My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 803: Silver needle crossing acupoint, are you sure?

Chapter 803: Silver needle crossing acupoint, are you sure?

"Sister, there's no need to thank me. Don't go back on your promise not to punish me for my homework. Even if it's worthy of what Brother Hong has done for you."

Li Hong scratched his head and told what happened before.

"I won't punish you, haha, I'll give you a big watermelon!"

Li Yanran said and slapped her again.

"Sister, if you hit me on the head again, I will fall out!"

Li Hong covered his little head, and his whole body was about to explode.

Although I am not as good as my father, I am still half a leader.

It's very shameful for me to hit you like this.

"Okay, okay, I won't hit you on the head, just stand there and don't move."

Li Yanran smiled slightly and walked directly inside.

In the blink of an eye, he walked out with a smile again.

"Sister, what do you want to do?"

Seeing Li Yanran's smile, Li Hong also shuddered.

As the saying goes, if a sister smiles, her life or death will be unpredictable.

He was really scared.

"Nothing to do, just come here!"

Li Yanran waved to Li Hong, gesturing for him to come over and talk.

"I won't go, I'm afraid, I want to find the Queen Mother!"

Li Hong took two steps back, his eyes filled with fear.

"come over!"

Li Yanran gave a low drink, her big eyes filled with threats.

Unexpectedly, Li Hong just ran away. He knew what would happen if he was caught by Li Yanran, but Li Yanran was well prepared and tripped Li Hong as soon as he stretched out his leg.

After twisting Li Hong's arms behind his back, she took out the prepared rope from her arms and tied him up firmly.

"Sister, what do you want to do?"

Li Hong was dumbfounded. You said you would hit him twice. Do we, brothers and sisters, use this thing?

"What am I doing? Weren't you kicked by Li Feng before? I'm going to use Sun Simiao to check your acupuncture points with silver needles!"

Li Yanran sneered, "Small, I won't hit you, I just have to find a way to deal with it."

"No, sister, I was wrong, don't let Sun Simiao come!"

Hearing that Li Yanran was going to prick himself with a silver needle, Li Hong was instantly stunned.

He really didn't want to feel the taste of silver needles again, it was too uncomfortable.

"Then it's not up to you, Li Feng, go and invite Sun Simiao."

Now that you have been captured by me, if you want to resist now, it's too late.

"Sister, I am your biological brother, can you really bear it?"

Li Hong turned his head away, looking pitiful.

"Hmph, when you were trying to scare me, didn't you say we were siblings?"

He slapped Li Hong on the head. It is said that one mistake will lead to eternal hatred.

You have made a mistake now. If I don't hate you, you really don't know how powerful you are.

"Sister, don't do this, how about you slap me twice to vent your anger!"

"Impossible, how can I whip you if I love you so much?"

Li Yanran was too lazy to talk nonsense to Li Hong. It was too late to say anything now.

After a while, Sun Simiao was invited over by Li Feng. Looking at Li Hong whose hands were tightly bound, he was also stunned for a moment.

"Girl Li, which song are you singing now?"

"Sun Yaowang, my little brother suffered a serious injury and just vomited blood!"

Li Yanran smiled slightly and said to Sun Simiao.

"Vomiting blood?"

Sun Simiao was shocked when he heard this and rushed to Li Hong to help him diagnose his pulse.

"This? It seems okay!"

Sun Simiao frowned. Li Hong's pulse was stable and his qi and blood were smooth. He didn't look like he was vomiting blood at all.

"Are you okay? Is the pulse diagnosis inaccurate? Use a silver needle to check the acupoints to help him diagnose and treat him properly."

Li Yanran gave Sun Simiao a look. The old man had dirt buried all over his head. Why couldn't he understand people's words?

Do I have to say it so clearly?

"Silver needle to check the acupuncture points? I understand. His Royal Highness must have injured his heart. Please give him a good diagnosis and treatment."

Seeing Li Yanran's eyes, Sun Simiao also understood.

What about vomiting blood, what about using silver needles to measure acupuncture points, it's obvious that you, a little girl, want to take care of your younger brother.

It would be nice to express this idea clearly, which even shocked me.

"No, I didn't hurt my heart. If you dare to stab me, Sun Simiao, I will never end it with you!"

Li Hong originally had some hope, but when he saw that Sun Simiao was colluding with Li Yanran, he immediately shouted at him.

"Then it's not up to you!"

Sun Simiao sneered, young man, you are still inexperienced.

I'm not even afraid of your grandpa, let alone you, a useless little brat.

What you should do now is not to say harsh words, but to beg for mercy from me.

As he spoke, he pulled off Li Hong's shirt, exposing his back. Then he opened the medicine box, took out the silver needle and pricked it directly.


Li Hong was also stunned for a moment when the silver needle entered his body.

Not only was there no pain as expected, I even felt a little relieved.

"It doesn't hurt at all!"

Sun Simiao smiled and asked Li Hong.

"Well, it really doesn't hurt! It's quite comfortable!"

Li Hong was lazy and had no strength at all.

"That's good!"

Sun Simiao said and inserted another needle. Li Hong instantly felt a numbness, and then this feeling spread throughout his body.

Li Hong's hands were tied and he couldn't scratch even if he wanted to. He could only itch like this.

"It's itchy, it's itchy, it's so itchy!"

"That's right! The purpose of this silver needle is to make you itch!"

Sun Simiao inserted another needle, and Li Hong was like a thousand ants eating his body, and his whole body almost exploded.

"Let me go, it's so itchy, it's so itchy!"

Li Hong had no strength at all now. Even if he wanted to turn over, he could only lie on the ground and scream.

Listening to Li Hong's wailing, Li Yanran also took a breath of air.

They say this doctor is not easy to mess with, and she really feels it now.

