My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 822 We are dumb from now on!

Chapter 822 We are dumb from now on!

Back in the house, Li Yanran also climbed to the second floor. Li Hong rolled his eyes when he heard the voice, and continued writing furiously there.

"You're quite attentive!"

Li Yanran came close to Li Hong, looked at his handwriting, and nodded.

"Sister, you scared me!"

Li Hong pretended to be surprised and glanced at Li Yanran.

"Stop writing, come down to eat, and go to bed early after eating!"

After gently patting Li Hong on the head, Li Yanran also invited him to come down for dinner.

"I haven't finished my homework yet. I can't go out to play until I finish it!"

Li Hong pouted and shook his head in refusal.

"You can eat as long as you want. There's so much nonsense. I'll give you a night off tonight!"

Li Yanran glared at Li Hong and said, "You're fat and you're out of breath, right?"

"Give me a night off? Sister, you are the best!"

Hearing this, Li Hong also sneered in his heart, and his face instantly turned into a smile.

"Let's go, I made a goose stew in an iron pot today!"

"Yeah! Long live my sister!"

Li Hong was really excited this time. He might have to live on pancakes for the next half month, so he should feed his five internal organs well before leaving.

The two of them went down to the second floor, and Li Hong, like a hungry wolf, started to destroy the food on the table.

Seeing Li Hong eating, Li Yanran also sat next to him and smiled.

Xiao Lihong has been staying in the fiefdom for more than half a year, and his physique has become stronger at a speed visible to the naked eye.

This may be the joy of cultivation.

"Sister, why don't you eat? Here are these goose legs for you to eat!"

In the midst of his busy schedule, Li Hong glanced at Li Yanran, glanced at the goose legs in the pot, and put them into his bowl.

"Sister, you're not hungry, go ahead and eat! Eat more to grow faster!"

Li Yanran put the goose legs in the bowl into Li Hong's bowl.

"This is enough for me, sister, you eat.

You went to Luoyang and lost a lot of weight. When Li Siwen comes back, I have to deal with him well. "

Li Hong shook his head and put the goose legs back again.

"Okay, little Li Hong has grown up. When Li Siwen comes back, it will be up to you to help my sister get revenge!"

After hearing this, Li Yanran also grabbed the goose legs and ate them.

"Sister, look, your face is all stained!"

"You think you're fine? You're like a little cat!"

"Then I'll meow meow meow!"


After the dinner, Li Hong obediently went up to the second floor, turned off the lights and got into bed.

After a while, I started snoring.

"Miss, when are you leaving?"

Li Feng came over and saluted Li Yanran.


Li Yanran made a silent gesture and tiptoed up to the second floor.

Seeing Li Hong snoring, she helped him put the quilt back on him.

"My sister is gone. You have to be good. When she comes back, I will bring you delicious food and fun things."

Li Yanran murmured a few words and then left slowly.

Hearing the sound of coming downstairs, Li Hong also turned over, with a smile on his lips.

As the wheels turned, Li Yanran also went to the Longmen Escort Station to join the soldiers there.

At one o'clock in the morning, Ma Hou waited in the darkness at the entrance of the town as promised.

After a while, a small figure slowly appeared from the darkness.

Seeing Li Hong's figure, Ma Hou immediately greeted him.

"What did you take?"

Seeing Ma Hou's appearance, Li Hong was also dumbfounded.

What is this guy doing with pots and pans, even a chamber pot and a commode?

"Boss, these are all the things I prepared. We will stay in the truck for many days, and we have to deal with everything.

How can you live without these. "

Ma Hou smiled. These things were all carefully selected and prepared by him, and none of them were superfluous.

This commode in particular is the best of the best.

"Throw those away. How are you going to get into the truck with so many things? Are you stupid?"

Li Hong slapped Ma Hou on the forehead, his eyes full of anger.

I thought you had grown up, but I was wrong.

What are you talking about? You are still living.

Life is a piece of cake.

"Boss, you don't have to take these pots and pans with you, but you can't throw away this chamber pot and toilet, otherwise we will have to smoke ourselves to death in the carriage."

Ma Hou threw all the pots and pans on the ground, but he was a hundred reluctant about the commode and chamber pot.

These two items are necessary. If they are thrown away, the container will be useless.

"Boss, do you think I am in vain? Look what this is?"

Li Hong also sneered and took out the Bigu Pill.

"What is this? I can't see clearly either!"

Ma Hou was stunned for a moment after taking the Bigu Pill, not knowing what it was.

"Just eat it. This is Bigu Pill. If you eat one pill, you will be able to stay away from home for seven days. Just bring a chamber pot!"

Li Hong glanced at the new chamber pot and commode in his hands, and introduced the efficacy of Bigu Pill.

"There is such a good thing?"

After hearing the introduction, Ma Hou quickly threw away the toilet bowl, and then swallowed the Bigu Pill in one gulp.


Li Hong also swallowed the Bigu Pill, and then led Ma Hou to one side.

