My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 824 Sister, are you happy to see me?

Li Du wasn't stupid either. He immediately understood Wei Shan's thoughts and hurriedly started beating the drum.

"Fart, you all listen to me, I just met Ma Li.

He said that his silly son left a letter saying that he would be away for a few days.

I haven't seen anyone for three days, and now people are so anxious that they want to hang themselves.

Human lives matter.

Ma Hou is His Highness’s ace younger brother. I wonder if he won’t take His Highness with him and go somewhere to play! "

Wang Hu was impatient and directly told the news that Ma Hou was missing.

"Li Huochang, I think Wang Hu is right, human life is at stake.

Wang Hu, you immediately go to His Highness’s courtyard to search and see if His Highness is still there! "

Wei Shan was stunned for a moment, then smiled.

Give me a pillow if you feel sleepy, Wang Hu, you really know how to find the right time.


Wang Hu didn't think so and saluted Wei Shan directly, left the school grounds and headed towards Li Yanran's house.

"Don't we have to go take a look?"

Looking at Wang Hu's back, Li Du was also stunned for a moment.

Is this guy just gone?

He is so brave, I like him so much.

Who says Wang Hu is not popular with others? This is simply a gift to Guanyin!

"Let's go, let's keep up. If His Highness is really not there, everyone will finish playing."

What else could Wei Shan say? If Li Hong was really not in the fiefdom, then their problems would be serious.

A dereliction of duty will not save them.

The two of them also followed Wang Hu and headed towards Li Yanran's house.

"What do you want to do?"

Wang Hu came outside Li Yanran's house, but was surrounded by the forbidden army there.

Their mission is that no one can enter or exit these days, and Wang Hu is no exception.

"Let him in!"

Li Du rushed over and asked the imperial guards at the door to let Wang Hu in.


After hearing Li Du's order, the imperial guards immediately let Wang Hu enter the house.

Looking at the food at the door, Wang Hu couldn't help but frown, and then opened the door of the house.

"Your Highness? Your Highness?"

Wang Hu walked inside and shouted in a low voice.

But after shouting for a while, no one answered him, so he had no choice but to head to the second floor.

After going up to the second floor and looking at the empty bedroom, Wang Hu was stunned.

What the hell? Where is your little highness?

Did he really run away from home with Ma Hou?

"Wei Shan, come up here quickly, His Highness is not here!"

Wang Hu stuck his head out of the window and shouted at Wei Shan below.

"I'm sooooooooooooooo!"

Hearing this, Wei Shan was also dumbfounded. Is His Highness really not here?

Things are getting serious.

"Get up quickly!"

Li Du rushed directly into the house and ran up to the second floor.

"What should we do now?"

Wei Shan also ran up and frowned as he looked at the empty room.

"What else can we do? Use all our hands to look for him."

Wang Hu glanced at a few people and spoke directly to them.

"Find quickly!"

"Everyone go!"

Li Du and Wei Shan also leaned out of the window and shouted at everyone.


The people below also replied together, and then dispersed, gathering people to look for Li Hong and Ma Hou.

But it was already dark now, and they found no trace until midnight, so they had no choice but to continue searching during the day the next day.

But they turned the entire fiefdom upside down, and there was no trace of the two of them.

"Where do you think the two of them could have gone?"

Li Du was really a little numb. If he couldn't find anyone, they would all be doomed.

"Is it possible that His Highness and Ma Hou will go after His Highness?"

Wang Hu frowned, thinking of an impossible possibility.

"This is impossible!"

Wei Shan is also a little confused. They are the few people in Lishan fiefdom who know where Li Yanran is.

Li Yanran went to Chengdu, which is far away from Chang'an.

Is it possible for the two young boys to catch up with Li Yanran? This is impossible.

"Why is it impossible? That kid Ma Hou is very naughty to begin with, and His Highness is also a bold person.

I can't think of anything these two can't do. "

Wang Hu glanced at Wei Shan and Li Du, and now it seemed that this was the only explanation.

Otherwise, how could there be no news from the two of them at all.

"Then how did they get out of the fiefdom? The four gates were guarded by the Forbidden Army. It's impossible for no one to see them when they got out!"

Li Du also glanced at the two of them. It was not that easy for them to leave.

"Anyway, the top priority is to send someone to report to His Highness while also having someone search along the route of the Palace.

If they really go looking for His Highness, they will definitely find clues along the way! "

Although Wei Shan didn't believe that Li Hong and Ma Hou went to find Li Yanran, they couldn't let go of any opportunity.

If Li Hong was even slightly injured, they would not be able to escape their oversight.



Wang Hu and Li Du also saluted together, then galloped out on several fast horses in the direction of Li Yanran. At the same time, a team of 100 people also started looking for the two of them along the Lishan Mountain towards Chengdu.

"Boss, how many days is this?"

Ma Hou felt that his whole body was numb. It was really uncomfortable to be nestled in this wooden box.

"It's the fifth day!"

Li Hong smiled. No one had come to find him after five days. The matter should not be as bad as he thought.

