My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 810 Dad, do you have the Lanting Xu?

Ryan held his butt and limped to a separate area.

After looking at the books on the shelf, he picked up a few books and walked to Li Yanran.

"Your Majesty, these are some of Wang Xizhi's treasures."

Li Zhi glanced at it and slapped Ruian on the forehead again.

"Your Majesty, calm down."

Ruian knelt on the ground with a pop, his eyes filled with fear.

He really didn't know why Li Zhi was so crazy.

"Just get these for me? Where's the "Huang Ting Jing"? Why don't you get the "Chu Yue Tie"!"

Li Zhi glared at the other party, "Who are you trying to coax with these things?"

If you have something good, why not bring it out?

"Your Majesty? Are you sure?"

Ryan was dumbfounded. Was I reluctant to take it?

You take out "Huang Ting Jing" and "Chu Yue Tie", what should you do if Her Highness the Princess takes a fancy to them.

I'm doing it for your own good, but you still slap me. It's really a shame.

"Sure, go get it quickly!"

Li Zhi rolled his eyes, what's so sure about this?

What's there to say about this thing? I'm watching it myself. Could it have been stolen?


Ruian glanced at Li Zhi again, "It's easy to tell if you are sure. If something goes wrong, don't rely on me."

Walking to the shelf, Ruian gritted his teeth and took down all the "Huang Ting Jing" and "Chu Yue Tie" that Li Zhi mentioned.

"Let me tell you, this is my treasure, the authentic work of Wang Youjun."

Li Zhi smiled and spread out these two masterpieces one by one.

""Huang Ting Jing", "Chu Yue Tie"?"

Li Yanran was stunned for a moment when she heard these two names.

This masterpiece is no less famous than the Lanting Preface. "Huang Ting Jing" is known as Wang Xizhi's pinnacle work in regular script, and there is even a legend circulating.

It is said that there was a Taoist priest in Shanyin who admired Wang Xizhi very much, but there was no way to obtain his authentic work.

But after learning that Wang Xizhi loved geese, he specially prepared a cage of fat and big white geese as a reward for writing scriptures.

Wang Xizhi was very happy to see the goose, and he happily wrote scriptures for the Taoist priest for a long time.

This Huang Ting Jing is one of them.

Therefore, "Huang Ting Jing" has another name, called "Huang Ge Tie".

As for "Chu Yue Tie", it is also Wang Xizhi's proud work and is known as the pinnacle of his early cursive writing.

Unexpectedly, these two masterpieces were all included in Nenu by my father.

It seems that my father was really influenced by the late emperor and loved Wang Xizhi extremely much.

"That's right! I spent a lot of effort to find this. Come and educate me!"

Li Zhi smiled slightly and slowly unfolded the two masterpieces.

Although Huang Ting Jing is arranged closely, the words are neat and clear.

The stippling is round and thick, yet elegant.

The word form is graceful and Mu, without losing the sense of agility.

It really deserves to be called a masterpiece.

The first month post is a different artistic conception, simple and casual.

Although the stippling is messy, it is sharp and sharp.

The handwriting throughout the text may look like bamboo leaves or orchid stamens, and the final strokes are not straight forward, but full of changes.

It's really intoxicating.

After reading it, Li Yanran couldn't help but admired it.

It is not without reason that Wang Xizhi can be passed down through the ages, and this is just his regular script and cursive script.

If I could really see the other party's running script, especially the "Preface to the Lanting Collection" which is known as the best running script in the world, I don't know what it would be like.

"Father, looking at it now, I finally understand why he is the best in the world.

It was like an enlightenment, seemingly enlightened! "

Li Yanran smiled and complimented her father directly.

"That's natural, otherwise your grandpa and father wouldn't have put so much effort into collecting these!"

Li Zhi nodded. He couldn't put it down these two words. Most people would not show them to them for viewing.

Even if someone wants to see it, the most he can do is take out the copy from the Hongwen Museum and forget about the original.

"The calligraphy is good, but I heard that Wang Youjun is best at running script, and he even wrote the "Preface to the Lanting Collection" which is known as the best running script in the world.

If I could see it, I probably would have died without regrets. "

Li Yanran smiled, glanced at her father, and spoke slowly.

Today I just took this opportunity to see if Lantingxu was really brought into Zhaoling by his grandfather, or whether he was secretly intercepted by his father.

""Preface to the Lanting Collection"? Have you heard any rumors?"

Hearing this, Li Zhi also frowned.

This "Preface to the Lanting Collection" is my father's most cherished thing, and he even used tricks to get this magical object.

Legend has it that the preface to the Lanting Collection was passed down to the disciples of Monk Zhiyong, the seventh-generation grandson of Wang Xizhi. However, Monk Biancai also liked it very much, so he never knew anyone else.

After Li Shimin found out about it, he repeatedly asked for high prices, but all of them were declined by Biancai.

In the end, it was Fang Xuanling who came up with a plan and asked Xiao Yi to trick Du Biancai into taking out the Lanting Preface he had collected on the beam.

