My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 818 Father, you forgot one thing!

Hearing that Li Yanran really wanted to go to Chengdu, Li Zhi also smiled and waved to Li Yanran.


Li Yanran was not stupid. She leaned against the door and shook her head in refusal.

"Forget it then, I will send a capable minister to handle the matter in Chengdu!"

Li Zhi also put away his smile and shook his head at Li Yanran.

"Father, do you think there is anyone more suitable than me to go?"

Li Yanran was dumbfounded. She originally thought that after saying so much, her father would definitely agree to let her go.

Who would have thought that he would send someone else there? How could this be possible?

"What did you say? I didn't hear it!"

Li Zhi sneered and didn't answer Li Yanran's words at all.

"Father, you!"

Li Yanran sighed and could only slowly come to Li Zhi's side.

Seeing Li Yanran coming over, Li Zhi grabbed her and gave her a big blow.

"You just came back from Luoyang and want to go to Chengdu. You really think nothing of the laws of the Tang Dynasty!"

"Father, do you think I really want to go to Luoyang? If it weren't for the Tang Dynasty and your water transportation plan, would I have traveled thousands of miles to go there?"

Li Yanran covered her head and stared at her father without giving in at all.

Why did I go to Luoyang? Was it just for fun?

If it weren't for the Tang Dynasty and to make money, why would I have to suffer that kind of pain when I'm full and have nothing to do?

"You dare to talk back, don't you?"

Hearing what Li Yanran said, Li Zhi slapped her again.

"Father, if you hit me again, I will fall out!"

Li Yanran's temper is also rising. If you hit me once, I can bear it. If you hit me twice, I can bear it.

But again and again, not again and again.

If this continues, she will die.

"What's going on, you can still blow me up!"

Li Zhi glared at Li Yanran and slapped her again.

"I, I, I, father, stop fighting, business is more important!"

Li Yanran was depressed. She wanted to explode, but she really couldn't do it now.

He could only look at Li Zhi and beg for mercy.

"That's pretty much it. I don't dare to decide if I want to go to Chengdu.

The last time I asked you to go to Luoyang, your mother almost ate me.

If I let you pass this time, no one can save me. "

Li Zhi also let out a sigh of relief, let go of Li Yan and looked helpless.

"Going to find the Queen Mother?"

Li Yanran also frowned, Wu Zetian was not his father.

The entanglement of interests between her and her father cannot be overstated.

But there is only family bond between me and my mother, and the other party will never allow her to go to Chengdu.

"That's right, if your mother doesn't agree, even Potian Zhen won't dare agree to it!"

Li Zhi nodded, he also understood the principle of a dead Taoist friend rather than a poor Taoist.

In this current situation, whoever is going to say this will bear Wu Zetian’s firepower.

Anyway, he didn't want to be a shield.

"Father, didn't you say before that you wanted me to help Hongdi? How can I gain experience if I can't go to Chengdu Mansion?

If you don't let me go to Chengdu this time, then even if I want to do something in the future, I won't be able to do anything. "

It's not that Li Yanran doesn't dare to go to see my mother, it's that she has no reason to go.

What should I say when I get there?

Are you saying that there is something wrong with my perfume base? I need to go over there to solve it.

If my mother finds out, there are only two consequences.

One is that his money was forcibly deducted from him by my mother, and the other is that he was directly locked up in the palace and was not allowed to go out even half a step.

So I still have to shoulder the blame for this. After all, he has rough skin and thick flesh, and he is still able to resist damage well enough.

"Are you threatening me with this? The relationship between brother and sister is gone, right?"

Hearing Li Yanran threaten him with this, Li Zhi's eyes widened and he wanted to raise his hand, but Li Yanran stepped aside first.

"Father, you asked me to find my mother-in-law, why did you ever care about the relationship between father and daughter?

That's it. If you don't let me go to Chengdu Mansion, I will be my idle princess from now on.

Anyway, I can’t spend all my money, and I won’t have to worry about it for the rest of my life. Enjoying life is what I pursue. "

Li Yanran didn't give in at all. If you don't take the blame, I won't help you in the future.

Which is more important or less important is up to you.

"It's not impossible if you want me to help you. You can send someone to Yanzhou to help me bring back the Sutra of Brief Teachings and Instructions on the Parinirvana of the Buddha.

With this Buddhist scripture here, I believe that even if your mother-in-law is angry again, she will not be out of control. "

Li Zhi knew Li Yanran's temperament, and it can be said that he took it to the extreme to not seek political advice if he was not in his position.

If you don't give her some sweetness, she is determined to enjoy life.

"The Sutra of Brief Explanations and Admonitions on the Parinirvana of the Buddha"?

Li Yanran was stunned, not knowing what this was.

"It's not my fault that you, little girl, stole my Huang Ting Jing and gave it to your mother.

In order to exchange for the Huangting Sutra, my father had to tell Wang Xizhi's "Buddha's Parinirvana Sutra" and wanted to exchange it with your mother. "

Li Zhi shook his head depressedly. If it weren't for you and me, would we have spoken out the "Sutra of Brief Explanations and Admonitions on Buddha's Parinirvana"?

