My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 804 I give you money, do you dare to ask for it?

Chapter 804 I give you money, do you dare to ask for it?

As soon as he finished speaking, Sun Simiao also ran away.

That way, I'm afraid Bolt won't be able to see his taillights when he comes over.

"Tell me, how should I punish you next?"

Li Yanran squatted in front of Li Hong and sneered at him.

"Sister Ah, didn't you already punish me just now? Why do you still punish me?"

Li Hong was stupid, really stupid now.

That's what happened just now, aren't you still angry?

Why should you punish me?

"That's just punishment for scaring me. Now you haven't finished your homework. How should you call this punishment?"

Li Yanran slapped Li Hong on the small of the head again.

"Sister, didn't you promise me not to punish me before? You are the princess, how could you go back on your word!"

Li Hong raised his eyebrows and replied to Li Yanran.

"It's true that I am a princess to others, but to you I only have one identity, and that is your biological sister.

What's more, it's not the first time.

How should I punish you? "

Li Yanran curled her lips and knocked him again.

"Then Sister, I will bear whatever punishment you want, so that's alright!"

Li Hong was depressed, knowing that Li Yanran was determined not to let him go. If he continued to resist, he would be beaten to death.

A good man doesn't want to suffer immediate losses, he must first pass this level before talking.

"Then how about you make up all the homework I gave you before and copy the "Six Tao" again?"

Li Yanran smiled slightly, knowing that it would be alright if he surrendered, otherwise she would have to give him a few more big dicks.

""Six Tao"? Sister, do you know how many words there are? You are trying to kill me!"

Li Hong's eyes almost popped out of his head. Liu Tao was not only difficult to understand, but also had a lot of words.

If this was copied, others would probably be lost.

"It seems that your brain is still a little unclear. If it doesn't work, why don't we call Sun Simiao back to treat you?"

Li Yanran naturally didn't know how many words there were in "Six Tao", but she knew that it was a classic.

As the saying goes, you can learn without skills, but you can't be knowledgeable. Learning without being knowledgeable means you have no knowledge.

As the prince of the Tang Dynasty, he may be the emperor of the Tang Dynasty in the future.

If you stand in front of the civil and military officials without knowledge, if you don't know anything, don't you have to be at the mercy of those courtiers?

So the emperor wanted to start from a baby. Although she didn't know what the Hongwen Museum would teach Li Hong, she didn't want Li Hong to be a second-rate person who didn't know anything.

"Wait a minute, I'm convinced, isn't it okay if I'm convinced?

But there are too many words in "Six Tao". Can I write it one by one? "

Hearing that Li Yanran was still looking for Sun Simiao, Li Hong was completely convinced.

But there are too many words in Liu Tao, so we have to discuss it.

"Then finish your homework first and then write an article. But if you dare to leave me before finishing writing, I will send you to Chang'an immediately and hand you over to the discipline of your father, queen and mother."

Li Yanran thought for a moment and nodded.

"I know! If I don't go out, I won't go out!"

Li Hong sighed, now that he is better, he will not be able to get out of this door for seventy or eighty days.

It's a pity that I made an appointment with those boys to watch the cockfight together, but now I have no hope.

"Go to the second floor and write hard!"

After that, Li Yanran also helped Li Hong untie him and asked him to go to the second floor to do his homework.


Li Hong did not dare to neglect, and obediently went up to the second floor to write the homework left by Li Yanran.

After cleaning up Li Hong, Li Yanran also left her house, asked Li Feng to take good care of him, and then went to the military camp in the school field.

"Wei Shan, has the Golden Phoenix Chaohuang I sent back from Luoyang arrived?"

Looking at Wei Shan in front of him, Li Yanran directly asked about Jin Feng Chao Huang's situation.

The news of his return to Lishan must not be hidden from his father, and of course he cannot hide it from his mother.

The reason why she walked slowly was because she was afraid that her people would arrive but her things would not arrive.

When the time comes, what will she do to please her mother?

"Your Highness, that thing has arrived a long time ago and is now being stored in the memory."

Wei Shan saluted Li Yanran and told the situation about Jin Feng Chao Huang.

"It's good to be here. Nothing happened to the fief while I was away!"

Li Yanran also breathed a sigh of relief when she heard that Jin Feng Chao Huang had arrived.

If this thing didn't arrive or was robbed on the way, then she would be at a loss to her grandma's house.

"Back to Your Highness, the land has been calm during your absence and nothing happened. Please don't worry!"

"Well, everything is fine as before, let's go down!"


After Wei Shan left, Li Yanran felt like she was falling apart, so she left the school grounds and went back to rest.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty, ouch!"

Ruian rushed into the imperial study room quickly and tripped over without paying attention.

"Ryan, what's wrong with you? How many times has this happened? Is the threshold really that high?"

Seeing Ruian stumbling, Li Zhi also smiled.

"Your Majesty, Princess Lishan, Princess Lishan is back!"

Ryan hurriedly told the news he had just received.

"Really? My little Yanran is back?"

Li Zhi stood up suddenly, and Li Yanran finally came back.

"That's right, she just arrived at the fiefdom."

Ruian quickly saluted Li Zhi.

