My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 809 The so-called memorial is really eye-opening.

Li Yanran's eyes were about to burst out.

Is this special memorial a memorial of your own imagination?

Shouldn't the memorials be all about military and state affairs and local government affairs?

How is this kind of thing?

Taking a deep breath, Li Yanran put the second memorial aside and picked up the third memorial.

"You can't find enough money to ask for a reward? Does such a small thing need to be reported?"

Li Yanran put the fold down directly and rubbed her temples.

I have a headache, a really terrible headache.

It was really hard to be the emperor. Now she finally understood why the emperors in ancient times would find some writing eunuch to help them review.

These things really have no nutrition. Not to mention reading them, she found it hard to listen to them.

"Well, you have a headache. Do you want me to arrange a cup of refreshing tea for you to refresh yourself?"

Seeing Li Yanran's look, Li Zhi also smiled.

"Father, are these memorials like this?"

Li Yanran frowned and asked her father.

"Some are like this, there are still many military and national events!

If there were fewer of these useless memorials, my headache would be a little better. "

Li Zhi also rubbed his temples and took a sip of the refreshing tea to cheer up.

"Father, haven't you ever thought about governing?

If they keep doing this, it will not only make you uncomfortable, but also a waste of national resources. "

Li Yanran was depressed. If you want to reduce the number of memorials, why don't you order a ban?

"Do you think I don't want to? But these are my ministers' wishes.

I can't say hello to them, I'll just slap them in the face.

I can only bear with it! "

Li Zhi sighed, he thought so too, but doing so would chill people's hearts.

Although the emperor claims to be a loner, he cannot really be a loner.

"Father, I have an idea. If it becomes a guarantee that we can reduce these nonsense memorials a lot, do you want to hear it?"

Li Yanran rolled her eyes and smiled at her father.

"Can you make these memorials fewer? How do you say that?"

Hearing what Li Yanran said, Li Zhi also became interested.

These memorials were really a big worry for him, they were too energy-consuming.

Especially those who talk eloquently about records and quote classics to flatter themselves. After watching them for a long time, they didn’t even get to the point.

Isn’t this pure torture?

"This idea can't be in vain, can it?"

Li Yanran's eyes were like crescent moons and she rushed directly to Li Zhi's side.

“If you want any reward, just say so.

As long as your idea comes true, I will promise you anything. "

Li Zhi was stunned and knew that his daughter was a no-profit owner, but as long as the idea could come true, it would be fine if she had to pay a little.

"Look, I scare you so much. My request is very simple. How about you take me around your Nenu when the time comes?"

Li Yanran thought for a moment and directly stated her request.

"Go to Nenu? Why are you always thinking about my Nenu? There is nothing there, really!"

Li Zhi was also depressed, why was this girl always thinking about his Nenu.

What's there to see there.

"That's it, I promise I won't take it but watch it, that's all!"

Li Yanran glanced at her father.

I would like to see what good things your Nenu has that you can hide like this.

Besides, I am your daughter and not a thief. Why are you so defensive of me?

"Then it's settled, just watch and take what you say!"

Hearing what Li Yanran said, Li Zhi also made a decision on the spot, fearing that Li Yanran would regret it.

"A gentleman's words are hard to follow, I said so."

After rolling her eyes at Li Zhi, Li Yanran also nodded.

"That's okay, now tell me what you think!"

Li Zhi smiled and went straight to the topic, asking Li Yanran what his clever plan was.

"Father, there are several ministers in this court who are your absolute confidants!"

Li Yanran looked at the memorial before Li Zhi's case again and asked him slowly.

"Absolute confidants? There are a few of them, Cui Xiuye, Shangguan Yi, Dai Zhide and several others. What's wrong?"

Li Zhi was stunned for a moment, and after going through a circle in his mind, he came up with a few names.

"Then they must be willing to give everything they have to help my father?"

"That's natural. Their current identity and status are all due to your father. If your father wants them to go east, they will never dare to go west."

Li Zhi still didn't understand what kind of medicine was sold in Li Yanran's gourd.

"That's easy. Father, you just need to ask them to write a few memorials. The more nonsense, the longer the better.

Then you ask the imperial army to punish them in front of all the civil and military officials. Do you still need me to teach you how to kill chickens and scare monkeys?

You are afraid of chilling the hearts of the officials in the world. They shouldn't have any complaints if they are beaten for you! "

After Li Yanran finished speaking, she also smiled and found a few scapegoats to come out and punish her.

When all the ministers in the world see this situation, I believe they will not dare to do those thankless things again.

"Isn't this a little bad? After all, they are also my confidants."

Li Zhi also hesitated. He naturally understood how to kill chickens and scare monkeys. He had done it many times.

