My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 811 Ryan, please hold back, the pain will stop soon!

Chapter 811 Ryan, please hold back, the pain will stop soon!

Listening to the voices around him, Li Zhi was also stunned. Then he saw that Li Yanran had already rushed to his side, with a pair of big eyes full of excitement.

"Who asked you to come here!"

"What's there? Look, there's no missing piece of meat!"

Li Yanran looked unconcerned, which made you nervous.

"You wait outside and don't step foot in here!"

Li Zhi was depressed. This little girl was the most clever and eccentric, so it was better to stay outside.

"Tch, if you don't go in, you won't go in."

Seeing her father's dark face, Li Yanran didn't dare to go in, so she could only enjoy her time outside.

Soon Li Zhi came out with a roll of copybooks and raised his eyebrows at Li Yanran.

"This is the authentic preface to the Lanting Collection. We agreed in advance that you can only look at it but not move it. Do you understand?"

"I know, show me quickly!"

Li Yanran was also a little impatient. The first running script in the ages, this is the first running script in the ages.

Li Zhi nodded, slowly placed the scroll on the table, and then opened it carefully.

"This is the preface to the Lanting Collection!"

Looking at everything in front of her, even though Li Yanran had no calligraphy skills, she could still tell that the preface to the Lanting Collection was extraordinary.

Throughout the text, the handwriting is as floating as floating clouds, as graceful as a frightening dragon, and the iron calligraphy silver hook has the potential of a dragon leaping over the heavenly gate and a tiger crouching in the Phoenix Pavilion.

No wonder my grandfather, father Li Zhi, and mother Wu Zetian all wanted to take it for themselves.

It's really intoxicating, intoxicating.

Looking at the calligraphy in front of her, Li Yanran unconsciously stretched out her hand to touch it, but was directly knocked on the hand by Li Zhi.

"I told you that you can only look at it and not touch it. What if it breaks?"

Li Zhi stared and bared his teeth, as if he wanted to eat Li Yanran in one bite.

"Father, this must be an authentic work!"

Li Yanran shrank her hands and asked her father.

"Nonsense, it's not an authentic work of your father's, can I put this there?"

Li Yanran rolled her eyes. He secretly stole this from his father. If it was not an original, could it be a fake?

While talking, Li Zhi also hurriedly rolled up the preface to the Lanting Collection, for fear of what would happen to Li Yanran.

Looking at Lanting Xu who was rolled up, Li Yanran also felt a little sad.

It's such a good thing, it's worth looking at it for a while.

"Okay, I've read it, but you must not tell anyone about this.

If any rumors come out, your father will directly send you to Qianzhou to feed the bugs!

I'm not kidding you, you understand. "

Li Zhi held the scroll and threatened Li Yanran again.

Li Yanran licked her lips and said to her father: "Father, do you think it is really safe to put the Lanting Preface here?"

"What do you mean? This is internal money. If it's not safe here, why don't you let it go where it's safe?"

Li Zhi also glared at Li Yanran. If the inner secret warehouse is not safe, then there is no safe place in the world.

"Father, you are really right, your place is really not as safe as mine!"

Li Yanran smiled and confirmed what her father said.

"You are really good at talking. Come on, I want to hear what other nonsense you have to say!"

Li Zhi smiled coldly and asked Li Yanran.

"Father, although your inner secret warehouse is the safest place in the entire Tang Dynasty, it is also the most unsafe place in the world for you, Father."

Li Yanran smiled and approached Li Zhi.

"What's safe and unsafe? Just stand there, don't move, and keep talking!"

Li Zhi saw Li Yanran moving forward, but he followed the other person's footsteps and kept retreating.

"Father, you are not the only one who can enter this secret vault. He can guard against thieves in the world, but he cannot guard against my mother-in-law.

If she inadvertently opens your little treasury, the Lanting Collection will be in danger.

So the Lanting Collection Preface is really not as safe with you as it is with me, otherwise it will be exposed sooner or later! "

Li Yanran smiled and explained to her father.

"Even if you say it's impossible, I have Lantingxu here. Even if your mother discovers it, you can't leave the palace. I can still play with it all the time.

If I get to you, safety issues aside, I would have to travel across mountains and rivers to get to your territory.

If I still can't see this, I shouldn't take over the Tang Dynasty. "

Li Zhi rolled his eyes at Li Yanran again and hugged Lan Tingxu tightly in his arms, as if he was afraid that his precious daughter would be snatched away if he was not careful.

"Then your little treasury has really been discovered. Don't come to me to cry when the time comes."

Seeing her father like this, Li Yanran was speechless.

Treat your good intentions as a donkey's liver and lungs, right? Well, just treat me as a daughter who is passionate about herself.

"Crying? I am the Nine-Five Supreme Being, can I cry?

It’s really the most ridiculous thing in the world. You’ve seen it and left quickly.

My head hurts when I see you! "

After Li Zhi finished speaking, he turned around and walked towards the small treasury.


Li Yanran also stomped her feet and walked straight out. When she came to the table, she also glanced at her father's back.

With a roll of his eyes, he packed up the "Huang Ting Jing" on the table and stuffed it into his sleeve.

Immediately afterwards, his legs turned into hot wheels, and Sayazi ran out of the inner purse.

"Xiao Yanran, I tell you, you can do this."


Looking at the empty money, Li Zhi was also dumbfounded.

"Ryan! Ryan!"

Hearing Li Zhi's shout, Ruian rushed in directly.

"Your Majesty, what's the matter?"

Ruian looked at his master and frowned.

"Where is Li Yanran? Where is the person?"

"Her Royal Highness, she ran away in a hurry just now. Who knows where she went?"

Ruian was stunned for a moment, and then told Li Yanran's whereabouts.

"Run away? Check to see if there is anything missing!"

