My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 823 Something happened!

Chapter 823 Something happened!

Li Yanran glanced at Di Renjie beside her and asked him.

"Your Highness, Your Highness the Crown Prince is a man of general knowledge. He will make trouble for a few days at most when he sees you leaving, and then he will be relieved!"

Di Renjie smiled. It would be strange if Li Hong didn't blame you.

The last time you went to Luoyang, you left people in the fiefdom. Now, nothing has happened, and you have left people behind again.

In fact, Li Hong is still young. If he were a little older, he might just run away from home.

"I'm afraid Wei Shan won't be able to stop him. If he escapes, there will be big problems!"

She is now afraid that Li Hong will act like a monster in the fiefdom again, and it will be over by then.

"Don't worry, His Highness is not stupid, he will not leave the fiefdom.

Besides, Wei Shan is also an upright person. Since you gave the order, the prince will not run away so easily. "

Di Renjie shook his head and did not agree with Li Yanran's statement at all.

It's not like Wei Shan doesn't know the importance of Li Hong, and he will definitely not let him out easily.

"hope so."

Li Yanran leaned on the carriage and frowned involuntarily.

"Your Highness, what else do you have to worry about?"

Looking at Li Yanran's appearance, Di Renjie also frowned.

"I don't know. I always feel like something is going to happen. I don't know what's going on!"

Li Yanran shook her head, something was wrong with her as soon as she left the Lishan fiefdom.

But after much deliberation, I couldn't figure out what was wrong, so I could only think of Li Hong.

"Don't worry, everything will be fine. The bandits in this area have been beaten into protected animals by Cheng Chubi and Yuchi Huan.

Moreover, there is a consensus in the bandit circle that no one can be offended by the Longmen Escort Agency, otherwise all the bandits on the mountain will be captured and used as horses. "

Di Renjie didn't think about Li Hong, and the bandits in this area had been surrounded and suppressed for a long time.

There will be no problem at all.

"Well, I may be overly concerned. I ordered the convoy to speed up and get to Chengdu Mansion as quickly as possible. Do you understand?"

Li Yanran nodded. She knew that what Di Renjie said was true. She suppressed her doubts and ordered the team to speed up.

"Your Highness has an order, hurry up!"

Following Li Yanran's order, the motorcade suddenly accelerated and headed towards Chengdu Prefecture.

Two days later, Li Du, the chief of fire of the Forbidden Army, came directly to Wei Shan.

"problem occurs!"

"what happened?"

Wei Shan was stunned for a moment, wondering what was going on.

"Since the princess left, His Highness has not eaten for two days!"

Li Du quickly told Li Hong the situation.

"Have you not eaten for two days? Your Highness is acting out of temper! Ignore him and continue delivering food!"

Wei Shan shook his head after hearing this. This young highness really has a strong character.

The last time Li Yanran went to Luoyang, she went on a hunger strike, but it only lasted for two days before she couldn't stand it any longer, so she did it again this time.

"I feel that His Highness is different this time from last time. Last time at least he threw out all the food, but this time there was no movement at all."

Li Du shook his head and expressed his analysis.

"Maybe it's different this time. Let's talk about it tomorrow!"

Wei Shan smiled. After all, Li Yanran had just come back this time and left before he could stay. Maybe Li Hong's resentment was greater.

If someone wants to be hungry, what else can he do?

Should I open Li Hong's mouth and feed him?

Just wait and see!


Li Du originally wanted to say something else, but after thinking about it, he shook his head and ran towards Li Hong's house again.

"Boss, how many days have we been gone?"

Ma Hou took a bite of Hu Pancake and asked Li Hong.

"Been gone for two days."

Li Hong did the same. He took a bite of the biscuit and replied to Mahou.

"Boss, I miss my grandma a little!"

When he heard that he had been gone for two days, tears suddenly burst out of the corners of Mahou's eyes.

Since childhood, this is the first time that he has been away from his mother for such a long time.

"You're a worthless thing. A good man should have his ambitions in all directions. How can you still stay with your mother for the rest of your life?"

Li Hong glared at Ma Hou and whispered to him.

"Of course I can't, but I'm afraid my mother will find me!"

Ma Hou was also shocked by Li Hong. After all, this was his first time away from home. Isn't it normal to miss his mother?

"Didn't you leave a message for your mother?"

Li Hong frowned. If Mrs. Mahou really couldn't find him, let alone what would happen to people. If this was revealed, they would be exposed immediately.

"I stayed. I said I would go out for two days and told him not to worry!"

Ma Hou shook his head. How could he not leave a message to my mother? That would make her anxious to death.

"You idiot, you just told me to go to a relative's house. You're going to be away for two days. Where can you go?"

Hearing what Ma Hou said, Li Hong also became depressed.

Where can such a little thing like you go? If you don't look at it for a while, you will make mistakes.

"But I don't have any relatives either!"

"You don't have any relatives, don't you have any friends? I'm really depressed."

Li Hong really wants to beat these two fools to death. Do they have no relatives or friends?

No matter how bad it is, you can just go to my place. You are really stupid.

"Next time definitely!"

Ma Hou was also depressed. This time he had a better memory and would definitely not make this mistake next time.

"Next time you're a hammer."

Li Hong just slapped him. He was really afraid that Ma Hou's mother would cause trouble.

"Then boss, aren't you the same? You're not here, and you haven't eaten or drank for a few days. Even a fool would know there's something wrong!"

