My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 820 You haven’t finished your tea yet

Children have no human rights, so what if they are princes?

It’s not like he’s going to be dealt with by Li Yanran.

He has never wanted to grow up as much as he does now.

If I were fourteen or fifteen years old now, I would definitely have no problem challenging Li Yanran in a duel.


The situation was stronger than his own, so Li Hong could only go up to the second floor in despair, preparing to read by candlelight at night and make up for his homework.

Li Yanran glanced at the second floor and couldn't help but shook her head.

Little brother, little brother, you must grow up. My sister won’t want to help you manage Datang with all your efforts.

Look at my dad, look at my mom, thinking about her gives me a headache.

"Miss, Liu Huangmen wants to see you!"

Li Feng came to Li Yanran and spoke slowly.

"Liu Huangmen? Which Liuhuangmen?"

Hearing Li Feng's words, Li Yanran was instantly stunned.

Where did Liu Huangmen come from? Who is it?

"Miss, have you forgotten? It's the tea-eating Liu Huangmen Liu Zhe!"

Li Feng also smiled. Have you forgotten what happened during the day?

"Hehehe, it's him. What does he want from me?"

Li Yanran also pursed her lips and smiled. There were too many things going on today, and she had long forgotten about Liu Zhe.

"I don't know, have you seen it?"

Li Feng shook his head. He didn't know what the other party was about, but looking at him, there was something bad about him.

"Then let him in!"


Liu Zhe walked in and knelt down in front of Li Yanran with a pop.

"Liu Huangmen, don't be like this. I am just a little princess and I cannot afford to be like you."

Looking at Liu Zhe, whose face turned green, Li Yanran smiled again.

"Your Highness, Liu Zhe really knows that he was wrong."

Liu Zhe also kowtowed in front of Li Yanran.

"What's wrong? How could you be wrong? Have you finished the tea?"

Li Yanran shook her head and asked the other party how the tea was.

“Your Highness, please don’t let me eat that tea again, or I’ll be dead if you do.

Your Excellency has a lot, please spare me this time! "

As Liu Zhe spoke, he knocked his head to the ground again, his eyes filled with sadness.

He really couldn't eat anymore, and if he continued to eat people, he would really die.

"Forget it, remember it next time. You are representing the father when you go to deliver the edict, but you use the name of the father to do the things you want to do.

If I let this palace know again, what I will eat next time will not be as simple as tea. "

Glancing at Liu Zhe, Li Yanran also planned to let this guy go.

After all, the two of them didn't have any deep hatred, so a punishment would be enough.

"Your Highness, please rest assured, I will never dare to do this again."

Liu Zhe said and kowtowed again.

"get out!"


Liu Zhe quickly got up and ran outside.

"and many more."

Liu Zhe also stopped and looked back with miserable eyes.

I don’t know what Li Yanran is going to do.

"Your Highness, do you have any other orders?"

"You have to deliver the five hundred guan to Lishan within three days, otherwise I will go crazy. Do you understand?"

Li Yanran reminded Liu Zhe again.

You have eaten and drank. If you dare to default on your debt, I will kill you.

"Understood, it won't take three days. I will send someone to deliver the money to you tomorrow!"

Liu Zhe bowed and saluted Li Yanran again. He really couldn't go back now, otherwise he would have wanted to send the money over right now.

The sooner he breaks up with Li Yanran, the sooner he can be freed.

"Well, remember to take the tea with you. After all, you bought it with real money. Don't waste it. Take it back and eat it."

Li Yanran grinned again and asked him to take back the unfinished tea leaves and continue eating.

"No, no, please forgive me, Your Highness, I don't want to have anything to do with tea in this life!"

Liu Zhe almost stopped crying as he spoke, holding back his tears and ran out quickly.

Tea leaves are now a nightmare for him.

He ate eight taels of two kilograms of fried tea.

Eight liang fried tea is not eight liang fried rice. Not to mention eating it now, seeing, smelling and even hearing it made him want to vomit.

Take it back, why take it back?

For weight loss?


Seeing Liu Zhe fleeing in embarrassment, Li Yanran also covered her mouth and laughed.

"Li Feng, replace the leftover tea leaves with the latest roasted tea and send it to him, so that he can see things and think about people, and learn from them."

Li Yanran obviously doesn't want to let Liu Zhe go yet. This guy is really a living treasure, but he is a bit of a jerk. He needs to clean it up and let him remember it for a long time.

"I'll make arrangements!"

Li Feng also smiled, saluted to Li Yanran and followed him out.

Miss, Miss, you are really tireless in persuading people to do good and educating them.

Liu Zhe was arranged to rest in a separate room. At this moment, he only felt pain all over his body.

The skin injury was nothing, so he gritted his teeth and got through it, but his stomach felt really uncomfortable.

After drinking several bottles of hot water, I felt a little better.

"Bang bang bang!"


Liu Zhe was stunned. He had no relatives or friends in Lishan. It was already dark, but someone would still knock on his door?

what's the situation?

"I, Your Highness the Princess sent me to deliver something to you!" Liu Zhe also frowned when he heard the gift.

"What did you give me?"

“You can eat, see and remember the good things!”