The two of them ran all the way directly to the station of Longmen Escort Bureau. Listening to the noisy sounds inside, Li Hong and Ma Hou also laughed together.

Ma Hou glanced at Li Hong and was about to climb the tree. "What are you doing?"

Li Hong was dumbfounded and pulled him down directly.

"Climb the tree. Follow this tree and you can go directly to the second floor of the school grounds. Then we go down the second floor to where they keep the trucks."

Ma Hou was stunned for a moment and quickly expressed his thoughts.

"You want to go through so much trouble? Come with me!"

Li Hong really wants to give this fool a slap in the face, so now I will show you what it means to be prepared for a rainy day.


Ma Hou glanced at Li Hong and followed him with his bag in his hands.

When he came to a corner, Li Hong pulled away the weeds growing there, and then revealed a small hole.

"Boss, what is this?"

Looking at the dog hole that appeared in front of him, Ma Hou was also stunned for a moment.

"This is how awesome your big brother is. If you get in here, you can go directly to the cargo yard. Come on!"

Li Hong said and got in directly. Ma Hou frowned and threw his bag in first, then followed Li Hong.

The two of them walked around the goods yard with their waists bent, one behind the other. When they saw a large wooden box, they pried it open and got in together.

"Boss, we are coming in!"

Ma Hou glanced at Li Hong and said to him excitedly.


Li Hong made a gesture of silence at him, and then the sound of neat footsteps sounded outside.

A team of Longmen escorts came over and looked around with lanterns.

"Why did I hear a sound here just now?"

"Maybe it's a wild cat. There have been a lot of wild cats here lately."

"Maybe, go inside and have a look!"


As the footsteps left, Li Hong also leaned on the box and let out a sigh of relief.

Ma Hou also learned to lean on the box, then opened his pocket, picked up a biscuit and ate it.

"Didn't you eat tonight?"

Seeing Ma Hou's appearance, Li Hong felt depressed.

What's going on with this guy? Is he reincarnated as a starving ghost?

"I ate, but suddenly I felt hungry again, so I couldn't take another bite."

Ma Hou took another bite on the Hu Pancake, his eyes filled with relief.

"I'm warning you, although this Bigu Pill can keep you from going to the East for seven days, you will eat too much and you won't be able to get rid of it by then. You definitely don't want to experience the consequences."

Li Hong slapped Ma Hou on the head. He was eating so hard that he couldn't poop when the time came. He would just suffocate you to death.

"If you don't want to eat, I won't eat. Why are you hitting me on the head? I'm not as smart as you to begin with. How can I help you if I'm beaten stupid by you?"

Ma Hou covered his head, his eyes full of depression.


Li Hong quickly covered Ma Hou's mouth, and another set of footsteps came.

When the footsteps faded away, Li Hong let go of his mouth.

"From now on, be a mute for me and never say a word if nothing happens!"

After glaring at Ma Hou, Li Hong leaned back again, then closed his eyes and began to rest.

Ma Hou nodded, leaned on the wooden box like Li Hong, and started snoring after a while.

Li Hong frowned and directly covered Ma Hou's mouth.


Ma Hou opened his eyes suddenly and shouted at Li Hong.

"You snored!"

After hearing this, Ma Hou quickly shook his head.

"Bind my mouth when you sleep!"

Li Hong glared at Ma Hou, then tore off the hem of Ma Hou's clothes and stuffed it into his mouth.

Facing the strong Li Hong, Ma Hou really wanted to cry now.

If he had known that he would have to suffer this crime, wouldn't it be nice for him to be free and happy in his fiefdom?

What a mess.

But there was nothing he could do. He was too sleepy. He usually got up several times at this time, so he could only bite the linen cloth and lean on the box and fall asleep again.

"Your Highness, it's midnight, it's time to set off."

Di Renjie came to Li Yanran.

"It's midnight? Let's go then!"

Li Yanran woke up leisurely, yawned and ordered to set off.

"Your Highness has your order, let's go!"

Di Renjie shouted loudly, and the 300 Imperial Guards and dozens of Longmen escorts who drove the carriages also left on the sand, heading towards Chengdu Prefecture.


The carriage shook, and Ma Hou woke up. He took off the linen in his mouth and asked Li Hong.

"Keep sleeping with you!"

Li Hong sat cross-legged and replied to Ma Hou with his eyes closed.

"Oh, boss, I'll leave it to you, I'll take your place in the middle of the night!"

Ma Hou also yawned, stuffed the linen cloth into his mouth, and then fell asleep leaning on the box.

"Bangchui! It's still midnight, and now it's already midnight!"

Li Hong also cursed secretly, closed his eyes and continued to rest.

After walking all night, the convoy stopped. After a short rest, it set off on the journey to Chengdu.

After Li Yanran left, Wei Shan also sent people to surround Li Yanran's mansion.

According to Li Yanran, Li Hong will not be allowed to leave the mansion from now on, and it will take at least half a month before he can be let out.

"Di Renjie, do you think Xiao Lihong will blame me?"

(End of this chapter)

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