My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 812 The 36th strategy is the best strategy

Li Yanran was depressed. How could he have time to say goodbye to his mother now? Who else could care about him, including Li Hong.

Thirty-six strategies are the best strategy.

"Miss, have you done something outrageous again?"

Seeing Li Yanran's anxious look, Li Feng also frowned and asked her.

He knew very well what the young lady looked like. This must be a crime, and it was not a trivial matter.

Otherwise, it absolutely cannot be like this.

"It's too late to explain. Hurry up and get in the car. Hurry up. If it's later, it'll be too late!"

Li Yanran also sighed. There was no time to explain now, so he had to leave the imperial city first.


Li Feng glanced at Li Yanran again, gritted his teeth and hurried to adjust the carriage.

"Miss, please get in the car!"

Li Feng jumped off the carriage and saluted Li Yanran.

"You should say Princess please get in the car!"


Li Feng was stunned. Why is the lady so crazy today?

Isn’t it usually the most annoying thing to call yourself princess? Why is it so unusual today?

"This is in the imperial palace, where there is a hierarchy of dignity. If you are a girl, you will be treated like one.

If those gossips overhear it, aren't you asking for trouble by asking for trouble? "

Li Yanran shook her head and directly expressed her thoughts.

"Li Feng has learned a lesson!"

"Princess, please get in the car!"

After hearing this, Li Feng also nodded and saluted Li Yanran again.

"That's pretty much it!"

Li Yanran smiled and was about to get in the car, but as soon as she raised her feet, she put them down again.

Then he turned to the position of the wheel and squatted down slowly.

"Princess, what do you want to do?"

Seeing Li Yanran tinkering there, Li Feng didn't know what the other person was doing.

"Hey, just watch."

Li Yanran smiled, and then moved a mechanism somewhere. The axle cover of the carriage fell off, revealing a hole.


Li Feng was stunned. The axle of this carriage also has this mechanism?

After driving for such a long time, this was the first time he knew about it.

How many secrets does this young lady keep from herself?

"Little princess, what's going on!"

"I don't know, I had someone modify it just for this moment!"

As Li Yanran said this, she took out the Huang Ting Jing from her father's sleeve.

"What is this?"

"This is a good thing that my father gave me, an authentic copy of the Huangting Sutra written by Wang Youjun."

Li Yanran looked at Huang Tingjing and smiled, carefully stuffed it into the axle, then picked up the cover of the axle and buckled it on again.

Li Feng now finally knows why Li Yanran ran away in a hurry, and said that the emperor rewarded you.

I'm afraid you didn't just steal it from your father.

Miss, Miss, when will you change this troublesome habit?

"Okay, let's go!"

Li Yanran clapped her hands and her eyes turned into crescent moons with smiles.

In this way, everything would be foolproof. Even if Dad really came to find him, as long as the carriage was not dismantled, Huang Tingjing would never be found.


Li Feng also made a gesture of invitation to Li Yanran.

"Princess, please get in the car!"

Li Yanran glared at Li Feng, wondering why such a big man had no manners at all.

"Princess, please get in the car!"

Li Feng was depressed. Something was wrong with the lady today. Something was definitely wrong.

Now there is still time to worry about these face-saving projects, the most important thing is to seize the time and run away.

If you don’t return to Lishan, changes will eventually happen.

Despite being depressed, Li Feng still agreed to Li Yanran's wishes.

"That's pretty much it. Let's go back to Lishan!"


Li Feng also hurriedly jumped on the carriage and drove the carriage away from Zichen Palace and towards the entrance of the palace.

"Princess, has Her Royal Highness left?"

Ryan got off the carriage and anxiously asked the Forbidden Army at the door.

"Back to the general, Princess Lishan has not left the palace yet."

Seeing Ruian's embarrassed look, Fire Chief Kong Sa was also stunned for a moment.

"It's okay if you haven't left the palace. If you haven't left the palace, it's still too late!"

Ruian was relieved when he heard that Li Yanran hadn't left.

He was relieved not to leave.

"General, are you okay?"

Kong Sa also approached Ruian and asked him with concern.

"What can happen to me? Get out of my way!"


Kong Sa was dumbfounded and quickly stepped aside, not daring to say anything more.

Ruian was waiting there, waiting for Li Yanran to come over.

"Hurry up, Li Feng, hurry up!"

Feeling the speed of the carriage, Li Yanran became a little anxious.

This speed was too slow. If her father arrived first, it would be difficult for her to get out of the palace.

"Little princess, this is in the palace, not in Lishan Mountain. If you run too fast, there will be problems!"

Li Feng was also depressed. Do you think this palace is the fiefdom of Lishan, and you can play wild as you please.

If you run too fast and bump into someone, things will be serious.

"No, speed up. If anything happens, it's my fault!"

Li Yanran couldn't wait any longer. It was better to run as fast as possible than to be caught by her father.

"Then sit tight!"


Now that Li Yanran said this, Li Feng didn't care anymore and raised his riding whip.

In pain, the horse kicked off its hooves and suddenly started to speed up. Seeing Li Yanran racing in the palace, all the imperial guards patrolling the palace were dumbfounded.

They have been in the army for so long, and they have never seen such a tough guy.

