My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 816 I want to beat you!

After hearing this, several people were instantly confused.

They were in Chang'an and could see the Holy Master every day, so there was no need to write those nonsense memorials to increase their sense of presence.

Therefore, the memorials they usually publish are concise and clear, trying to reduce the emperor's burden as much as possible.

Why do you suddenly have to do this by yourself now?

"What's wrong? Don't you know how to write?"

Looking at the stunned people, Li Zhi also laughed.

"Your Majesty, what is the purpose of asking us to write those memorials?"

Shangguan Yi frowned and asked Li Zhi.

Of course they can write this memorial, but writing these is useless.

But the emperor asked them to do this, and there must be something unexpected in it.

"The intention is that I want to beat you!"

Glancing at Shangguan Yi, Li Zhi slowly revealed his true intention.




All five of them had question marks on their faces, and they would beat themselves up for anything.

They seemed to be right. What on earth was the emperor trying to do?

"Your Majesty, if I do something wrong, you can punish me as much as you can. There is no need for this!"

Dou Dexuan also saluted Li Zhi. Although he didn't know why Li Zhi wanted to deal with them, they must have done something wrong.

"You are all very good. You didn't make any mistakes, but I had to do this!"

Li Zhi also sighed, it's not that I want to deal with you, but that you need to be dealt with.

"Your Majesty, please clarify."

Cui Xiuye ​​frowned, he didn't make any mistake, so why did he have to deal with himself.

What's going on here?

"These are the memorials that I review every day, as you have seen.

But less than half of these memorials are useless nonsense and greeting memorials. I feel very bitter every day.

Therefore, I want to perform a painful trick with you, to show to all the officials in the court and to the ministers in the world. "

Li Zhi also told Li Yanran's plan in full, asking them to cooperate with him in a painful plot.

"I see!"

After hearing Li Zhi's plan clearly, everyone understood it instantly.

The emperor wanted to kill him as a warning to others, and by cleaning himself up, he warned the ministers in the world, so that they would not dare to play those useless memorials unscrupulously.

"In this case, you also know why I asked you to come.

I also believe that you will understand me, right! "

Li Zhi nodded. These people were not stupid. They must know why they had to take responsibility for themselves.

You can only deal with your own people to punish others.

"I am willing to share your worries for Your Majesty!"

"I am willing to share your worries for Your Majesty!"

"I am willing to share your worries for Your Majesty!"

Several people are also in trouble. As close ministers, they don't enjoy many benefits, but they suffer a lot from this crime.

But they still had to do this. After all, it was not something just anyone could do to share the emperor's worries.

This is an affirmation from the emperor to them, otherwise why not look for others to look for themselves.

"I know that you are all loyal ministers of the Tang Dynasty, so just go down and prepare."

Li Zhi held up his chin and smiled, it seemed that he was right about the person after all.




The five people also sighed, saluted Li Zhi together, and turned to leave.

"and many more."

Hearing these words, the five people also stiffened and turned back together.

"I'll go to court tomorrow and put two pads inside my clothes so that it won't hurt so much when I hit the board!"

Since they were being beaten for themselves, Li Zhi also came up with an idea for them.

Put a cushion on it and it won't hurt too much.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

A few people's heads are buzzing. You can just clean it up a bit and show off. Why do you still need to make a decision?

This is going to kill him with a stick!

But so what, since they had already agreed, they could only grit their teeth and endure it.

Several people left the imperial study and came outside the imperial city.

"What should I do?"

Cui Xiuye ​​looked at the four people in front of him. There was still a gap between the status of the others and himself.

He is the Minister of the Ministry of Revenue. It would be embarrassing for him to be slapped in public.

"What else can I do? I'm going to write a poem and play it. This way, even if His Majesty reads it in public and I get slapped, I can gain some reputation!"

Shangguan Yi had already thought of a countermeasure, and it was certain that he would be beaten.

The key now is how to find joy in hardship and find things that are beneficial to you in disadvantages.

"That's a good move of yours. Then I'll write an essay too."

"That's right, Shangguan Yi, you are the weirder one!"

The eyes of the remaining three people also lit up. Shangguan Yi's words were considered a blessing in misfortune.


Seeing the four people there beaming with joy, Cui Xiuye ​​got into the carriage lonely.

They are all people with outstanding literary talent, but what about themselves?

Although he has some literary talent, compared with the four of them, he is completely different.

If I follow them in writing poems and poems, it will not increase my reputation, but become a clown foil.

It's so frustrating.

"Come on, let's go have a drink."

"Let's go!"

"Wouldn't it be nice to drink wine and compose poetry?"

Watching the carriage leaving silently, the four of them also got on the carriage and met to have a drink and make a fortune.

After a period of running around, Li Yanran finally returned to the fiefdom.

"Finally I'm back!" Li Yanran let out a sigh of relief. Although she lost the golden phoenix and the phoenix when she went to Chang'an this time, she gained more.

For example, dad's gold medal and will, such as Wang Youjun's "Huang Ting Jing", such as the 10,000 taels of gold snatched from Ruian.