But this was the first time he heard about killing his own confidants to scare others.

If your own people can be abandoned at any time, then no one will dare to trust you 100% in the future.

"What's wrong? Aren't our people just for betrayal?

Besides, they are close ministers and can share responsibilities with you, Emperor Father. It’s too late for them to be happy, let alone anything else. "

Li Yanran smiled, it was nothing.

It’s not like Li Siwen and Cheng Chubi have betrayed him once or twice.

Those idiots can eat and sleep, but they taste great. “Well, that’s it, I’ll make arrangements right now.”

Hearing what Li Yanran said, Li Zhi also nodded.

Then betray your own people, and at worst, give them some rewards when the time comes.

"When can Nenu take me to see it?"

Since they hit it off immediately, Li Yanran also smiled.

The idea has come up, it’s time for Nenu to let herself experience it.

"Isn't it a little too early for you to go to Nenu before you even finish these horoscopes?"

Li Zhi was stunned. He still didn't know what the situation was, and he didn't know if it would work, so he had to go to Neinu.

You are too impatient.

"Is it early? This idea is guaranteed to work. I happen to be here right now, so come and see it for me!"

Li Yanran hugged Li Zhi's arm, her eyes full of longing.

He just wanted to see if the emperor's inner treasury was as full of rare treasures as the legend said.

"Okay, can't I accept your request?"

"Rian, please make arrangements to take Princess Lishan to Nenu."

Li Zhi had no choice but to call Ruian over.

"Going to Nenu?"

Ruian glanced at Li Zhi and then at Li Yanran, his mind was in a daze.

Li Yanran is a devil. If he gets into your inner world, haven't you thought about the consequences?

"Why are you standing there in a daze? Father, I'm going!"

Li Yanran glanced at Li Zhi, grabbed Ruian's arm and walked out.

"and many more!"

Li Zhi glanced at Li Yanran and slowly stood up.

"There's still something wrong. I'll go with you!"

"Father, you still have so many military and national affairs to deal with, why don't I just go around in a circle?"

Li Yanran collapsed in an instant. Why are you following her when she's so good?

"If I don't watch you, little monkey, I'm afraid you'll empty my Nenu!"

After giving Li Yanran a rollicking look, Li Zhi also raised his feet and walked in front of Li Yanran.

The group of people wandered outside Nenu, and the imperial guards on duty also hurriedly saluted after seeing it.

"Open Nenu."

Ryan moved forward and directly ordered the soldiers to open Nenu.


The imperial army glanced at Long Chu behind him, and quickly asked the soldiers to open Nenu's door.

"What are you doing standing still? Let's go!"

Seeing Li Yanran in a daze, Li Zhi also smiled and took the lead in walking in.


Li Yanran also responded and followed Li Zhi into Nenu.

"This is Nenu of the Tang Dynasty, feel free to stroll around!"

Li Zhi spread his hands, his eyes filled with pride.

This is Nei Nu of the Tang Dynasty, collected over three generations.

"Father, I have long heard that you like calligraphy, and you must have collected many works by famous artists. How about you let me take a look?"

Li Yanran is not surprised by those rare treasures. What she thinks about most now are the authentic works of famous artists that have been passed down through the ages.

Especially the Lanting Preface, which was talked about by later generations.

I don’t know whether it was really brought to Zhaoling by my imperial grandfather, or whether it was hidden secretly by my father as later generations said, and then brought into Qianling by my mother.

"What do you want to do?"

Li Zhi glanced at Li Yanran, wondering what this girl wanted to do?

Could it be that her original intention was to take action on her treasures?

This is not possible!

“I didn’t want to do anything, I was just a kid, just curious.

Why are those things so famous? "

Seeing the look in her father's eyes as if he was guarding against thieves, Li Yanran really wanted to jump up and slap him.

In fact, he is his father, otherwise he would have to find a way to deal with it.

"Then we made an agreement, just watch and don't move. Do you understand?"

After looking at Li Yanran, Li Zhi also nodded.

She really doesn't understand these famous collections at her age, so she is probably just curious.

Since she is curious, let her see it!

"Ruian, bring me my treasured calligraphy of Wang Xizhi!"

Ruian was stunned for a moment, Your Majesty, you really don't want me, a slave, to worry.

Just keep the good things for yourself and put everything out there.

Besides, it’s okay to show off to those ministers. What’s the point of showing off to your own daughter?

The most important thing is, don’t you feel weird?

Princess Lishan had no interest in those rare treasures, so when she came in she asked about the authentic calligraphy.

"What are you doing standing still?"

Li Zhi glanced at Ruian to see if the old guy was dazzled or deaf.

"Your Majesty, which pair should I take?"

"Get them all!"

Li Zhi kicked Ruian on the butt.


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