Maybe he could really follow his sister to Chengdu Mansion without anyone noticing.

"What do you think my grandma is doing now?"

Ma Hou still missed his mother a little. After all, it had been so long and he didn't know what had happened to her.

"Are you a mama's boy? You are eight years old, it's time to learn to be independent."

Li Hong glared at Ma Hou, are you a tadpole? I know how to look for my mother all day long. What's the matter? If I find your mother, can I turn into a frog?

I really don’t know what to say.


"But what? If you keep nagging me, I promise I won't take you out next time, boss."

"No, why don't I stop talking?"

Hearing Li Hong say that he wouldn't take him out, Ma Hou was scared and quickly apologized to Li Hong.

"That's pretty much it."

The two of them just leaned on each other all the way, and on the ninth day, several fast horses also rushed over.


Lin Cheng led the imperial cavalry to directly surround the people.

"Captain Lincheng, it's me!"

Seeing Lin Cheng's figure, Chief Zhao Li quickly identified himself.

"Why are you here? Is there something wrong with the fief?"

Lin Cheng was stunned and quickly rode over.

"Captain, where is Her Royal Highness the Princess? We have something important to report!"

"Come with me!"

Lin Cheng didn't dare to delay and hurriedly brought people to Li Yanran's side.

"Your Highness is resting, what's the matter?"

Li Feng stretched out his hand to stop Lin Cheng.

"Brother Li Feng, this is someone who just came from the fiefdom. He has something important to report to His Highness!"

Lin Cheng quickly told the situation.

"Come with me!"

Hearing that it was someone from Lishan, Li Feng also brought someone to Li Yanran.

"Your Highness!"

"Your Highness!"

Lin Cheng immediately took Zhao Lizhong to salute Li Yanran.

"what happened?"

Li Yanran glanced at the people in front of her and couldn't help but frown.

"Your Highness, Your Highness is gone."

Zhao Li knelt down in front of Li Yanran with a pop.

"People are gone? Who do you think is gone?"

Li Yanran was stunned for a moment, and she suddenly broke into a cold sweat on her forehead.

How can this really good person be gone?

Zhao Li did not dare to hide anything and directly told everything about the fiefdom after she left.

"Trash, a bunch of trash!"

Li Yanran jumped up and slapped Zhao Li.

"Your Highness, Wei Shan has sent people to search along the route you left."

Zhao Li received a slap and felt a little bad all over.

Damn it, if I had known that I would not take this job, it would be too terrifying.

"Look for a yarn and send someone to turn over the car immediately."

Li Yanran thought for a moment, Li Hong didn't have the ability or the courage to leave the fiefdom on his own.

He knew his identity, otherwise he would have followed him to Luoyang last time.

"Your Highness, do you suspect that His Highness is hiding in our truck?"

Di Renjie was stunned for a moment, a little unbelievable.

"I'm sure. Although that boy is usually very courageous, he is actually very knowledgeable about current affairs. He will not disappear rashly, so he must be in our truck."

Li Yanran nodded.

"I'll send someone to look at the truck right away!"

Lin Cheng didn't dare to neglect and took people away directly.

The wooden boxes were opened one by one, but there was no sign of Li Hong.

"There's something wrong with this wooden box, it smells!"

Several Forbidden Soldiers pointed at the wooden box in front of them and frowned.


The team leader slowly walked to the wooden box and opened the lid of the box with force.



Li Hong and Ma Hou each covered their mouths and looked at the sky above their heads. They were instantly stunned.

"Your Highness is here, I found Your Highness!"

When several people saw Li Hong and Ma Hou, they cheered and shouted to the side.

"Your Highness, we found your Highness. He and Ma Hou are really hiding in our cargo box."

Lin Cheng rushed over quickly and saluted directly to Li Yanran.


Li Yanran also raised her eyebrows and ran towards Li Hong with Li Feng.

The imperial troops along the way gave way, and Li Yanran went straight to the wooden box where Li Hong was hiding.

Looking at Li Yanran appearing in front of him, Li Hong also shuddered and said, "Sister, how are you doing lately?"

"Get out of here!"

Li Yanran leaned directly on the box and grabbed Li Hong's ears.

"Sister, don't be like this, it hurts!"

Li Hong felt that his ears were about to fall off, and he quickly stood up with Li Yanran's strength.

"You come out too!"

Li Feng also came over, twisted Ma Hou's ears, and pulled him out.

"Sister, stop pulling, my legs are numb, they're numb!"

Li Honggang climbed out of the box and sat down on the ground.

He had been either sitting or lying down for so many days, and his legs had long since lost strength. Now that he stood up suddenly, he really had no strength at all.


Li Yanran also hit Li Hong on the head with her fist.

"Sister, shouldn't you be happy to see me?"

Li Hong covered his head and shouted to Li Yanran with a slight cry.

"I'm so happy, are really going to make me mad!"

Li Yanran said and punched Li Hong again, turning into a monster and wiping tears.


"You're still crying, put your tears away!"

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