My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 814 Playing tricks

Chapter 814 Playing tricks

"Miss, you really scared me to death just now!"

After leaving the palace, Li Feng also spoke to Li Yanran in the carriage.

"What are you afraid of? You only have so much courage?"

Li Yanran also breathed a sigh of relief, but still yelled at Li Feng.

"Young lady is right to teach you a lesson, but you brought trouble to the Queen. Aren't you afraid that the matter will be exposed and the Queen will reprimand you?"

Li Feng glanced into the distance and directly asked Li Yanran what he thought.

"Don't worry, my father doesn't dare to ask my mother for Huang Ting Jing."

Li Yanran looked indifferent.

"Then why don't you wait for His Highness the Crown Prince?"

"What are you waiting for him to do? Go back to the fief first."


Li Feng nodded, raised his whip and went to meet the imperial guards who escorted him, and then headed towards the fiefdom under their protection.

Ruian came to the imperial study room dejectedly and knelt down in front of Li Zhi with a bang.

"What's the use of kneeling? Where is my Huangting Sutra?"

Seeing Ruian like this, Li Zhi didn't even think about it, he must have not found Huang Tingjing.

"Your Majesty, I am incompetent and failed to find Huang Ting Jing. I even checked His Highness's carriage with a convict, but found nothing!"

Ruian knocked his head to the ground again. He really did everything he could, but there was no trace of Huang Tingjing.

"Trash, didn't I say before that I couldn't find Huang Tingjing to come and see him."

"You have no words to joke, here comes someone."

Li Zhi was depressed. You couldn't even overturn the car. You really couldn't be more useless.

Since Li Yanran dared to let you search the car, he must have put it somewhere where you can't find it.

Why didn't I realize this guy was so stupid before?

"His Majesty."

The two Imperial Guards entered the door and saluted directly to Li Zhi.

"Drag Ryan out and behead him in public!"


Upon hearing Li Zhi's decree, the Imperial Guards were dumbfounded.

Why should Ruian be cut off if he is so good? That is your most trusted minister.

Don't do anything stupid just out of temporary anger, and wait until you come to your senses to cause trouble for us again.

Then I will be buried with Ruian.

"Why are you standing there, why don't you pull him out!"

Seeing the Imperial Guards in a daze, Li Zhi also slammed the table and shouted at them.


The two of them were also frightened and quickly escorted Ruian to leave.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty, this slave has something to say!"

Ruian was dragged by the two men and shouted anxiously at Li Zhi.

"and many more."

Looking at Ruian who was stopping there, Li Zhi also waved his hand, and the two forbidden troops retreated immediately.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty, although this servant did not find Huang Tingjing, she got a piece of news from Her Royal Highness the Princess."

"Huang Huang Ting Jing."

Ruian crawled to Li Zhi's case and began to stutter when he spoke.

"Stuttering, what's wrong with Huang Tingjing?"

Li Zhi was depressed. This was Ruian's old problem, which happened when he got nervous.

I can't even speak clearly.

"Huang Ting Jing was given to the Queen by Her Royal Highness the Princess!"

After speaking, Ruian buried his head in the ground like an ostrich, not daring to look into Li Zhi's eyes.

"What? Are you telling the truth?"

Li Zhi stood up immediately after hearing this. Just as Ruian thought, he almost exploded on the spot.

"Princess Lishan told me personally. As for the truth or falsehood, I dare not confirm it."

Ruian still didn't dare to raise his head, but he didn't miss a word.

"What to do? What to do now?"

Li Zhi was also a little panicked. Huang Tingjing was in Wu Zetian's hands. How could he get it back?

“Your Majesty, I think the most urgent task is to confirm this news first.

If it's really at the Empress's place, forget it.

If not, the slave girl will go to Lishan Mountain immediately, even if she kneels to death in front of the princess, she will get the Huang Ting Jing back. "

"Well, you are right, let's go to the Zichen Palace."

Li Zhi nodded. He knew Li Yanran's temperament very well.

There was no reason for Huang Tingjing to hand it over so easily, so he had to go to Wu Zetian first to find out more.

"Your Majesty is showing off at the Zichen Palace!"


After shouting, Ruian's mouth almost opened. It was all because of the two whips.

"You old man, I will spare your life for the time being. Go down and treat your injuries quickly!"

Seeing Ruian's grinning look, Li Zhi also frowned.

"My slave is fine. I can still bear it!"

Ruian shook his head. His mission was to follow the emperor every step of the way.

Once this place is replaced by someone else, he will only be gradually alienated by the emperor in the future.

The final outcome is probably to be thrown into the cold palace and serve the concubines in the cold palace.

"This is an imperial decree. How dare you resist it? Get out of here!"

Seeing Ruian's stubborn look, Li Zhi immediately understood what the old guy was thinking.

Then he slapped him on the head again.

"The slaves obey the orders!"

After receiving a slap, Ryan felt relieved.

The emperor's slap was not something anyone could just slap. If an ordinary person really made Li Zhi Longyan angry, he would be slapped with a cane for dozens of people, and the severe ones would be pulled out and beheaded.

That is myself.

Your Majesty still trusts him.

Seeing Li Zhi's dragon chasing away, Ruian finally couldn't help but howl.

"Grandpa, are you okay?"

Xiaohuangmen Zhou Ai also hurried over and greeted him with concern.

"Do I look like I'm fine? Why don't you go call the imperial doctor?" Ruian also slapped him with a slap, which scared Zhou Aisha and went to the imperial doctor.


When Li Zhi entered the door, he couldn't help but froze there. Without him, someone who should leave appeared here.

