My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 821 Everyone has their own plans!

Chapter 821 Everyone has their own plans!

Di Renjie suddenly felt bad when he heard that he was leaving in the evening.

The memory of the last time in Luoyang began to attack his pituitary gland again, causing him great physical discomfort.

"Who are you hiding from? Of course you are hiding from the ancestor upstairs in my house!"

Li Yanran sighed, the only person she could hide from now was Li Hong.

Last time he was left in Lishan Mountain for more than two months. If he knew he was going to Chengdu this time, he would definitely explode.

"Your Highness, if possible, please send His Royal Highness back to Chang'an. Staying in the fiefdom like this will delay his studies!"

Hearing Li Yanran's words, Di Renjie also frowned.

In the past, he and Li Yanran were both in the fiefdom, and they could still teach people by words and deeds, and educate people to be good.

Now that both of them are gone, Li Hong's knowledge will definitely be delayed.

He was the prince of the current dynasty. If his support was wasted in the fiefdom, he would really be ashamed of the Tang Dynasty and countless people.

"Well, let's do this for now. When he comes back from Chengdu this time, it's time to send him back to Chang'an."

Li Yanran shook her head and directly rejected Di Renjie's proposal.

It's just a child, two more days of fun is two more days of fun.

Just make up for the missed classes later.


Di Renjie nodded and immediately went to arrange for people to go out at night.

"Boss, boss!"

Li Hong was writing furiously on the second floor when he suddenly heard someone calling him outside the window. When he took a closer look, he saw Ma Hou lying on the window sill.

"Mahou, why are you here? Come in quickly!"

Li Hong quickly dragged him in.

"Boss, I don't miss you anymore."

Ma Hou looked at Li Hong's house with envy in his eyes.

I wonder when he will be able to own such a luxurious house.

"You are so loyal that the others don't even know to come and see me!"

Li Hong patted Ma Hou on the shoulder, his eyes full of excitement.

"Boss, I just received a message."

Ma Hou rubbed his shoulders and smiled mysteriously at Li Hong.

"what news?"

Glancing at Ma Hou, Li Hong was also stunned for a moment.

"Her Highness the Princess may be going out again!"

Ma Hou leaned into Li Hong's ear and told the news he had received.

"What? Where did you get the news!"

Li Hong was stunned instantly. Why did the old lady go out again just two days after she came back?

is it possible?

Something that is simply impossible.

"Isn't my grandma in the kitchen? The entire kitchen is preparing dry food today. It is said that the Longmen escorts are about to set off to prepare food for them.

But a wave of escorts had just gone out before, and they didn't hear any goods to be transported.

So I feel that Her Royal Highness is going out again. "

Ma Hou smiled and directly said what he had guessed.

"You've made a lot of progress. No, I can't let Sister go without telling me this time. You must follow her!"

Li Hong frowned and began to walk back and forth in the room.

"Mahou, do you have any good ideas?"

"Boss, I do have an idea, but I don't know if you can hold it back!"

Ma Hou glanced at Li Hong with some embarrassment. There was a way. It just depended on whether Li Hong would do it or not.

"Tell me something."

"I'm going to steal some biscuits and drinking water, and then we can hide in the Longmen escort's cargo and leave with them, okay?"

Ma Hou looked at Li Hong and slowly expressed his thoughts.

"It's done. We can't let Sister run away this time. You go and prepare immediately. You must ask them clearly about their departure time. Do you understand?"

Li Hong also gritted his teeth and asked Mahou to prepare things.

"Just take a look!"

Ma Hou smiled at Li Hong, climbed out of the window, and left quickly.

"Sister, I hope you won't be scared by me!"

Li Hong looked at Ma Hou's back and sneered, "Sister, it's impossible to get rid of me this time."

In the afternoon, Ma Hou climbed through the window and jumped back.


"Boss, I've made it clear that the Longmen escort's destination this time is Chengdu.

The strange thing is that they chose to set off in the middle of the night. I don’t know what the situation is. "

Ma Hou looked at Li Hong in front of him, his eyes full of doubts.

"What's weird? My sister is the shrewdest. She's trying to guard against me, huh!"

At first, Li Hong was not sure about Ma Hou's statement, but when he heard that the other party was leaving at midnight, he was immediately sure.

This is not for others, but to hide from yourself.

Sister, sister, you really have to work hard.

"Then what should we do?"

"Are the cakes and water ready?"

Li Hong smiled, "Sister, although you are very smart, you are so smart that you are misled by your cleverness."

You want to hide from me, hey, here's my chance.

"Get ready, save some food and it will be enough for us both for half a month."

Ma Hou nodded. He even bought it secretly and was almost ready.

"Then you go to the front station first, and wait for me at the gate of the town on the first watch."


Ma Hou said and jumped down from the second floor again, and ran away.

After Ma Hou left, Li Hong also walked down from the second floor. After leaving the courtyard, two forbidden soldiers stopped him directly.

"Your Highness, what are you going to do?"

"I feel sick in my stomach. Follow me to find King Sun Yao to get some medicine!" Li Hong glanced at the two of them and said directly to them.

"The princess has an order that you are not allowed to go out even half a step. Please wait a moment. We will invite King Sun Yao to come over now!"

