My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 815 Kill the chicken and scare the monkey

Wu Zetian glanced at Li Zhi again and buried her thoughts.

In fact, she had already guessed that this strategy should be Li Yanran's handiwork, but women can be smart, but they must be used in the right place.

When it’s time to pretend to be stupid, you should also pretend to be stupid.

Otherwise, sooner or later, Li Zhi, the emperor, will be afraid of him.

After all, this is a royal palace, not ordinary people.

"Ryan? If he had such a brain, I wouldn't have to sulk all day long!"

The mention of Ruian Li Zhi made me angry. Huang Tingjing didn't even get it back to me. If he had such a brain, he wouldn't be whipped.

"It's not Ruian, is it really Cui Xiuye ​​and the others? If that's the case, these people are really capable of doing anything for the Tang Dynasty!"

Wu Zetian smiled again and mentioned Cui Xiuye's name.

"Although they are loyal, they are not loyal enough to whip themselves!"

Li Zhi shook his head. It would be good if Cui Xiuye ​​didn't blow up the pot after knowing this. Can he still recommend himself?

They are not stupid.

"That Mei Niang is too stupid to guess!"

Wu Zetian shook her head, pretending not to know, and leaned directly into Li Zhi's arms.

"Mother, your sons and ministers know it, and your sons and ministers know it."

Li Hong listened to the conversation between his father and his mother and had an idea in his mind.

"What do you know? Just stand there for me!"

Just as Li Zhi was about to speak, he was interrupted by Li Hong, who also glared at his son angrily.

"I already knew it! How about we make a bet. If I guess correctly, you will send me back to Lishan immediately. How about that?"

Li Hong smiled, stared at his father with a pair of big eyes.

"Okay, then what should you do if you guess wrong?"

Hearing that Li Hong was so confident, Li Zhi also became interested.

Could it be that his stupid son has finally enlightened himself?

I dare to make a bet with myself.

"My son, it's impossible for me to guess wrong."

Li Hong looked calm. He didn't think he would guess wrong at all.

"Then if you guessed wrong, how about you stay in the palace for half a month and stay with your mother?"

Li Zhi also didn't know where Li Hong's confidence came from.

Even someone as smart as your mother can't guess it. It's amazing that you, a little stick, can guess it.


Now Li Hong was a little hesitant, although he was 80% sure that this strategy of benefiting himself at the expense of others was the work of his elder sister.

But if you guess wrong, you have to live in the palace for half a month, which is a bit expensive.

"Are you afraid? If you are, just stand over there and don't disturb me while I'm chatting with your mother!"

A trace of disdain flashed in Li Zhi's eyes. His silly son was still a little unsure after all.

If it were Li Yanran, if she had any confidence, she would have slapped the table and raised the bet with herself.

"Whoever is afraid, just bet, but father, you have to write the name of the person who proposed the idea on the paper first, so as to prevent you from cheating me if I guess right."

Li Hong rolled his eyes and expressed his request.

"You're quite a bitch, so I'll just let you do it!"

Li Zhi also wanted to see how much Li Hong weighed, so he took a pen and paper from the desk, turned around and wrote Li Yanran's name.

"I've written it, you can guess it!"

After placing the paper on the table, Li Zhi asked Li Hong to guess quickly with a straight face.

He didn't believe Li Hong could guess it.

"Father, I can just guess."

"Hurry up, I'm still waiting to deal with you!"

"Father, at first glance, this strategy seems to be to kill the chicken and scare the monkey, but in the final analysis, it is still a matter of benefiting oneself at the expense of others.

There seems to be no one else but my sister who can come up with this! "

As he spoke, Li Hong also ran to the desk and opened the name written by Li Zhi.

There are three big characters "Li Yanran" inside.

"Father, I guessed it right. Queen Mother, you see, I guessed it right! I can go back to Lishan!"

Seeing that he guessed correctly, Li Hong jumped up instantly.

Fortunately, he made the right bet, otherwise he really wouldn't know how to spend the next half month.

"Your Majesty, is it really Xiao Yanran's handiwork?"

Wu Zetian also pretended to be surprised, covering her mouth with a look of disbelief.

"It's really Xiao Yanran's plan. I didn't expect that this silly boy Li Hong has really grown up.

Mei Niang, do you think this strategy is feasible? "

Li Zhi also looked at Li Hong with some surprise. He didn't expect that this kid had really improved after staying in Lishan for a while.

Putting aside the Four Books and Five Classics, at least this little guy's head is indeed spinning faster than before.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to guess that it was his sister's handiwork.

"Whether I think this plan is feasible or not, I still have to try it to find out."

Wu Zetian smiled. Although this killing of chickens and monkeys was done at the expense of others, it could also create pressure.

When those foreign ministers saw Cui Xiuye, an important official in the court, their confidants were beaten, so they would restrain themselves a little.

The most important thing is that this can also form a habit. Even if there are still people with strong heads, it doesn't matter if they clean up.

After all, even the minister of household affairs was whipped, and it was natural for the foreign ministers to be beaten.

If things go on like this, those nonsense memorials and hello memorials will definitely diminish to an extremely small number.

"That's good. I'll send someone to call Cui Xiuye, Shangguan Yi and the others to the imperial study for discussion!"