Wu Zetian was reviewing the memorial, while Xiao Lihong was thinking about his mistakes at the foot of the wall, with a pair of small hands inadvertently wiping the tears from the corners of his eyes.

"His Majesty!"

Seeing Li Zhi's arrival, Wu Zetian stretched out and glanced behind Li Zhi.

"Meiniang, what are you looking at?"

Li Zhi also glanced back. There was no one behind him. What was there to see?

"I didn't see anything!"

Wu Zetian shook his head and walked slowly to Li Zhi's side.

"Why is Xiao Li Hong still here? Why don't you go back to Lishan with Xiao Yanran?"

Li Zhi grabbed Wu Zetian's waist and asked Li Hong.

Could it be that Li Yanran ran away without Li Hong?

"Father, what did you say? Sister is gone?"

After hearing his father's words, Li Hong's mind went blank for an instant and he was completely confused.

Sister is gone? Why didn't you bring yourself?

Could it be that she was planning to leave herself in the palace?

This is not okay, he hasn't had enough fun yet, this is absolutely not okay.

"That's right. Didn't she come to tell you?"

Li Zhi was stunned. Li Hong didn't look like he was cheating. Could it be that he had been deceived?

"Yanran was indeed here just now."

Wu Zetian frowned, Li Yanran left without saying goodbye, and left little Li Hong here.

Either something urgent happened or she caused a huge disaster, otherwise it would be absolutely impossible for her to do this given her temperament.

As a mother, you have to hide it no matter what.

"Mother, when did sister come? Why didn't I see her?

And he’s here, why doesn’t he take me away! "

Li Hong was even more confused now. Why didn't he see when his sister came?

Could it be that you are blind?

"Didn't you fall asleep just now? That's when you came.

As for why I didn’t take you away, isn’t it because the queen likes you and wants to keep you in the palace to accompany her? "

Wu Zetian was depressed. As soon as this silly boy had half the eyesight of Li Yanran, she would be satisfied.

Can't you see something is wrong here?

What a little stick.

"I don't care, I want to go back to Lishan, I want to go back to Lishan!"

Hearing that he had been abandoned, Li Hong almost burst into tears and shouted directly at Wu Zetian to return to Lishan.

"You little heartless kid, who asked you to come here? Go and stand at the wall!"

Wu Zetian raised her hand and gave her a big blow. The beating just now was not enough, right?

Now he jumps out to look for trouble. I really don’t know why this kid is so stupid.

"Me! Father, I want to go back to Lishan!"

Li Hong covered his head and scratched his neck, knowing that Wu Zetian couldn't make sense, so he focused on Li Zhi.

Li Zhi was furious now. Hearing Li Hong's words, he raised his hand and gave him a slap in the face.

I just needed a punching bag, so you jumped out.

He is truly a caring little punching bag for his parents.

"Go to the wall and stand!"

"I am being bullied by you!"

Li Hong looked at the two mountains and burst into tears on the spot. While crying, he stood back to his exclusive position.

"Your Majesty, do you have anything to do with Xiao Yanran?"

Wu Zetian looked at Li Zhi again and asked him about the purpose of his trip.

"Why are you looking for him? I'm here to see you!"

Li Zhi frowned. Although Wu Zetian's words were correct, he always felt that something was wrong.

Moreover, his original intention was to inquire about the situation, so naturally he could not leave just like that.

"The relationship is good, let's have dinner here tonight. Duofu asked the imperial kitchen to prepare dinner."


Duofu's voice also floated from outside, followed by the sound of footsteps gradually fading away.

"Mei Niang, how are the review of those memorials going?"

Li Zhi looked at the memorial on Wu Zetian's desk and suddenly remembered the bad idea Li Yanran gave him.

"Your Majesty, how can I finish reviewing these memorials? Most of them are just useless nonsense. I am really worried about this!"

After hearing Li Zhiwen's memorial, Wu Zetian felt bitter.

These memorials are really annoying her to death. A group of ministers have nothing to do, chatting with the memorials.

It's really disappointing.

"Don't worry, there will be a lot less of these nonsense memorials soon!"

Li Zhi touched Wu Zetian's hair and said to Wu Zetian with a smile.

"Your Majesty, you must not reprimand those ministers, otherwise it may dampen the enthusiasm of the ministers."

Wu Zetian looked at the memorial in front of her, and she seemed to have guessed what Li Zhi wanted to do.

But sometimes these things cannot be done.

"Don't worry, I'm not stupid, I made my decision."

Li Zhi also slowly told him the painful trick that Li Yanran had played on him.

"Your Majesty, this is not your own attention!"

After hearing Li Zhi's words, Wu Zetian immediately became suspicious.

Li Zhi has always treated his close associates very favorably, and this sounds like something he can't do.

"How can I see it?"

Li Zhi was stunned and didn't know how Wu Zetian saw it.

"There is no better wife than a husband. Your Majesty, you have always been kind-hearted and would never do this to your ministers. Not to mention that Cui Xiuye ​​and the others are still your confidants."

Wu Zetian also smiled, if I can't even see who you are, how can I handle you.

Do you really think I'm a three-year-old?

"Hey, I really can't hide anything from you, Mei Niang. Then can you guess who gave me this idea?"

Li Zhi was depressed. Wu Zetian was really his own person. When he heard these things, he knew whether they were what he thought.

"Although Cui Xiuye ​​and the others are loyal to you, they obviously won't do anything to bring trouble on themselves. It couldn't be Ruian's eunuch's idea."

(End of this chapter)

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