My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 813: 1 gold, I will tell you where Huang Tingjing is!

Hearing that Ruian dared to say this, Li Yanran became angry instantly.

Just because others are afraid of you, doesn't mean you are afraid too.

It’s true that you are a close relative of your father, but so what?

If you don't have desires, you will be strong. If you don't ask for something from you, there is no need to be taboo.

Just a eunuch, how dare he commit the following crime?

"Your Highness, calm down, there is really nothing Ruian can do."

Ruian also hurriedly saluted, knowing that it was definitely unreasonable to do so.

After all, he is just a slave of the Li family, no matter how noble his status is, he is still a slave.

Searching his little master's carriage, the other party could even chop off his head directly.

But Li Zhi was waiting for a reply over there, so he had to take this step.

"No way? I see that you are deliberately making things difficult. Do you really think that I dare not kill you because you are someone close to my father?"

Li Yanran glanced at Ruian coldly and yelled at him angrily.

“Of course His Highness can kill me, and Ruian deserves to die too.

But Ruian must complete His Majesty's orders even if he dies! "

Ryan waved his hand, and the Imperial Guards around him were all dumbfounded.

What do you want to do?

Let's search the princess' carriage?

You can just die on your own, so why are you dragging us along?

"Why are you standing there? Search for me!"

Ruian glared at Kong Sa and signaled him to work quickly.

"General, this is the carriage of Her Royal Highness the Princess. It cannot be tampered with without the holy will!"

Kong Sa embarrassedly saluted Ruian, something he didn't dare to do.

Although he didn't know what Huang Tingjing was, it was obvious that this matter was beyond his control.

"This general is conveying the holy will. Search for me. If anything goes wrong, I'll take care of it!"

Ruian slapped Kong Sa on the head.

If something happens, you will be in front. You are so scared.


He couldn't afford to offend both of them, but now that Ruian dared to move the emperor out, he couldn't refuse.

"Your Highness, offended!"

Kong Sa bowed to Li Yanran and apologized, then waved his hand to signal the Imperial Guards around him to take action.

"Let's see who dares!"

Li Feng also stood on the carriage, staring at the soldiers around him.

"Ryan, what if you can't find this Huang Ting Jing?"

Li Yanran blocked Li Feng behind her and spoke to Ruian in front of her.

"If Huang Tingjing cannot be found, Ruian will do whatever you want with His Highness!"

Ruian also stood up and replied to Li Yanran.

This Huangting Sutra is so precious that Li Yanran will definitely carry it with her.

So he concluded that this thing must be on the carriage.

If he hadn't been there, he would have dared to twist off his head and play it as a ball for Li Yanran.

"Remember your words, Li Feng gets out of the car and lets them search. I want to see how you end up with it later!"

Li Yanran sneered and jumped off the carriage.

"Go! Search everything inside and out for me!"

Seeing Li Yanran being so calm, Ruian also frowned.

But the arrow was on the string and had to be fired. He had already offended Li Yanran. If Huang Tingjing could not be found again.

Really don't know what to do.

Kong Sa took the lead and got into the carriage and began to carefully search for the so-called Huang Ting Jing Ruian.

Ruian paced back and forth under the carriage, knowing full well the consequences of not being able to find Huang Tingjing.

After waiting for a long time, Kong Sa got out of the car and shook his head at Ruian.

"Impossible, how could it not be possible!"

Ryan went crazy and jumped onto the carriage and began to writhe.

After searching for a while, he also leaned on the carriage, his eyes full of fear.

Things can't be found, things can't be found.

What should he do.

"Ryan, when you're done searching, get out of here!"

Li Yanran glanced at the carriage and shouted directly to Ruian to get down quickly.

"Your Highness!"

Ruian got out of the carriage dejectedly and saluted Li Yanran again.

"Do you have?"

After looking at Ruian's appearance, Li Yanran couldn't help but tilt her mouth.


Ryan shook his head, do I look like this?

"Then tell me how I should punish you!"

Li Yanran crossed her arms and her words were somewhat cold.

"You guys stand down for now!"

Ruian sighed and caught the thief. Now Huang Tingjing was not found. He slandered the princess, and the following charges were confirmed.

But he still firmly believed that the Huang Tingjing must have been taken away by Li Yanran, so he wanted to work harder.


Kong Sa and his party also quickly backed away. They really didn't want to get involved in this matter.

"What else do you have to say? You slandered the princess. If you do the following, even if I want to chop off your head, I'm afraid it's not too much!"

"Your Highness, people in the light don't tell secret words, please tell me the number!"

Ruian glanced at Li Yanran in front of him again, and slowly asked her.

"Why are you talking about a number? You confused me!"

Li Yanran frowned and looked at Ruian who looked miserable.

"The Yellow Court Scripture is of no use to you, but to His Majesty, it is the lifeblood.

As long as you return the Huangting Jing, you can tell me the number, and I will never frown. "       Ruian is almost dying of anxiety. How come Li Yanran, who has always been smart, is so stupid now.

Do you have to explain things so clearly yourself?

"If you don't take it, you don't take it. Besides, you just searched my palace's carriage without permission. The account hasn't been settled yet. You're talking about Huang Tingjing again!"