Li Zhi also felt a thump in his heart. His daughter's life or death would be uncertain if she ran away.

His first reaction was that this little girl must have gotten along with him, otherwise it would be impossible for her to leave without saying goodbye.

"Oh oh oh!"

Ruian was also startled and hurriedly followed Li Zhi to check the things inside.

"Your Majesty, what's wrong, the original volume of "Huang Ting Jing" is gone!"

After taking inventory, Ruian's soul was about to fly away. The "Huang Ting Jing", one of the emperor's most important volumes of calligraphy, was gone.

"It's over, it's over, why didn't you stop her?"

Li Zhi pulled the scroll in front of him, and then slapped Ruian on the forehead. "I"

Ryan was stunned after receiving this slap.

I didn't let you take her into the money back then, and I asked you not to take out these good things when I got into the money, but you turned a deaf ear.

It's fine now, I really got robbed, and you took it out on me again.

Who am I provoking?

"What are you doing? I ask you why you didn't stop her."

Li Zhi slapped him again, his eyes full of anger.

Damn slave, you can't even look at the door, tell me what else you can do.

"Don't you dare, Nunu, you have forgotten how Princess Lishan dealt with me last time.

If I stop her this time, I don't know how she will deal with me.

Besides, I didn’t know she could sneak away that Huangting Sutra right under your nose!

Please calm down your Majesty! "

Ruian knelt down in front of Li Zhi with a pop, his eyes filled with sadness.

I wanted to stop Li Yanran, but I didn't dare to do otherwise.

Besides, she can do things right under your nose, shouldn't you be the biggest responsible person?

"What do you mean from under my nose? That's not what I mean.

Your wings are hard, right? You dare to say that mine are not right, right?

I don’t care, you didn’t pay attention to the Huang Ting Jing. Regardless of whether you stole or robbed it, you must get the Huang Ting Jing back to me.

Otherwise, I only ask you! "

Li Zhi just wanted to explain, but immediately slapped him again.

When will I have to explain to you, a eunuch?

Anyway, this thing was thrown away because Ryan didn't hold the door properly, and he must be responsible.

Ruian was really broken now. Taking Huang Tingjing back from Li Yanran would be even harder than climbing to the sky.

Isn’t this embarrassing?

"Your Majesty, please spare me. Is it possible to dig it out again if something is in the hands of Princess Lishan?"

"You are forcing me to jump into the river."

Ruian Peng immediately fell to the ground and begged Li Zhi.

"It's useless for you to beg me here. If you have the time, you might as well beg Xiao Yanran.

She is soft-hearted, maybe if you beg her, the Huang Ting Jing will be returned.

No, I'm going to whip you a few times and play a cruel trick on her, how about that? "

Li Zhi also glared at Ruian, "If you ask for my help, you might as well go find Li Yanran quickly."

"Your Majesty, are you serious?"

Ryan was dumbfounded, how many times could he whip himself?

Your Majesty, I have old arms and legs. A few whips will cost me half my life.

Don't worry if Huang Tingjing doesn't come over by then, he will be gone first.

"Just do it, I tell you, Xiao Yanran might have run away now.

If you don't hurry up, it will be difficult to find her after she leaves the palace!"

Li Zhi was also anxious. As a father, he knew Li Yanran's temper best.

Having stolen her Huang Ting Jing, she must be thinking about running away now.

"Your Majesty, it's better not to give it up!"

Ryan put his hands on the ground, his eyes filled with despair.

"What's the ink mark? Come out with me!"

Li Zhi just threw up his sleeves and galloped outside. Ruian gritted his teeth, as if the erring daughter-in-law was already following Li Zhi.

After leaving the door, Li Zhi went straight to the imperial guards on the side and ordered them to whip Ruian five times.


Hearing Li Zhi's imperial edict, the Imperial Guards next to him were also dumbfounded.

Why is this emperor so crazy about having convulsions? No, this is not convulsions, it is about convulsing Ruian.

"Why are you standing there, why don't you go quickly!"

Glancing at the Forbidden Army next to him, Li Zhi also shouted angrily.


Seeing Li Zhi's anger, the imperial guards did not dare to neglect him and hurriedly went to get the whip.

"Ruian, you have to go through a lot of hardships before you can get back the Huang Ting Jing, hold on!"

Li Zhi said, swung his whip in the air, and then hit Ruian directly on the back.


Ryan screamed, his whole body trembling.



"Your Majesty, that's enough!"

Ruian couldn't bear it anymore and begged Li Zhi directly for mercy.

"Forget it, let's leave it at that for now, why don't you hurry up and leave."

Li Zhi was also a little reluctant to let go, after all, this was his own body.

If he continued to beat like this, he was really afraid of beating the person to death.

"Thank you, Your Majesty! Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Ruian turned around and also thanked Li Zhi.

"Stop thanking me and go quickly.

If you can't get Huang Tingjing back, I won't let you go! "

Li Zhi handed the whip to the Forbidden Army next to him and hurriedly urged Ruian to find Li Yanran.


Ruian also twitched twice, then walked outside with his mouth open.

"Li Feng, Li Feng!"

Li Yanran got off the chariot and shouted directly to Li Feng.


Hearing Li Yanran's shout, Li Feng hurried over to greet her.

"Quick, quick, let's go back to the fief!"

Li Yanran spoke to Li Feng anxiously. She couldn't care about anything now and just wanted to return to the fiefdom.

If his father stopped him, Huang Tingjing would definitely not be able to survive.

"Don't you have to go say goodbye to the Queen? Your Highness the Crown Prince is still there!"

Li Feng was stunned for a moment. He didn't know what was going on with Li Yanran and why he remembered it all the time.

"I can't care anymore. Let's go first. Li Hong will stay here with grandma!"

(End of this chapter)

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