My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 817 Princess Lishan is here again!

Di Renjie thought for a while and realized that he didn't want to stay in Luoyang. First, because as the commander of Lishan City, staying in Luoyang for a long time would cause gossip.

Second, the matter in Luoyang is almost settled, and it would be a waste for him to stay there.

But now the matter in Chengdu Mansion is urgent, and Chang Sun Yan's ability cannot solve the problem at all.

It was still necessary for him to go there.

"Are you going? You have no official or power. Even if you are Zhang Liang resurrected, you will have unparalleled tricks and tricks. It's hard for a woman to make a meal without straw!"

Li Yanran shook her head. This was no longer a problem that Di Renjie could solve.

Although the aristocratic families there are not as powerful as the Guanzhong clan or the Guandong aristocratic family, they are all native-born locals.

They have deep roots near Chengdu Prefecture, and are more difficult to deal with than Cui Zhe and others who have no roots.

It’s difficult!

"If this is the case, we can only ask Your Majesty for help."

Di Renjie glanced at Li Yanran. It seemed that the current situation could only be solved by Li Zhi, the best person in the world.


Li Yanran was depressed. She had just followed Li Zhi's Huang Tingjing, and if she went to find him now, wouldn't she be falling into a trap?

"What's wrong? Are you in trouble?"

Seeing Li Yanran in trouble, Di Renjie's heart lifted.

Although he didn't know what was wrong with the other party, but if he didn't get Li Zhi's support.

It may be difficult for Chengdu Prefecture to contain it.

"It's okay, let me think first!"

Li Yanran touched the teacup in front of her, her eyes filled with confusion.

Di Renjie stood nearby, waiting for Li Yanran's decision.

"Where are those two idiots Cheng Chubi and Yuchihuan now!"


Di Renjie was also confused when he heard Li Yanran asking about the two demon kings.

Now what's the use of asking them.

At the very least, Li Siwen applied for the imperial envoy and became an imperial envoy. The two of them were also white people.

Even if they have Longmen bodyguards under their command, they can't go through with it so recklessly.

"They should be arriving at Chengdu Mansion soon, but what are you thinking about, Your Highness?"

"Chengdu Prefecture is located in a remote area. It is difficult for us to project our strength there. If there is a problem, we need someone under our command."

Li Yanran shook her head. She naturally didn't want these two idiots to do anything important.

But with them here, if there is a need for people, there will be no one available.

"Your Highness, you don't want to go to Chengdu Mansion by yourself!"

Di Renjie seemed to understand Li Yanran's thoughts.

She was the only one who could make those two people be obedient. Could it be that Li Yanran wanted to run thousands of miles away again?

"Well, Chengdu Mansion is very important, even more important than Luoyang before. I can only go there in person!"

Li Yanran nodded, Di Renjie was really a roundworm in her stomach.

I just asked about the locations of Cheng Chubi and Yuchi Huan, and I could guess that she wanted to go to Chengdu.

This smart guy is really boring.

“Your Highness, do you think this is possible?

You must know that you have just returned from Luoyang, and it has only been a while. If you want to go to Chengdu again, His Majesty will never allow it. "

Di Renjie shook his head. Let's not talk about whether you were able to do things in the past. Just talking about your going to Chengdu is impossible.

You are a princess, not a rich lady, no one can control you.

I really thought that being favored by the emperor would make me lawless.

"That's my problem. You should immediately send a letter to Cheng Chubi and Yuchi Huan.

Let them not enter Chengdu Mansion for the time being and find a place for me to stay first.

If I need it, I will rush to Chengdu as soon as possible. "

Li Yanran stood up and spoke out her order.


Di Renjie also saluted. Since Li Yanran was confident that the emperor would let her go to Chengdu Mansion, he had nothing to say.

"Li Feng, get ready and follow me back to Chang'an!"

Li Yanran said and asked Li Feng to prepare the carriage to return to Chang'an.

"Go back now?"

Li Feng was stunned, wondering what Li Yanran was thinking.

If you go back now, wouldn't you be throwing yourself into a trap?

"There's nothing we can do if we don't go back. Let's go! Huang Tingjing has no choice but to send him back!"

Li Yanran was depressed. Huang Tingjing had not warmed up yet, so she had to return it, which made her feel very uncomfortable.


Li Feng nodded, went out to prepare the carriage and horses, and then left Lishan with Li Yanran and returned to Chang'an.


Kong Sa was stunned when he saw the carriage of Princess Lishan appearing in front of him.

Didn't you just leave for a long time? Why are you back again?

"Why are you standing there, get out of the way!"

Li Feng stood on the carriage and shouted directly at the stunned Kong Sa.

"Let go!"

Hearing Li Feng's shouting, Kong Sa also woke up from a dream and quickly ordered the soldiers to get out of the way.

As soon as Li Yanran's car drove in, Kong Sa immediately sent someone over to inform Ruian about the news.

I have long heard that Princess Lishan will not take revenge overnight. Could it be that she came back specifically to cause trouble for Ruian?

"What? Princess Lishan is back again?"

Ruian felt bad after hearing the news that Li Yanran was back.

Didn’t he just leave and come back again?

Shivering, he immediately rushed into the imperial study room.

"His Majesty."

"What's wrong? It's like seeing a ghost!"