Hearing that Li Hong felt sick in his stomach, the two Imperial Guards also frowned, but Li Yanran's order was that he was not allowed to go out.

"Okay, tell King Sun Yao to come here quickly, I'm anxious!"


Seeing Li Hong returning, a member of the imperial army ran away and called Sun Simiao over.

"Boy Li, what's wrong with you?"

Sun Simiao put the medicine box on the table and asked Li Hong.

"I have diarrhea, Sun Yao Wang, can you prescribe some medicine for me, preferably one that can keep me from going to the toilet for several days and nights."

Li Hong smiled and expressed his thoughts.

You have to know that this time I have to go to Chengdu Prefecture secretly. I have to crouch in the truck for several days and urinate. It's okay, but if it were a big one, it would be fatal.

These things Ma Hou didn't expect, he, as the boss, would naturally take care of them all.

Asking Sun Simiao to prescribe some medicine is the best choice.

"Have loose bowels?"

After hearing this, Sun Simiao directly grabbed Li Hong's left hand and helped him take a pulse.

When Li Hong saw this, he quickly retracted his hand. Sun Simiao was the King of Medicine, and his secret was about to be exposed by taking a pulse.

"Boy, you frame me."

Sun Simiao glared at Li Hong, "Your boy's pulse does not look like he has diarrhea."

"No, how dare I frame you? I really have diarrhea!"

Li Hong is depressed. You just touched me and found out my pulse?

Why don't you call me Medicine King instead of Medicine God?

I'm not a medicine man, that's fine.

"Fart, your pulse beats strongly, and there is no slipperiness like diarrhea at all. You still have diarrhea, what a fart!"

Sun Simiao raised his eyebrows and cursed loudly, not giving Li Hong any face.

"Sun Yaowang, I'm not afraid to tell you that someone has offended me, and I want to give him a taste of something powerful."

Hearing what Sun Simiao said, Li Hong rolled his eyes and immediately changed his statement.

"Want to be evil? I'll give you some laxatives. Isn't he okay? Why do you want to get this from me?"

Sun Simiao smiled, boy, you are a little too young to fight with me.

"No, if you take laxatives, it will be a big problem if you pull someone out.

Rather than that, it would be better to let him hold it in for two more days, which would be just as uncomfortable! "

Li Hong was depressed. He wanted to take this medicine for himself.

If this was used as a laxative, would I still be alive?

"You're a pretty good boy, so let me help you!"

Sun Simiao nodded. Although this kid was a bit evil, he wasn't too evil.

If it were Li Yanran's little devil, it would be merciful not to poison the other party.

"Thank you so much, King Sun Yao!"

Li Hong hurriedly saluted Sun Simiao. This was the first time he felt that Sun Simiao was a good person in the fiefdom for so long.

"This is Bigu Pill. Taking it can improve the circulation of meridians, so that people don't need to go to the East for seven days."

Sun Simiao took out a black pill from the medicine box.

"Give me another quilt!"

After hearing about the effect of Bigu Pill, Li Hong also hurriedly received it.

"One pill isn't enough? Two pills will cause problems. If we don't go east for half a month, do you want to kill someone?"

Sun Simiao really wanted to slap him in the face. He just said that you are a very nice guy, but he didn't expect that you are also a disaster.

Seven days without going to the east is enough. After fourteen days, this person will be dead.

"My goal is not one person, but two people. One ball is really not enough!"

Li Hong scratched his head. He couldn't say that the medicine was prepared for him and Ma Hou.

"How many enemies do you have, kid? You're so drunk!"

Sun Simiao took out another Bigu Pill and put it in Li Hong's hand.

"Sun Yaowang, give me two more antidote quilts!"

With two Bigu Pills in hand, Li Hong's mission was completed, but he rolled his eyes and asked Sun Simiao for the antidote.

"Aren't you trying to trick someone? Why do you want an antidote from me? What kind of medicine are you selling in your gourd?"

Sun Simiao is depressed. I just gave you the Bigu Pill and you want the antidote again.

What the hell? What the hell.

"I just want to teach them a lesson. As long as they beg me for mercy, I will naturally let them go!

My sister once said that you have to be merciful and merciful. I have to listen to my sister! "

Li Hong smiled again, naturally he had to be merciful and merciful.

In case the medicine had any side effects, he had to leave himself a backup plan.

"Now you know how to listen to your sister? Why did you go so early?"

After all, Sun Simiao handed over the two white pills.

"Thank you, Yaowang Sun!"

Li Hong directly wrapped all four pills in paper and stuffed them into his arms.

"Just don't cause trouble for me. I'll tell you one more time. You must not take two Bigu Pills at the same time."

Sun Simiao also closed the box, then carried it on his shoulders and headed towards the exit.


Li Hong also rushed over and sent Sun Simiao out.

Seeing Li Hong coming out, two forbidden soldiers stopped him again.

"Humph, I won't go out!"

Li Hong also stamped his foot and turned back.

"Li Feng, let the chef cook something delicious and kill a big goose. I will have a meal with Xiao Li Hong tonight!"

Li Yanran glanced at the sky and asked Li Feng to prepare the dinner.


Li Feng nodded, turned around and ran towards the kitchen.

(End of this chapter)

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