Riding horses in the palace is like an old man eating arsenic and becoming impatient.

"Chang Huo, what should I do?"

A chief came close to Fire Chief Liu Shuang, his eyes filled with confusion.

"What should I do? You dare to ride your horse in the palace! Chase me!"

Liu Shuang gritted his teeth and took the lead and chased after him.

"Princess, there are Imperial Guards chasing you!"

Listening to the shouts from behind and looking at Liu Shuang's forbidden troops, Li Feng also said to Li Yanran.

"Ignore them, speed up, speed up!"

Li Yanran can't care about anything now. It doesn't matter whether he has a forbidden army or not. He should run away first.

"Then sit down!"


Li Feng raised his whip and hit the horse's butt again.

Just like this, Li Yanran's carriage rode swiftly in front of them, while more and more Forbidden troops were coming behind them.

In a short while, there were almost four fires and two hundred people.

Looking at the smoke and dust in the distance, Kong Sa also pointed at Chong Ruian and said: "General, is that Her Royal Highness the Princess?"

"That's it! Stop His Highness."

Ruian also saw it and immediately became excited, making himself even more embarrassed.

Kong Sa nodded and directly led the people to push forward.

"Huo Huo Chang, this?"

Jia Bin saw clearly the imperial army behind the carriage and was completely stunned.

"Why are there so many Imperial Guards?"

Kong Sa was also dumbfounded, what was going on with this special meow.

"Everyone, get out of my way!"

Seeing the imperial troops appearing in front of him, Li Feng also shouted, telling them to hurry up and make way.

"Stop it!"

Kong Sa gritted his teeth and directly ordered the soldiers to take action and stop the opponent.

After all, there was Ruian behind him. If Li Yanran ran away, the other party would have to skin him.

Looking at the spear in front of him, Li Feng could only rein in his horse and stop the carriage.


The sudden braking almost killed Li Yanran. She opened the car curtain and rushed out.

The Imperial Guards who were chasing after him were stunned when they saw it.

I thought it was who she was, but I didn't expect it to be Princess Lishan, the emperor's favorite.

"Chang Huo, what should I do?"

"Walk, let's go! Run!"

Liu Shuang glanced at Li Yanran on the carriage and then at Ruian in front, knowing that something must be going on here.

At that moment, he turned around and walked back.

"Chang Huo, don't you care?"

Seeing Liu Shuang's actions, Shi Chang was completely stunned.

We are the imperial army, and Princess Lishan is speeding in the palace. If we don't care about this, how will we convince the public in the future?

"No matter who cares, I didn't see anything anyway!"

Liu Shuang was too lazy to pay attention to those two fools.

Li Yanran is known as the Demon King. How dare you trouble her with such a master?

Anyway, he still wants to live for a few more years. If anyone is not afraid of death, he can go there by himself.

Just don't implicate yourself.

"Chang Huo, wait for me!"

Upon seeing this, a group of forbidden troops gave up pursuit and ran back.

"I am Li Yanran, Princess of Lishan. Who is so bold as to stop my driving?"

Looking at the imperial guards in front of her, Li Yanran directly reported her identity.

"Your Highness Princess, you are making Ruian wait so easily!"

Ruian also greeted him immediately.

"Ryan, what's wrong with you?"

Seeing Ruian's miserable look, Li Yanran was also dumbfounded.

This guy, was he beaten?

"Your Highness, Ryan's life is all in your hands!"

After hearing this, Ruian also rushed to the side of the carriage with a pitiful look on his face.

"What the hell, I don't know!"

Li Yanran shuddered, shook her head and replied.

"Your Highness, don't pretend to be confused because you understand. Huang Tingjing, you'd better come back!"

Ryan is also depressed, don’t you understand?

Then what am I doing here? Then how did I receive this whip?

"What Huang Ting Jing? How come the Huang Ting Jing was stolen? Then hurry up and catch the thief. Why are you looking for me?"

Sure enough, Huang Tingjing was still exposed.

But so what, catch the thieves and catch the dirty ones, and you didn’t catch me doing it.

"Your Majesty, Huang Tingjing disappeared, your Majesty was furious and whipped me several times.

He also said that if Huang Tingjing could not be found, he would kill me.

Just pity Ryan! "

Ryan said and turned around, revealing the blood marks on his back.

"I really didn't take it!"

Li Yanran also frowned. She really didn't expect that her father would be so angry.

Ryan is his bodyguard, so these whippings must be so painful.

But it’s not like he whipped the whip himself. If he wants to blame it, he has to blame his father.

"Your Highness, if I were not sure that you had that thing, I wouldn't be waiting for you at the door!"

Seeing that Li Yanran still refused to admit it, Ruian stared at her and replied to her.

"Maybe it fell somewhere. Did you look under the table? Otherwise, you can go back and look for it!

I still have something to do, so I won’t chat with you now! "

Li Yanran also refused to admit it. As long as I didn't catch it on the spot, I would have never seen that thing.

"Your Highness, since you said the things are not here, do you dare to let Ruian check your car?"

Seeing Li Yanran's resolute attitude, Ruian gritted his teeth and directly proposed to search Li Yanran's carriage.

"I've betrayed you! Can you say it again if you can?"

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