Li Feng smiled. He didn't dare to say that what he sent was tea, otherwise Liu Zhe would explode on the spot and become a Buddha immediately.

"Can you eat, see, and commemorate good things?"

Liu Zhe was stunned for a moment, and then slowly opened the door.

"Liu Huangmen, put it away!"

Li Feng smiled slightly and handed the dropped tea leaves into his hand.

"What is this?"

Looking at the familiar packaging and smelling the familiar smell, Liu Zhe suddenly had a bad thought.

"You'll know when you open it and take a look!"

Li Feng did not deprive Liu Zhe of the opportunity to explore the secrets and let him open it and see for himself.


Liu Zhe was stunned for a moment, gritted his teeth, and opened the yellow paper bag in front of him.


Seeing the tea leaves in the yellow paper bag, Liu Zhe reacted instantly, covered his mouth and ran out to vomit.

"Zi Zhen Zhen!"

Li Feng was shocked when he saw Liu Zhe vomiting there.

Poor child, who are you messing with? You mess with my young lady.

Haven’t you seen the lessons learned from the past? You really are looking for death.

After vomiting for a while, Liu Zhe came back with a miserable look on his face.

"Little brother, you'd better put this away!"

Liu Zhe saluted Li Feng with a bitter look on his face, not even daring to look at the tea leaves thrown on the ground.

He was afraid that he would vomit again.

"That's not okay. Your Highness asked you to take this back. I hope you can see things and think about people, and take it as a warning."

Li Feng smiled. He didn't dare to put this thing away.

"Liu Zhe really knows that he was wrong! Please don't embarrass me!"

Liu Zhe was about to cry. He really didn't want to take this thing, and he didn't dare to take it.

It would be light to take it back and talk about having nightmares.

"Don't embarrass me. Your Highness has said that she will conduct random checks on this. If she finds that the tea is not there, she will bear the consequences!"

Li Feng shook his head, "It's not that I want to embarrass you, but His Majesty wants to educate you well."

Lest you forget about the pain after your scar heals, and make the same mistake again.

"Thank you, Your Highness!"

Liu Zhe knelt on the ground with a pop, and two lines of tears flowed from his eyes.

"Well, I hope you will keep it in mind!"

Li Feng patted Liu Zhe on the shoulder, then turned and left.


Listening to the crying coming from behind, Li Feng also sighed.

The next day, Li Zhi also sent someone to deliver the imperial edict appointing Chang Sun Yan as the special envoy to supervise Jiannan Road.

Now everything is ready, all we need is the east wind.

"Di Renjie, how are the arrangements going?"

Li Yanran looked at Di Renjie in front of her. Going to Chengdu this time was much more difficult than Luoyang.

After all, the roads here are much simpler than those in Kanto.

"Everything has been arranged. How many people are you planning to bring this time?"

Di Renjie nodded. These things were quickly prepared. The only difficulty was that the soldiers had just returned from Luoyang.

It can be said that we are exhausted, it has only been two days, and most of us have not recovered yet.

"How many people do you think I should bring?"

Li Yanran glanced at Di Renjie and asked Di Renjie directly.

"On this trip to Jiannan Road and Chengdu Prefecture, we may face too many enemies, too mixed.

I'm afraid it's not enough to just rely on the people from Cheng Chubi's side. I suggest you bring more people! "

Di Renjie thought for a moment and suggested that Li Yanran bring more people with him to prevent possible backlash.

"How many people you can take is too much. You can't take thousands of people to Jiannan Road.

In my opinion, it is still the same team, plus Lin Cheng who has been resting for a few days, three hundred people are enough. "

Li Yanran shook her head, no matter how many people she had, how many people could she have?

There is more chaos in Chengdu than in Luoyang. The aristocratic families can be said to be fine, but the most important thing is those foreigners.

If they really faced each other, these people would be no match at all.

Instead of bringing so many people there to expose the target, it would be better to bring fewer people and pretend to be escorts.

This way it is not easy to expose the target.

"Your Highness, three hundred people are too few!"

Di Renjie was stunned. Last time you went to Luoyang, 500 people stayed. What the hell are you taking 300 people over with?

"Have you forgotten where Jiannan Road is? We have Father's will and can mobilize the soldiers and horses in the military town of Jiannan Road.

I dare not say that Cheng Yaojin, Yuchihuan and Li Ji's old subordinates are enough for us. "

Li Yanran smiled. This was not the first time he had borrowed troops.

Before, she could dispatch troops from Zhechong Mansion to suppress the bandits without any official or authority, let alone now.


Di Renjie was stunned for a moment, but he forgot about it.

The princes of the Tang Dynasty had the highest say in the army, and their old troops were spread throughout the Tang Dynasty.

Jiannan Road, as a key defense area against Tibet, had gathered the best soldiers and generals of the Tang Dynasty. It should not be difficult to borrow some soldiers and horses from there.

"Now that you understand, hurry up and get ready. We'll set off tonight."

Li Yanran nodded. It is important to hurry up. If you delay a little longer, there is a possibility of more variables.

"Why are you setting off at night again? You were hiding from me last time, who are you hiding from this time?"

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