It can be said that the harvest is full, no, it should be a lot of money.

"Li Feng, close the door, no one is allowed in!"

Li Yanran took out the treasured Huang Tingjing from the carriage shaft and rushed into the house.

Seeing this kind of good thing once is really not enough.

Wang Xizhi's original works could only be seen in museums in later generations, but now she can have them herself.

This is truly one of life's great joys.


Li Feng was guarding the door like a door god holding a sword.

Before coming to the long case, Li Yanran slowly spread out the "Huang Ting Jing" and began to carefully appreciate this masterpiece handed down from generation to generation.

"Zi Zhen Zhen!"

After admiring it for a while, Li Yanran also sighed.

Everyone is everyone, and every word is so elegant and expressive. I really don’t know how Wang Youjun practices.

Listening to Li Yanran yelling inside, Li Feng shook his head outside.

He is not interested in those things at all. He cares more about some secret books on guns and swords than those authentic works.

After all, as a warrior, how to improve yourself is the most important thing.

Di Renjie was also late and came directly to the door.


Seeing Di Renjie, Li Feng quickly stopped him.


Looking at Li Feng, Di Renjie was also stunned for a moment.

"Is His Highness inside? I have something to ask for."

"Wait outside and I'll report it."

Hearing that Di Renjie asked for help, Li Feng frowned, turned around and entered the room.


Li Yanran was startled when she heard the noise and quickly rolled up Huang Tingjing.

"Miss, it's me!"

Seeing Li Yanran's panic, Li Feng also saluted her.

"Didn't I ask you to watch from the outside? Why did you come in!"

Seeing it was Li Feng, Li Yanran also frowned.

"Di Renjie asked for a meeting outside, saying he had something important to report!"

"Di Renjie? Let him go to the side hall."

Li Yanran was stunned for a moment when she heard Di Renjie's arrival.


After Li Feng left, Li Yanran hurriedly hid Huang Tingjing, packed it up, and went to meet Di Renjie together.

"Your Highness!"

Seeing Li Yanran's figure, Di Renjie quickly saluted.

"Stop it, what's the matter? I'm very tired!"

Li Yanran pressed her hand against Di Renjie and asked what happened again.

"Something happened in Chengdu Mansion!"

Di Renjie hurriedly told the news he had just received.

"Chengdu Mansion? What could happen there?"

Li Yanran was stunned. Isn't it just a plot of land to grow flowers in Chengdu Mansion?

What could happen?

"Your Highness, see for yourself!"

Di Renjie had nothing to say, so he directly handed the flying pigeon letter over.

Li Yanran also took the letter from Fei Ge, and after reading it, she was completely stunned.

"Chang Sun Yan, this big fool, what on earth do he think?

Why should I put on airs when I arrived in Chengdu? Why should I have conflicts with the local aristocratic families?

A strong dragon will not suppress a local snake, doesn't he know this truth?"

Li Yanran was really depressed now. For such a trivial matter, Zhang Sunyan could actually have conflicts because of this aristocratic family in Chengdu Prefecture.

This shocked her jaw.

After all, I overestimated the fools under my control.

Li Siwen was targeted in Luoyang, and now there is Changsun Yan.

Why did you say you provoked them?

"Your Highness, I read the letter from Fei Ge and it turns out that this matter really does not happen to Chang Sun Yan.

The Ma family, the Ling family, the Sun family and the Wu family actually joined forces to counterattack. With the identity and status of Chang Sun Yan, it is considered very good to be able to endure it until now. "

Di Renjie sighed. In his opinion, Changsun Yan was not to blame at all.

Although it is said that strong dragons cannot overwhelm local snakes, this is only at the expense of a little profit.

These aristocratic families actually want to share the benefits of perfume with Changsun Yan. This thing really suppresses the bottom line.

You must know that the secrets and profits of perfume are Li Yanran's biggest source of income.

Now these people have set their sights on this golden mountain, which is a bit too contemptuous.

The good and bad Changsun Yan represents the princess of the current dynasty, and she is also the biological son of Zhaozhou County Prince Changsun Wuji.

This is really a bit excessive.

"Hey, there are really a lot of troubles. Why do you want to do some business? Why are there so many obstacles!"

Li Yanran also sighed. Although that's what he said, you should promise them first that you can make the perfume.

"Your Highness, Chengdu is the top priority now. If the perfume base cannot be formed, it will have a great impact on our future economy!"

Di Renjie also frowned, now Chengdu Mansion is the most important.

Swearing and so on has no effect at this moment, and finding a solution is the most important thing.

"What should we do? What else can we do? Chengdu and Chang'an are thousands of miles apart, and I am beyond our reach!"

Li Yanran shook her head. Chengdu and Luoyang are thousands of miles apart, and there are no high-tech communication methods now.

Remote command is simply impossible. Besides, the flying pigeon can only give a rough idea.

Specific matters must be analyzed in detail. If you cannot know yourself and the enemy, how can you use tactics to solve problems?

"If that doesn't work, can I go to Chengdu in person? Have a look at the situation there?"

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