"Your Majesty, Princess Lishan is back again and has just entered the imperial city!"

Ruian quickly told the story of Li Yanran's departure and return. "Come back? Why is she back?"

Li Zhi also raised his eyebrows, wondering what Li Yanran was doing.

Are you here to pick up Xiao Li Hong?

"I don't know!"

Ryan shook his head.

How could he know what Li Yanran wanted to do.

"Go down, if she comes to see me, just bring her here.

If she wants to go to Zichen Palace, leave her alone. "

Li Zhi also frowned and just asked Ruian to pay attention.


Ruian withdrew directly, and then sent Xiao Huangmen to wait at the palace gate. Once Li Yanran came, he would take her there.

"Your Highness, your Majesty is waiting in the study room. Come with me!"

Looking at the oncoming carriage, Xiao Huangmen hurriedly greeted it.

"Father already knows that I'm coming?"

Looking at Xiao Huangmen who saluted him, Li Yanran was also stunned for a moment.

"That's right, please, Your Highness Princess!"


Li Yanran nodded and followed Xiao Huangmen straight to the imperial study.


Li Yanran entered the door and saluted Li Zhi directly from a distance.

"Didn't you leave already? Why are you back?

Could it be that your conscience found out that you sent me the Huangting Sutra? "

Looking at Li Yanran standing at the door, Li Zhi also frowned.

His intuition told him that something must have happened to Li Yanran during this trip.

"Father, what are you talking about? My daughter is here to discuss something!"

Li Yanran is not stupid, there is no way she can come up without asking for help.

"Is something wrong? You guys go down first!"

Hearing that Li Yanran was in trouble, Li Zhi waved his hand, and Ruian left with all the servants.

"Grandpa, what on earth does Princess Lishan want to talk to Your Majesty about?"

Xiao Huangmen, who sent Li Yanran over, also came to Ruian's side.

"Do you want to die? Do you dare to inquire about His Majesty's affairs? Go down and give yourself twenty mouths!"

Ruian's eyes were full of anger, and he yelled directly at the yellow door.

He has always been trusted by Li Zhi because he has always adhered to one principle, that is, he should never inquire about things he should not know.

Sometimes it is better to be blind and deaf than to be a smart person.

"Grandpa, me?"

Xiao Huangmen was also stupid. He just asked a question and opened his mouth immediately. Isn't this a little too cruel?

"You have forty mouths. If you dare to be nagging again, I will push you down and kill you with a stick!"

Ryan kicked him.


After hearing this, Xiao Huangmen also left in despair.

"Tell me, what happened again!"

Glancing at Li Yanran, Li Zhi was also curious and didn't know what was wrong with her.

"Something happened in Chengdu Mansion!"

Li Yanran hurriedly told the content of Fei Ge's letter in an embellished way.

"What? They actually want to share the profits of my perfume?"

Hearing what Li Yanran said, Li Zhi became furious.

Except for Li Yanran, he has never been taken advantage of by anyone. These aristocratic families in Chengdu are really embarrassed.

The idea is all about my daughter and myself. I really don’t know what to say.

"Father, don't be angry. The perfume issue is still a trivial matter. My daughter is most worried about Tubo."

Li Yanran sighed. It was difficult for her to go to Chengdu Mansion now. As Di Renjie guessed, it was almost impossible.

So why couldn't she succeed with perfume alone? She still had to start over and come up with something else.

"Tubo? What's going on?"

After looking at Li Yanran, Li Zhi couldn't help but be stunned.

"Father, Chengdu is the center of the Tang Dynasty in the southwest, where both food and economy are indispensable.

But those local clans dared to do such a thing even though they knew that Changsun Yan was under my command, the Princess of the Tang Dynasty.

It is conceivable how frantic the people over there are. If Tubo really wants to start a war with the Tang Dynasty, then Chengdu will be in danger.

At that time, if those aristocratic families were used by Tubo to use high-ranking officials and generous salaries, or even support their rebellion as a condition, the consequences would be disastrous. "

Li Yanran pretended to sigh. Historically, Chengdu has always been firmly in the hands of the Tang government, and Xuanzong even ran away during the Anshi Rebellion.

But that's because Tang Dynasty never broke up with Tubo.

Now that his father has officially decided to break up with Tubo under his influence, no one knows what the consequences of the butterfly effect will be.

She is saying this now, firstly, to give her father a warning, and secondly, to give herself a chance to go to Chengdu.

Li Zhi was also a little silent. Chengdu Mansion was the absolute center of the entire southwest of the Tang Dynasty. If something went wrong there, the entire Jiannan Road would be in chaos instantly.

"So what do you mean by this?"

Glancing at Li Yanran, Li Zhi seemed to have guessed what the other person was thinking.

"My idea is for me to go to Jiannan Road and replicate Luoyang's actions to teach those aristocratic families in Chengdu Prefecture a lesson and let them know who controls the world here.

Otherwise, if things go on like this, the local aristocratic families in Jiannan Road will definitely become a great disaster to the Tang Dynasty.

The most important thing is that perfume is an inseparable thing for us.

If the matter in Chengdu Prefecture is not resolved, it will be impossible for us to make money all over the world with perfume. "

Li Yanran smiled and told all the reasons for her visit.

"You come here first."

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