Li Yanran sneered, does she care about money?

Yes, she cared, but she already had enough money.

Moreover, Ruian is just a small eunuch, how much money can he have?

She really doesn’t like it!

"Five thousand taels of gold!"

Ruian smiled slightly and directly quoted a very exaggerated price.

Five thousand taels of gold can be converted into fifty thousand guan of copper coins. You must know that when Emperor Taizong took Lanting Xu, he only lost the other party 3,000 bolts of silk and 3,000 shi of grain.

This has far exceeded the value of this Huangting Sutra.

Li Yanran was also stunned for a moment, somewhat surprised.

There is so much gold, not to mention a small eunuch in Ruian, even some big aristocratic families cannot afford this much.

"What? Does this number make up for Ryan's rude behavior just now?"

Seeing Li Yanran's surprised expression, Ruian's heart was bleeding.

He is indeed not short of money. After all, he is also a master who follows the emperor. Normally, those dignitaries will show filial piety to him from time to time.

But if you take out so much at once, everyone will feel distressed.

"Of course this is enough to make up for your rude behavior just now, but it's not enough for Huang Tingjing!"

Now Li Yanran no longer hid it.

Both of them were well aware of Huang Tingjing's affiliation, so it didn't matter if she opened up about it.

"Ten thousand taels! Ten thousand taels of gold!"

Hearing that Li Yanran finally relented, Ruian was also excited and flipped the money to a high of ten thousand taels in one breath.

"Although the Huang Ting Jing is not as good as the Orchid Pavilion Preface, it is still a priceless treasure. Five thousand taels of gold seems not enough. I think you can add more!"

Li Yanran showed a bright smile and directly asked Ruian to increase the price.

"Your Highness, this Huang Tingjing is indeed priceless in the eyes of those who like it, but in the eyes of ordinary people, it is just a commodity.

Eleven thousand taels, that's all I have. "

"not enough!"

"Twelve thousand taels!"

"Rise more!"

"Thirteen thousand taels, this is the most!"

"It's still a little less!"

Just like this, there was a price increase and a counteroffer, and when the price reached fifteen thousand taels, Ruian refused to increase the price.

Whose money was blown by the strong wind, but he can't rise like this.

If it goes up again, he might have to sell himself to pay off his debts.

No, selling oneself to pay off debts is not enough.

"If the price goes up, if the price goes up, maybe I will agree!"

Li Yanran also frowned, and then spoke to Ruian to persuade.

"There is not a cent left. If Your Highness agrees, I will immediately send someone to deliver the gold to the fief.

If I don't agree, I can only go and apologize to His Majesty myself. "

Ruian shook his head and saluted directly to Li Yanran.

"Hey, although I really want your money, I really don't have this thing!"

Li Yanran sighed. If Ruian could get 20,000 taels of gold, she might really return Huang Tingjing.

But fifteen thousand taels, let’s forget it.

The rule of thumb in doing business is that rare things are rare, and it is better to run away than to lose them.

"Your Highness, are you kidding me? If not at your place, where else could I be!"

Ruian was depressed, "Were you just teasing me?"

"Want to know where it is? Five thousand taels of gold, I'll tell you!"

Li Yanran patted Ruian on the shoulder and whispered in his ear.

"Five thousand taels of gold for a piece of news? Your Highness, your news is worth a thousand pieces of gold!"

Ruian was stunned for a moment. Could it be that Huang Tingjing was really not with him?

But if not here, where could it be?

"Then you can choose to buy it or not. After all, Huang Tingjing is my father's favorite thing. If it is gone, I believe my father will be furious.

Then maybe it won't be a matter of two whips. As you said, it's not impossible to lose your head. "

Wu Zetian was not afraid at all that Ruian would not pay.

After all, this is his last hope. Compared with his life, Ruian can still tell the difference between money and life.

"I trust your highness, please tell Ruian where Huang Tingjing is. The 10,000 taels of gold will be sent back to Lishan later."

Sure enough, just as Li Yanran thought, even if Li Yanran might lie to him, he would still take the gamble.

"Okay, then I'll tell you.

When I was saying goodbye to my mother-in-law, I saw a volume of Huang Ting Jing sitting on his desk.

As for whether it is the original lost by my father, I don’t know! "

"Are you at the Empress? Your Highness, did you present the Huang Ting Jing to the Empress?"

Ruian was completely stupid now. No wonder she was so confident and dared to let herself search for the carriage.

It turned out that she had already dedicated Huang Tingjing to the Queen.

This. This tells him what to do.

When asking for the Huang Ting Jing from Li Yanran, he could still say that he came on an order, but what should he do about the Queen?

Even if I lend him a hundred courage, he wouldn't dare to go there.

If Huang Tingjing cannot be found, Li Zhi may kill himself and become discouraged, but that is only a possibility.

If you offend the queen, it will be a life-or-death outcome.

"That's right, Li Feng, let's go!"

Li Yanran jumped directly onto the carriage, and Li Feng also raised his whip and drove the carriage away.

"Ruian, remember to deliver 10,000 taels of gold to Lishan within three days, otherwise I will come to take your head!"

After leaving such words, Li Yanran's carriage also arrived outside the gate of the imperial city.

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