfounded, why did he mention this again so easily.

Fortunately, his problem has been explained clearly and he has got rid of it.

As for whether Li Yanran is dead or alive, he, as a father, can only pray for him.

Otherwise, if he gets burned, he will die.

"Okay, this time I have to make Xiao Yanran have a long memory!"

"Well, it's time for her to have a long memory. It's so outrageous!"

Li Yanran was on her way back to Chang'an, unaware that she had been sold out by her father.

After more than ten days, Li Yanran also wandered back to the Lishan fiefdom.

Looking at this long-lost hot spring town, she really felt like she was in a dream.

Although the scenery of the Tang Dynasty is beautiful and there are mountains and rivers along the way, if you see too many good things, you will also suffer from aesthetic fatigue.

She was not just a tourist group, and she couldn't go to those scenic spots and beautiful Lotus City.

"It's coming, it's coming, everyone is getting excited!"

Seeing the carriage appearing in the distance, the people at the gate of the town also jumped up excitedly.

Banners were pulled up one after another, and the dragon and lion dance teams that had been prepared for a long time started to perform hard.

"What's happening here?"

Seeing the joyful scene in front of her, Li Yanran was also dumbfounded.

Needless to say, Wei Shan definitely couldn't do these fancy jobs. It must be the fault of that boy Li Hong.

"I don't know that either!"

Di Renjie was also confused and didn't remember this arrangement.

"Let's go in first, my bones will fall apart!"

Li Yanran sighed, got off the carriage and walked towards the entrance of the town.

Looking at the crooked handwriting on the banner, Li Yanran was even more certain that it was Li Hong's handwriting.

Who can write like this if a good person can write like this? It is so embarrassing that he has been sent to his grandma's house.

The roar of gongs and drums, dragon and lion dances also surrounded Li Yanran.

Li Feng frowned when he saw this, and hurriedly protected Li Yanran.

The current situation is so chaotic, if there are any bad guys, it will be troublesome.

"Where's Li Hong? Tell him to get over here quickly!"

Li Yanran was also a little angry and shouted Li Hong's name.

She also knew that this was her little brother's wish, but what she wanted to do most at the moment was to go to bed and sleep with him for three days and three nights.

Li Yanran's voice was quickly drowned in the sound of gongs and drums, and no one could hear it at all.

Suddenly the crowd dispersed, and the big-headed lion figure pounced straight at Li Yanran.

"Miss be careful!"

When Li Feng saw this, he shouted loudly and kicked the big-headed doll away.


Everyone was stunned when they saw this turn of events.

Li Yanran didn't know the situation, but they knew that this big-headed doll was none other than the brother of Her Royal Highness the Princess.

Seeing everyone in a daze, Li Yanran was also confused. Looking at the figure of the big-headed doll, she also had a bad idea in her heart.

This guy can't be his little brother who can kill a thousand swords.

"Then that's Li Hong?"

Li Yanran asked to the side unconvinced, and the people around her nodded together.

"Hurry up and save people!"

(End of this chapter)

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