When Biancai went out a few days later, Xiao Yi also stole the Lanting Preface and presented it to Li Shimin.

After learning the truth, Benzai felt regretful and could only accept the compensation of 3,000 bolts of silk and 3,000 stones of grain from the government.

After Li Shimin got it, he even made a decree that after his death, he would put the Lanting Xu under his pillow and sleep with him.

"What rumors?" Li Yanran was stunned, not knowing what the other party meant.

Could it be true that as history said, Dad secretly retained the original artifact?

"Ryan, you go down first!"

Li Zhi waved his hand, and Ruian saluted directly and left.

"Xiao Yanran, no matter what you heard, I only have one sentence, that authentic painting has been buried in Zhaoling with your grandpa Huang.

So you can’t see the original work, do you understand?

Although there is no original work, there is a copy of it by Chu Suiliang. If you want to see it, you can enjoy it! "

Li Zhi glared at Li Yanran and said what he said.

"Father, have you ever heard of a saying? To explain is to cover up, and to cover up is to tell a story?"

Li Yanran glanced at her father and spoke slowly.

She was still a little confused at first, but now she is 80% sure that the Lanting Preface should be in the hands of her father.

"What do you mean?"

Li Zhi was stunned for a moment, not understanding what she meant.

"It means that there must be something fishy about you, dad. Tell me, did you cut off Grandpa Huang's Lanting preface?"

Li Yanran rolled her eyes at her father and asked him directly.

"Fart, Xiao Yanran, have you turned against you?"

Upon hearing this, Li Zhi slapped him in the face.

"Father, you look angry. The angrier you are, the more you prove what I said."

After this slap, Li Yanran ran to the side and looked at Li Zhi with a proud look on his face.

"Nonsense, when did I get angry? I beat you because you slandered me. Come here!"

Li Zhi glared at Li Yanran again and asked her to come over and fight.

"I'm not going over there. I'm going to tell grandma that you hid the Lanting Xu secretly. Let's see how she deals with you!"

Li Yanran is not stupid. Now, if not beaten to death in the past, she would be beaten half to death.

"you dare!"

Li Zhi was really scared now, Lan Tingxu was indeed in his hands.

But no one knew about this except himself, and all those eunuchs were buried with Zhaoling.

He didn't know where the wind came from, and now his daughter could see it.

Damn it, this is too stupid.

You must know that Wu Zetian is also a person who loves calligraphy. If she finds out, the best cursive calligraphy in the world will not be hers alone.

"Father, you are afraid, you are afraid!"

Now Li Yanran was 100% sure that this thing was in the hands of her father.

"I'm afraid, I'm afraid you won't be beaten enough!"

Li Zhi rushed towards Li Yanran directly.

When Li Yanran saw this, she ran away and couldn't catch up with her in the imperial study, let alone here.

Li Yanran was jumping up and down like a monkey, and Li Zhi held her for a long time without even touching the corner of her clothes.

"Li Yanran, I will give you another chance and come here on your own, otherwise don't blame Father for punishing you!"

Li Zhi gasped and pointed at his daughter, his eyes full of anger.

"Take care of me? You should think about how my mother-in-law will take care of you. It seems that my mother-in-law also loves calligraphy and is fascinated by Wang Xizhi.

If she knows that you have kept the Lanting Xu secretly but not told her, you can imagine the consequences! "

Li Yanran doesn't give dad any face, is he threatening me? It is not certain which of us threatens whom.

"How do you want to give up?"

Li Zhi was also numb, and shouted at Li Yanran with big eyes.

Although he could deny it, once the news reached Wu Zetian from Li Yanran, things would be different.

"It's very simple, just show me the original work!"

Seeing her father surrender, Li Yanran also smiled.

Wouldn't it be fine if it had been like this? As for the two of us fighting here for 300 rounds?

"I can show it to you, but you have to promise not to tell anyone.

You have to know that this is not just a matter of calligraphy. If it is leaked, it may cause a lot of unnecessary trouble. "

Li Zhi also sighed. After all, he still couldn't afford to offend this devil's daughter.

If he had known that this was the case, why would he have agreed to Li Yanran's visit here? Otherwise, such a big mistake would not have happened.

It's too late to regret, it's too late to regret.

"Father, I am not Hongdi, I know what can and cannot be said.

Don't worry, I guarantee that God knows you and I know this, and no third person will know about it. "

Li Yanran quickly confirmed that as long as he could appreciate the authentic handwriting of the world's first calligraphy, he would be satisfied.


After speaking, Li Zhi shook his head and slowly walked towards a wall.

"Turn your back first!"

Glancing at Li Yanran behind him, Li Zhi also asked him to turn around and stop peeking.

"Tch, if you don't want to watch it, don't watch it!"

Li Yanran also turned around obediently.

After touching the mechanism on the wall, I heard a click and a small door slowly appeared on the wall.

"This must be my father's secret treasury!"

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