Li Zhi nodded, he still has to try to know whether it will succeed or not.

"Well, I'll be waiting for the good news!" Wu Zetian saluted Li Zhi again.

"Meiniang, do you like Huang Tingjing?"

Just as Li Zhi was about to turn around, he suddenly remembered his original intention, and after thinking about it, he also asked Wu Zetian.

"Huang Ting Sutra? Why do you say such words, Your Majesty? You know that I love the Buddha, but I don't like the Taoist classic Mei Niang very much."

Wu Zetian was stunned and didn't know what Li Zhi meant.

What does the sudden mention of the Huangting Sutra mean? Doesn’t the emperor know that he likes Buddha and dislikes Taoism?

"I heard that Wang Youjun once wrote the Sutra of Brief Explanations and Admonitions of Buddha's Parinirvana. How about I send someone to find it for you someday?"

Hearing Wu Zetian's words, Li Zhi also smiled.

"Your Majesty, I have only heard of the Sutra of Brief Teachings and Instructions on the Parinirvana of the Buddha, but I can't find it. Do you know where it is?"

Wu Zetian glanced at Li Zhi, feeling more and more that there was something in his words.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to give yourself such a big gift for nothing, but why?

What kind of disaster did Li Yanran get into, or what? ? ?

After thinking about it for a while, Wu Zetian seemed to understand a little bit. The key must be in the Huang Ting Jing.

She knew that Li Zhi had already kept Wang Xizhi's Huang Ting Jing. Could it be that Li Yanran had stolen Li Zhi's Huang Ting Jing.

And then he passed the big pot on to himself?

Otherwise, there is absolutely no way that Li Zhi would have spent all his money to give himself the Sutra of Brief Explanations and Admonitions of Buddha's Parinirvana. This was to be exchanged for himself.

"I seem to have some clues. Don't worry, I will definitely do what I promised you."

Li Zhi smiled slightly. He had also obtained the whereabouts of the "Buddha's Sutra of Parinirvana" before, but he didn't like those things in Buddhism, so he didn't send anyone to find it.

Now in order to exchange for Huang Tingjing, it is indeed time to take action.

"Then I will thank Your Majesty."

Wu Zetian also threw herself into Li Zhi's arms. No matter what the other person was thinking, having this heart was enough.

"Well, I'll leave first, there are still things to deal with over there!"

Li Zhi said and kissed Wu Zetian on the forehead, then turned and left.

"Father, have you forgotten something?"

However, Li Hong jumped directly in front of Li Zhi and stretched out his hands to stop his father.

"what's up?"

Li Zhi was stunned and didn't know what kind of ghost Li Hong was.

"You promised that if I guessed correctly, you would send me back to Lishan."

"I'll take you back to Lishan after you have dinner with your mother!"

Li Zhi was depressed, but he forgot about this kid.

"Oh! Hong'er knows!"

Hearing what Li Zhi said, Li Hong also sighed.

"What's the matter, do you really not want to accompany your mother?"

Seeing Li Hong's unwillingness, Wu Zetian also gave up and slapped him.

"No, Hong'er likes the Queen Mother the most, why would he want to accompany the Queen Mother.

It's just that I still have a lot of homework to finish, and I want to go back to Lishan to do my homework! "

Li Hong woke up after being slapped. He is still in my mother's clutches.

You still have to be careful, otherwise you may get beaten up.

"Go to the corner and stand there."


Seeing Li Hong's aggrieved look, Li Zhi also shook his head and left.

After he returned to the imperial study, he immediately sent someone to call Cui Xiuye, Shangguan Yi and others.

Several people looked at each other, each wondering what was going on when Li Zhi called them here.

"Your Majesty, Cui Xiuye ​​and others are waiting outside."

Ruian changed his clothes and appeared in front of Li Zhi again.

"Didn't I ask you to rest? Why are you here again!"

Looking at Ruian in front of him, Li Zhi was also stunned for a moment.

Is this guy an iron man? Just got whipped, now here we go again.

"Your Majesty, this slave's injury is nothing. I am afraid that others will serve me. Your Majesty, aren't you used to it?"

Ryan forced a smile.

He really didn't dare to withdraw. How many people in the palace were watching his position.

If he went to rest because of this minor injury, the consequences would be disastrous.

"Forget it, let's call them in for an audience!"

Li Zhi is also helpless, you can carry it if you want.


After hearing Ruian's message, Cui Xiuye ​​and others also tidied their clothes, and then entered the imperial study room one by one.

Seeing several people salute, Li Zhi also waved his hand to signal them all to stand flat.

"Do you know why I asked you guys to come here?"

After looking at a few people, Li Zhi slowly asked them.

Hearing this, Cui Xiuye ​​and others were all stunned.

I haven't heard anything happened recently. If anyone could have guessed that they were called here so suddenly.

There is no need to be a court official here. It is enough to support oneself by becoming the world's best fortune teller.

"Your Majesty, I am so stupid, please show me!"

Cui Xiuye ​​glanced at Li Zhi, saluted him and asked.

"I want you to write some memorials. The longer they are and the more nonsense they contain, the better!"

Li Zhi smiled and expressed his thoughts.


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