"Get ready now, I want to leave the palace." Li Zhi couldn't help it anymore and was about to leave the palace to meet Li Yanran.

"Your Majesty, think twice, the Queen is also waiting now.

If you go to see Her Royal Highness like this, I'm afraid the Queen will be unhappy! "

After hearing this, Ruian looked at Li Zhi and expressed his worries.

"You are still thinking too much. In this case, you immediately send someone to Lishan to summon Xiao Yanran to the palace, and then take her to see the queen after I have met her!"

After Li Zhi heard this, he sat back on the dragon chair and thought for a while to issue an order to Ruian.


Ruian bowed, turned around and walked outside.

"and many more!"

"Your Majesty, do you have any other wishes?"

Ruian turned around and looked at Li Zhi with some confusion.

"Ask Yanran to bring the prince with her when she comes over. I haven't seen him for a long time and I don't know how he is doing now!"

Li Zhi smiled. If Li Yanran came by herself, she would definitely be punished by Wu Zetian, but if she brought Li Hong with her, she could divert the other party's attention to some extent.

"The slaves obey the orders!"

Ruian also sighed. This emperor was really a daughter-slave. Knowing that Li Yanran would not get any favors from him, he actually called his son over to share the firepower.

Prince, prince, please don’t bear grudges against me. Your father asked me to do this.

Hundreds of cavalrymen escorted a carriage and left the palace, heading towards Lishan Mountain.

"Where is Princess Lishan?"

Huangmen eunuch Liu Zhe came to the school grounds of the fiefdom and asked directly.

"you are?"

The soldier at the door glanced at Liu Zhe and couldn't help but be stunned.

"I am Liu Zhe, the eunuch of Huangmen, here to deliver the message!"

Liu Zhe also quickly revealed his identity.

"Liu Huangmen, please come inside. I will report to His Highness right away!"

Upon hearing Liu Zhe's identity, the soldiers at the door did not dare to neglect him. They first welcomed him in, and then quickly went to report to Li Yanran.

"Father's people are here?"

Li Yanran glanced at the forbidden army and hurriedly walked towards the school ground.

"Are you the commander of the city, Di Renjie?"

Liu Zhe entered the room, glanced at Di Renjie who was coming over, and held an orchid finger to ask him questions.

"Yes, this is Di Renjie."

Di Renjie was stunned, wondering what Liu Zhe wanted to do.

"The Zajia heard that there are countless good things in the Lishan fiefdom. Give me two pounds of the best gentleman to smell it."

Liu Zhe sat down on the sofa, crossed his legs and gave instructions to Di Renjie.

"Young Gentleman Wen? Is this Liu Huangmen rich?"

Di Renjie instantly understood that this guy was here to get stuck in love.

At that moment, he also saluted him and sneered at him.

"Money? I'll give it to you, do you dare to ask for it?

When did the miscellaneous family pay the money?

You don't plan to cause trouble for Princess Lishan, do you? "

When he heard that Di Renjie dared to ask him for money, Liu Zhe's face instantly became serious.

Although he had heard before that Li Yanran was difficult to make trouble and was not afraid of eating meat or fish.

But he just didn't believe in this evil. She was just a slightly favored princess, so what else could she do.

She was the emperor's messenger, yet she dared to overturn the world.

"Liu Huangmen, you can eat randomly, but don't dare to say random things, otherwise you will suffer a big loss!"

Di Renjie stood up straight. He didn't expect Huang Men to be so bold.

None of the Huangmen who came to Lishan to deliver the message were respectful, for fear of offending Li Yanran.

This guy is so nice, he still dares to make trouble for nothing, he is really off the mark.

"Haha, the Zajia want to see how to take advantage of the situation! Go and get it quickly, otherwise I will have to explain it in front of His Majesty!

A city commander dares to be so arrogant in front of the Za family. Lishan really needs to be rectified. "

Liu Zhe glared at Di Renjie, as he dared to yell at anything in front of him.

This Lishan Mountain is really not a good place.

"Please wait!"

This man is looking for death, what else can he say.

Liu Zhe, Liu Zhe, you asked for this.

Entering the school grounds, Li Yanran was also stunned. Where was the person?

Didn’t you say you were here to deliver the message?

Di Renjie happened to come out of the room, saw Li Yanran and hurriedly came over.

"Didn't I just say that there is a Huangmen who delivers edicts? Where are the people?"

After hearing Li Yanran's question, Di Renjie also told what happened just now.

"You are so brave, Li Feng, go and bring this person out for me!"

When Li Yanran heard this, she also raised her eyebrows and asked Li Feng to get the person out.

The scar was really healed and the pain was forgotten. He had already dealt with a few of the Huangmen who had previously delivered the message, and he still didn’t have a long memory.

Now it's even more outrageous, and he dares to ask for cards from himself.

"Are you ready for the Junziwen I want?"

Liu Zhe glanced at Li Feng in front of him, also looking lazy.

This sofa is really a good thing. No wonder the dignitaries in Chang'an are rushing to buy it. It is really good.

After leaving, why should Princess Lishan give me ten or eight gifts?

Anyway, she has a lot of money, so she shouldn't care about this.

"I'm ready for you, uncle!"

(End of this chapter)

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