Others either let you die or let you live, but this doctor can make people live but not die.

Cruel, really cruel. “King Sun Yao, why don’t you stop.”

"Stop? Do you know how scared I was at the beginning?

I carried the medicine box all the way from the medical school to the gate of the town, and then ran all the way from the gate of the town to you, almost losing half of my life on the road.

If you don't treat this kid properly, he might do something wrong next time! "

Sun Simiao glared at Li Yanran, "You are angry, but I am not angry yet."

Damn it, I'm over a hundred years old, and I'm still being tortured like this by you two babies.

If we don't take the opportunity to clean up Li Hong, he will never be around again.

"If you don't come, I will! He's such a big man, and he's still angry with a child!"

Li Yanran also rolled her eyes in response, "This person's voice is hoarse, why don't you vent your anger?"

Co-author Li Hong has nothing to do with you, right? He's my biological brother.

"If you can, just take the needle. If something goes wrong, you will be responsible for the consequences!"

"If anyone could move my needles, then I wouldn't be called the King of Medicine."

Sun Simiao also sneered, if you have the ability, come and do it.

Hearing this, Li Yanran also stopped and smiled at Sun Simiao: "Sun Yaowang, just be a little more generous and spare him this time!"

"I don't dare anymore, Sun Yaowang, I don't dare anymore!"

Li Hong also wailed and begged Sun Simiao for mercy.

Seeing the brothers and sisters working together, Sun Simiao sighed helplessly.

"That's all, that's all, kid, if you dare to mess around like this again next time, I still have ten thousand acupuncture techniques for you to experience!"

"Yeah, yeah! I really know I was wrong!"

Li Hong nodded wildly, he really knew he was wrong this time.

"All right!"

Sun Simiao's strike was like lightning, and he took off all the silver needles on Li Hong's back with lightning speed.

"Old Sun, is there anything special about taking the needle?"

Seeing Sun Simiao move so quickly, Li Yanran also asked him with her chin in hand.

"It's important to do whatever you want, take whichever stick you want."


Li Yanran was stunned. Just now, you said you would be responsible for the consequences. Why did you come out and do whatever you want now?

You are really treating me like a monkey, right?

"Old man, are you bluffing me? Do you really think I dare not deal with you?"

As he said this, Li Yanran was filled with anger and fear, and she grabbed Sun Simiao's white beard.

"Girl Li, let go, let go quickly!"

Sun Simiao was also dumbfounded. This little girl's face changed faster than she could turn the pages of a book.

Just now, he looked pitiful and begging for himself, but now he no longer needs it, and he has transformed into little Li Kui.

If I had known this, I might as well have let Li Hong suffer the itch!

"If you don't give me an explanation, say goodbye to your beard!"

Li Yanran doesn't care about you, you just deal with Li Hong, but now you dare to plot against me.

If this doesn’t make you more powerful, I won’t be fooled to death by you in the future.

"I lied to you, I lied to you, please let go of my beard first, and I will tell you slowly!"

Sun Simiao was depressed. He was really afraid of Li Yanran.

This beard is his lifeblood. If the beard is gone, he will really be embarrassed to see others.

"Speak first. If you dare to frame me, I will pull you down first."

How could Li Yanran dare to let go? She knew better than anyone how fast Sun Simiao could run.

Although this old boy is more than a hundred years old, he is in good health and eats deliciously.

When running, most people really can't catch up.

"Girl Li, taking out the acupuncture is the same as inserting the acupuncture. You must follow the steps of the previous acupuncture step by step.

If you take the wrong needle, Qi and blood will flow backwards and the meridians will become blocked.

The mild case will be bedridden for three months, and the severe case will die! "

Sun Simiao rolled his eyes and explained to Li Yanran.

"Really? Why do I feel like you're blowing me up again?"

Li Yanran raised her eyebrows and asked Sun Simiao.

"Sister, he must be trying to frame you, pull out his beard, pull out his beard quickly!"

Li Hong on the side had a trace of hatred in his eyes and shouted at Li Yanran.

He would definitely remember the itching he felt just now for the rest of his life.

But he was only a few years old, and by the time he really gained power, Sun Simiao would be taller than himself.

Ajie often says that there is no such thing as an overnight feud. It doesn’t mean that she forgets it after one night.

But he said that this revenge cannot wait overnight, and must be avenged immediately.

If he doesn't seize the opportunity now and Yin Sun Simiao gives it a try, he may not have a chance.


Sun Simiao almost died, you little Li Hong.

You and your sister are really siblings, and they even fall out with each other at the same speed.

You were submissive just now, but now you're becoming more assertive, right?

He really regrets it now, so he shouldn't have taken the injection for him.

It's really a mistake that will lead to eternal regret.

"Our business isn't over yet, you're screaming again, right?"

After glaring at Li Hong, Li Yanran also yelled at her.

Who asked you to speak? You are so conspicuous that you are going crazy.

"I am so angry!"

Li Hong also shuddered, feeling somewhat embarrassed.

"Shut your mouth if you're angry!"

"I got it!"

Li Hong also turned his head away as he spoke, not daring to look at his sister.

"Sun Simiao, let me tell you, if you dare to lie to me, you will be dead! I will do what I say."

After reprimanding Li Hong, Li Yanran also looked at Sun Simiao and shouted at him.

"You are grabbing my beard. How dare I lie to you? Everything is true. If not, I will show you the medical book!"

Sun Simiao's body also trembled, and he quickly begged Li Yanran for mercy.

"Let me believe you once! I hope you won't lie to me, otherwise!"

Li Yanran glanced at Sun Simiao again and released her hand.

"Girl Li, I think this kid Li Hong is still hard to change, so he needs to be dealt with properly!"

"Old man, I won't disturb you in educating your good brother."

(End of this chapter)

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