If you want to take the blame now, you have to help yourself solve this problem.

"Then I feel that my father will agree to help me take back the Sutra of Brief Exhortations and Instructions on the Parinirvana of the Buddha!"

Li Yanran smiled. Fortunately, she had stolen Huang Tingjing before, otherwise it would have cost a lot of money.

After all, it was the "Sutra of Brief Explanations and Instructions on Buddha's Parinirvana" written by Wang Xizhi himself, and it must be priceless.

"What do you mean? You want me to help you take the blame, and you want me to help you get the "Buddha's Sutra of Parinirvana". Why don't you go to heaven?

Do you really think that I am a soft persimmon and you can do whatever you want? ”   Li Zhi stood up suddenly and shouted angrily at Li Yanran.

He was really a little angry this time. His daughter was really a little too pushy.

In fact, if she had been another prince, he would have been buried alive by him long ago if he dared to talk like this to her.

"Father, don't be angry, I actually discovered a problem!"

Li Yanran smiled, it was really fun to see her father like this.

After all, he was the only one who could force the emperor to do this.

"what is the problem?"

Li Zhi was stunned and didn't know what Li Yanran meant.

"Actually, I also collected a work by Wang Xizhi in Luoyang, which happened to be the "Huang Ting Jing", so I brought it here specially to let my father appreciate it!"

Li Yanran took out the calligraphy she had hidden long ago from her sleeve and sent it to Li Zhi's case.


Looking at the scroll in front of him, Li Zhi was stunned.

Another "Huang Ting Jing" by Wang Xizhi was published? How is this so damn possible?

Slowly unfolding the scroll, Li Zhi's eyes almost burst out.

This is something that was found in Luoyang. It is clearly the scroll in Neinu.

It also has my own stamp on it.

"Li Yanran, you are so shameless!"

Li Zhi couldn't hold back anymore, he swore immediately and rushed towards Li Yanran.

Li Yanran seemed to have predicted Li Zhi's movements, and she jumped up and ran away the moment her father pounced on her.

He didn't give dad a chance to get close at all.

"Li Yanran, just stand there and don't move."

"If you don't move, you are a fool. Father, please don't waste your energy. You won't be able to catch up with me!"

Li Yanran jumped up and down while taunting her father.

"Stop it!"

Li Zhi also knew that he could not catch up with Li Yanran, so he could only stare there, helpless and furious.

"Father, you forgot one thing!"


Li Zhi frowned, but his heart skipped a beat when he saw Li Yanran's actions.

Because Li Yanran had already put away the "Huang Ting Jing" he had spread out on the table.

"Put the Huang Ting Jing there for me!"

Li Zhi is really stupid, it's over.

This Huang Tingjing can be regarded as one of his lifeblood, and now it is held in Li Yanran's hand.

"Don't let it go."

Li Yanran smiled and then raised her eyebrows at her father.

"What do you want?"

Li Zhi's head was sweating and he asked Li Yanran.

"Help me find the Sutra of Brief Instructions and Instructions on Buddha's Parinirvana, and then let me go to Chengdu!"

Li Yanran sneered and made a gesture of tearing the book apart.

"I agree, it's time to do it! Put Huang Tingjian there quickly. If you are injured, I will have to beat you to death!"

Li Zhi was depressed. That was Wang Xizhi's Huang Ting Jing. If this was really torn apart by a little girl like Li Yanran.

He might explode where he stood.

"Father, once you say something, it's hard to follow. This is what you said!"

Li Yanran smiled slightly and confirmed with the other party again.

"Since I promised you, I won't break my promise. Leave it to me quickly!"


Li Yanran also came to Li Zhi and delivered Huang Tingjing to him.

"You little girl, sooner or later I will be pissed off by you!"

After taking Huang Tingjing, Li Zhi rewarded Li Yanran with a headshot.

"Father, didn't you say you can't hit your head? You'll become stupid!"

Li Yanran was depressed. She promised not to take the blame, but why are you like this again?

Beating your head all day long, if you are really stupid, you will have no place to regret it.

"It's better to be stupid. I'm really afraid of you!"

Li Zhi wanted to raise his hand again, but put it down again while it was hanging in the air.

Is his daughter so smart? If she was really beaten stupid, he would be at a loss.

"Hehe, Yanran knows that my father likes me the most!"

Li Yanran directly grabbed Li Zhi's arm.

"Hmph, what are you going to do when you get to Chengdu? After all, it's on the border, so it's different from Luoyang.

The local forces are intertwined, including not only the people of the Tang Dynasty, but also many Qiang, Di, and barbarian foreigners.

So the things you did in Luoyang will definitely not happen again. After all, stability there is the top priority.

Once a problem arises, Tubo is likely to be given a chance.

Now Su Dingfang is preparing for war against Tubo. If his attack is delayed, you know the consequences very well. "

Li Zhi was reluctant to fight, and immediately told all the problems in Jiannan Road and Chengdu Prefecture.

The reason why Li Yanran was allowed to go was that it had a lot to do with perfume and no one should be allowed to get involved in it.

Second, she is really smart and ruthless, so she is the most suitable person to handle the situation here.

"Father, do you have any good suggestions?"

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