After receiving another slap, Ma Hou became even more depressed.

I finally left a letter for my mother, what about you?

Your place must be so densely populated by troops now that not even a fly can fly in.

It would be amazing if you could hide it. "Do you really think I'm as stupid as you, your boss? I already have a perfect plan!"

Li Hong sneered, did he really think he was a fool like you?

"What do you mean?"

Ma Hou didn't understand. His boss seemed to have done nothing.

Why is there a perfect solution?

"Do you remember that last time I went to Luoyang, I was hungry for two days and two nights?"

Li Hong sneered and told about his last hunger strike.

"I remember, if I hadn't secretly brought you food, you wouldn't have lasted two days, boss!"

Ma Hou nodded, could he not know about this?

He secretly delivered food to Li Hong in the middle of the night. If his mother hadn't found out and tied him up, he would have made Li Hong go on a hunger strike and become a god.

"Although I only lasted two days, I gave that idiot in Weishan the illusion that I, the boss, would go on a hunger strike.

So Wei Shan will definitely not care about my skipping meals within three or four days. He will only lament, boss, why I persisted for so long this time.

But now everything is broken and your mother can’t find you. If there is a commotion, my side will definitely be exposed. "

Li Hong slapped Mahou on the forehead again.

What a good plan I had, it was over, it was over.

"Boss, you are so scheming. Have you started planning since the last time the princess went to Luoyang?"

Ma Hou shuddered, his eyes filled with disbelief.

He really never thought that his boss would be such a person, a person who even made him feel scared.

"Fart! Did you say that about your boss?"

Li Hong slapped him in the face again. You are so arrogant. Is there anyone who praises others like you?

"Boss, this is called preparing for a rainy day. I know that Sister A will definitely go out again, that's why I do this. You fool will never understand how powerful the boss is."

"Boss is mighty, but what should I do if I go to Weishan?"

Ma Hou covered his head and complimented Li Hongdao against his will.

"What to do? How do I know what to do?

Originally, if we could survive four days before being discovered by Wei Shan, even if he sent someone on a fast horse, it would still take two days.

We have traveled hundreds of miles in seven days. Even if Sister finds out by then, she will not be able to send us back.

But I don’t know now. "

Li Hong also sighed, he really had no choice now.

We can only hope that that idiot Wei Shan doesn't suddenly become smart, and others will be in trouble.


Ma Hou had nothing to say. He could only pray with Li Hong that the top of Mount Wei would remain the same, otherwise it would be over.

The two of them also looked at each other, and then ate the biscuits in unison, thinking that what they had to do was to talk less, eat less, drink less water, and reduce physiological excretion as much as possible.

At dusk on the third day, Li Du came to Wei Shan again.

"How is it? Has your Highness eaten?"

Li Du also shook his head when he heard Wei Shan's question.

"Your Highness is really good this time! You haven't eaten or drank for three days?"

Wei Shan frowned. He was a little confused now. Three days without food or water would be unbearable for adults, let alone a child.

There must be something wrong here.

"You said His Highness might have fainted from hunger. Why don't you send someone in to take a look?"

Li Du glanced at Wei Shan. What he was most worried about was that Li Hong would be punished. Let alone the emperor, not even Li Yanran would be able to spare them.

Even though the princess bullied Li Hong all day long, he could tell that the two of them were really close.

"Have you fainted from hunger? That's not the case!"

Wei Shan is also stupid, don't say it yet, you really don't say it.

It's really possible.

"It's better to send someone in to take a look."

"If I want to send you, my people don't dare to go in anyway. Have you forgotten how the person who went in to deliver food was treated by His Highness the last time?

He was even beaten and drugged, and he was almost sent away. Who would still be psychologically affected after seeing His Highness now. "

Wei Shan shuddered. The last time his people went to persuade Li Hong to eat, they almost lost their lives.

Not only his subordinates, but also himself has been crazily targeted for a long time.

"You don't dare, and neither do I!"

Li Du was also dumbfounded. If he didn't want to find someone to take the blame, why would he come here to talk to you?

"Don't you dare ask me?"

Wei Shan was also depressed. He originally thought that Li Du was a person, but he didn't expect that he was also a coward who only dared to say things but not do anything.

"It's precisely because I don't dare to ask you! Who told Her Highness the Princess to hand her over to you before she left?"

Li Du also sighed, I kicked the ball anyway, it's up to you whether to catch it or not.


"Wei Shan, Wei Shan!"

Wang Hu rushed in furiously.

"Wang Hu, you came just in time, I just have something to ask of you!"

Seeing Wang Hu, an idea flashed in Wei Shan's mind.

I am afraid, but Wang Hu is not afraid.

He had been supervising the work in the Evernight City of the Tang Dynasty, and he probably didn't know about Li Hong's violent beating of the rice cook.

Just enough for him to go in and find out.

"Listen to me first, I have something urgent!"

Wang Hu, however, waited until his eyes caught Wei Shan's shoulders.

"My things are more urgent than yours, so listen to me first!"

Wei Shan was also depressed. He still couldn't figure out what was more important in the fiefdom than Li Hong's safety.

Let's wait to deal with your trivial matters.

"You think so, Li Du Huo Chang!"

After saying this, Wei Shan did not forget to give Li Du a look, indicating to him that this was the best scapegoat.

Hurry up and cooperate with yourself and fool around together.

"Oh, oh, Wei Shan's matter is more important. Wang Hu, please listen to him first!"

(End of this chapter)

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